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synced 2024-12-27 05:36:18 +08:00
Instead of writing this file to a temp directory and referencing it on the Gradle command line, the init script is now written to Gradle User Home so that it is picked up automatically.
274 lines
9.9 KiB
274 lines
9.9 KiB
import path from 'path'
import fs from 'fs'
import os from 'os'
import * as core from '@actions/core'
import * as glob from '@actions/glob'
import * as exec from '@actions/exec'
import {AbstractCache, CacheEntryListener, CacheListener} from './cache-base'
import {getCacheKeyPrefix, hashFileNames, tryDelete} from './cache-utils'
import {writeBuildScanCaptureInitScript} from './build-scan-capture'
const META_FILE_DIR = '.gradle-build-action'
const INCLUDE_PATHS_PARAMETER = 'gradle-home-cache-includes'
const EXCLUDE_PATHS_PARAMETER = 'gradle-home-cache-excludes'
const ARTIFACT_BUNDLES_PARAMETER = 'gradle-home-cache-artifact-bundles'
export class GradleUserHomeCache extends AbstractCache {
private gradleUserHome: string
constructor(rootDir: string) {
super('gradle', 'Gradle User Home')
this.gradleUserHome = this.determineGradleUserHome(rootDir)
async initializeState(): Promise<void> {
private initializeGradleUserHome(gradleUserHome: string): void {
fs.mkdirSync(gradleUserHome, {recursive: true})
const propertiesFile = path.resolve(gradleUserHome, 'gradle.properties')
this.debug(`Initializing gradle.properties to disable daemon: ${propertiesFile}`)
fs.writeFileSync(propertiesFile, 'org.gradle.daemon=false')
const initScript = path.resolve(gradleUserHome, 'init.gradle')
this.debug(`Adding init script to capture build scans: ${initScript}`)
async afterRestore(listener: CacheListener): Promise<void> {
await this.reportGradleUserHomeSize('as restored from cache')
await this.restoreArtifactBundles(listener)
await this.reportGradleUserHomeSize('after restoring common artifacts')
private async restoreArtifactBundles(listener: CacheListener): Promise<void> {
const processes: Promise<void>[] = []
const bundleMetaFiles = await this.getBundleMetaFiles()
const bundlePatterns = this.getArtifactBundles()
// Iterate over all bundle meta files and try to restore
for (const bundleMetaFile of bundleMetaFiles) {
const bundle = path.basename(bundleMetaFile, '.cache')
const entryListener = listener.entry(bundle)
const bundlePattern = bundlePatterns.get(bundle)
// Handle case where the 'artifactBundlePatterns' have been changed
if (bundlePattern === undefined) {
core.info(`Found bundle metafile for ${bundle} but no such bundle defined`)
} else {
const p = this.restoreArtifactBundle(bundle, bundlePattern, bundleMetaFile, entryListener)
// Run sequentially when debugging enabled
if (this.cacheDebuggingEnabled) {
await p
await Promise.all(processes)
private async restoreArtifactBundle(
bundle: string,
bundlePattern: string,
bundleMetaFile: string,
listener: CacheEntryListener
): Promise<void> {
const cacheKey = fs.readFileSync(bundleMetaFile, 'utf-8').trim()
const restoredEntry = await this.restoreCache([bundlePattern], cacheKey)
if (restoredEntry) {
core.info(`Restored ${bundle} with key ${cacheKey} to ${bundlePattern}`)
listener.markRestored(restoredEntry.key, restoredEntry.size)
} else {
core.info(`Did not restore ${bundle} with key ${cacheKey} to ${bundlePattern}`)
private getBundleMetaFile(name: string): string {
return path.resolve(this.gradleUserHome, META_FILE_DIR, `${name}.cache`)
private async getBundleMetaFiles(): Promise<string[]> {
const metaFiles = path.resolve(this.gradleUserHome, META_FILE_DIR, '*.cache')
const globber = await glob.create(metaFiles)
const bundleFiles = await globber.glob()
return bundleFiles
async beforeSave(listener: CacheListener): Promise<void> {
await this.reportGradleUserHomeSize('before saving common artifacts')
await this.saveArtifactBundles(listener)
await this.reportGradleUserHomeSize(
"after saving common artifacts (only 'caches' and 'notifications' will be stored)"
