/**++++++++SandBox++++++++*/ var doric = (function (exports) { 'use strict'; /* * Copyright [2019] [Doric.Pub] * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ let __uniqueId__ = 0; function uniqueId(prefix) { return `__${prefix}_${__uniqueId__++}__`; } function toString(message) { if (message instanceof Function) { return message.toString(); } else if (message instanceof Object) { try { return JSON.stringify(message); } catch (e) { return message.toString(); } } else if (message === undefined) { return "undefined"; } else { return message.toString(); } } function loge(...message) { let out = ""; for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { out += ','; } out += toString(arguments[i]); } nativeLog('e', out); } /*! ***************************************************************************** Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 THIS CODE IS PROVIDED ON AN *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABLITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ***************************************************************************** */ var Reflect$1; (function (Reflect) { // Metadata Proposal // https://rbuckton.github.io/reflect-metadata/ (function (factory) { var root = typeof global === "object" ? global : typeof self === "object" ? self : typeof this === "object" ? this : Function("return this;")(); var exporter = makeExporter(Reflect); if (typeof root.Reflect === "undefined") { root.Reflect = Reflect; } else { exporter = makeExporter(root.Reflect, exporter); } factory(exporter); function makeExporter(target, previous) { return function (key, value) { if (typeof target[key] !== "function") { Object.defineProperty(target, key, { configurable: true, writable: true, value: value }); } if (previous) previous(key, value); }; } })(function (exporter) { var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; // feature test for Symbol support var supportsSymbol = typeof Symbol === "function"; var toPrimitiveSymbol = supportsSymbol && typeof Symbol.toPrimitive !== "undefined" ? Symbol.toPrimitive : "@@toPrimitive"; var iteratorSymbol = supportsSymbol && typeof Symbol.iterator !== "undefined" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"; var supportsCreate = typeof Object.create === "function"; // feature test for Object.create support var supportsProto = { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array; // feature test for __proto__ support var downLevel = !supportsCreate && !supportsProto; var HashMap = { // create an object in dictionary mode (a.k.a. "slow" mode in v8) create: supportsCreate ? function () { return MakeDictionary(Object.create(null)); } : supportsProto ? function () { return MakeDictionary({ __proto__: null }); } : function () { return MakeDictionary({}); }, has: downLevel ? function (map, key) { return hasOwn.call(map, key); } : function (map, key) { return key in map; }, get: downLevel ? function (map, key) { return hasOwn.call(map, key) ? map[key] : undefined; } : function (map, key) { return map[key]; }, }; // Load global or shim versions of Map, Set, and WeakMap var functionPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(Function); var usePolyfill = typeof process === "object" && process.env && process.env["REFLECT_METADATA_USE_MAP_POLYFILL"] === "true"; var _Map = !usePolyfill && typeof Map === "function" && typeof Map.prototype.entries === "function" ? Map : CreateMapPolyfill(); var _Set = !usePolyfill && typeof Set === "function" && typeof Set.prototype.entries === "function" ? Set : CreateSetPolyfill(); var _WeakMap = !usePolyfill && typeof WeakMap === "function" ? WeakMap : CreateWeakMapPolyfill(); // [[Metadata]] internal slot // https://rbuckton.github.io/reflect-metadata/#ordinary-object-internal-methods-and-internal-slots var Metadata = new _WeakMap(); /** * Applies a set of decorators to a property of a target object. * @param decorators An array of decorators. * @param target The target object. * @param propertyKey (Optional) The property key to decorate. * @param attributes (Optional) The property descriptor for the target key. * @remarks Decorators are applied in reverse order. * @example * * class Example { * // property declarations are not part of ES6, though they are valid in TypeScript: * // static staticProperty; * // property; * * constructor(p) { } * static staticMethod(p) { } * method(p) { } * } * * // constructor * Example = Reflect.decorate(decoratorsArray, Example); * * // property (on constructor) * Reflect.decorate(decoratorsArray, Example, "staticProperty"); * * // property (on prototype) * Reflect.decorate(decoratorsArray, Example.prototype, "property"); * * // method (on constructor) * Object.defineProperty(Example, "staticMethod", * Reflect.decorate(decoratorsArray, Example, "staticMethod", * Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Example, "staticMethod"))); * * // method (on prototype) * Object.defineProperty(Example.prototype, "method", * Reflect.decorate(decoratorsArray, Example.prototype, "method", * Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Example.prototype, "method"))); * */ function decorate(decorators, target, propertyKey, attributes) { if (!IsUndefined(propertyKey)) { if (!IsArray(decorators)) throw new TypeError(); if (!IsObject(target)) throw new TypeError(); if (!IsObject(attributes) && !IsUndefined(attributes) && !IsNull(attributes)) throw new TypeError(); if (IsNull(attributes)) attributes = undefined; propertyKey = ToPropertyKey(propertyKey); return DecorateProperty(decorators, target, propertyKey, attributes); } else { if (!IsArray(decorators)) throw new TypeError(); if (!IsConstructor(target)) throw new TypeError(); return DecorateConstructor(decorators, target); } } exporter("decorate", decorate); // 4.1.2 Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue) // https://rbuckton.github.io/reflect-metadata/#reflect.metadata /** * A default metadata decorator factory that can be used on a class, class member, or parameter. * @param metadataKey The key for the metadata entry. * @param metadataValue The value for the metadata entry. * @returns A decorator function. * @remarks * If `metadataKey` is already defined for the target and target key, the * metadataValue for that key will be overwritten. * @example * * // constructor * @Reflect.metadata(key, value) * class Example { * } * * // property (on constructor, TypeScript only) * class Example { * @Reflect.metadata(key, value) * static staticProperty; * } * * // property (on prototype, TypeScript only) * class Example { * @Reflect.metadata(key, value) * property; * } * * // method (on constructor) * class Example { * @Reflect.metadata(key, value) * static staticMethod() { } * } * * // method (on prototype) * class Example { * @Reflect.metadata(key, value) * method() { } * } * */ function metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue) { function decorator(target, propertyKey) { if (!IsObject(target)) throw new TypeError(); if (!IsUndefined(propertyKey) && !IsPropertyKey(propertyKey)) throw new TypeError(); OrdinaryDefineOwnMetadata(metadataKey, metadataValue, target, propertyKey); } return decorator; } exporter("metadata", metadata); /** * Define a unique metadata entry on the target. * @param metadataKey A key used to store and retrieve metadata. * @param metadataValue A value that contains attached metadata. * @param target The target object on which to define metadata. * @param propertyKey (Optional) The property key for the target. * @example * * class Example { * // property declarations are not part of ES6, though they are valid in TypeScript: * // static staticProperty; * // property; * * constructor(p) { } * static staticMethod(p) { } * method(p) { } * } * * // constructor * Reflect.defineMetadata("custom:annotation", options, Example); * * // property (on constructor) * Reflect.defineMetadata("custom:annotation", options, Example, "staticProperty"); * * // property (on prototype) * Reflect.defineMetadata("custom:annotation", options, Example.prototype, "property"); * * // method (on constructor) * Reflect.defineMetadata("custom:annotation", options, Example, "staticMethod"); * * // method (on prototype) * Reflect.defineMetadata("custom:annotation", options, Example.prototype, "method"); * * // decorator factory as metadata-producing annotation. * function MyAnnotation(options): Decorator { * return (target, key?) => Reflect.defineMetadata("custom:annotation", options, target, key); * } * */ function defineMetadata(metadataKey, metadataValue, target, propertyKey) { if (!IsObject(target)) throw new TypeError(); if (!IsUndefined(propertyKey)) propertyKey = ToPropertyKey(propertyKey); return OrdinaryDefineOwnMetadata(metadataKey, metadataValue, target, propertyKey); } exporter("defineMetadata", defineMetadata); /** * Gets a value indicating whether the target object or its prototype chain has the provided metadata key defined. * @param metadataKey A key used to store and retrieve metadata. * @param target The target object on which the metadata is defined. * @param propertyKey (Optional) The property key for the target. * @returns `true` if the metadata key was defined on the target object or its prototype chain; otherwise, `false`. * @example * * class Example { * // property declarations are not part of ES6, though they are valid in TypeScript: * // static staticProperty; * // property; * * constructor(p) { } * static staticMethod(p) { } * method(p) { } * } * * // constructor * result = Reflect.hasMetadata("custom:annotation", Example); * * // property (on constructor) * result = Reflect.hasMetadata("custom:annotation", Example, "staticProperty"); * * // property (on prototype) * result = Reflect.hasMetadata("custom:annotation", Example.prototype, "property"); * * // method (on constructor) * result = Reflect.hasMetadata("custom:annotation", Example, "staticMethod"); * * // method (on prototype) * result = Reflect.hasMetadata("custom:annotation", Example.prototype, "method"); * */ function hasMetadata(metadataKey, target, propertyKey) { if (!IsObject(target)) throw new TypeError(); if (!IsUndefined(propertyKey)) propertyKey = ToPropertyKey(propertyKey); return OrdinaryHasMetadata(metadataKey, target, propertyKey); } exporter("hasMetadata", hasMetadata); /** * Gets a value indicating whether the target object has the provided metadata key defined. * @param metadataKey A key used to store and retrieve metadata. * @param target The target object on which the metadata is defined. * @param propertyKey (Optional) The property key for the target. * @returns `true` if the metadata key was defined on the target object; otherwise, `false`. * @example * * class Example { * // property declarations are not part of ES6, though they are valid in TypeScript: * // static staticProperty; * // property; * * constructor(p) { } * static staticMethod(p) { } * method(p) { } * } * * // constructor * result = Reflect.hasOwnMetadata("custom:annotation", Example); * * // property (on constructor) * result = Reflect.hasOwnMetadata("custom:annotation", Example, "staticProperty"); * * // property (on prototype) * result = Reflect.hasOwnMetadata("custom:annotation", Example.prototype, "property"); * * // method (on constructor) * result = Reflect.hasOwnMetadata("custom:annotation", Example, "staticMethod"); * * // method (on prototype) * result = Reflect.hasOwnMetadata("custom:annotation", Example.prototype, "method"); * */ function hasOwnMetadata(metadataKey, target, propertyKey) { if (!IsObject(target)) throw new TypeError(); if (!IsUndefined(propertyKey)) propertyKey = ToPropertyKey(propertyKey); return OrdinaryHasOwnMetadata(metadataKey, target, propertyKey); } exporter("hasOwnMetadata", hasOwnMetadata); /** * Gets the metadata value for the provided metadata key on the target object or its prototype chain. * @param metadataKey A key used to store and retrieve metadata. * @param target The target object on which the metadata is defined. * @param propertyKey (Optional) The property key for the target. * @returns The metadata value for the metadata key if found; otherwise, `undefined`. * @example * * class Example { * // property declarations are not part of ES6, though they are valid in TypeScript: * // static staticProperty; * // property; * * constructor(p) { } * static staticMethod(p) { } * method(p) { } * } * * // constructor * result = Reflect.getMetadata("custom:annotation", Example); * * // property (on constructor) * result = Reflect.getMetadata("custom:annotation", Example, "staticProperty"); * * // property (on prototype) * result = Reflect.getMetadata("custom:annotation", Example.prototype, "property"); * * // method (on constructor) * result = Reflect.getMetadata("custom:annotation", Example, "staticMethod"); * * // method (on prototype) * result = Reflect.getMetadata("custom:annotation", Example.prototype, "method"); * */ function getMetadata(metadataKey, target, propertyKey) { if (!IsObject(target)) throw new TypeError(); if (!IsUndefined(propertyKey)) propertyKey = ToPropertyKey(propertyKey); return OrdinaryGetMetadata(metadataKey, target, propertyKey); } exporter("getMetadata", getMetadata); /** * Gets the metadata value for the provided metadata key on the target object. * @param metadataKey A key used to store and retrieve metadata. * @param target The target object on which the metadata is defined. * @param propertyKey (Optional) The property key for the target. * @returns The metadata value for the metadata key if found; otherwise, `undefined`. * @example * * class Example { * // property declarations are not