284 lines
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284 lines
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* Copyright [2019] [Doric.Pub]
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// DoricViewNode.m
// Doric
// Created by pengfei.zhou on 2019/7/30.
#import "DoricViewNode.h"
#import "DoricUtil.h"
#import "DoricGroupNode.h"
#import "DoricRootNode.h"
#import "DoricConstant.h"
#import "DoricSuperNode.h"
#import "DoricExtensions.h"
void DoricAddEllipticArcPath(CGMutablePathRef path,
CGPoint origin,
CGFloat radius,
CGFloat startAngle,
CGFloat endAngle) {
CGAffineTransform t = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(origin.x, origin.y);
CGPathAddArc(path, &t, 0, 0, radius, startAngle, endAngle, NO);
CGPathRef DoricCreateRoundedRectPath(CGRect bounds,
CGFloat leftTop,
CGFloat rightTop,
CGFloat rightBottom,
CGFloat leftBottom) {
const CGFloat minX = CGRectGetMinX(bounds);
const CGFloat minY = CGRectGetMinY(bounds);
const CGFloat maxX = CGRectGetMaxX(bounds);
const CGFloat maxY = CGRectGetMaxY(bounds);
CGMutablePathRef path = CGPathCreateMutable();
DoricAddEllipticArcPath(path, (CGPoint) {
minX + leftTop, minY + leftTop
}, leftTop, M_PI, 3 * M_PI_2);
DoricAddEllipticArcPath(path, (CGPoint) {
maxX - rightTop, minY + rightTop
}, rightTop, 3 * M_PI_2, 0);
DoricAddEllipticArcPath(path, (CGPoint) {
maxX - rightBottom, maxY - rightBottom
}, rightBottom, 0, M_PI_2);
DoricAddEllipticArcPath(path, (CGPoint) {
minX + leftBottom, maxY - leftBottom
}, leftBottom, M_PI_2, M_PI);
return path;
@interface DoricViewNode ()
@property(nonatomic, strong) NSMutableDictionary *callbackIds;
@implementation DoricViewNode
- (instancetype)initWithContext:(DoricContext *)doricContext {
if (self = [super initWithContext:doricContext]) {
_callbackIds = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
return self;
- (void)initWithSuperNode:(DoricSuperNode *)superNode {
if ([self isKindOfClass:[DoricSuperNode class]]) {
((DoricSuperNode *) self).reusable = superNode.reusable;
self.superNode = superNode;
self.view = [[self build] also:^(UIView *it) {
it.layoutConfig = [superNode generateDefaultLayoutParams];
- (DoricLayoutConfig *)layoutConfig {
return self.view.layoutConfig;
- (UIView *)build {
return [[UIView alloc] init];
- (void)blend:(NSDictionary *)props {
self.view.layoutConfig = self.layoutConfig;
for (NSString *key in props) {
id value = props[key];
[self blendView:self.view forPropName:key propValue:value];
- (void)blendView:(UIView *)view forPropName:(NSString *)name propValue:(id)prop {
if ([name isEqualToString:@"width"]) {
NSNumber *width = (NSNumber *) prop;
if ([width floatValue] >= 0) {
view.width = [width floatValue];
} else if ([name isEqualToString:@"height"]) {
NSNumber *height = (NSNumber *) prop;
if ([height floatValue] >= 0) {
view.height = [height floatValue];
} else if ([name isEqualToString:@"x"]) {
view.x = [(NSNumber *) prop floatValue];
} else if ([name isEqualToString:@"y"]) {
view.y = [(NSNumber *) prop floatValue];
} else if ([name isEqualToString:@"bgColor"]) {
view.backgroundColor = DoricColor(prop);
} else if ([name isEqualToString:@"layoutConfig"]) {
if (self.superNode && [prop isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
[self.superNode blendSubNode:self layoutConfig:prop];
} else {
[self blendLayoutConfig:prop];
} else if ([name isEqualToString:@"onClick"]) {
self.callbackIds[@"onClick"] = prop;
view.userInteractionEnabled = YES;
UITapGestureRecognizer *tapGestureRecognizer = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(onClick:)];
[view addGestureRecognizer:tapGestureRecognizer];
} else if ([name isEqualToString:@"border"]) {
NSDictionary *dic = prop;
CGFloat width = [(NSNumber *) dic[@"width"] floatValue];
UIColor *color = DoricColor((NSNumber *) dic[@"color"]);
view.layer.borderWidth = width;
view.layer.borderColor = color.CGColor;
} else if ([name isEqualToString:@"corners"]) {
if ([prop isKindOfClass:NSNumber.class]) {
view.layer.cornerRadius = [(NSNumber *) prop floatValue];
