/* * Copyright [2019] [Doric.Pub] * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // // Created by pengfei.zhou on 2019/10/23. // #import "DoricLayouts.h" #import #import "UIView+Doric.h" DoricMargin DoricMarginMake(CGFloat left, CGFloat top, CGFloat right, CGFloat bottom) { DoricMargin margin; margin.left = left; margin.top = top; margin.right = right; margin.bottom = bottom; return margin; } @implementation DoricLayoutConfig - (instancetype)init { if (self = [super init]) { _widthSpec = DoricLayoutExact; _heightSpec = DoricLayoutExact; } return self; } - (instancetype)initWithWidth:(DoricLayoutSpec)width height:(DoricLayoutSpec)height { if (self = [super init]) { _widthSpec = width; _heightSpec = height; } return self; } - (instancetype)initWithWidth:(DoricLayoutSpec)width height:(DoricLayoutSpec)height margin:(DoricMargin)margin { if (self = [super init]) { _widthSpec = width; _heightSpec = height; _margin = margin; } return self; } @end @interface DoricLayoutContainer () @property(nonatomic, assign) CGFloat contentWidth; @property(nonatomic, assign) CGFloat contentHeight; @property(nonatomic, assign) NSUInteger contentWeight; @end @implementation DoricLayoutContainer - (void)layoutSubviews { if ([self.superview isKindOfClass:[DoricLayoutContainer class]]) { [self.superview layoutSubviews]; } else { CGSize size = [self sizeThatFits:CGSizeMake(self.superview.width, self.superview.height)]; [self layout:size]; } } - (CGSize)sizeThatFits:(CGSize)size { CGFloat width = self.width; CGFloat height = self.height; DoricLayoutConfig *config = self.layoutConfig; if (!config) { config = [DoricLayoutConfig new]; } if (config.widthSpec == DoricLayoutAtMost || config.widthSpec == DoricLayoutWrapContent) { width = size.width - config.margin.left - config.margin.right; } if (config.heightSpec == DoricLayoutAtMost || config.heightSpec == DoricLayoutWrapContent) { height = size.height - config.margin.top - config.margin.bottom; } CGSize contentSize = [self sizeContent:CGSizeMake(width, height)]; if (config.widthSpec == DoricLayoutWrapContent) { width = contentSize.width; } if (config.heightSpec == DoricLayoutWrapContent) { height = contentSize.height; } return CGSizeMake(width, height); } - (CGSize)sizeContent:(CGSize)size { return size; } - (void)layout:(CGSize)targetSize { self.width = targetSize.width; self.height = targetSize.height; } @end @interface DoricStackView () @property(nonatomic, assign) CGFloat contentWidth; @property(nonatomic, assign) CGFloat contentHeight; @end @implementation DoricStackView - (CGSize)sizeContent:(CGSize)size { CGFloat contentWidth = 0; CGFloat contentHeight = 0; for (UIView *child in self.subviews) { if (child.isHidden) { continue; } DoricLayoutConfig *childConfig = child.layoutConfig; if (!childConfig) { childConfig = [DoricLayoutConfig new]; } CGSize childSize = CGSizeMake(child.width, child.height); if ([child isKindOfClass:[DoricLayoutContainer class]] || childConfig.widthSpec == DoricLayoutWrapContent || childConfig.heightSpec == DoricLayoutWrapContent) { childSize = [child sizeThatFits:CGSizeMake(size.width, size.height - contentHeight)]; } if (childConfig.widthSpec == DoricLayoutExact) { childSize.width = child.width; } else if (childConfig.widthSpec == DoricLayoutAtMost) { childSize.width = size.width; } if (childConfig.heightSpec == DoricLayoutExact) { childSize.height = child.height; } else if (childConfig.heightSpec == DoricLayoutAtMost) { childSize.height = size.height - contentHeight; } if (childConfig.weight) { childSize.height = child.height; } contentWidth = MAX(contentWidth, childSize.width + childConfig.margin.left + childConfig.margin.right); contentHeight = MAX(contentHeight, childSize.height + childConfig.margin.top + childConfig.margin.bottom); } self.contentWidth = contentWidth; self.contentHeight = contentHeight; return CGSizeMake(contentWidth, contentHeight); } - (void)layout:(CGSize)targetSize { for (UIView *child in self.subviews) { if (child.isHidden) { continue; } DoricLayoutConfig *childConfig = child.layoutConfig; if (!childConfig) { childConfig = [DoricLayoutConfig new]; } CGSize size = [child sizeThatFits:CGSizeMake(targetSize.width, targetSize.height)]; if (childConfig.widthSpec == DoricLayoutExact) { size.width = child.width; } if (childConfig.heightSpec == DoricLayoutExact) { size.height = child.height; } if (childConfig.widthSpec == DoricLayoutExact) { size.width = child.width; } else if (childConfig.widthSpec == DoricLayoutAtMost) { size.width = targetSize.width; } if (childConfig.heightSpec == DoricLayoutExact) { size.height = child.height; } else if (childConfig.heightSpec == DoricLayoutAtMost) { size.height = targetSize.height; } child.width = size.width; child.height = size.height; DoricGravity gravity = childConfig.alignment | self.gravity; if ((gravity & LEFT) == LEFT) { child.left = 0; } else if ((gravity & RIGHT) == RIGHT) { child.right = targetSize.width; } else if ((gravity & CENTER_X) == CENTER_X) { child.centerX = targetSize.width / 2; } else { if (childConfig.margin.left) { child.left = childConfig.margin.left; } else if (childConfig.margin.right) { child.right = targetSize.width - childConfig.margin.right; } } if ((gravity & TOP) == TOP) { child.top = 0; } else if ((gravity & BOTTOM) == BOTTOM) { child.bottom = targetSize.height; } else if ((gravity & CENTER_Y) == CENTER_Y) { child.centerY = targetSize.height / 2; } else { if (childConfig.margin.top) { child.top = childConfig.margin.top; } else if (childConfig.margin.bottom) { child.bottom = targetSize.height - childConfig.margin.bottom; } } if ([child isKindOfClass:[DoricLayoutContainer class]]) { [(DoricLayoutContainer *) child layout:size]; } } self.width = targetSize.width; self.height = targetSize.height; } @end @implementation DoricLinearView @end @implementation DoricVLayoutView - (CGSize)sizeContent:(CGSize)size { CGFloat contentWidth = 0; CGFloat contentHeight = 0; NSUInteger contentWeight = 0; for (UIView *child in self.subviews) { if (child.isHidden) { continue; } DoricLayoutConfig *childConfig = child.layoutConfig; if (!childConfig) { childConfig = [DoricLayoutConfig new]; } CGSize childSize = CGSizeMake(child.width, child.height); if ([child isKindOfClass:[DoricLayoutContainer class]] || childConfig.widthSpec == DoricLayoutWrapContent || childConfig.heightSpec == DoricLayoutWrapContent) { childSize = [child sizeThatFits:CGSizeMake(size.width, size.height - contentHeight)]; } if (childConfig.widthSpec == DoricLayoutExact) { childSize.width = child.width; } else if (childConfig.widthSpec == DoricLayoutAtMost) { childSize.width = size.width; } if (childConfig.heightSpec == DoricLayoutExact) { childSize.height = child.height; } else if (childConfig.heightSpec == DoricLayoutAtMost) { childSize.height = size.height - contentHeight; } if (childConfig.weight) { childSize.height = child.height; } contentWidth = MAX(contentWidth, childSize.width + childConfig.margin.left + childConfig.margin.right); contentHeight += childSize.height + self.space + childConfig.margin.top + childConfig.margin.bottom; contentWeight += childConfig.weight; } contentHeight -= self.space; self.contentWidth = contentWidth; self.contentHeight = contentHeight; self.contentWeight = contentWeight; if (contentWeight) { contentHeight = size.height; } return CGSizeMake(contentWidth, contentHeight); } - (void)layout:(CGSize)targetSize { CGFloat yStart = 0; if ((self.gravity & TOP) == TOP) { yStart = 0; } else if ((self.gravity & BOTTOM) == BOTTOM) { yStart = targetSize.height - self.contentHeight; } else if ((self.gravity & CENTER_Y) == CENTER_Y) { yStart = (targetSize.height - self.contentHeight) / 2; } CGFloat remain = targetSize.height - self.contentHeight; for (UIView *child in self.subviews) { if (child.isHidden) { continue; } DoricLayoutConfig *childConfig = child.layoutConfig; if (!childConfig) { childConfig = [DoricLayoutConfig new]; } CGSize size = [child sizeThatFits:CGSizeMake(targetSize.width, targetSize.height - yStart)]; if (childConfig.widthSpec == DoricLayoutExact) { size.width = child.width; } if (childConfig.heightSpec == DoricLayoutExact) { size.height = child.height; } if (childConfig.widthSpec == DoricLayoutExact) { size.width = child.width; } else if (childConfig.widthSpec == DoricLayoutAtMost) { size.width = targetSize.width; } if (childConfig.heightSpec == DoricLayoutExact) { size.height = child.height; } else if (childConfig.heightSpec == DoricLayoutAtMost) { size.height = targetSize.height - yStart; } if (childConfig.weight) { size.height = child.height; } if (childConfig.weight) { size.height += remain / self.contentWeight * childConfig.weight; } child.width = size.width; child.height = size.height; DoricGravity gravity = childConfig.alignment | self.gravity; if ((gravity & LEFT) == LEFT) { child.left = 0; } else if ((gravity & RIGHT) == RIGHT) { child.right = self.width; } else if ((gravity & CENTER_X) == CENTER_X) { child.centerX = targetSize.width / 2; } else { if (childConfig.margin.left) { child.left = childConfig.margin.left; } else if (childConfig.margin.right) { child.right = targetSize.width - childConfig.margin.right; } } if (childConfig.margin.top) { yStart += childConfig.margin.top; } child.top = yStart; yStart = child.bottom + self.space; if (childConfig.margin.bottom) { yStart += childConfig.margin.bottom; } if ([child isKindOfClass:[DoricLayoutContainer class]]) { [(DoricLayoutContainer *) child layout:size]; } } self.width = targetSize.width; self.height = targetSize.height; } @end @implementation DoricHLayoutView - (CGSize)sizeContent:(CGSize)size { CGFloat contentWidth = 0; CGFloat contentHeight = 0; NSUInteger contentWeight = 0; for (UIView *child in self.subviews) { if (child.isHidden) { continue; } DoricLayoutConfig *childConfig = child.layoutConfig; if (!childConfig) { childConfig = [DoricLayoutConfig new]; } CGSize childSize = CGSizeMake(child.width, child.height); if ([child isKindOfClass:[DoricLayoutContainer class]] || childConfig.widthSpec == DoricLayoutWrapContent || childConfig.heightSpec == DoricLayoutWrapContent) { childSize = [child sizeThatFits:CGSizeMake(size.width - contentWidth, size.height)]; } if (childConfig.widthSpec == DoricLayoutExact) { childSize.width = child.width; } else if (childConfig.widthSpec == DoricLayoutAtMost) { childSize.width = size.width - contentWidth; } if (childConfig.heightSpec == DoricLayoutExact) { childSize.height = child.height; } else if (childConfig.heightSpec == DoricLayoutAtMost) { childSize.height = size.height; } if (childConfig.weight) { childSize.width = child.width; } contentWidth += childSize.width + self.space + childConfig.margin.left + childConfig.margin.right; contentHeight = MAX(contentHeight, childSize.height + childConfig.margin.top + childConfig.margin.bottom); contentWeight += childConfig.weight; } contentWidth -= self.space; self.contentWidth = contentWidth; self.contentHeight = contentHeight; self.contentWeight = contentWeight; if (contentWeight) { contentWidth = size.width; } return CGSizeMake(contentWidth, contentHeight); } - (void)layout:(CGSize)targetSize { CGFloat xStart = 0; if (self.contentWeight) { xStart = 0; } else if ((self.gravity & LEFT) == LEFT) { xStart = 0; } else if ((self.gravity & RIGHT) == RIGHT) { xStart = targetSize.width - self.contentWidth; } else if ((self.gravity & CENTER_X) == CENTER_X) { xStart = (targetSize.width - self.contentWidth) / 2; } CGFloat remain = targetSize.width - self.contentWidth; for (UIView *child in self.subviews) { if (child.isHidden) { continue; } DoricLayoutConfig *childConfig = child.layoutConfig; if (!childConfig) { childConfig = [DoricLayoutConfig new]; } CGSize size = [child sizeThatFits:CGSizeMake(targetSize.width - xStart, targetSize.height)]; if (childConfig.widthSpec == DoricLayoutExact) { size.width = child.width; } if (childConfig.heightSpec == DoricLayoutExact) { size.height = child.height; } if (childConfig.widthSpec == DoricLayoutExact) { size.width = child.width; } else if (childConfig.widthSpec == DoricLayoutAtMost) { size.width = targetSize.width - xStart; } if (childConfig.heightSpec == DoricLayoutExact) { size.height = child.height; } else if (childConfig.heightSpec == DoricLayoutAtMost) { size.height = targetSize.height; } if (childConfig.weight) { size.width = child.width; } if (childConfig.weight) { size.width += remain / self.contentWeight * childConfig.weight; } child.width = size.width; child.height = size.height; DoricGravity gravity = childConfig.alignment | self.gravity; if ((gravity & TOP) == TOP) { child.top = 0; } else if ((gravity & BOTTOM) == BOTTOM) { child.bottom = targetSize.height; } else if ((gravity & CENTER_Y) == CENTER_Y) { child.centerY = targetSize.height / 2; } else { if (childConfig.margin.top) { child.top = childConfig.margin.top; } else if (childConfig.margin.bottom) { child.bottom = targetSize.height - childConfig.margin.bottom; } } if (childConfig.margin.left) { xStart += childConfig.margin.left; } child.left = xStart; xStart = child.right + self.space; if (childConfig.margin.right) { xStart += childConfig.margin.right; } if ([child isKindOfClass:[DoricLayoutContainer class]]) { [(DoricLayoutContainer *) child layout:size]; } } self.width = targetSize.width; self.height = targetSize.height; } @end static const void *kLayoutConfig = &kLayoutConfig; static const void *kTagString = &kTagString; @implementation UIView (DoricLayoutConfig) @dynamic layoutConfig; - (void)setLayoutConfig:(DoricLayoutConfig *)layoutConfig { objc_setAssociatedObject(self, kLayoutConfig, layoutConfig, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC); } - (DoricLayoutConfig *)layoutConfig { return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, kLayoutConfig); } - (void)setTagString:(NSString *)tagString { objc_setAssociatedObject(self, kTagString, tagString, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_COPY_NONATOMIC); self.tag = [tagString hash]; } - (NSString *)tagString { return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, kTagString); } - (UIView *)viewWithTagString:(NSString *)tagString { // notice the potential hash collision return [self viewWithTag:[tagString hash]]; } @end DoricVLayoutView *vLayout(NSArray <__kindof UIView *> *views) { DoricVLayoutView *layout = [[DoricVLayoutView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero]; for (__kindof UIView *uiView in views) { [layout addSubview:uiView]; } layout.layoutConfig = [[DoricLayoutConfig alloc] initWithWidth:DoricLayoutWrapContent height:DoricLayoutWrapContent]; return layout; } DoricHLayoutView *hLayout(NSArray <__kindof UIView *> *views) { DoricHLayoutView *layout = [[DoricHLayoutView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero]; for (__kindof UIView *uiView in views) { [layout addSubview:uiView]; } layout.layoutConfig = [[DoricLayoutConfig alloc] initWithWidth:DoricLayoutWrapContent height:DoricLayoutWrapContent]; return layout; }