part of ES6, though they are valid in TypeScript: * // static staticProperty; * // property; * * constructor(p) { } * static staticMethod(p) { } * method(p) { } * } * * // constructor * result = Reflect.getOwnMetadata("custom:annotation", Example); * * // property (on constructor) * result = Reflect.getOwnMetadata("custom:annotation", Example, "staticProperty"); * * // property (on prototype) * result = Reflect.getOwnMetadata("custom:annotation", Example.prototype, "property"); * * // method (on constructor) * result = Reflect.getOwnMetadata("custom:annotation", Example, "staticMethod"); * * // method (on prototype) * result = Reflect.getOwnMetadata("custom:annotation", Example.prototype, "method"); * */ function getOwnMetadata(metadataKey, target, propertyKey) { if (!IsObject(target)) throw new TypeError(); if (!IsUndefined(propertyKey)) propertyKey = ToPropertyKey(propertyKey); return OrdinaryGetOwnMetadata(metadataKey, target, propertyKey); } exporter("getOwnMetadata", getOwnMetadata); /** * Gets the metadata keys defined on the target object or its prototype chain. * @param target The target object on which the metadata is defined. * @param propertyKey (Optional) The property key for the target. * @returns An array of unique metadata keys. * @example * * class Example { * // property declarations are not part of ES6, though they are valid in TypeScript: * // static staticProperty; * // property; * * constructor(p) { } * static staticMethod(p) { } * method(p) { } * } * * // constructor * result = Reflect.getMetadataKeys(Example); * * // property (on constructor) * result = Reflect.getMetadataKeys(Example, "staticProperty"); * * // property (on prototype) * result = Reflect.getMetadataKeys(Example.prototype, "property"); * * // method (on constructor) * result = Reflect.getMetadataKeys(Example, "staticMethod"); * * // method (on prototype) * result = Reflect.getMetadataKeys(Example.prototype, "method"); * */ function getMetadataKeys(target, propertyKey) { if (!IsObject(target)) throw new TypeError(); if (!IsUndefined(propertyKey)) propertyKey = ToPropertyKey(propertyKey); return OrdinaryMetadataKeys(target, propertyKey); } exporter("getMetadataKeys", getMetadataKeys); /** * Gets the unique metadata keys defined on the target object. * @param target The target object on which the metadata is defined. * @param propertyKey (Optional) The property key for the target. * @returns An array of unique metadata keys. * @example * * class Example { * // property declarations are not part of ES6, though they are valid in TypeScript: * // static staticProperty; * // property; * * constructor(p) { } * static staticMethod(p) { } * method(p) { } * } * * // constructor * result = Reflect.getOwnMetadataKeys(Example); * * // property (on constructor) * result = Reflect.getOwnMetadataKeys(Example, "staticProperty"); * * // property (on prototype) * result = Reflect.getOwnMetadataKeys(Example.prototype, "property"); * * // method (on constructor) * result = Reflect.getOwnMetadataKeys(Example, "staticMethod"); * * // method (on prototype) * result = Reflect.getOwnMetadataKeys(Example.prototype, "method"); * */ function getOwnMetadataKeys(target, propertyKey) { if (!IsObject(target)) throw new TypeError(); if (!IsUndefined(propertyKey)) propertyKey = ToPropertyKey(propertyKey); return OrdinaryOwnMetadataKeys(target, propertyKey); } exporter("getOwnMetadataKeys", getOwnMetadataKeys); /** * Deletes the metadata entry from the target object with the provided key. * @param metadataKey A key used to store and retrieve metadata. * @param target The target object on which the metadata is defined. * @param propertyKey (Optional) The property key for the target. * @returns `true` if the metadata entry was found and deleted; otherwise, false. * @example * * class Example { * // property declarations are not part of ES6, though they are valid in TypeScript: * // static staticProperty; * // property; * * constructor(p) { } * static staticMethod(p) { } * method(p) { } * } * * // constructor * result = Reflect.deleteMetadata("custom:annotation", Example); * * // property (on constructor) * result = Reflect.deleteMetadata("custom:annotation", Example, "staticProperty"); * * // property (on prototype) * result = Reflect.deleteMetadata("custom:annotation", Example.prototype, "property"); * * // method (on constructor) * result = Reflect.deleteMetadata("custom:annotation", Example, "staticMethod"); * * // method (on prototype) * result = Reflect.deleteMetadata("custom:annotation", Example.prototype, "method"); * */ function deleteMetadata(metadataKey, target, propertyKey) { if (!IsObject(target)) throw new TypeError(); if (!IsUndefined(propertyKey)) propertyKey = ToPropertyKey(propertyKey); var metadataMap = GetOrCreateMetadataMap(target, propertyKey, /*Create*/ false); if (IsUndefined(metadataMap)) return false; if (!metadataMap.delete(metadataKey)) return false; if (metadataMap.size > 0) return true; var targetMetadata = Metadata.get(target); targetMetadata.delete(propertyKey); if (targetMetadata.size > 0) return true; Metadata.delete(target); return true; } exporter("deleteMetadata", deleteMetadata); function DecorateConstructor(decorators, target) { for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var decorator = decorators[i]; var decorated = decorator(target); if (!IsUndefined(decorated) && !IsNull(decorated)) { if (!IsConstructor(decorated)) throw new TypeError(); target = decorated; } } return target; } function DecorateProperty(decorators, target, propertyKey, descriptor) { for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var decorator = decorators[i]; var decorated = decorator(target, propertyKey, descriptor); if (!IsUndefined(decorated) && !IsNull(decorated)) { if (!IsObject(decorated)) throw new TypeError(); descriptor = decorated; } } return descriptor; } function GetOrCreateMetadataMap(O, P, Create) { var targetMetadata = Metadata.get(O); if (IsUndefined(targetMetadata)) { if (!Create) return undefined; targetMetadata = new _Map(); Metadata.set(O, targetMetadata); } var metadataMap = targetMetadata.get(P); if (IsUndefined(metadataMap)) { if (!Create) return undefined; metadataMap = new _Map(); targetMetadata.set(P, metadataMap); } return metadataMap; } // OrdinaryHasMetadata(MetadataKey, O, P) // https://rbuckton.github.io/reflect-metadata/#ordinaryhasmetadata function OrdinaryHasMetadata(MetadataKey, O, P) { var hasOwn = OrdinaryHasOwnMetadata(MetadataKey, O, P); if (hasOwn) return true; var parent = OrdinaryGetPrototypeOf(O); if (!IsNull(parent)) return OrdinaryHasMetadata(MetadataKey, parent, P); return false; } // OrdinaryHasOwnMetadata(MetadataKey, O, P) // https://rbuckton.github.io/reflect-metadata/#ordinaryhasownmetadata function OrdinaryHasOwnMetadata(MetadataKey, O, P) { var metadataMap = GetOrCreateMetadataMap(O, P, /*Create*/ false); if (IsUndefined(metadataMap)) return false; return ToBoolean(metadataMap.has(MetadataKey)); } // OrdinaryGetMetadata(MetadataKey, O, P) // https://rbuckton.github.io/reflect-metadata/#ordinarygetmetadata function OrdinaryGetMetadata(MetadataKey, O, P) { var hasOwn = OrdinaryHasOwnMetadata(MetadataKey, O, P); if (hasOwn) return OrdinaryGetOwnMetadata(MetadataKey, O, P); var parent = OrdinaryGetPrototypeOf(O); if (!IsNull(parent)) return OrdinaryGetMetadata(MetadataKey, parent, P); return undefined; } // OrdinaryGetOwnMetadata(MetadataKey, O, P) // https://rbuckton.github.io/reflect-metadata/#ordinarygetownmetadata function OrdinaryGetOwnMetadata(MetadataKey, O, P) { var metadataMap = GetOrCreateMetadataMap(O, P, /*Create*/ false); if (IsUndefined(metadataMap)) return undefined; return metadataMap.get(MetadataKey); } // OrdinaryDefineOwnMetadata(MetadataKey, MetadataValue, O, P) // https://rbuckton.github.io/reflect-metadata/#ordinarydefineownmetadata function OrdinaryDefineOwnMetadata(MetadataKey, MetadataValue, O, P) { var metadataMap = GetOrCreateMetadataMap(O, P, /*Create*/ true); metadataMap.set(MetadataKey, MetadataValue); } // OrdinaryMetadataKeys(O, P) // https://rbuckton.github.io/reflect-metadata/#ordinarymetadatakeys function OrdinaryMetadataKeys(O, P) { var ownKeys = OrdinaryOwnMetadataKeys(O, P); var parent = OrdinaryGetPrototypeOf(O); if (parent === null) return ownKeys; var parentKeys = OrdinaryMetadataKeys(parent, P); if (parentKeys.length <= 0) return ownKeys; if (ownKeys.length <= 0) return parentKeys; var set = new _Set(); var keys = []; for (var _i = 0, ownKeys_1 = ownKeys; _i < ownKeys_1.length; _i++) { var key = ownKeys_1[_i]; var hasKey = set.has(key); if (!hasKey) { set.add(key); keys.push(key); } } for (var _a = 0, parentKeys_1 = parentKeys; _a < parentKeys_1.length; _a++) { var key = parentKeys_1[_a]; var hasKey = set.has(key); if (!hasKey) { set.add(key); keys.push(key); } } return keys; } // OrdinaryOwnMetadataKeys(O, P) // https://rbuckton.github.io/reflect-metadata/#ordinaryownmetadatakeys function OrdinaryOwnMetadataKeys(O, P) { var keys = []; var metadataMap = GetOrCreateMetadataMap(O, P, /*Create*/ false); if (IsUndefined(metadataMap)) return keys; var keysObj = metadataMap.keys(); var iterator = GetIterator(keysObj); var k = 0; while (true) { var next = IteratorStep(iterator); if (!next) { keys.length = k; return keys; } var nextValue = IteratorValue(next); try { keys[k] = nextValue; } catch (e) { try { IteratorClose(iterator); } finally { throw e; } } k++; } } // 6 ECMAScript Data Typ0es and Values // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-ecmascript-data-types-and-values function Type(x) { if (x === null) return 1 /* Null */; switch (typeof x) { case "undefined": return 0 /* Undefined */; case "boolean": return 2 /* Boolean */; case "string": return 3 /* String */; case "symbol": return 4 /* Symbol */; case "number": return 5 /* Number */; case "object": return x === null ? 1 /* Null */ : 6 /* Object */; default: return 6 /* Object */; } } // 6.1.1 The Undefined Type // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-ecmascript-language-types-undefined-type function IsUndefined(x) { return x === undefined; } // 6.1.2 The Null Type // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-ecmascript-language-types-null-type function IsNull(x) { return x === null; } // 6.1.5 The Symbol Type // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-ecmascript-language-types-symbol-type function IsSymbol(x) { return typeof x === "symbol"; } // 6.1.7 The Object Type // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-object-type function IsObject(x) { return typeof x === "object" ? x !== null : typeof x === "function"; } // 7.1 Type Conversion // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-type-conversion // 7.1.1 ToPrimitive(input [, PreferredType]) // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-toprimitive function ToPrimitive(input, PreferredType) { switch (Type(input)) { case 0 /* Undefined */: return input; case 1 /* Null */: return input; case 2 /* Boolean */: return input; case 3 /* String */: return input; case 4 /* Symbol */: return input; case 5 /* Number */: return input; } var hint = PreferredType === 3 /* String */ ? "string" : PreferredType === 5 /* Number */ ? "number" : "default"; var exoticToPrim = GetMethod(input, toPrimitiveSymbol); if (exoticToPrim !== undefined) { var result = exoticToPrim.call(input, hint); if (IsObject(result)) throw new TypeError(); return result; } return OrdinaryToPrimitive(input, hint === "default" ? "number" : hint); } // OrdinaryToPrimitive(O, hint) // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-ordinarytoprimitive function OrdinaryToPrimitive(O, hint) { if (hint === "string") { var toString_1 = O.toString; if (IsCallable(toString_1)) { var result = toString_1.call(O); if (!IsObject(result)) return result; } var valueOf = O.valueOf; if (IsCallable(valueOf)) { var result = valueOf.call(O); if (!IsObject(result)) return result; } } else { var valueOf = O.valueOf; if (IsCallable(valueOf)) { var result = valueOf.call(O); if (!IsObject(result)) return result; } var toString_2 = O.toString; if (IsCallable(toString_2)) { var result = toString_2.call(O); if (!IsObject(result)) return result; } } throw new TypeError(); } // 7.1.2 ToBoolean(argument) // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/2016/#sec-toboolean function ToBoolean(argument) { return !!argument; } // 7.1.12 ToString(argument) // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-tostring function ToString(argument) { return "" + argument; } // 7.1.14 ToPropertyKey(argument) // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-topropertykey function ToPropertyKey(argument) { var key = ToPrimitive(argument, 3 /* String */); if (IsSymbol(key)) return key; return ToString(key); } // 7.2 Testing and Comparison Operations // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-testing-and-comparison-operations // 7.2.2 IsArray(argument) // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-isarray function IsArray(argument) { return Array.isArray ? Array.isArray(argument) : argument instanceof Object ? argument instanceof Array : Object.prototype.toString.call(argument) === "[object Array]"; } // 7.2.3 IsCallable(argument) // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-iscallable function IsCallable(argument) { // NOTE: This is an approximation as we cannot check for [[Call]] internal method. return typeof argument === "function"; } // 7.2.4 IsConstructor(argument) // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-isconstructor function IsConstructor(argument) { // NOTE: This is an approximation as