小草林(田梓萱) 90db12dfc0
Some checks failed
Lock closed issues/PRs / lock (push) Has been cancelled
Test / Sentry self-hosted end-to-end tests (push) Has been cancelled
Test / unit tests (push) Has been cancelled
Test / Sentry upgrade test (push) Has been cancelled
Test / integration test v2.19.0 - customizations disabled (push) Has been cancelled
Test / integration test v2.19.0 - customizations enabled (push) Has been cancelled
Test / integration test v2.26.0 - customizations disabled (push) Has been cancelled
Test / integration test v2.26.0 - customizations enabled (push) Has been cancelled
feat: sentry for arm
Signed-off-by: 小草林(田梓萱) <>
2025-01-11 23:13:34 +08:00

60 lines
2.5 KiB

echo "${_group}Checking minimum requirements ..."
source install/
# Check the version of $1 is greater than or equal to $2 using sort. Note: versions must be stripped of "v"
function vergte() {
printf "%s\n%s" $1 $2 | sort --version-sort --check=quiet --reverse
echo $?
DOCKER_VERSION=$(docker version --format '{{.Server.Version}}' || echo '')
if [[ -z "$DOCKER_VERSION" ]]; then
echo "FAIL: Unable to get docker version, is the docker daemon running?"
exit 1
if [[ "$(vergte ${DOCKER_VERSION//v/} $MIN_DOCKER_VERSION)" -eq 1 ]]; then
echo "FAIL: Expected minimum docker version to be $MIN_DOCKER_VERSION but found $DOCKER_VERSION"
exit 1
echo "Found Docker version $DOCKER_VERSION"
COMPOSE_VERSION=$($dc_base version --short || echo '')
if [[ -z "$COMPOSE_VERSION" ]]; then
echo "FAIL: Docker compose is required to run self-hosted"
exit 1
if [[ "$(vergte ${COMPOSE_VERSION//v/} $MIN_COMPOSE_VERSION)" -eq 1 ]]; then
echo "FAIL: Expected minimum $dc_base version to be $MIN_COMPOSE_VERSION but found $COMPOSE_VERSION"
exit 1
echo "Found Docker Compose version $COMPOSE_VERSION"
CPU_AVAILABLE_IN_DOCKER=$(docker run --rm busybox nproc --all)
if [[ "$CPU_AVAILABLE_IN_DOCKER" -lt "$MIN_CPU_HARD" ]]; then
echo "FAIL: Required minimum CPU cores available to Docker is $MIN_CPU_HARD, found $CPU_AVAILABLE_IN_DOCKER"
exit 1
RAM_AVAILABLE_IN_DOCKER=$(docker run --rm busybox free -m 2>/dev/null | awk '/Mem/ {print $2}')
if [[ "$RAM_AVAILABLE_IN_DOCKER" -lt "$MIN_RAM_HARD" ]]; then
echo "FAIL: Required minimum RAM available to Docker is $MIN_RAM_HARD MB, found $RAM_AVAILABLE_IN_DOCKER MB"
exit 1
#SSE4.2 required by Clickhouse (
# On KVM, cpuinfo could falsely not report SSE 4.2 support, so skip the check.
# This may also happen on other virtualization software such as on VMWare ESXi hosts.
IS_KVM=$(docker run --rm busybox grep -c 'Common KVM processor' /proc/cpuinfo || :)
if [[ ! "$SKIP_SSE42_REQUIREMENTS" -eq 1 && "$IS_KVM" -eq 0 && "$DOCKER_ARCH" = "x86_64" ]]; then
SUPPORTS_SSE42=$(docker run --rm busybox grep -c sse4_2 /proc/cpuinfo || :)
if [[ "$SUPPORTS_SSE42" -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "FAIL: The CPU your machine is running on does not support the SSE 4.2 instruction set, which is required for one of the services Sentry uses (Clickhouse). See for more info."
exit 1
echo "${_endgroup}"