2019-09-21 16:11:55 +02:00

104 lines
3.8 KiB

/// <reference types="node" />
import url = require("url");
import http = require("http");
import ifm = require('./Interfaces');
export declare enum HttpCodes {
OK = 200,
MultipleChoices = 300,
MovedPermanently = 301,
ResourceMoved = 302,
SeeOther = 303,
NotModified = 304,
UseProxy = 305,
SwitchProxy = 306,
TemporaryRedirect = 307,
PermanentRedirect = 308,
BadRequest = 400,
Unauthorized = 401,
PaymentRequired = 402,
Forbidden = 403,
NotFound = 404,
MethodNotAllowed = 405,
NotAcceptable = 406,
ProxyAuthenticationRequired = 407,
RequestTimeout = 408,
Conflict = 409,
Gone = 410,
InternalServerError = 500,
NotImplemented = 501,
BadGateway = 502,
ServiceUnavailable = 503,
GatewayTimeout = 504,
export declare class HttpClientResponse implements ifm.IHttpClientResponse {
constructor(message: http.IncomingMessage);
message: http.IncomingMessage;
readBody(): Promise<string>;
export interface RequestInfo {
options: http.RequestOptions;
parsedUrl: url.Url;
httpModule: any;
export declare function isHttps(requestUrl: string): boolean;
export declare class HttpClient implements ifm.IHttpClient {
userAgent: string;
handlers: ifm.IRequestHandler[];
requestOptions: ifm.IRequestOptions;
private _ignoreSslError;
private _socketTimeout;
private _httpProxy;
private _httpProxyBypassHosts;
private _allowRedirects;
private _maxRedirects;
private _allowRetries;
private _maxRetries;
private _agent;
private _proxyAgent;
private _keepAlive;
private _disposed;
private _certConfig;
private _ca;
private _cert;
private _key;
constructor(userAgent: string, handlers?: ifm.IRequestHandler[], requestOptions?: ifm.IRequestOptions);
options(requestUrl: string, additionalHeaders?: ifm.IHeaders): Promise<ifm.IHttpClientResponse>;
get(requestUrl: string, additionalHeaders?: ifm.IHeaders): Promise<ifm.IHttpClientResponse>;
del(requestUrl: string, additionalHeaders?: ifm.IHeaders): Promise<ifm.IHttpClientResponse>;
post(requestUrl: string, data: string, additionalHeaders?: ifm.IHeaders): Promise<ifm.IHttpClientResponse>;
patch(requestUrl: string, data: string, additionalHeaders?: ifm.IHeaders): Promise<ifm.IHttpClientResponse>;
put(requestUrl: string, data: string, additionalHeaders?: ifm.IHeaders): Promise<ifm.IHttpClientResponse>;
head(requestUrl: string, additionalHeaders?: ifm.IHeaders): Promise<ifm.IHttpClientResponse>;
sendStream(verb: string, requestUrl: string, stream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, additionalHeaders?: ifm.IHeaders): Promise<ifm.IHttpClientResponse>;
* Makes a raw http request.
* All other methods such as get, post, patch, and request ultimately call this.
* Prefer get, del, post and patch
request(verb: string, requestUrl: string, data: string | NodeJS.ReadableStream, headers: ifm.IHeaders): Promise<ifm.IHttpClientResponse>;
* Needs to be called if keepAlive is set to true in request options.
dispose(): void;
* Raw request.
* @param info
* @param data
requestRaw(info: ifm.IRequestInfo, data: string | NodeJS.ReadableStream): Promise<ifm.IHttpClientResponse>;
* Raw request with callback.
* @param info
* @param data
* @param onResult
requestRawWithCallback(info: ifm.IRequestInfo, data: string | NodeJS.ReadableStream, onResult: (err: any, res: ifm.IHttpClientResponse) => void): void;
private _prepareRequest(method, requestUrl, headers);
private _isPresigned(requestUrl);
private _mergeHeaders(headers);
private _getAgent(requestUrl);
private _getProxy(requestUrl);
private _isBypassProxy(requestUrl);
private _performExponentialBackoff(retryNumber);