we cannot check for [[Construct]] internal method. return typeof argument === "function"; } // 7.2.7 IsPropertyKey(argument) // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-ispropertykey function IsPropertyKey(argument) { switch (Type(argument)) { case 3 /* String */: return true; case 4 /* Symbol */: return true; default: return false; } } // 7.3 Operations on Objects // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-operations-on-objects // 7.3.9 GetMethod(V, P) // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-getmethod function GetMethod(V, P) { var func = V[P]; if (func === undefined || func === null) return undefined; if (!IsCallable(func)) throw new TypeError(); return func; } // 7.4 Operations on Iterator Objects // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-operations-on-iterator-objects function GetIterator(obj) { var method = GetMethod(obj, iteratorSymbol); if (!IsCallable(method)) throw new TypeError(); // from Call var iterator = method.call(obj); if (!IsObject(iterator)) throw new TypeError(); return iterator; } // 7.4.4 IteratorValue(iterResult) // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/2016/#sec-iteratorvalue function IteratorValue(iterResult) { return iterResult.value; } // 7.4.5 IteratorStep(iterator) // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-iteratorstep function IteratorStep(iterator) { var result = iterator.next(); return result.done ? false : result; } // 7.4.6 IteratorClose(iterator, completion) // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-iteratorclose function IteratorClose(iterator) { var f = iterator["return"]; if (f) f.call(iterator); } // 9.1 Ordinary Object Internal Methods and Internal Slots // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-ordinary-object-internal-methods-and-internal-slots // OrdinaryGetPrototypeOf(O) // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-ordinarygetprototypeof function OrdinaryGetPrototypeOf(O) { var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(O); if (typeof O !== "function" || O === functionPrototype) return proto; // TypeScript doesn't set __proto__ in ES5, as it's non-standard. // Try to determine the superclass constructor. Compatible implementations // must either set __proto__ on a subclass constructor to the superclass constructor, // or ensure each class has a valid `constructor` property on its prototype that // points back to the constructor. // If this is not the same as Function.[[Prototype]], then this is definately inherited. // This is the case when in ES6 or when using __proto__ in a compatible browser. if (proto !== functionPrototype) return proto; // If the super prototype is Object.prototype, null, or undefined, then we cannot determine the heritage. var prototype = O.prototype; var prototypeProto = prototype && Object.getPrototypeOf(prototype); if (prototypeProto == null || prototypeProto === Object.prototype) return proto; // If the constructor was not a function, then we cannot determine the heritage. var constructor = prototypeProto.constructor; if (typeof constructor !== "function") return proto; // If we have some kind of self-reference, then we cannot determine the heritage. if (constructor === O) return proto; // we have a pretty good guess at the heritage. return constructor; } // naive Map shim function CreateMapPolyfill() { var cacheSentinel = {}; var arraySentinel = []; var MapIterator = /** @class */ (function () { function MapIterator(keys, values, selector) { this._index = 0; this._keys = keys; this._values = values; this._selector = selector; } MapIterator.prototype["@@iterator"] = function () { return this; }; MapIterator.prototype[iteratorSymbol] = function () { return this; }; MapIterator.prototype.next = function () { var index = this._index; if (index >= 0 && index < this._keys.length) { var result = this._selector(this._keys[index], this._values[index]); if (index + 1 >= this._keys.length) { this._index = -1; this._keys = arraySentinel; this._values = arraySentinel; } else { this._index++; } return { value: result, done: false }; } return { value: undefined, done: true }; }; MapIterator.prototype.throw = function (error) { if (this._index >= 0) { this._index = -1; this._keys = arraySentinel; this._values = arraySentinel; } throw error; }; MapIterator.prototype.return = function (value) { if (this._index >= 0) { this._index = -1; this._keys = arraySentinel; this._values = arraySentinel; } return { value: value, done: true }; }; return MapIterator; }()); return /** @class */ (function () { function Map() { this._keys = []; this._values = []; this._cacheKey = cacheSentinel; this._cacheIndex = -2; } Object.defineProperty(Map.prototype, "size", { get: function () { return this._keys.length; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Map.prototype.has = function (key) { return this._find(key, /*insert*/ false) >= 0; }; Map.prototype.get = function (key) { var index = this._find(key, /*insert*/ false); return index >= 0 ? this._values[index] : undefined; }; Map.prototype.set = function (key, value) { var index = this._find(key, /*insert*/ true); this._values[index] = value; return this; }; Map.prototype.delete = function (key) { var index = this._find(key, /*insert*/ false); if (index >= 0) { var size = this._keys.length; for (var i = index + 1; i < size; i++) { this._keys[i - 1] = this._keys[i]; this._values[i - 1] = this._values[i]; } this._keys.length--; this._values.length--; if (key === this._cacheKey) { this._cacheKey = cacheSentinel; this._cacheIndex = -2; } return true; } return false; }; Map.prototype.clear = function () { this._keys.length = 0; this._values.length = 0; this._cacheKey = cacheSentinel; this._cacheIndex = -2; }; Map.prototype.keys = function () { return new MapIterator(this._keys, this._values, getKey); }; Map.prototype.values = function () { return new MapIterator(this._keys, this._values, getValue); }; Map.prototype.entries = function () { return new MapIterator(this._keys, this._values, getEntry); }; Map.prototype["@@iterator"] = function () { return this.entries(); }; Map.prototype[iteratorSymbol] = function () { return this.entries(); }; Map.prototype._find = function (key, insert) { if (this._cacheKey !== key) { this._cacheIndex = this._keys.indexOf(this._cacheKey = key); } if (this._cacheIndex < 0 && insert) { this._cacheIndex = this._keys.length; this._keys.push(key); this._values.push(undefined); } return this._cacheIndex; }; return Map; }()); function getKey(key, _) { return key; } function getValue(_, value) { return value; } function getEntry(key, value) { return [key, value]; } } // naive Set shim function CreateSetPolyfill() { return /** @class */ (function () { function Set() { this._map = new _Map(); } Object.defineProperty(Set.prototype, "size", { get: function () { return this._map.size; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Set.prototype.has = function (value) { return this._map.has(value); }; Set.prototype.add = function (value) { return this._map.set(value, value), this; }; Set.prototype.delete = function (value) { return this._map.delete(value); }; Set.prototype.clear = function () { this._map.clear(); }; Set.prototype.keys = function () { return this._map.keys(); }; Set.prototype.values = function () { return this._map.values(); }; Set.prototype.entries = function () { return this._map.entries(); }; Set.prototype["@@iterator"] = function () { return this.keys(); }; Set.prototype[iteratorSymbol] = function () { return this.keys(); }; return Set; }()); } // naive WeakMap shim function CreateWeakMapPolyfill() { var UUID_SIZE = 16; var keys = HashMap.create(); var rootKey = CreateUniqueKey(); return /** @class */ (function () { function WeakMap() { this._key = CreateUniqueKey(); } WeakMap.prototype.has = function (target) { var table = GetOrCreateWeakMapTable(target, /*create*/ false); return table !== undefined ? HashMap.has(table, this._key) : false; }; WeakMap.prototype.get = function (target) { var table = GetOrCreateWeakMapTable(target, /*create*/ false); return table !== undefined ? HashMap.get(table, this._key) : undefined; }; WeakMap.prototype.set = function (target, value) { var table = GetOrCreateWeakMapTable(target, /*create*/ true); table[this._key] = value; return this; }; WeakMap.prototype.delete = function (target) { var table = GetOrCreateWeakMapTable(target, /*create*/ false); return table !== undefined ? delete table[this._key] : false; }; WeakMap.prototype.clear = function () { // NOTE: not a real clear, just makes the previous data unreachable this._key = CreateUniqueKey(); }; return WeakMap; }()); function CreateUniqueKey() { var key; do key = "@@WeakMap@@" + CreateUUID(); while (HashMap.has(keys, key)); keys[key] = true; return key; } function GetOrCreateWeakMapTable(target, create) { if (!hasOwn.call(target, rootKey)) { if (!create) return undefined; Object.defineProperty(target, rootKey, { value: HashMap.create() }); } return target[rootKey]; } function FillRandomBytes(buffer, size) { for (var i = 0; i < size; ++i) buffer[i] = Math.random() * 0xff | 0; return buffer; } function GenRandomBytes(size) { if (typeof Uint8Array === "function") { if (typeof crypto !== "undefined") return crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(size)); if (typeof msCrypto !== "undefined") return msCrypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(size)); return FillRandomBytes(new Uint8Array(size), size); } return FillRandomBytes(new Array(size), size); } function CreateUUID() { var data = GenRandomBytes(UUID_SIZE); // mark as random - RFC 4122 ยง 4.4 data[6] = data[6] & 0x4f | 0x40; data[8] = data[8] & 0xbf | 0x80; var result = ""; for (var offset = 0; offset < UUID_SIZE; ++offset) { var byte = data[offset]; if (offset === 4 || offset === 6 || offset === 8) result += "-"; if (byte < 16) result += "0"; result += byte.toString(16).toLowerCase(); } return result; } } // uses a heuristic used by v8 and chakra to force an object into dictionary mode. function MakeDictionary(obj) { obj.__ = undefined; delete obj.__; return obj; } }); })(Reflect$1 || (Reflect$1 = {})); /* * Copyright [2019] [Doric.Pub] * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ function hookBeforeNativeCall(context) { if (context) { Reflect.defineMetadata('__doric_context__', context, global$1); context.hookBeforeNativeCall(); } } function hookAfterNativeCall(context) { if (context) { context.hookAfterNativeCall(); } } function getContext() { return Reflect.getMetadata('__doric_context__', global$1); } function setContext(context) { Reflect.defineMetadata('__doric_context__', context, global$1); } function jsCallResolve(contextId, callbackId, args) { const context = gContexts.get(contextId); if (context === undefined) { loge(`Cannot find context for context id:${contextId}`); return; } const callback = context.callbacks.get(callbackId); if (callback === undefined) { loge(`Cannot find call for context id:${contextId},callback id:${callbackId}`); return; } const argumentsList = []; for (let i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) { argumentsList.push(arguments[i]); } hookBeforeNativeCall(context); Reflect.apply(callback.resolve, context, argumentsList); hookAfterNativeCall(context); } function jsCallReject(contextId, callbackId, args) { const context = gContexts.get(contextId); if (context === undefined) { loge(`Cannot find context for context id:${contextId}`); return; } const callback = context.callbacks.get(callbackId); if (callback === undefined) { loge(`Cannot find call for context id:${contextId},callback id:${callbackId}`); return; } const argumentsList = []; for (let i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) { argumentsList.push(arguments[i]); } hookBeforeNativeCall(context); Reflect.apply(callback.reject, context.entity, argumentsList); hookAfterNativeCall(context); } class Context { constructor(id) { this.callbacks = new Map; this.id = id; return new Proxy(this, { get: (target, p) => { if (Reflect.has(target, p)) { return Reflect.get(target, p); } else { const namespace = p; return new Proxy({}, { get: (target, p) => { if (Reflect.has(target, p)) { return Reflect.get(target, p); } else { const context = this; return function () { const args = []; args.push(namespace); args.push(p); for (let arg of arguments) { args.push(arg); } return Reflect.apply(context.callNative, context, args); }; } } }); } } }); } hookBeforeNativeCall() { if (this.entity && Reflect.has(this.entity, 'hookBeforeNativeCall')) { Reflect.apply(Reflect.get(this.entity, 'hookBeforeNativeCall'), this.entity, []); } } hookAfterNativeCall() { if (this.entity && Reflect.has(this.entity, 'hookAfterNativeCall')) { Reflect.apply(Reflect.get(this.entity, 'hookAfterNativeCall'), this.entity, []); } } callNative(namespace, method, args) { const callbackId = uniqueId('callback'); nativeBridge(this.id, namespace, method, callbackId, args); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.callbacks.set(callbackId, { resolve, reject, }); }); } register(instance) { this.entity = instance; } } const gContexts = new Map; const gModules = new Map; function jsObtainContext(id) { if (gContexts.has(id)) { const context = gContexts.get(id); setContext(context); return context; } else { const context = new Context(id); gContexts.set(id, context); setContext(context); return context; } } function jsReleaseContext(id) { const context = gContexts.get(id); const args = arguments; if (context) { timerInfos.forEach((v, k) => { if (v.context === context) { if (global$1.nativeClearTimer === undefined) { return