} else if ([prop isKindOfClass:NSDictionary.class]) {
NSDictionary *dic = prop;
CGFloat leftTop = [(NSNumber *) dic[@"leftTop"] floatValue];
CGFloat rightTop = [(NSNumber *) dic[@"rightTop"] floatValue];
CGFloat rightBottom = [(NSNumber *) dic[@"rightBottom"] floatValue];
CGFloat leftBottom = [(NSNumber *) dic[@"leftBottom"] floatValue];
if (ABS(leftTop - rightTop) > CGFLOAT_MIN
|| ABS(leftTop - rightBottom) > CGFLOAT_MIN
|| ABS(leftTop - leftBottom) > CGFLOAT_MIN) {
view.layer.cornerRadius = 0;
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
CAShapeLayer *shapeLayer = [CAShapeLayer layer];
CGPathRef path = DoricCreateRoundedRectPath(self.view.bounds, leftTop, rightTop, rightBottom, leftBottom);
shapeLayer.path = path;
view.layer.mask = shapeLayer;
} else {
view.layer.cornerRadius = leftTop;
view.layer.mask = nil;
} else if ([name isEqualToString:@"shadow"]) {
NSDictionary *dic = prop;
CGFloat opacity = [(NSNumber *) dic[@"opacity"] floatValue];
if (opacity > CGFLOAT_MIN) {
view.clipsToBounds = NO;
UIColor *color = DoricColor((NSNumber *) dic[@"color"]);
view.layer.shadowColor = color.CGColor;
view.layer.shadowRadius = [(NSNumber *) dic[@"radius"] floatValue];
view.layer.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake([(NSNumber *) dic[@"offsetX"] floatValue], [(NSNumber *) dic[@"offsetY"] floatValue]);
view.layer.shadowOpacity = (float) opacity;
} else {
view.clipsToBounds = YES;
} else {
DoricLog(@"Blend View error for View Type :%@, prop is %@", self.class, name);
- (void)onClick:(UIView *)view {
[self callJSResponse:self.callbackIds[@"onClick"], nil];
- (NSArray<NSString *> *)idList {
NSMutableArray *ret = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
DoricViewNode *node = self;
do {
[ret addObject:node.viewId];
node = node.superNode;
} while (node);
return [[ret reverseObjectEnumerator] allObjects];
- (DoricAsyncResult *)callJSResponse:(NSString *)funcId, ... {
NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[array addObject:self.idList];
[array addObject:funcId];
va_list args;
va_start(args, funcId);
id arg;
while ((arg = va_arg(args, id)) != nil) {
[array addObject:arg];
DoricAsyncResult *ret = [self.doricContext callEntity:DORIC_ENTITY_RESPONSE withArgumentsArray:array];
return ret;
+ (__kindof DoricViewNode *)create:(DoricContext *)context withType:(NSString *)type {
DoricRegistry *registry = context.driver.registry;
Class clz = [registry acquireViewNode:type];
DoricViewNode *viewNode = [(DoricViewNode *) [clz alloc] initWithContext:context];
viewNode.type = type;
return viewNode;
- (void)requestLayout {
[self.superNode requestLayout];
- (NSNumber *)getWidth {
return @(self.view.width);
- (NSNumber *)getHeight {
return @(self.view.height);
- (void)setRotation:(NSNumber *)rotation {
if (rotation.floatValue == 0) {
self.view.transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
} else {
self.view.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(M_PI * rotation.floatValue * 2);
- (NSNumber *)getRotation {
float radius = atan2f((float) self.view.transform.b, (float) self.view.transform.a);
float degree = (float) (radius / M_PI / 2);
return @(degree);
- (void)blendLayoutConfig:(NSDictionary *)params {
[params[@"widthSpec"] also:^(NSNumber *it) {
if (it) {
self.layoutConfig.widthSpec = (DoricLayoutSpec) [it integerValue];
[params[@"heightSpec"] also:^(NSNumber *it) {
if (it) {
self.layoutConfig.heightSpec = (DoricLayoutSpec) [it integerValue];
NSDictionary *margin = params[@"margin"];
if (margin) {
self.layoutConfig.margin = DoricMarginMake(
[(NSNumber *) margin[@"left"] floatValue],
[(NSNumber *) margin[@"top"] floatValue],
[(NSNumber *) margin[@"right"] floatValue],
[(NSNumber *) margin[@"bottom"] floatValue]);
NSNumber *alignment = params[@"alignment"];
if (alignment) {
self.layoutConfig.alignment = (DoricGravity) [alignment integerValue];
NSNumber *weight = params[@"weight"];
if (weight) {
self.layoutConfig.weight = (DoricGravity) [weight integerValue];