小草林(田梓萱) 90db12dfc0
Some checks failed
Lock closed issues/PRs / lock (push) Has been cancelled
Test / Sentry self-hosted end-to-end tests (push) Has been cancelled
Test / unit tests (push) Has been cancelled
Test / Sentry upgrade test (push) Has been cancelled
Test / integration test v2.19.0 - customizations disabled (push) Has been cancelled
Test / integration test v2.19.0 - customizations enabled (push) Has been cancelled
Test / integration test v2.26.0 - customizations disabled (push) Has been cancelled
Test / integration test v2.26.0 - customizations enabled (push) Has been cancelled
feat: sentry for arm
Signed-off-by: 小草林(田梓萱) <>
2025-01-11 23:13:34 +08:00

41 lines
2.5 KiB

# This will only run if the SETUP_JS_SDK_ASSETS environment variable is set to 1.
# Think of this as some kind of a feature flag.
if [[ "${SETUP_JS_SDK_ASSETS:-}" == "1" ]]; then
echo "${_group}Setting up JS SDK assets"
# If the `sentry-nginx-www` volume exists, we need to prune the contents.
# We don't want to fill the volume with old JS SDK assets.
# If people want to keep the old assets, they can set the environment variable
# `SETUP_JS_SDK_KEEP_OLD_ASSETS` to any value.
if [[ -z "${SETUP_JS_SDK_KEEP_OLD_ASSETS:-}" ]]; then
echo "Cleaning up old JS SDK assets..."
$dcr --no-deps --rm -v "sentry-nginx-www:/var/www" nginx rm -rf /var/www/js-sdk/*
$dbuild -t sentry-self-hosted-jq-local --platform="$DOCKER_PLATFORM" jq
jq="docker run --rm -i sentry-self-hosted-jq-local"
loader_registry=$($dcr --no-deps --rm -T web cat /usr/src/sentry/src/sentry/loader/_registry.json)
# The `loader_registry` should start with "Updating certificates...", we want to delete that and the subsequent ca-certificates related lines.
# We want to remove everything before the first '{'.
loader_registry=$(echo "$loader_registry" | sed '0,/{/s/[^{]*//')
# Sentry backend provides SDK versions from v4.x up to v8.x.
latest_js_v4=$(echo "$loader_registry" | $jq -r '.versions | reverse | map(select(.|any(.; startswith("4.")))) | .[0]')
latest_js_v5=$(echo "$loader_registry" | $jq -r '.versions | reverse | map(select(.|any(.; startswith("5.")))) | .[0]')
latest_js_v6=$(echo "$loader_registry" | $jq -r '.versions | reverse | map(select(.|any(.; startswith("6.")))) | .[0]')
latest_js_v7=$(echo "$loader_registry" | $jq -r '.versions | reverse | map(select(.|any(.; startswith("7.")))) | .[0]')
latest_js_v8=$(echo "$loader_registry" | $jq -r '.versions | reverse | map(select(.|any(.; startswith("8.")))) | .[0]')
echo "Found JS SDKs: v${latest_js_v4}, v${latest_js_v5}, v${latest_js_v6}, v${latest_js_v7}, v${latest_js_v8}"
# Download those versions & variants using curl
$dcr --no-deps --rm -v "sentry-nginx-www:/var/www" nginx curl -w '%{response_code} %{url}\n' --no-progress-meter --compressed --retry 3 --create-dirs -fLo "/var/www/js-sdk/#1/#2.min.js" "${versions}/${variants}.min.js" || true
echo "${_endgroup}"