Reflect.apply(_clearTimeout, undefined, args); } timerInfos.delete(k); nativeClearTimer(k); } }); } gContexts.delete(id); } function __require__(name) { if (gModules.has(name)) { return gModules.get(name); } else { if (nativeRequire(name)) { return gModules.get(name); } else { return undefined; } } } function jsRegisterModule(name, moduleObject) { gModules.set(name, moduleObject); } function jsCallEntityMethod(contextId, methodName, args) { const context = gContexts.get(contextId); if (context === undefined) { loge(`Cannot find context for context id:${contextId}`); return; } if (context.entity === undefined) { loge(`Cannot find holder for context id:${contextId}`); return; } if (Reflect.has(context.entity, methodName)) { const argumentsList = []; for (let i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) { argumentsList.push(arguments[i]); } hookBeforeNativeCall(context); const ret = Reflect.apply(Reflect.get(context.entity, methodName), context.entity, argumentsList); hookAfterNativeCall(context); return ret; } else { loge(`Cannot find method for context id:${contextId},method name is:${methodName}`); } } function jsObtainEntry(contextId) { const context = jsObtainContext(contextId); return (constructor) => { const ret = class extends constructor { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.context = context; } }; if (context) { context.register(new ret); } return ret; }; } const global$1 = Function('return this')(); let __timerId__ = 0; const timerInfos = new Map; const _setTimeout = global$1.setTimeout; const _setInterval = global$1.setInterval; const _clearTimeout = global$1.clearTimeout; const _clearInterval = global$1.clearInterval; const doricSetTimeout = function (handler, timeout, ...args) { if (global$1.nativeSetTimer === undefined) { return Reflect.apply(_setTimeout, undefined, arguments); } const id = __timerId__++; timerInfos.set(id, { callback: () => { Reflect.apply(handler, undefined, args); timerInfos.delete(id); }, context: getContext(), }); nativeSetTimer(id, timeout || 0, false); return id; }; const doricSetInterval = function (handler, timeout, ...args) { if (global$1.nativeSetTimer === undefined) { return Reflect.apply(_setInterval, undefined, arguments); } const id = __timerId__++; timerInfos.set(id, { callback: () => { Reflect.apply(handler, undefined, args); }, context: getContext(), }); nativeSetTimer(id, timeout || 0, true); return id; }; const doricClearTimeout = function (timerId) { if (global$1.nativeClearTimer === undefined) { return Reflect.apply(_clearTimeout, undefined, arguments); } timerInfos.delete(timerId); nativeClearTimer(timerId); }; const doricClearInterval = function (timerId) { if (global$1.nativeClearTimer === undefined) { return Reflect.apply(_clearInterval, undefined, arguments); } timerInfos.delete(timerId); nativeClearTimer(timerId); }; if (!global$1.setTimeout) { global$1.setTimeout = doricSetTimeout; } else { global$1.doricSetTimeout = doricSetTimeout; } if (!global$1.setInterval) { global$1.setInterval = doricSetInterval; } else { global$1.doricSetInterval = doricSetInterval; } if (!global$1.clearTimeout) { global$1.clearTimeout = doricClearTimeout; } else { global$1.doricClearTimeout = doricClearTimeout; } if (!global$1.clearInterval) { global$1.clearInterval = doricClearInterval; } else { global$1.doricClearInterval = doricClearInterval; } function jsCallbackTimer(timerId) { const timerInfo = timerInfos.get(timerId); if (timerInfo === undefined) { return; } if (timerInfo.callback instanceof Function) { hookBeforeNativeCall(timerInfo.context); Reflect.apply(timerInfo.callback, timerInfo.context, []); hookAfterNativeCall(timerInfo.context); } } exports.Context = Context; exports.__require__ = __require__; exports.jsCallEntityMethod = jsCallEntityMethod; exports.jsCallReject = jsCallReject; exports.jsCallResolve = jsCallResolve; exports.jsCallbackTimer = jsCallbackTimer; exports.jsObtainContext = jsObtainContext; exports.jsObtainEntry = jsObtainEntry; exports.jsRegisterModule = jsRegisterModule; exports.jsReleaseContext = jsReleaseContext; return exports; }({})); /**--------SandBox--------*/ /**++++++++Lib++++++++*/ Reflect.apply(doric.jsRegisterModule,this,["doric",Reflect.apply(function(__module){(function(module,exports,require){ 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); function obj2Model(obj) { if (obj instanceof Array) { return obj.map(e => obj2Model(e)); } else if (obj instanceof Object) { if (Reflect.has(obj, 'toModel') && Reflect.get(obj, 'toModel') instanceof Function) { obj = Reflect.apply(Reflect.get(obj, 'toModel'), obj, []); return obj; } else { for (let key in obj) { const val = Reflect.get(obj, key); Reflect.set(obj, key, obj2Model(val)); } return obj; } } else { return obj; } } class Mutable { constructor(v) { this.binders = new Set; this.get = () => { return this.val; }; this.set = (v) => { this.val = v; this.binders.forEach(e => { Reflect.apply(e, undefined, [this.val]); }); }; this.val = v; } bind(binder) { this.binders.add(binder); Reflect.apply(binder, undefined, [this.val]); } static of(v) { return new Mutable(v); } } /* * Copyright [2019] [Doric.Pub] * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ let __uniqueId__ = 0; function uniqueId(prefix) { return `__${prefix}_${__uniqueId__++}__`; } function toString(message) { if (message instanceof Function) { return message.toString(); } else if (message instanceof Object) { try { return JSON.stringify(message); } catch (e) { return message.toString(); } } else if (message === undefined) { return "undefined"; } else { return message.toString(); } } function log(...args) { let out = ""; for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { out += ','; } out += toString(arguments[i]); } nativeLog('d', out); } function loge(...message) { let out = ""; for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { out += ','; } out += toString(arguments[i]); } nativeLog('e', out); } function logw(...message) { let out = ""; for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { out += ','; } out += toString(arguments[i]); } nativeLog('w', out); } var __decorate = (undefined && undefined.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; }; var __metadata = (undefined && undefined.__metadata) || function (k, v) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v); }; function Property(target, propKey) { Reflect.defineMetadata(propKey, true, target); } class View { constructor() { this.width = 0; this.height = 0; this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.viewId = uniqueId('ViewId'); this.callbacks = new Map; /** Anchor end*/ this.__dirty_props__ = {}; this.nativeViewModel = { id: this.viewId, type: this.constructor.name, props: this.__dirty_props__, }; return new Proxy(this, { get: (target, p, receiver) => { return Reflect.get(target, p, receiver); }, set: (target, p, v, receiver) => { const oldV = Reflect.get(target, p, receiver); const ret = Reflect.set(target, p, v, receiver); if (Reflect.getMetadata(p, target) && oldV !== v) { receiver.onPropertyChanged(p.toString(), oldV, v); } return ret; } }); } callback2Id(f) { const id = uniqueId('Function'); this.callbacks.set(id, f); return id; } id2Callback(id) { let f = this.callbacks.get(id); if (f === undefined) { f = Reflect.get(this, id); } return f; } /** Anchor start*/ get left() { return this.x; } set left(v) { this.x = v; } get right() { return this.x + this.width; } set right(v) { this.x = v - this.width; } get top() { return this.y; } set top(v) { this.y = v; } get bottom() { return this.y + this.height; } set bottom(v) { this.y = v - this.height; } get centerX() { return this.x + this.width / 2; } get centerY() { return this.y + this.height / 2; } set centerX(v) { this.x = v - this.width / 2; } set centerY(v) { this.y = v - this.height / 2; } get dirtyProps() { return this.__dirty_props__; } onPropertyChanged(propKey, oldV, newV) { if (newV instanceof Function) { newV = this.callback2Id(newV); } else { newV = obj2Model(newV); } this.__dirty_props__[propKey] = newV; } clean() { for (const key in this.__dirty_props__) { if (Reflect.has(this.__dirty_props__, key)) { Reflect.deleteProperty(this.__dirty_props__, key); } } } isDirty() { return Reflect.ownKeys(this.__dirty_props__).length !== 0; } responseCallback(id, ...args) { const f = this.id2Callback(id); if (f instanceof Function) { const argumentsList = []; for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { argumentsList.push(arguments[i]); } return Reflect.apply(f, this, argumentsList); } else { loge(`Cannot find callback:${id} for ${JSON.stringify(this.toModel())}`); } } toModel() { return this.nativeViewModel; } let(block) { block(this); } also(block) { block(this); return this; } apply(config) { for (let key in config) { Reflect.set(this, key, Reflect.get(config, key, config), this); } return this; } in(group) { group.addChild(this); return this; } nativeChannel(context, name) { let thisView = this; return function (args = undefined) { const func = context.shader.command; const viewIds = []; while (thisView != undefined) { viewIds.push(thisView.viewId); thisView = thisView.superview; } const params = { viewIds: viewIds.reverse(), name, args, }; return Reflect.apply(func, undefined, [params]); }; } getWidth(context) { return this.nativeChannel(context, 'getWidth')(); } getHeight(context) { return this.nativeChannel(context, 'getHeight')(); } getLocationOnScreen(context) { return this.nativeChannel(context, "getLocationOnScreen")(); } /**----------transform----------*/ doAnimation(context, animation) { return this.nativeChannel(context, "doAnimation")(animation.toModel()).then((args) => { for (let key in args) { Reflect.set(this, key, Reflect.get(args, key, args), this); Reflect.deleteProperty(this.__dirty_props__, key); } }); } } __decorate([ Property, __metadata("design:type", Number) ], View.prototype, "width", void 0); __decorate([ Property, __metadata("design:type", Number) ], View.prototype, "height", void 0); __decorate([ Property, __metadata("design:type", Number) ], View.prototype, "x", void 0); __decorate([ Property, __metadata("design:type", Number) ], View.prototype, "y", void 0); __decorate([ Property, __metadata("design:type", Object) ], View.prototype, "backgroundColor", void 0); __decorate([ Property, __metadata("design:type", Object) ], View.prototype, "corners", void 0); __decorate([ Property, __metadata("design:type", Object) ], View.prototype, "border", void 0); __decorate([ Property, __metadata("design:type", Object) ], View.prototype, "shadow", void 0); __decorate([ Property, __metadata("design:type", Number) ], View.prototype, "alpha", void 0); __decorate([ Property, __metadata("design:type", Boolean) ], View.prototype, "hidden", void 0); __decorate([ Property, __metadata("design:type", Object) ], View.prototype, "viewId", void 0); __decorate([ Property, __metadata("design:type", Object) ], View.prototype, "padding", void 0); __decorate([ Property, __metadata("design:type", Object) ], View.prototype, "layoutConfig", void 0); __decorate([ Property, __metadata("design:type", Function) ], View.prototype, "onClick", void 0); __decorate([ Property, __metadata("design:type", Number) ], View.prototype, "translationX", void 0); __decorate([ Property, __metadata("design:type", Number) ], View.prototype, "translationY", void 0); __decorate([ Property, __metadata("design:type", Number) ], View.prototype, "scaleX", void 0); __decorate([ Property, __metadata("design:type", Number) ], View.prototype, "scaleY", void 0); __decorate([ Property, __metadata("design:type", Number) ], View.prototype, "pivotX", void 0); __decorate([ Property, __metadata("design:type", Number) ], View.prototype, "pivotY", void 0); __decorate([ Property, __metadata("design:type", Number) ], View.prototype, "rotation", void 0); class Superview extends View { subviewById(id) { for (let v of this.allSubviews()) { if (v.viewId === id) { return v; } } } isDirty() { if (super.isDirty()) { return true; } else { for (const v of this.allSubviews()) { if (v.isDirty()) { return true; } } } return false; } clean() { for (let v of this.allSubviews()) { v.clean(); } super.clean(); } toModel() { const subviews = []; for (let v of this.allSubviews()) { if (v != undefined) { v.superview = this; if (v.isDirty()) { subviews.push(v.toModel()); } } } this.dirtyProps.subviews = subviews; return super.toModel(); } } class Group extends Superview { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.children = new Proxy([], { set: (target, index, value) => { const ret = Reflect.set(target, index, value); // Let getDirty return true this.dirtyProps.children = this.children.map(e => e.viewId); return ret; } }); } allSubviews() { return this.children; } addChild(view) { this.children.push(view); } } const SPECIFIED = 1; const START = 1 << 1; const END = 1 << 2; const SHIFT_X = 0; const SHIFT_Y = 4; const LEFT = (START | SPECIFIED) << SHIFT_X; const RIGHT = (END | SPECIFIED) << SHIFT_X; const TOP = (START | SPECIFIED) << SHIFT_Y; const BOTTOM = (END | SPECIFIED) << SHIFT_Y; const CENTER_X = SPECIFIED << SHIFT_X; const CENTER_Y = SPECIFIED << SHIFT_Y; const CENTER = CENTER_X | CENTER_Y; class Gravity { constructor() { this.val = 0; } left() { const val = this.val | LEFT; const ret = new Gravity; ret.val = val; return ret; } right() { const val = this.val | RIGHT; const ret = new Gravity; ret.val = val; return ret; } top() { const val = this.val | TOP; const ret = new Gravity; ret.val = val; return ret; } bottom() { const val = this.val | BOTTOM; const ret = new Gravity; ret.val = val; return ret; } center() { const val = this.val | CENTER; const ret = new Gravity; ret.val = val; return ret; } centerX() { const val = this.val | CENTER_X; const ret = new Gravity; ret.val = val; return ret; } centerY() { const val = this.val | CENTER_Y; const ret = new Gravity; ret.val = val; return ret; } toModel() { return this.val; } } Gravity.origin = new Gravity; Gravity.Center = Gravity.origin.center(); Gravity.Left = Gravity.origin.left(); Gravity.Right = Gravity.origin.right(); Gravity.Top = Gravity.origin.top(); Gravity.Bottom = Gravity.origin.bottom(); function gravity() { return new Gravity; } (function (LayoutSpec) { /** * Depends on what's been set on width or height. */ LayoutSpec[LayoutSpec["JUST"] = 0] = "JUST"; /** * Depends on it's content. */ LayoutSpec[LayoutSpec["FIT"] = 1] = "FIT"; /** * Extend as much as parent let it take. */ LayoutSpec[LayoutSpec["MOST"] = 2] = "MOST"; })(exports.LayoutSpec || (exports.LayoutSpec = {})); class LayoutConfigImpl { fit() { this.widthSpec = exports.LayoutSpec.FIT; this.heightSpec = exports.LayoutSpec.FIT; return this; } most() { this.widthSpec = exports.LayoutSpec.MOST; this.heightSpec = exports.LayoutSpec.MOST; return this; } just() { this.widthSpec = exports.LayoutSpec.JUST; this.heightSpec = exports.LayoutSpec.JUST; return this; } configWidth(w) { this.widthSpec = w; return this; } configHeight(h) { this.heightSpec = h; return this; } configMargin(m) { this.margin = m; return this; } configAlignmnet(a) { this.alignment = a; return this; } configWeight(w) { this.weight = w; return this; } toModel() { return { widthSpec: this.widthSpec, heightSpec: this.heightSpec, margin: this.margin, alignment: this.alignment ? this.alignment.toModel() : undefined, weight: this.weight, }; } } function layoutConfig() { return new LayoutConfigImpl; } var __decorate$1 = (undefined && undefined.