private removeExcludedPaths(): void {
const rawPaths: string[] = core.getMultilineInput(EXCLUDE_PATHS_PARAMETER)
const resolvedPaths = rawPaths.map(x => path.resolve(this.gradleUserHome, x))
for (const p of resolvedPaths) {
this.debug(`Deleting excluded path: ${p}`)
private async saveArtifactBundles(listener: CacheListener): Promise<void> {
const processes: Promise<void>[] = []
for (const [bundle, pattern] of this.getArtifactBundles()) {
const entryListener = listener.entry(bundle)
const p = this.saveArtifactBundle(bundle, pattern, entryListener)
// Run sequentially when debugging enabled
if (this.cacheDebuggingEnabled) {
await p
await Promise.all(processes)
private async saveArtifactBundle(
bundle: string,
artifactPath: string,
listener: CacheEntryListener
): Promise<void> {
const bundleMetaFile = this.getBundleMetaFile(bundle)
const globber = await glob.create(artifactPath, {
implicitDescendants: false,
followSymbolicLinks: false
const bundleFiles = await globber.glob()
// Handle no matching files
if (bundleFiles.length === 0) {
this.debug(`No files found to cache for ${bundle}`)
if (fs.existsSync(bundleMetaFile)) {
const previouslyRestoredKey = fs.existsSync(bundleMetaFile)
? fs.readFileSync(bundleMetaFile, 'utf-8').trim()
: ''
const cacheKey = this.createCacheKey(bundle, bundleFiles)
if (previouslyRestoredKey === cacheKey) {
this.debug(`No change to previously restored ${bundle}. Not caching.`)
} else {
core.info(`Caching ${bundle} with cache key: ${cacheKey}`)
const savedEntry = await this.saveCache([artifactPath], cacheKey)
if (savedEntry !== undefined) {
this.writeBundleMetaFile(bundleMetaFile, cacheKey)
listener.markSaved(savedEntry.key, savedEntry.size)
for (const file of bundleFiles) {
protected createCacheKey(bundle: string, files: string[]): string {
const cacheKeyPrefix = getCacheKeyPrefix()
const relativeFiles = files.map(x => path.relative(this.gradleUserHome, x))
const key = hashFileNames(relativeFiles)
this.debug(`Generating cache key for ${bundle} from files: ${relativeFiles}`)
return `${cacheKeyPrefix}${bundle}-${key}`
private writeBundleMetaFile(metaFile: string, cacheKey: string): void {
this.debug(`Writing bundle metafile: ${metaFile}`)
const dirName = path.dirname(metaFile)
if (!fs.existsSync(dirName)) {
fs.writeFileSync(metaFile, cacheKey)
protected determineGradleUserHome(rootDir: string): string {
const customGradleUserHome = process.env['GRADLE_USER_HOME']
if (customGradleUserHome) {
return path.resolve(rootDir, customGradleUserHome)
return path.resolve(os.homedir(), '.gradle')
protected cacheOutputExists(): boolean {
// Need to check for 'caches' directory to avoid incorrect detection on MacOS agents
const dir = path.resolve(this.gradleUserHome, 'caches')
return fs.existsSync(dir)
protected getCachePath(): string[] {
const rawPaths: string[] = core.getMultilineInput(INCLUDE_PATHS_PARAMETER)
const resolvedPaths = rawPaths.map(x => this.resolveCachePath(x))
this.debug(`Using cache paths: ${resolvedPaths}`)
return resolvedPaths
private resolveCachePath(rawPath: string): string {
if (rawPath.startsWith('!')) {
const resolved = this.resolveCachePath(rawPath.substring(1))
return `!${resolved}`
return path.resolve(this.gradleUserHome, rawPath)
private getArtifactBundles(): Map<string, string> {
const artifactBundleDefinition = core.getInput(ARTIFACT_BUNDLES_PARAMETER)
this.debug(`Using artifact bundle definition: ${artifactBundleDefinition}`)
const artifactBundles = JSON.parse(artifactBundleDefinition)
return new Map(Array.from(artifactBundles, ([key, value]) => [key, path.resolve(this.gradleUserHome, value)]))
private async reportGradleUserHomeSize(label: string): Promise<void> {
if (!this.cacheDebuggingEnabled) {
if (!fs.existsSync(this.gradleUserHome)) {
const result = await exec.getExecOutput('du', ['-h', '-c', '-t', '5M'], {
cwd: this.gradleUserHome,
silent: true,
ignoreReturnCode: true
core.info(`Gradle User Home (directories >5M): ${label}`)
.replace(/\t/g, ' ')
.map(it => {
return ` ${it}`