#include "whisper_flutter_new.h" #include "whisper.cpp/whisper.h" #define DR_WAV_IMPLEMENTATION #include "whisper.cpp/examples/dr_wav.h" #include <cstdio> #include <string> #include <thread> #include <vector> #include <cmath> #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include "json/json.hpp" using json = nlohmann::json; char *jsonToChar(json jsonData) noexcept { std::string result = jsonData.dump(); char *ch = new char[result.size() + 1]; strcpy(ch, result.c_str()); return ch; } struct whisper_params { int32_t seed = -1; // RNG seed, not used currently int32_t n_threads = std::min(4, (int32_t)std::thread::hardware_concurrency()); int32_t n_processors = 1; int32_t offset_t_ms = 0; int32_t offset_n = 0; int32_t duration_ms = 0; int32_t max_context = -1; int32_t max_len = 0; int32_t best_of = 5; int32_t beam_size = -1; float word_thold = 0.01f; float entropy_thold = 2.40f; float logprob_thold = -1.00f; bool verbose = false; bool print_special_tokens = false; bool speed_up = false; bool translate = false; bool diarize = false; bool no_fallback = false; bool output_txt = false; bool output_vtt = false; bool output_srt = false; bool output_wts = false; bool output_csv = false; bool print_special = false; bool print_colors = false; bool print_progress = false; bool no_timestamps = false; bool split_on_word = false; std::string language = "auto"; std::string prompt; std::string model = "models/ggml-tiny.bin"; std::string audio = "samples/jfk.wav"; std::vector<std::string> fname_inp = {}; std::vector<std::string> fname_outp = {}; }; struct whisper_print_user_data { const whisper_params *params; const std::vector<std::vector<float>> *pcmf32s; }; json transcribe(json jsonBody) noexcept { whisper_params params; params.n_threads = jsonBody["threads"]; params.verbose = jsonBody["is_verbose"]; params.translate = jsonBody["is_translate"]; params.language = jsonBody["language"]; params.print_special_tokens = jsonBody["is_special_tokens"]; params.no_timestamps = jsonBody["is_no_timestamps"]; params.model = jsonBody["model"]; params.audio = jsonBody["audio"]; params.split_on_word = jsonBody["split_on_word"]; json jsonResult; jsonResult["@type"] = "transcribe"; if (params.language != "" && params.language != "auto" && whisper_lang_id(params.language.c_str()) == -1) { jsonResult["@type"] = "error"; jsonResult["message"] = "error: unknown language = " + params.language; return jsonResult; } if (params.seed < 0) { params.seed = time(NULL); } // whisper init struct whisper_context *ctx = whisper_init_from_file(params.model.c_str()); std::string text_result = ""; const auto fname_inp = params.audio; // WAV input std::vector<float> pcmf32; { drwav wav; if (!drwav_init_file(&wav, fname_inp.c_str(), NULL)) { jsonResult["@type"] = "error"; jsonResult["message"] = " failed to open WAV file "; return jsonResult; } if (wav.channels != 1 && wav.channels != 2) { jsonResult["@type"] = "error"; jsonResult["message"] = "must be mono or stereo"; return jsonResult; } if (wav.sampleRate != WHISPER_SAMPLE_RATE) { jsonResult["@type"] = "error"; jsonResult["message"] = "WAV file must be 16 kHz"; return jsonResult; } if (wav.bitsPerSample != 16) { jsonResult["@type"] = "error"; jsonResult["message"] = "WAV file must be 16 bit"; return jsonResult; } int n = wav.totalPCMFrameCount; std::vector<int16_t> pcm16; pcm16.resize(n * wav.channels); drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16(&wav, n, pcm16.data()); drwav_uninit(&wav); // convert to mono, float pcmf32.resize(n); if (wav.channels == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { pcmf32[i] = float(pcm16[i]) / 32768.0f; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { pcmf32[i] = float(pcm16[2 * i] + pcm16[2 * i + 1]) / 65536.0f; } } } { if (params.language == "" && params.language == "auto") { params.language = "auto"; params.translate = false; } } // run the inference { whisper_full_params wparams = whisper_full_default_params(WHISPER_SAMPLING_GREEDY); wparams.print_realtime = false; wparams.print_progress = false; wparams.print_timestamps = !params.no_timestamps; // wparams.print_special_tokens = params.print_special_tokens; wparams.translate = params.translate; wparams.language = params.language.c_str(); wparams.n_threads = params.n_threads; wparams.split_on_word = params.split_on_word; if (params.split_on_word) { wparams.max_len = 1; wparams.token_timestamps = true; } if (whisper_full(ctx, wparams, pcmf32.data(), pcmf32.size()) != 0) { jsonResult["@type"] = "error"; jsonResult["message"] = "failed to process audio"; return jsonResult; } // print result; if (!wparams.print_realtime) { const int n_segments = whisper_full_n_segments(ctx); std::vector<json> segmentsJson = {}; for (int i = 0; i < n_segments; ++i) { const char *text = whisper_full_get_segment_text(ctx, i); std::string str(text); text_result += str; if (params.no_timestamps) { // printf("%s", text); // fflush(stdout); } else { json jsonSegment; const int64_t t0 = whisper_full_get_segment_t0(ctx, i); const int64_t t1 = whisper_full_get_segment_t1(ctx, i); // printf("[%s --> %s] %s\n", to_timestamp(t0).c_str(), to_timestamp(t1).c_str(), text); jsonSegment["from_ts"] = t0; jsonSegment["to_ts"] = t1; jsonSegment["text"] = text; segmentsJson.push_back(jsonSegment); } } if (!params.no_timestamps) { jsonResult["segments"] = segmentsJson; } } } jsonResult["text"] = text_result; whisper_free(ctx); return jsonResult; } extern "C" { FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE char *request(char *body) { try { json jsonBody = json::parse(body); json jsonResult; if (jsonBody["@type"] == "getTextFromWavFile") { try { return jsonToChar(transcribe(jsonBody)); } catch (const std::exception &e) { jsonResult["@type"] = "error"; jsonResult["message"] = e.what(); return jsonToChar(jsonResult); } } if (jsonBody["@type"] == "getVersion") { jsonResult["@type"] = "version"; jsonResult["message"] = "lib version: v1.0.1"; return jsonToChar(jsonResult); } jsonResult["@type"] = "error"; jsonResult["message"] = "method not found"; return jsonToChar(jsonResult); } catch (const std::exception &e) { json jsonResult; jsonResult["@type"] = "error"; jsonResult["message"] = e.what(); return jsonToChar(jsonResult); } } }