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; }; var __metadata$1 = (undefined && undefined.__metadata) || function (k, v) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v); }; class Stack extends Group { } class Root extends Stack { } class LinearLayout extends Group { } __decorate$1([ Property, __metadata$1("design:type", Number) ], LinearLayout.prototype, "space", void 0); __decorate$1([ Property, __metadata$1("design:type", Gravity) ], LinearLayout.prototype, "gravity", void 0); class VLayout extends LinearLayout { } class HLayout extends LinearLayout { } function stack(views) { const ret = new Stack; ret.layoutConfig = layoutConfig().fit(); for (let v of views) { ret.addChild(v); } return ret; } function hlayout(views) { const ret = new HLayout; ret.layoutConfig = layoutConfig().fit(); for (let v of views) { ret.addChild(v); } return ret; } function vlayout(views) { const ret = new VLayout; ret.layoutConfig = layoutConfig().fit(); for (let v of views) { ret.addChild(v); } return ret; } var __decorate$2 = (undefined && undefined.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; }; var __metadata$2 = (undefined && undefined.__metadata) || function (k, v) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v); }; function NativeCall(target, propertyKey, descriptor) { const originVal = descriptor.value; descriptor.value = function () { const ret = Reflect.apply(originVal, this, arguments); return ret; }; return descriptor; } class Panel { constructor() { this.__root__ = new Root; this.headviews = new Map; } onCreate() { } onDestroy() { } onShow() { } onHidden() { } addHeadView(v) { this.headviews.set(v.viewId, v); } allHeadViews() { return this.headviews.values(); } removeHeadView(v) { if (v instanceof View) { this.headviews.delete(v.viewId); } else { this.headviews.delete(v); } } clearHeadViews() { this.headviews.clear(); } getRootView() { return this.__root__; } getInitData() { return this.__data__; } __init__(frame, data) { if (data) { this.__data__ = JSON.parse(data); } this.__root__.width = frame.width; this.__root__.height = frame.height; this.__root__.children.length = 0; this.build(this.__root__); } __onCreate__() { this.onCreate(); } __onDestroy__() { this.onDestroy(); } __onShow__() { this.onShow(); } __onHidden__() { this.onHidden(); } __build__() { this.build(this.__root__); } __response__(viewIds, callbackId) { const v = this.retrospectView(viewIds); if (v === undefined) { loge(`Cannot find view for ${viewIds}`); } else { const argumentsList = [callbackId]; for (let i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) { argumentsList.push(arguments[i]); } return Reflect.apply(v.responseCallback, v, argumentsList); } } retrospectView(ids) { return ids.reduce((acc, cur) => { if (acc === undefined) { if (cur === this.__root__.viewId) { return this.__root__; } return this.headviews.get(cur); } else { if (Reflect.has(acc, "subviewById")) { return Reflect.apply(Reflect.get(acc, "subviewById"), acc, [cur]); } return acc; } }, undefined); } nativeRender(model) { this.context.shader.render(model); } hookBeforeNativeCall() { if (Environment.platform !== 'h5') { this.__root__.clean(); for (let v of this.headviews.values()) { v.clean(); } } } hookAfterNativeCall() { if (Environment.platform !== 'h5') { //Here insert a native call to ensure the promise is resolved done. nativeEmpty(); if (this.__root__.isDirty()) { const model = this.__root__.toModel(); this.nativeRender(model); } for (let v of this.headviews.values()) { if (v.isDirty()) { const model = v.toModel(); this.nativeRender(model); } } } else { Promise.resolve().then(() => { if (this.__root__.isDirty()) { const model = this.__root__.toModel(); this.nativeRender(model); this.__root__.clean(); } for (let v of this.headviews.values()) { if (v.isDirty()) { const model = v.toModel(); this.nativeRender(model); v.clean(); } } }); } } } __decorate$2([ NativeCall, __metadata$2("design:type", Function), __metadata$2("design:paramtypes", [Object, String]), __metadata$2("design:returntype", void 0) ], Panel.prototype, "__init__", null); __decorate$2([ NativeCall, __metadata$2("design:type", Function), __metadata$2("design:paramtypes", []), __metadata$2("design:returntype", void 0) ], Panel.prototype, "__onCreate__", null); __decorate$2([ NativeCall, __metadata$2("design:type", Function), __metadata$2("design:paramtypes", []), __metadata$2("design:returntype", void 0) ], Panel.prototype, "__onDestroy__", null); __decorate$2([ NativeCall, __metadata$2("design:type", Function), __metadata$2("design:paramtypes", []), __metadata$2("design:returntype", void 0) ], Panel.prototype, "__onShow__", null); __decorate$2([ NativeCall, __metadata$2("design:type", Function), __metadata$2("design:paramtypes", []), __metadata$2("design:returntype", void 0) ], Panel.prototype, "__onHidden__", null); __decorate$2([ NativeCall, __metadata$2("design:type", Function), __metadata$2("design:paramtypes", []), __metadata$2("design:returntype", void 0) ], Panel.prototype, "__build__", null); __decorate$2([ NativeCall, __metadata$2("design:type", Function), __metadata$2("design:paramtypes", [Array, String]), __metadata$2("design:returntype", void 0) ], Panel.prototype, "__response__", null); /* * Copyright [2019] [Doric.Pub] * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ (function (RepeatMode) { RepeatMode[RepeatMode["RESTART"] = 1] = "RESTART"; RepeatMode[RepeatMode["REVERSE"] = 2] = "REVERSE"; })(exports.RepeatMode || (exports.RepeatMode = {})); (function (FillMode) { /** * The receiver is removed from the presentation when the animation is completed. */ FillMode[FillMode["Removed"] = 0] = "Removed"; /** * The receiver remains visible in its final state when the animation is completed. */ FillMode[FillMode["Forward"] = 1] = "Forward"; /** * The receiver clamps values before zero to zero when the animation is completed. */ FillMode[FillMode["Backward"] = 2] = "Backward"; /** * The receiver clamps values at both ends of the objectโ€™s time space */ FillMode[FillMode["Both"] = 3] = "Both"; })(exports.FillMode || (exports.FillMode = {})); (function (TimingFunction) { /** * The system default timing function. Use this function to ensure that the timing of your animations matches that of most system animations. */ TimingFunction[TimingFunction["Default"] = 0] = "Default"; /** * Linear pacing, which causes an animation to occur evenly over its duration. */ TimingFunction[TimingFunction["Linear"] = 1] = "Linear"; /** * Ease-in pacing, which causes an animation to begin slowly and then speed up as it progresses. */ TimingFunction[TimingFunction["EaseIn"] = 2] = "EaseIn"; /** * Ease-out pacing, which causes an animation to begin quickly and then slow as it progresses. */ TimingFunction[TimingFunction["EaseOut"] = 3] = "EaseOut"; /** * Ease-in-ease-out pacing, which causes an animation to begin slowly, accelerate through the middle of its duration, and then slow again before completing. */ TimingFunction[TimingFunction["EaseInEaseOut"] = 4] = "EaseInEaseOut"; })(exports.TimingFunction || (exports.TimingFunction = {})); class Animation { constructor() { this.changeables = new Map; this.duration = 0; this.fillMode = exports.FillMode.Forward; } toModel() { const changeables = []; for (let e of this.changeables.values()) { changeables.push({ key: e.key, fromValue: e.fromValue, toValue: e.toValue, }); } return { type: this.constructor.name, delay: this.delay, duration: this.duration, changeables, repeatCount: this.repeatCount, repeatMode: this.repeatMode, fillMode: this.fillMode, timingFunction: this.timingFunction }; } } class ScaleAnimation extends Animation { constructor() { super(); this.scaleXChangeable = { key: "scaleX", fromValue: 1, toValue: 1, }; this.scaleYChangeable = { key: "scaleY", fromValue: 1, toValue: 1, }; this.changeables.set("scaleX", this.scaleXChangeable); this.changeables.set("scaleY", this.scaleYChangeable); } set fromScaleX(v) { this.scaleXChangeable.fromValue = v; } get fromScaleX() { return this.scaleXChangeable.fromValue; } set toScaleX(v) { this.scaleXChangeable.toValue = v; } get toScaleX() { return this.scaleXChangeable.toValue; } set fromScaleY(v) { this.scaleYChangeable.fromValue = v; } get fromScaleY() { return this.scaleYChangeable.fromValue; } set toScaleY(v) { this.scaleYChangeable.toValue = v; } get toScaleY() { return this.scaleYChangeable.toValue; } } class TranslationAnimation extends Animation { constructor() { super(); this.translationXChangeable = { key: "translationX", fromValue: 1, toValue: 1, }; this.translationYChangeable = { key: "translationY", fromValue: 1, toValue: 1, }; this.changeables.set("translationX", this.translationXChangeable); this.changeables.set("translationY", this.translationYChangeable); } set fromTranslationX(v) { this.translationXChangeable.fromValue = v; } get fromTranslationX() { return this.translationXChangeable.fromValue; } set toTranslationX(v) { this.translationXChangeable.toValue = v; } get toTranslationX() { return this.translationXChangeable.toValue; } set fromTranslationY(v) { this.translationYChangeable.fromValue = v; } get fromTranslationY() { return this.translationYChangeable.fromValue; } set toTranslationY(v) { this.translationYChangeable.toValue = v; } get toTranslationY() { return this.translationYChangeable.toValue; } } class RotationAnimation extends Animation { constructor() { super(); this.rotationChaneable = { key: "rotation", fromValue: 1, toValue: 1, }; this.changeables.set("rotation", this.rotationChaneable); } set fromRotation(v) { this.rotationChaneable.fromValue = v; } get fromRotation() { return this.rotationChaneable.fromValue; } set toRotation(v) { this.rotationChaneable.toValue = v; } get toRotation() { return this.rotationChaneable.toValue; } } class AnimationSet { constructor() { this.animations = []; this._duration = 0; } addAnimation(anim) { this.animations.push(anim); } get duration() { return this._duration; } set duration(v) { this._duration = v; this.animations.forEach(e => e.duration = v); } toModel() { return { animations: this.animations.map(e => { return e.toModel(); }), delay: this.delay, }; } } /** * Store color as format AARRGGBB or RRGGBB */ class Color { constructor(v) { this._value = 0; this._value = v | 0x0; } static parse(str) { if (!str.startsWith("#")) { throw new Error(`Parse color error with ${str}`); } const val = parseInt(str.substr(1), 16); if (str.length === 7) { return new Color(val | 0xff000000); } else if (str.length === 9) { return new Color(val); } else { throw new Error(`Parse color error with ${str}`); } } static safeParse(str, defVal = Color.TRANSPARENT) { let color = defVal; try { color = Color.parse(str); } catch (e) { } finally { return color; } } alpha(v) { v = v * 255; return new Color((this._value & 0xffffff) | ((v & 0xff) << 24)); } toModel() { return this._value; } } Color.BLACK = new Color(0xFF000000); Color.DKGRAY = new Color(0xFF444444); Color.GRAY = new Color(0xFF888888); Color.LTGRAY = new Color(0xFFCCCCCC); Color.WHITE = new Color(0xFFFFFFFF); Color.RED = new Color(0xFFFF0000); Color.GREEN = new Color(0xFF00FF00); Color.BLUE = new Color(0xFF0000FF); Color.YELLOW = new Color(0xFFFFFF00); Color.CYAN = new Color(0xFF00FFFF); Color.MAGENTA = new Color(0xFFFF00FF); Color.TRANSPARENT = new Color(0); (function (GradientOrientation) { /** draw the gradient from the top to the bottom */ GradientOrientation[GradientOrientation["TOP_BOTTOM"] = 0] = "TOP_BOTTOM"; /** draw the gradient from the top-right to the bottom-left */ GradientOrientation[GradientOrientation["TR_BL"] = 1] = "TR_BL"; /** draw the gradient from the right to the left */ GradientOrientation[GradientOrientation["RIGHT_LEFT"] = 2] = "RIGHT_LEFT"; /** draw the gradient from the bottom-right to the top-left */ GradientOrientation[GradientOrientation["BR_TL"] = 3] = "BR_TL"; /** draw the gradient from the bottom to the top */ GradientOrientation[GradientOrientation["BOTTOM_TOP"] = 4] = "BOTTOM_TOP"; /** draw the gradient from the bottom-left to the top-right */ GradientOrientation[GradientOrientation["BL_TR"] = 5] = "BL_TR"; /** draw the gradient from the left to the right */ GradientOrientation[GradientOrientation["LEFT_RIGHT"] = 6] = "LEFT_RIGHT"; /** draw the gradient from the top-left to the bottom-right */ GradientOrientation[GradientOrientation["TL_BR"] = 7] = "TL_BR"; })(exports.GradientOrientation || (exports.GradientOrientation = {})); var __decorate$3 = (undefined && undefined.