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* Copyright (c) [] 2021-2024.
* All Rights Reserved.
* All codes are protected by China's regulations on the protection of computer software, and infringement must be investigated.
* (c) [] 2021-2024.
* .
import "dart:convert";
import "dart:ffi";
import "dart:io";
import "dart:isolate";
import "package:ffi/ffi.dart";
import "package:flutter/foundation.dart";
import "package:path_provider/path_provider.dart";
import "package:whisper_flutter_new/bean/_models.dart";
import "package:whisper_flutter_new/bean/whisper_dto.dart";
import "package:whisper_flutter_new/download_model.dart";
import "package:whisper_flutter_new/whisper_bindings_generated.dart";
export "package:whisper_flutter_new/bean/_models.dart";
export "package:whisper_flutter_new/download_model.dart" show WhisperModel;
/// Entry point of whisper_flutter_plus
class Whisper {
/// [model] is required
/// [modelDir] is path where downloaded model will be stored.
/// Default to library directory
const Whisper({required this.model, this.modelDir, this.downloadHost});
/// model used for transcription
final WhisperModel model;
/// override of model storage path
final String? modelDir;
// override of model download host
final String? downloadHost;
DynamicLibrary _openLib() {
if (Platform.isAndroid) {
return DynamicLibrary.open("libwhisper.so");
} else {
return DynamicLibrary.process();
Future<String> _getModelDir() async {
if (modelDir != null) {
return modelDir!;
final Directory libraryDirectory = Platform.isAndroid
? await getApplicationSupportDirectory()
: await getLibraryDirectory();
return libraryDirectory.path;
Future<void> _initModel() async {
final String modelDir = await _getModelDir();
final File modelFile = File(model.getPath(modelDir));
final bool isModelExist = modelFile.existsSync();
if (isModelExist) {
if (kDebugMode) {
debugPrint("Use existing model ${model.modelName}");
} else {
await downloadModel(
model: model, destinationPath: modelDir, downloadHost: downloadHost);
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _request({
required WhisperRequestDto whisperRequest,
}) async {
if (model != WhisperModel.none) {
await _initModel();
return Isolate.run(
() async {
final Pointer<Utf8> data =
final Pointer<Char> res =
final Map<String, dynamic> result = json.decode(
) as Map<String, dynamic>;
try {
} catch (_) {}
if (kDebugMode) {
debugPrint("Result = $result");
return result;
/// Transcribe audio file to text
Future<WhisperTranscribeResponse> transcribe({
required TranscribeRequest transcribeRequest,
}) async {
final String modelDir = await _getModelDir();
final Map<String, dynamic> result = await _request(
whisperRequest: TranscribeRequestDto.fromTranscribeRequest(
if (kDebugMode) {
debugPrint("Transcribe request $result");
if (result["text"] == null) {
if (kDebugMode) {
debugPrint('Transcribe Exception ${result['message']}');
throw Exception(result["message"]);
return WhisperTranscribeResponse.fromJson(result);
/// Get whisper version
Future<String?> getVersion() async {
final Map<String, dynamic> result = await _request(
whisperRequest: const VersionRequest(),
final WhisperVersionResponse response = WhisperVersionResponse.fromJson(
return response.message;