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Restrictions & Caveats

In addition to those listed for some functions.

Troubleshooting the LCK-file

  1. A broken LCK-file can cause sync issues, including appearance of wrong/inconsistent data for readers. When database opened in the cooperative read-write mode the LCK-file requires to be mapped to memory in read-write access. In this case it is always possible for stray/malfunctioned application could writes thru pointers to silently corrupt the LCK-file.

Unfortunately, there is no any portable way to prevent such corruption, since the LCK-file is updated concurrently by multiple processes in a lock-free manner and any locking is unwise due to a large overhead.

The "next" version of libmdbx (\ref MithrilDB) will solve this issue.

\note Workaround: Just make all programs using the database close it; the LCK-file is always reset on first open.

  1. Stale reader transactions left behind by an aborted program cause further writes to grow the database quickly, and stale locks can block further operation. MDBX checks for stale readers while opening environment and before growth the database. But in some cases, this may not be enough.

\note Workaround: Check for stale readers periodically, using the \ref mdbx_reader_check() function or the mdbx_stat tool.

  1. Stale writers will be cleared automatically by MDBX on supported platforms. But this is platform-specific, especially of implementation of shared POSIX-mutexes and support for robust mutexes. For instance there are no known issues on Linux, OSX, Windows and FreeBSD.

\note Workaround: Otherwise just make all programs using the database close it; the LCK-file is always reset on first open of the environment.

Remote filesystems

Do not use MDBX databases on remote filesystems, even between processes on the same host. This breaks file locks on some platforms, possibly memory map sync, and certainly sync between programs on different hosts.

On the other hand, MDBX support the exclusive database operation over a network, and cooperative read-only access to the database placed on a read-only network shares.

Child processes

Do not use opened \ref MDBX_env instance(s) in a child processes after fork(). It would be insane to call fork() and any MDBX-functions simultaneously from multiple threads. The best way is to prevent the presence of open MDBX-instances during fork().

The \ref MDBX_ENV_CHECKPID build-time option, which is ON by default on non-Windows platforms (i.e. where fork() is available), enables PID checking at a few critical points. But this does not give any guarantees, but only allows you to detect such errors a little sooner. Depending on the platform, you should expect an application crash and/or database corruption in such cases.

On the other hand, MDBX allow calling \ref mdbx_env_close() in such cases to release resources, but no more and in general this is a wrong way.

Read-only mode

There is no pure read-only mode in a normal explicitly way, since readers need write access to LCK-file to be ones visible for writer.

So MDBX always tries to open/create LCK-file for read-write, but switches to without-LCK mode on appropriate errors (EROFS, EACCESS, EPERM) if the read-only mode was requested by the \ref MDBX_RDONLY flag which is described below.

The "next" version of libmdbx (\ref MithrilDB) will solve this issue for the "many readers without writer" case.

One thread - One transaction

A thread can only use one transaction at a time, plus any nested read-write transactions in the non-writemap mode. Each transaction belongs to one thread. The \ref MDBX_NOTLS flag changes this for read-only transactions. See below.

Do not start more than one transaction for a one thread. If you think about this, it's really strange to do something with two data snapshots at once, which may be different. MDBX checks and preventing this by returning corresponding error code (\ref MDBX_TXN_OVERLAPPING, \ref MDBX_BAD_RSLOT, \ref MDBX_BUSY) unless you using \ref MDBX_NOTLS option on the environment. Nonetheless, with the MDBX_NOTLS option, you must know exactly what you are doing, otherwise you will get deadlocks or reading an alien data.

Do not open twice

Do not have open an MDBX database twice in the same process at the same time. By default MDBX prevent this in most cases by tracking databases opening and return \ref MDBX_BUSY if anyone LCK-file is already open.

The reason for this is that when the "Open file description" locks (aka OFD-locks) are not available, MDBX uses POSIX locks on files, and these locks have issues if one process opens a file multiple times. If a single process opens the same environment multiple times, closing it once will remove all the locks held on it, and the other instances will be vulnerable to corruption from other processes.

For compatibility with LMDB which allows multi-opening, MDBX can be configured at runtime by mdbx_setup_debug(MDBX_DBG_LEGACY_MULTIOPEN, ...) prior to calling other MDBX functions. In this way MDBX will track databases opening, detect multi-opening cases and then recover POSIX file locks as necessary. However, lock recovery can cause unexpected pauses, such as when another process opened the database in exclusive mode before the lock was restored - we have to wait until such a process releases the database, and so on.

Long-lived read transactions

Avoid long-lived read transactions, especially in the scenarios with a high rate of write transactions. Long-lived read transactions prevents recycling pages retired/freed by newer write transactions, thus the database can grow quickly.

Understanding the problem of long-lived read transactions requires some explanation, but can be difficult for quick perception. So is is reasonable to simplify this as follows:

  1. Garbage collection problem exists in all databases one way or another, e.g. VACUUM in PostgreSQL. But in MDBX it's even more discernible because of high transaction rate and intentional internals simplification in favor of performance.

  2. MDBX employs Multiversion concurrency control on the Copy-on-Write basis, that allows multiple readers runs in parallel with a write transaction without blocking. An each write transaction needs free pages to put the changed data, that pages will be placed in the new b-tree snapshot at commit. MDBX efficiently recycling pages from previous created unused snapshots, BUT this is impossible if anyone a read transaction use such snapshot.

  3. Thus massive altering of data during a parallel long read operation will increase the process's work set and may exhaust entire free database space.

A good example of long readers is a hot backup to the slow destination or debugging of a client application while retaining an active read transaction. LMDB this results in MDB_MAP_FULL error and subsequent write performance degradation.

MDBX mostly solve "long-lived" readers issue by using the Handle-Slow-Readers \ref MDBX_hsr_func callback which allows to abort long-lived read transactions, and using the \ref MDBX_LIFORECLAIM mode which addresses subsequent performance degradation. The "next" version of libmdbx (\ref MithrilDB) will completely solve this.

  • Avoid suspending a process with active transactions. These would then be "long-lived" as above.

  • Avoid aborting a process with an active read-only transaction in scenarios with high rate of write transactions. The transaction becomes "long-lived" as above until a check for stale readers is performed or the LCK-file is reset, since the process may not remove it from the lockfile. This does not apply to write transactions if the system clears stale writers, see above.

Large data items and huge transactions

MDBX allows you to store values up to 1 gigabyte in size, but this is not the main functionality for a key-value storage, but an additional feature that should not be abused. Such long values are stored in consecutive/adjacent DB pages, which has both pros and cons. This allows you to read long values directly without copying and without any overhead from a linear section of memory.

On the other hand, when putting such values in the database, it is required to find a sufficient number of free consecutive/adjacent database pages, which can be very difficult and expensive, moreover sometimes impossible since b-tree tends to fragmentation. So, when placing very long values, the engine may need to process the entire GC, and in the absence of a sufficient sequence of free pages, increase the DB file. Thus, for long values, MDBX provides maximum read performance at the expense of write performance.

A similar situation can be with huge transactions, in which a lot of database pages are retired. The retired pages should be put into GC as a list of page numbers for future reuse. But in huge transactions, such a list of retired page numbers can also be huge, i.e. it is a very long value and requires a long sequence of free pages to be saved. Thus, if you delete large amounts of information from the database in a single transaction, MDBX may need to increase the database file to save the list of pages to be retired.

Both of these issues will be addressed in MithrilDB.

Space reservation

An MDBX database configuration will often reserve considerable unused memory address space and maybe file size for future growth. This does not use actual memory or disk space, but users may need to understand the difference so they won't be scared off.

\todo To write about the Read/Write Amplification Factors