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; }; var __metadata$3 = (undefined && undefined.__metadata) || function (k, v) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v); }; class Text extends View { } __decorate$3([ Property, __metadata$3("design:type", String) ], Text.prototype, "text", void 0); __decorate$3([ Property, __metadata$3("design:type", Color) ], Text.prototype, "textColor", void 0); __decorate$3([ Property, __metadata$3("design:type", Number) ], Text.prototype, "textSize", void 0); __decorate$3([ Property, __metadata$3("design:type", Number) ], Text.prototype, "maxLines", void 0); __decorate$3([ Property, __metadata$3("design:type", Gravity) ], Text.prototype, "textAlignment", void 0); function text(config) { const ret = new Text; ret.layoutConfig = layoutConfig().fit(); for (let key in config) { Reflect.set(ret, key, Reflect.get(config, key, config), ret); } return ret; } var __decorate$4 = (undefined && undefined.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; }; var __metadata$4 = (undefined && undefined.__metadata) || function (k, v) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v); }; (function (ScaleType) { ScaleType[ScaleType["ScaleToFill"] = 0] = "ScaleToFill"; ScaleType[ScaleType["ScaleAspectFit"] = 1] = "ScaleAspectFit"; ScaleType[ScaleType["ScaleAspectFill"] = 2] = "ScaleAspectFill"; })(exports.ScaleType || (exports.ScaleType = {})); class Image extends View { } __decorate$4([ Property, __metadata$4("design:type", String) ], Image.prototype, "imageUrl", void 0); __decorate$4([ Property, __metadata$4("design:type", String) ], Image.prototype, "imageBase64", void 0); __decorate$4([ Property, __metadata$4("design:type", Number) ], Image.prototype, "scaleType", void 0); __decorate$4([ Property, __metadata$4("design:type", Boolean) ], Image.prototype, "isBlur", void 0); __decorate$4([ Property, __metadata$4("design:type", Function) ], Image.prototype, "loadCallback", void 0); function image(config) { const ret = new Image; ret.layoutConfig = layoutConfig().fit(); for (let key in config) { Reflect.set(ret, key, Reflect.get(config, key, config), ret); } return ret; } /* * Copyright [2019] [Doric.Pub] * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ var __decorate$5 = (undefined && undefined.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; }; var __metadata$5 = (undefined && undefined.__metadata) || function (k, v) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v); }; class ListItem extends Stack { } __decorate$5([ Property, __metadata$5("design:type", String) ], ListItem.prototype, "identifier", void 0); class List extends Superview { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.cachedViews = new Map; this.ignoreDirtyCallOnce = false; this.itemCount = 0; this.batchCount = 15; } allSubviews() { if (this.loadMoreView) { return [...this.cachedViews.values(), this.loadMoreView]; } else { return this.cachedViews.values(); } } reset() { this.cachedViews.clear(); this.itemCount = 0; } getItem(itemIdx) { let view = this.cachedViews.get(`${itemIdx}`); if (view === undefined) { view = this.renderItem(itemIdx); view.superview = this; this.cachedViews.set(`${itemIdx}`, view); } return view; } isDirty() { if (this.ignoreDirtyCallOnce) { this.ignoreDirtyCallOnce = false; //Ignore the dirty call once. return false; } return super.isDirty(); } renderBunchedItems(start, length) { this.ignoreDirtyCallOnce = true; return new Array(Math.min(length, this.itemCount - start)).fill(0).map((_, idx) => { const listItem = this.getItem(start + idx); return listItem.toModel(); }); } toModel() { if (this.loadMoreView) { this.dirtyProps['loadMoreView'] = this.loadMoreView.viewId; } return super.toModel(); } } __decorate$5([ Property, __metadata$5("design:type", Object) ], List.prototype, "itemCount", void 0); __decorate$5([ Property, __metadata$5("design:type", Function) ], List.prototype, "renderItem", void 0); __decorate$5([ Property, __metadata$5("design:type", Object) ], List.prototype, "batchCount", void 0); __decorate$5([ Property, __metadata$5("design:type", Function) ], List.prototype, "onLoadMore", void 0); __decorate$5([ Property, __metadata$5("design:type", Boolean) ], List.prototype, "loadMore", void 0); __decorate$5([ Property, __metadata$5("design:type", ListItem) ], List.prototype, "loadMoreView", void 0); function list(config) { const ret = new List; for (let key in config) { Reflect.set(ret, key, Reflect.get(config, key, config), ret); } return ret; } function listItem(item) { return (new ListItem).also((it) => { it.layoutConfig = layoutConfig().most().configHeight(exports.LayoutSpec.FIT); it.addChild(item); }); } var __decorate$6 = (undefined && undefined.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; }; var __metadata$6 = (undefined && undefined.__metadata) || function (k, v) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v); }; class SlideItem extends Stack { } __decorate$6([ Property, __metadata$6("design:type", String) ], SlideItem.prototype, "identifier", void 0); class Slider extends Superview { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.cachedViews = new Map; this.ignoreDirtyCallOnce = false; this.itemCount = 0; this.batchCount = 3; } allSubviews() { return this.cachedViews.values(); } getItem(itemIdx) { let view = this.cachedViews.get(`${itemIdx}`); if (view === undefined) { view = this.renderPage(itemIdx); view.superview = this; this.cachedViews.set(`${itemIdx}`, view); } return view; } isDirty() { if (this.ignoreDirtyCallOnce) { this.ignoreDirtyCallOnce = false; //Ignore the dirty call once. return false; } return super.isDirty(); } renderBunchedItems(start, length) { this.ignoreDirtyCallOnce = true; return new Array(Math.min(length, this.itemCount - start)).fill(0).map((_, idx) => { const slideItem = this.getItem(start + idx); return slideItem.toModel(); }); } slidePage(context, page, smooth = false) { return this.nativeChannel(context, "slidePage")({ page, smooth }); } getSlidedPage(context) { return this.nativeChannel(context, "getSlidedPage")(); } } __decorate$6([ Property, __metadata$6("design:type", Object) ], Slider.prototype, "itemCount", void 0); __decorate$6([ Property, __metadata$6("design:type", Function) ], Slider.prototype, "renderPage", void 0); __decorate$6([ Property, __metadata$6("design:type", Object) ], Slider.prototype, "batchCount", void 0); __decorate$6([ Property, __metadata$6("design:type", Function) ], Slider.prototype, "onPageSlided", void 0); function slideItem(item) { return (new SlideItem).also((it) => { it.layoutConfig = layoutConfig().fit(); it.addChild(item); }); } function slider(config) { const ret = new Slider; for (let key in config) { Reflect.set(ret, key, Reflect.get(config, key, config), ret); } return ret; } /* * Copyright [2019] [Doric.Pub] * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ function scroller(content) { return (new Scroller).also(v => { v.layoutConfig = layoutConfig().fit(); v.content = content; }); } class Scroller extends Superview { allSubviews() { return [this.content]; } toModel() { this.dirtyProps.content = this.content.viewId; return super.toModel(); } } var __decorate$7 = (undefined && undefined.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; }; var __metadata$7 = (undefined && undefined.__metadata) || function (k, v) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v); }; class Refreshable extends Superview { allSubviews() { const ret = [this.content]; if (this.header) { ret.push(this.header); } return ret; } setRefreshable(context, refreshable) { return this.nativeChannel(context, 'setRefreshable')(refreshable); } setRefreshing(context, refreshing) { return this.nativeChannel(context, 'setRefreshing')(refreshing); } isRefreshable(context) { return this.nativeChannel(context, 'isRefreshable')(); } isRefreshing(context) { return this.nativeChannel(context, 'isRefreshing')(); } toModel() { this.dirtyProps.content = this.content.viewId; this.dirtyProps.header = (this.header || {}).viewId; return super.toModel(); } } __decorate$7([ Property, __metadata$7("design:type", Function) ], Refreshable.prototype, "onRefresh", void 0); function refreshable(config) { const ret = new Refreshable; ret.layoutConfig = layoutConfig().fit(); for (let key in config) { Reflect.set(ret, key, Reflect.get(config, key, config), ret); } return ret; } function pullable(v, config) { Reflect.set(v, 'startAnimation', config.startAnimation); Reflect.set(v, 'stopAnimation', config.stopAnimation); Reflect.set(v, 'setPullingDistance', config.setPullingDistance); return v; } var __decorate$8 = (undefined && undefined.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; }; var __metadata$8 = (undefined && undefined.__metadata) || function (k, v) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v); }; class FlowLayoutItem extends Stack { } __decorate$8([ Property, __metadata$8("design:type", String) ], FlowLayoutItem.prototype, "identifier", void 0); class FlowLayout extends Superview { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.cachedViews = new Map; this.ignoreDirtyCallOnce = false; this.columnCount = 2; this.itemCount = 0; this.batchCount = 15; } allSubviews() { if (this.loadMoreView) { return [...this.cachedViews.values(), this.loadMoreView]; } else { return this.cachedViews.values(); } } reset() { this.cachedViews.clear(); this.itemCount = 0; } getItem(itemIdx) { let view = this.renderItem(itemIdx); view.superview = this; this.cachedViews.set(`${itemIdx}`, view); return view; } isDirty() { if (this.ignoreDirtyCallOnce) { this.ignoreDirtyCallOnce = false; //Ignore the dirty call once. return false; } return super.isDirty(); } renderBunchedItems(start, length) { this.ignoreDirtyCallOnce = true; return new Array(Math.min(length, this.itemCount - start)).fill(0).map((_, idx) => { const listItem = this.getItem(start + idx); return listItem.toModel(); }); } toModel() { if (this.loadMoreView) { this.dirtyProps['loadMoreView'] = this.loadMoreView.viewId; } return super.toModel(); } } __decorate$8([ Property, __metadata$8("design:type", Object) ], FlowLayout.prototype, "columnCount", void 0); __decorate$8([ Property, __metadata$8("design:type", Number) ], FlowLayout.prototype, "columnSpace", void 0); __decorate$8([ Property, __metadata$8("design:type", Number) ], FlowLayout.prototype, "rowSpace", void 0); __decorate$8([ Property, __metadata$8("design:type", Object) ], FlowLayout.prototype, "itemCount", void 0); __decorate$8([ Property, __metadata$8("design:type", Function) ], FlowLayout.prototype, "renderItem", void 0); __decorate$8([ Property, __metadata$8("design:type", Object) ], FlowLayout.prototype, "batchCount", void 0); __decorate$8([ Property, __metadata$8("design:type", Function) ], FlowLayout.prototype, "onLoadMore", void 0); __decorate$8([ Property, __metadata$8("design:type", Boolean) ], FlowLayout.prototype, "loadMore", void 0); __decorate$8([ Property, __metadata$8("design:type", FlowLayoutItem) ], FlowLayout.prototype, "loadMoreView", void 0); function flowlayout(config) { const ret = new FlowLayout; for (let key in config) { Reflect.set(ret, key, Reflect.get(config, key, config), ret); } return ret; } function flowItem(item) { return (new FlowLayoutItem).also((it) => { it.layoutConfig = layoutConfig().fit(); it.addChild(item); }); } var __decorate$9 = (undefined && undefined.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; }; var __metadata$9 = (undefined && undefined.__metadata) || function (k, v) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v); }; class Input extends View { getText(context) { return this.nativeChannel(context, 'getText')(); } setSelection(context, start, end = start) { return this.nativeChannel(context, 'setSelection')({ start, end, }); } requestFocus(context) { return this.nativeChannel(context, 'requestFocus')(); } releaseFocus(context) { return this.nativeChannel(context, 'releaseFocus')(); } } __decorate$9([ Property, __metadata$9("design:type", String) ], Input.prototype, "text", void 0); __decorate$9([ Property, __metadata$9("design:type", Color) ], Input.prototype, "textColor", void 0); __decorate$9([ Property, __metadata$9("design:type", Number) ], Input.prototype, "textSize", void 0); __decorate$9([ Property, __metadata$9("design:type", String) ], Input.prototype, "hintText", void 0); __decorate$9([ Property, __metadata$9("design:type", Color) ], Input.prototype, "hintTextColor", void 0); __decorate$9([ Property, __metadata$9("design:type", Boolean) ], Input.prototype, "multiline", void 0); __decorate$9([ Property, __metadata$9("design:type", Gravity) ], Input.prototype, "textAlignment", void 0); __decorate$9([ Property, __metadata$9("design:type", Function) ], Input.prototype, "onTextChange", void 0); __decorate$9([ Property, __metadata$9("design:type", Function) ], Input.prototype, "onFocusChange", void 0); var __decorate$a = (undefined && undefined.