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2021-06-25 18:01:43 +08:00

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* Copyright [2019] [Doric.Pub]
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import { Color, GradientColor } from "../util/color"
import { Modeling, Model, obj2Model, ClassType } from "../util/types";
import { uniqueId } from "../util/uniqueId";
import { loge } from "../util/log";
import { BridgeContext } from "../runtime/global";
import { LayoutConfig } from '../util/layoutconfig'
import { IAnimation } from "./animation";
import { FlexConfig } from "../util/flexbox";
const PROP_CONSIST = 1;
const PROP_KEY_VIEW_TYPE = "ViewType";
export function Property(target: Object, propKey: string) {
Reflect.defineMetadata(propKey, PROP_CONSIST, target)
export function InconsistProperty(target: Object, propKey: string) {
Reflect.defineMetadata(propKey, PROP_INCONSIST, target)
export function ViewComponent(constructor: ClassType<any>) {
const name = Reflect.getMetadata(PROP_KEY_VIEW_TYPE, constructor) || Object.getPrototypeOf(constructor).name
Reflect.defineMetadata(PROP_KEY_VIEW_TYPE, name, constructor)
export type NativeViewModel = {
id: string;
type: string;
props: {
[index: string]: Model;
export abstract class View implements Modeling {
width: number = 0
height: number = 0
x: number = 0
y: number = 0
backgroundColor?: Color | GradientColor
corners?: number | { leftTop?: number; rightTop?: number; leftBottom?: number; rightBottom?: number }
border?: { width: number; color: Color; }
shadow?: { color: Color; opacity: number; radius: number; offsetX: number; offsetY: number }
* float [0,..1]
alpha?: number
hidden?: boolean
viewId = uniqueId('ViewId')
tag?: string
padding?: {
left?: number,
right?: number,
top?: number,
bottom?: number,
layoutConfig?: LayoutConfig
onClick?: Function
superview?: Superview
callbacks: Map<String, Function> = new Map
private callback2Id(f: Function) {
const id = uniqueId('Function')
this.callbacks.set(id, f)
return id
private id2Callback(id: string) {
let f = this.callbacks.get(id)
if (f === undefined) {
f = Reflect.get(this, id) as Function
return f
findViewByTag(tag: string): View | undefined {
if (tag === this.tag) {
return this;
return undefined;
constructor() {
return new Proxy(this, {
get: (target, p, receiver) => {
return Reflect.get(target, p, receiver)
set: (target, p, v, receiver) => {
const oldV = Reflect.get(target, p, receiver)
const ret = Reflect.set(target, p, v, receiver)
if (Reflect.getMetadata(p, target) === PROP_CONSIST && oldV !== v) {
receiver.onPropertyChanged(p.toString(), oldV, v)
} else if (Reflect.getMetadata(p, target) === PROP_INCONSIST) {
receiver.onPropertyChanged(p.toString(), oldV, v)
return ret
/** Anchor start*/
get left() {
return this.x
set left(v: number) {
this.x = v
get right() {
return this.x + this.width
set right(v: number) {
this.x = v - this.width
get top() {
return this.y
set top(v: number) {
this.y = v
get bottom() {
return this.y + this.height
set bottom(v: number) {
this.y = v - this.height
get centerX() {
return this.x + this.width / 2
get centerY() {
return this.y + this.height / 2
set centerX(v: number) {
this.x = v - this.width / 2
set centerY(v: number) {
this.y = v - this.height / 2
/** Anchor end*/
private __dirty_props__: { [index: string]: Model | undefined } = {}
get dirtyProps() {
return this.__dirty_props__
nativeViewModel: NativeViewModel = {
id: this.viewId,
type: this.viewType(),
props: this.__dirty_props__,
viewType() {
const viewType = Reflect.getMetadata(PROP_KEY_VIEW_TYPE, this.constructor)
return viewType ||
onPropertyChanged(propKey: string, oldV: Model, newV: Model): void {
if (newV instanceof Function) {
newV = this.callback2Id(newV)
} else {
newV = obj2Model(newV, (v) => this.callback2Id(v))
this.__dirty_props__[propKey] = newV
clean() {
for (const key in this.__dirty_props__) {
if (Reflect.has(this.__dirty_props__, key)) {
Reflect.deleteProperty(this.__dirty_props__, key)
isDirty() {
return Reflect.ownKeys(this.__dirty_props__).length !== 0
responseCallback(id: string, ...args: any) {
const f = this.id2Callback(id)
if (f instanceof Function) {
const argumentsList: any = []
for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
return Reflect.apply(f, this, argumentsList)
} else {
loge(`Cannot find callback:${id} for ${JSON.stringify(this.toModel())}`)
toModel() {
return this.nativeViewModel
let(block: (it: this) => void) {
also(block: (it: this) => void) {
return this
apply(config: Partial<this>) {
for (let key in config) {
Reflect.set(this, key, Reflect.get(config, key, config), this)
return this
in(group: Group) {
return this
nativeChannel(context: BridgeContext, name: string) {
let thisView: View | undefined = this
return function (args: any = undefined) {
const viewIds = []
while (thisView != undefined) {
thisView = thisView.superview
const params = {
viewIds: viewIds.reverse(),
return context.callNative('shader', 'command', params) as Promise<any>
getWidth(context: BridgeContext) {
return this.nativeChannel(context, 'getWidth')() as Promise<number>
getHeight(context: BridgeContext) {
return this.nativeChannel(context, 'getHeight')() as Promise<number>
getX(context: BridgeContext) {
return this.nativeChannel(context, 'getX')() as Promise<number>
getY(context: BridgeContext) {
return this.nativeChannel(context, 'getY')() as Promise<number>
getLocationOnScreen(context: BridgeContext) {
return this.nativeChannel(context, "getLocationOnScreen")() as Promise<{ x: number, y: number }>
translationX?: number
translationY?: number
* float [0,..1]
scaleX?: number
scaleY?: number
pivotX?: number
pivotY?: number
* rotation*PI
* In Z
rotation?: number
* rotation*PI
* In X
rotationX?: number
* rotation*PI
* In Y
rotationY?: number
* Determines the distance between the z=0 plane and the user in order to give a 3D-positioned element some perspective.
* Default is 200
perspective?: number
* Only affected when its superview or itself is FlexLayout.
flexConfig?: FlexConfig
doAnimation(context: BridgeContext, animation: IAnimation) {
return this.nativeChannel(context, "doAnimation")(animation.toModel()).then((args) => {
for (let key in args) {
Reflect.set(this, key, Reflect.get(args, key, args), this)
Reflect.deleteProperty(this.__dirty_props__, key)
clearAnimation(context: BridgeContext, animation: IAnimation) {
return this.nativeChannel(context, "clearAnimation")( => {
this.__dirty_props__.translationX = this.translationX || 0
this.__dirty_props__.translationY = this.translationY || 0
this.__dirty_props__.scaleX = this.scaleX || 1
this.__dirty_props__.scaleY = this.scaleY || 1
this.__dirty_props__.rotation = this.rotation || 0
cancelAnimation(context: BridgeContext, animation: IAnimation) {
return this.nativeChannel(context, "cancelAnimation")( => {
for (let key in args) {
Reflect.set(this, key, Reflect.get(args, key, args), this)
Reflect.deleteProperty(this.__dirty_props__, key)
export abstract class Superview extends View {
subviewById(id: string): View | undefined {
for (let v of this.allSubviews()) {
if (v.viewId === id) {
return v
findViewByTag(tag: string): View | undefined {
if (tag === this.tag) {
return this
return this.findViewTraversal(this, tag)
private findViewTraversal(view: Superview, tag: string): View | undefined {
for (let v of view.allSubviews()) {
let find = v.findViewByTag(tag);
if (find) {
return find;
return undefined;
abstract allSubviews(): Iterable<View>
isDirty() {
if (super.isDirty()) {
return true
} else {
for (const v of this.allSubviews()) {
if (v.isDirty()) {
return true
return false
clean() {
for (let v of this.allSubviews()) {
toModel() {
const subviews = []
for (let v of this.allSubviews()) {
if (v != undefined) {
if (v.superview && v.superview !== this) {
//It had been added to another view, need to be marked totally
for (let key in v) {
if (Reflect.getMetadata(key, v) === PROP_CONSIST || Reflect.getMetadata(key, v) === PROP_INCONSIST) {
v.onPropertyChanged(key, undefined, Reflect.get(v, key))
if (v instanceof Superview) {
for (const subview of v.allSubviews()) {
subview.superview = {} as Superview
if (v instanceof Group) {
v.dirtyProps.children = => e.viewId)
v.superview = this
if (v.isDirty()) {
this.dirtyProps.subviews = subviews
return super.toModel()
export abstract class Group extends Superview {
readonly children: View[] = new Proxy([], {
set: (target, index, value) => {
const ret = Reflect.set(target, index, value)
// Let getDirty return true
this.dirtyProps.children = (target as View[]).map(e => e.viewId)
return ret
allSubviews() {
return this.children
addChild(view: View) {
removeChild(view: View) {
const ret = this.children.filter(e => e !== view)
this.children.length = 0
ret.forEach(e => this.addChild(e))
removeAllChildren() {
this.children.length = 0