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) { var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d; if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r; return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; }; var __metadata$a = (undefined && undefined.__metadata) || function (k, v) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v); }; class NestedSlider extends Group { addSlideItem(view) { this.addChild(view); } slidePage(context, page, smooth = false) { return this.nativeChannel(context, "slidePage")({ page, smooth }); } getSlidedPage(context) { return this.nativeChannel(context, "getSlidedPage")(); } } __decorate$a([ Property, __metadata$a("design:type", Function) ], NestedSlider.prototype, "onPageSlided", void 0); function modal(context) { return { toast: (msg, gravity = Gravity.Bottom) => { context.modal.toast({ msg, gravity: gravity.toModel(), }); }, alert: (arg) => { if (typeof arg === 'string') { return context.modal.alert({ msg: arg }); } else { return context.modal.alert(arg); } }, confirm: (arg) => { if (typeof arg === 'string') { return context.modal.confirm({ msg: arg }); } else { return context.modal.confirm(arg); } }, prompt: (arg) => { return context.modal.prompt(arg); }, }; } function navbar(context) { const entity = context.entity; return { isHidden: () => { return context.navbar.isHidden(); }, setHidden: (hidden) => { return context.navbar.setHidden({ hidden, }); }, setTitle: (title) => { return context.navbar.setTitle({ title, }); }, setBgColor: (color) => { return context.navbar.setBgColor({ color: color.toModel(), }); }, }; } function navigator(context) { return { push: (scheme, config) => { if (config && config.extra) { config.extra = JSON.stringify(config.extra); } return context.navigator.push({ scheme, config }); }, pop: (animated = true) => { return context.navigator.pop({ animated }); }, }; } function transformRequest(request) { let url = request.url || ""; if (request.params !== undefined) { const queryStrings = []; for (let key in request.params) { queryStrings.push(`${key}=${encodeURIComponent(request.params[key])}`); } request.url = `${request.url}${url.indexOf('?') >= 0 ? '&' : '?'}${queryStrings.join('&')}`; } if (typeof request.data === 'object') { request.data = JSON.stringify(request.data); } return request; } function network(context) { return { request: (config) => { return context.network.request(transformRequest(config)); }, get: (url, config) => { let finalConfig = config; if (finalConfig === undefined) { finalConfig = {}; } finalConfig.url = url; finalConfig.method = "get"; return context.network.request(transformRequest(finalConfig)); }, post: (url, data, config) => { let finalConfig = config; if (finalConfig === undefined) { finalConfig = {}; } finalConfig.url = url; finalConfig.method = "post"; if (data !== undefined) { finalConfig.data = data; } return context.network.request(transformRequest(finalConfig)); }, put: (url, data, config) => { let finalConfig = config; if (finalConfig === undefined) { finalConfig = {}; } finalConfig.url = url; finalConfig.method = "put"; if (data !== undefined) { finalConfig.data = data; } return context.network.request(transformRequest(finalConfig)); }, delete: (url, data, config) => { let finalConfig = config; if (finalConfig === undefined) { finalConfig = {}; } finalConfig.url = url; finalConfig.method = "delete"; return context.network.request(transformRequest(finalConfig)); }, }; } function storage(context) { return { setItem: (key, value, zone) => { return context.storage.setItem({ key, value, zone }); }, getItem: (key, zone) => { return context.storage.getItem({ key, zone }); }, remove: (key, zone) => { return context.storage.remove({ key, zone }); }, clear: (zone) => { return context.storage.clear({ zone }); }, }; } function popover(context) { const entity = context.entity; let panel = undefined; if (entity instanceof Panel) { panel = entity; } return { show: (view) => { if (panel) { panel.addHeadView(view); } return context.popover.show(view.toModel()); }, dismiss: (view = undefined) => { if (panel) { if (view) { panel.removeHeadView(view); } else { panel.clearHeadViews(); } } return context.popover.dismiss(view ? { id: view.viewId } : undefined); }, }; } /* * Copyright [2019] [Doric.Pub] * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ function take(target) { return (block) => { block(target); }; } function takeNonNull(target) { return (block) => { if (target !== undefined) { return block(target); } }; } function takeNull(target) { return (block) => { if (target === undefined) { return block(); } }; } function takeLet(target) { return (block) => { return block(target); }; } function takeAlso(target) { return (block) => { block(target); return target; }; } function takeIf(target) { return (predicate) => { return predicate(target) ? target : undefined; }; } function takeUnless(target) { return (predicate) => { return predicate(target) ? undefined : target; }; } function repeat(action) { return (times) => { for (let i = 0; i < times; i++) { action(i); } }; } /* * Copyright [2019] [Doric.Pub] * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Only supports x,y,width,height,corner(just for four corners),rotation,bgColor, * @param panel @see Panel */ function animate(context) { const entity = context.entity; if (entity instanceof Panel) { let panel = entity; return (args) => { return takeLet(panel.context.animate)(it => { return it.submit().then(() => { args.animations(); return takeLet(panel.getRootView())(root => { if (root.isDirty()) { const model = root.toModel(); model.duration = args.duration; const ret = it.animateRender(model); root.clean(); return ret; } for (let v of panel.allHeadViews()) { if (v.isDirty()) { const model = v.toModel(); const ret = it.animateRender(model); it.clean(); return ret; } } throw new Error('Cannot find any animated elements'); }); }); }); }; } else { return (args) => { return Promise.reject(`Cannot find panel in Context:${context.id}`); }; } } class Observable { constructor(provider, clz) { this.observers = new Set; this.provider = provider; this.clz = clz; } addObserver(observer) { this.observers.add(observer); } removeObserver(observer) { this.observers.delete(observer); } update(updater) { const oldV = this.provider.acquire(this.clz); const newV = updater(oldV); if (newV !== undefined) { this.provider.provide(newV); } for (let observer of this.observers) { observer(newV); } } } class Provider { constructor() { this.provision = new Map; this.observableMap = new Map; } provide(obj) { this.provision.set(obj.constructor, obj); } acquire(clz) { const ret = this.provision.get(clz); return ret; } remove(clz) { this.provision.delete(clz); } clear() { this.provision.clear(); } observe(clz) { let observable = this.observableMap.get(clz); if (observable === undefined) { observable = new Observable(this, clz); this.observableMap.set(clz, observable); } return observable; } } class ViewHolder { } class ViewModel { constructor(obj, v) { this.state = obj; this.viewHolder = v; } getState() { return this.state; } updateState(setter) { setter(this.state); this.onBind(this.state, this.viewHolder); } attach(view) { this.viewHolder.build(view); this.onAttached(this.state, this.viewHolder); this.onBind(this.state, this.viewHolder); } } class VMPanel extends Panel { getViewModel() { return this.vm; } build(root) { this.vh = new (this.getViewHolderClass()); this.vm = new (this.getViewModelClass())(this.getState(), this.vh); this.vm.attach(root); } } exports.AnimationSet = AnimationSet; exports.BOTTOM = BOTTOM; exports.CENTER = CENTER; exports.CENTER_X = CENTER_X; exports.CENTER_Y = CENTER_Y; exports.Color = Color; exports.FlowLayout = FlowLayout; exports.FlowLayoutItem = FlowLayoutItem; exports.Gravity = Gravity; exports.Group = Group; exports.HLayout = HLayout; exports.Image = Image; exports.Input = Input; exports.LEFT = LEFT; exports.LayoutConfigImpl = LayoutConfigImpl; exports.List = List; exports.ListItem = ListItem; exports.Mutable = Mutable; exports.NativeCall = NativeCall; exports.NestedSlider = NestedSlider; exports.Observable = Observable; exports.Panel = Panel; exports.Property = Property; exports.Provider = Provider; exports.RIGHT = RIGHT; exports.Refreshable = Refreshable; exports.Root = Root; exports.RotationAnimation = RotationAnimation; exports.ScaleAnimation = ScaleAnimation; exports.Scroller = Scroller; exports.SlideItem = SlideItem; exports.Slider = Slider; exports.Stack = Stack; exports.Superview = Superview; exports.TOP = TOP; exports.Text = Text; exports.TranslationAnimation = TranslationAnimation; exports.VLayout = VLayout; exports.VMPanel = VMPanel; exports.View = View; exports.ViewHolder = ViewHolder; exports.ViewModel = ViewModel; exports.animate = animate; exports.flowItem = flowItem; exports.flowlayout = flowlayout; exports.gravity = gravity; exports.hlayout = hlayout; exports.image = image; exports.layoutConfig = layoutConfig; exports.list = list; exports.listItem = listItem; exports.log = log; exports.loge = loge; exports.logw = logw; exports.modal = modal; exports.navbar = navbar; exports.navigator = navigator; exports.network = network; exports.obj2Model = obj2Model; exports.popover = popover; exports.pullable = pullable; exports.refreshable = refreshable; exports.repeat = repeat; exports.scroller = scroller; exports.slideItem = slideItem; exports.slider = slider; exports.stack = stack; exports.storage = storage; exports.take = take; exports.takeAlso = takeAlso; exports.takeIf = takeIf; exports.takeLet = takeLet; exports.takeNonNull = takeNonNull; exports.takeNull = takeNull; exports.takeUnless = takeUnless; exports.text = text; exports.uniqueId = uniqueId; exports.vlayout = vlayout; })(__module,__module.exports,doric.__require__); return __module.exports; },this,[{exports:{}}])]); /**--------Lib--------*/ (function (axios, sandbox) { 'use strict'; axios = axios && axios.hasOwnProperty('default') ? axios['default'] : axios; class DoricPlugin { constructor(context) { this.context = context; } } class ShaderPlugin extends DoricPlugin { render(ret) { this.context.rootNode.viewId = ret.id; this.context.rootNode.blend(ret.props); } } var LayoutSpec; (function (LayoutSpec) { LayoutSpec[LayoutSpec["EXACTLY"] = 0] = "EXACTLY"; LayoutSpec[LayoutSpec["WRAP_CONTENT"] = 1] = "WRAP_CONTENT"; LayoutSpec[LayoutSpec["AT_MOST"] = 2] = "AT_MOST"; })(LayoutSpec || (LayoutSpec = {})); const SPECIFIED = 1; const START = 1 << 1; const END = 1 << 2; const SHIFT_X = 0; const SHIFT_Y = 4; const LEFT = (START | SPECIFIED) << SHIFT_X; const RIGHT = (END | SPECIFIED) << SHIFT_X; const TOP = (START | SPECIFIED) << SHIFT_Y; const BOTTOM = (END | SPECIFIED) << SHIFT_Y; const CENTER_X = SPECIFIED << SHIFT_X; const CENTER_Y = SPECIFIED << SHIFT_Y; function toPixelString(v) { return `${v}px`; } function toRGBAString(color) { let strs = []; for (let i = 0; i < 32; i += 8) { strs.push(((color >> i) & 0xff).toString(16)); } strs = strs.map(e => { if (e.length === 1) { return '0' + e; } return e; }).reverse(); /// RGBA return `#${strs[1]}${strs[2]}${strs[3]}${strs[0]}`; } class DoricViewNode { constructor(context) { this.viewId = ""; this.viewType = "View"; this.layoutConfig = { widthSpec: LayoutSpec.EXACTLY, heightSpec: LayoutSpec.EXACTLY, alignment: 0, weight: 0, margin: { left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 } }; this.padding = { left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0, }; this.frameWidth = 0; this.frameHeight = 0; this.offsetX = 0; this.offsetY = 0; this.context = context; } init(superNode) { this.superNode = superNode; if (this instanceof DoricSuperViewNode) { this.reusable = superNode.reusable; } this.view = this.build(); this.view.style.overflow = "hidden"; } get paddingLeft() { return this.padding.left || 0; } get paddingRight() { return this.padding.right || 0; } get paddingTop() { return this.padding.top || 0; } get paddingBottom() { return this.padding.bottom || 0; } get borderWidth() { var _a; return ((_a = this.border) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.width) || 0; } blend(props) { this.view.id = `${this.viewId}`; for (let key in props) { this.blendProps(this.view, key, props[key]); } this.onBlended(); this.layout(); } onBlended() { } configBorder() { if (this.border) { this.view.style.borderStyle = "solid"; this.view.style.borderWidth = toPixelString(this.border.width); this.view.style.borderColor = toRGBAString(this.border.color); } } configWidth() { switch (this.layoutConfig.widthSpec) { case LayoutSpec.WRAP_CONTENT: this.view.style.width = "fit-content"; break; case LayoutSpec.AT_MOST: this.view.style.width = "100%"; break; case LayoutSpec.EXACTLY: default: this.view.style.width = toPixelString(this.frameWidth - this.paddingLeft - this.paddingRight - this.borderWidth * 2); break; } } configHeight() { switch (this.layoutConfig.heightSpec) { case LayoutSpec.WRAP_CONTENT: this.view.style.height = "fit-content"; break; case LayoutSpec.AT_MOST: this.view.style.height = "100%"; break; case LayoutSpec.EXACTLY: default: this.view.style.height = toPixelString(this.frameHeight - this.paddingTop - this.paddingBottom - this.borderWidth * 2); break; } } configMargin() { if (this.layoutConfig.margin) { this.view.style.marginLeft = toPixelString(this.layoutConfig.margin.left || 0); this.view.style.marginRight = toPixelString(this.layoutConfig.margin.right || 0); this.view.style.marginTop = toPixelString(this.layoutConfig.margin.top || 0); this.view.style.marginBottom = toPixelString(this.layoutConfig.margin.bottom || 0); } } configPadding() { if (this.padding) { this.view.style.paddingLeft = toPixelString(this.paddingLeft); this.view.style.paddingRight = toPixelString(this.paddingRight); this.view.style.paddingTop = toPixelString(this.paddingTop); this.view.style.paddingBottom = toPixelString(this.paddingBottom); } } layout() { this.configMargin(); this.configBorder(); this.configPadding(); this.configWidth(); this.configHeight(); } blendProps(v, propName, prop) { switch (propName) { case "border": this.border = prop; break; case "padding": this.padding = prop; break; case 'width': this.frameWidth = prop; break; case 'height': this.frameHeight = prop; break; case 'backgroundColor': this.backgroundColor = prop; break; case 'layoutConfig': const layoutConfig = prop; for (let key in layoutConfig) { Reflect.set(this.layoutConfig, key, Reflect.get(layoutConfig, key, layoutConfig)); } break; case 'x': this.offsetX = prop; break; case 'y': this.offsetY = prop; break; case 'onClick': this.view.onclick = () => { this.callJSResponse(prop); }; break; case 'corners': if (typeof prop === 'object') { this.view.style.borderTopLeftRadius = toPixelString(prop.leftTop); this.view.style.borderTopRightRadius = toPixelString(prop.rightTop); this.view.style.borderBottomRightRadius = toPixelString(prop.rightBottom); this.view.style.borderBottomLeftRadius = toPixelString(prop.leftBottom); } else { this.view.style.borderRadius = toPixelString(prop); } break; case 'shadow': const opacity = prop.opacity || 0; if (opacity > 0) { const offsetX = prop.offsetX || 0; const offsetY = prop.offsetY || 0; const shadowColor = prop.color || 0xff000000; const shadowRadius = prop.radius; const alpha = opacity * 255; this.view.style.boxShadow = `${toPixelString(offsetX)} ${toPixelString(offsetY)} ${toPixelString(shadowRadius)} ${toRGBAString((shadowColor & 0xffffff) | ((alpha & 0xff) << 24))} `; } else { this.view.style.boxShadow = ""; } break; } } set backgroundColor(v) { this.view.style.backgroundColor = toRGBAString(v); } static create(context, type) { const viewNodeClass = acquireViewNode(type); if (viewNodeClass === undefined) { console.error(`Cannot find ViewNode for ${type}`); return undefined; } const ret = new viewNodeClass(context); ret.viewType = type; return ret; } getIdList() { const ids = []; let viewNode = this; do { ids.push(viewNode.viewId); viewNode = viewNode.superNode; } while (viewNode); return ids.reverse(); } callJSResponse(funcId, ...args) { const argumentsList = ['__response__', this.getIdList(), funcId]; for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { argumentsList.push(arguments[i]); } Reflect.apply(this.context.invokeEntityMethod, this.context, argumentsList); } } class DoricSuperViewNode extends DoricViewNode { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.reusable = false; this.subModels = new Map; } blendProps(v, propName, prop) { if (propName === 'subviews') { if (prop instanceof Array) { prop.forEach((e) => { this.mixinSubModel(e); this.blendSubNode(e); }); } } else { super.blendProps(v, propName, prop); } } mixinSubModel(subNode) { const oldValue = this.getSubModel(subNode.id); if (oldValue) { this.mixin(subNode, oldValue); } else { this.subModels.set(subNode.id, subNode); } } getSubModel(id) { return this.subModels.get(id); } mixin(src, target) { for (let key in src.props) { if (key === "subviews") { continue; } Reflect.set(target.props, key, Reflect.get(src.props, key)); } } clearSubModels() { this.subModels.clear(); } removeSubModel(id) { this.subModels.delete(id); } } class DoricGroupViewNode extends DoricSuperViewNode { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.childNodes = []; this.childViewIds = []; } blendProps(v, propName, prop) { if (propName === 'children') { if (prop instanceof Array) { this.childViewIds = prop; } } else { super.blendProps(v, propName, prop); } } blend(props) { super.blend(props); } onBlended() { super.onBlended(); this.configChildNode(); } configChildNode() { this.childViewIds.forEach((childViewId, index) => { const model = this.getSubModel(childViewId); if (model === undefined) { return; } if (index < this.childNodes.length) { const oldNode = this.childNodes[index]; if (oldNode.viewId === childViewId) ; else { if (this.reusable) { if (oldNode.viewType === model.type) { //Same type,can be reused oldNode.viewId = childViewId; oldNode.blend(model.props); } else { //Replace this view this.view.removeChild(oldNode.view); const newNode = DoricViewNode.create(this.context, model.type); if (newNode === undefined) { return; } newNode.viewId = childViewId; newNode.init(this); newNode.blend(model.props); this.childNodes[index] = newNode; this.view.replaceChild(newNode.view, oldNode.view); } } else { //Find in remain nodes let position = -1; for (let start = index + 1; start < this.childNodes.length; start++) { if (childViewId === this.childNodes[start].viewId) { //Found position = start; break; } } if (position >= 0) { //Found swap idx,position const reused = this.childNodes[position]; const abandoned = this.childNodes[index]; this.childNodes[index] = reused; this.childNodes[position] = abandoned; this.view.removeChild(reused.view); this.view.insertBefore(reused.view, abandoned.view); this.view.removeChild(abandoned.view); if (position === this.view.childElementCount - 1) { this.view.appendChild(abandoned.view); } else { this.view.insertBefore(abandoned.view, this.view.children[position]); } } else { //Not found,insert const newNode = DoricViewNode.create(this.context, model.type); if (newNode === undefined) { return; } newNode.viewId = childViewId; newNode.init(this); newNode.blend(model.props); this.childNodes[index] = newNode; this.view.insertBefore(newNode.view, this.view.children[index]); } } } } else { //Insert const newNode = DoricViewNode.create(this.context, model.type); if (newNode === undefined) { return; } newNode.viewId = childViewId; newNode.init(this); newNode.blend(model.props); this.childNodes.push(newNode); this.view.appendChild(newNode.view); } }); let size = this.childNodes.length; for (let idx = this.childViewIds.length; idx < size; idx++) { this.view.removeChild(this.childNodes[idx].view); } this.childNodes = this.childNodes.slice(0, this.childViewIds.length); } blendSubNode(model) { var _a; (_a = this.getSubNodeById(model.id)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.blend(model.props); } getSubNodeById(viewId) { return this.childNodes.filter(e => e.viewId === viewId)[0]; } } class DoricStackNode extends DoricGroupViewNode { build() { const ret = document.createElement('div'); ret.style.position = "relative"; return ret; } layout() { super.layout(); Promise.resolve().then(_ => { this.configSize(); this.configOffset(); }); } configSize() { if (this.layoutConfig.widthSpec === LayoutSpec.WRAP_CONTENT) { const width = this.childNodes.reduce((prev, current) => { return Math.max(prev, current.view.offsetWidth); }, 0); this.view.style.width = toPixelString(width); } if (this.layoutConfig.heightSpec === LayoutSpec.WRAP_CONTENT) { const height = this.childNodes.reduce((prev, current) => { return Math.max(prev, current.view.offsetHeight); }, 0); this.view.style.height = toPixelString(height); } } configOffset() { this.childNodes.forEach(e => { e.view.style.position = "absolute"; e.view.style.left = toPixelString(e.offsetX + this.paddingLeft); e.view.style.top = toPixelString(e.offsetY + this.paddingTop); const gravity = e.layoutConfig.alignment; if ((gravity & LEFT) === LEFT) { e.view.style.left = toPixelString(0); } else if ((gravity & RIGHT) === RIGHT) { e.view.style.left = toPixelString(this.view.offsetWidth - e.view.offsetWidth); } else if ((gravity & CENTER_X) === CENTER_X) { e.view.style.left = toPixelString(this.view.offsetWidth / 2 - e.view.offsetWidth / 2); } if ((gravity & TOP) === TOP) { e.view.style.top = toPixelString(0); } else if ((gravity & BOTTOM) === BOTTOM) { e.view.style.top = toPixelString(this.view.offsetHeight - e.view.offsetHeight); } else if ((gravity & CENTER_Y) === CENTER_Y) { e.view.style.top = toPixelString(this.view.offsetHeight / 2 - e.view.offsetHeight / 2); } }); } } class DoricVLayoutNode extends DoricGroupViewNode { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.space = 0; this.gravity = 0; } build() { const ret = document.createElement('div'); ret.style.display = "flex"; ret.style.flexDirection = "column"; ret.style.flexWrap = "nowrap"; return ret; } blendProps(v, propName, prop) { if (propName === 'space') { this.space = prop; } else if (propName === 'gravity') { this.gravity = prop; if ((this.gravity & LEFT) === LEFT) { this.view.style.alignItems = "flex-start"; } else if ((this.gravity & RIGHT) === RIGHT) { this.view.style.alignItems = "flex-end"; } else if ((this.gravity & CENTER_X) === CENTER_X) { this.view.style.alignItems = "center"; } if ((this.gravity & TOP) === TOP) { this.view.style.justifyContent = "flex-start"; } else if ((this.gravity & BOTTOM) === BOTTOM) { this.view.style.justifyContent = "flex-end"; } else if ((this.gravity & CENTER_Y) === CENTER_Y) { this.view.style.justifyContent = "center"; } } else { super.blendProps(v, propName, prop); } } layout() { super.layout(); this.childNodes.forEach((e, idx) => { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j, _k; e.view.style.flexShrink = "0"; if ((_a = e.layoutConfig) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.weight) { e.view.style.flex = `${(_b = e.layoutConfig) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.weight}`; } e.view.style.marginTop = toPixelString(((_d = (_c = e.layoutConfig) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.margin) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.top) || 0); e.view.style.marginBottom = toPixelString((idx === this.childNodes.length - 1) ? 0 : this.space + (((_f = (_e = e.layoutConfig) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.margin) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.bottom) || 0)); e.view.style.marginLeft = toPixelString(((_h = (_g = e.layoutConfig) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.margin) === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 : _h.left) || 0); e.view.style.marginRight = toPixelString(((_k = (_j = e.layoutConfig) === null || _j === void 0 ? void 0 : _j.margin) === null || _k === void 0 ? void 0 : _k.right) || 0); if ((e.layoutConfig.alignment & LEFT) === LEFT) { e.view.style.alignSelf = "flex-start"; } else if ((e.layoutConfig.alignment & RIGHT) === RIGHT) { e.view.style.alignSelf = "flex-end"; } else if ((e.layoutConfig.alignment & CENTER_X) === CENTER_X) { e.view.style.alignSelf = "center"; } }); } } class DoricHLayoutNode extends DoricGroupViewNode { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.space = 0; this.gravity = 0; } build() { const ret = document.createElement('div'); ret.style.display = "flex"; ret.style.flexDirection = "row"; ret.style.flexWrap = "nowrap"; return ret; } blendProps(v, propName, prop) { if (propName === 'space') { this.space = prop; } else if (propName === 'gravity') { this.gravity = prop; this.gravity = prop; if ((this.gravity & LEFT) === LEFT) { this.view.style.justifyContent = "flex-start"; } else if ((this.gravity & RIGHT) === RIGHT) { this.view.style.justifyContent = "flex-end"; } else if ((this.gravity & CENTER_X) === CENTER_X) { this.view.style.justifyContent = "center"; } if ((this.gravity & TOP) === TOP) { this.view.style.alignItems = "flex-start"; } else if ((this.gravity & BOTTOM) === BOTTOM) { this.view.style.alignItems = "flex-end"; } else if ((this.gravity & CENTER_Y) === CENTER_Y) { this.view.style.alignItems = "center"; } } else { super.blendProps(v, propName, prop); } } layout() { super.layout(); this.childNodes.forEach((e, idx) => { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j, _k; e.view.style.flexShrink = "0"; if ((_a = e.layoutConfig) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.weight) { e.view.style.flex = `${(_b = e.layoutConfig) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.weight}`; } e.view.style.marginLeft = toPixelString(((_d = (_c = e.layoutConfig) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.margin) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.left) || 0); e.view.style.marginRight = toPixelString((idx === this.childNodes.length - 1) ? 0 : this.space + (((_f = (_e = e.layoutConfig) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.margin) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.right) || 0)); e.view.style.marginTop = toPixelString(((_h = (_g = e.layoutConfig) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.margin) === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 : _h.top) || 0); e.view.style.marginBottom = toPixelString(((_k = (_j = e.layoutConfig) === null || _j === void 0 ? void 0 : _j.margin) === null || _k === void 0 ? void 0 : _k.bottom) || 0); if ((e.layoutConfig.alignment & TOP) === TOP) { e.view.style.alignSelf = "flex-start"; } else if ((e.layoutConfig.alignment & BOTTOM) === BOTTOM) { e.view.style.alignSelf = "flex-end"; } else if ((e.layoutConfig.alignment & CENTER_Y) === CENTER_Y) { e.view.style.alignSelf = "center"; } }); } } class DoricTextNode extends DoricViewNode { build() { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.style.display = "flex"; this.textElement = document.createElement('span'); div.appendChild(this.textElement); div.style.justifyContent = "center"; div.style.alignItems = "center"; return div; } blendProps(v, propName, prop) { switch (propName) { case 'text': this.textElement.innerText = prop; break; case 'textSize': v.style.fontSize = toPixelString(prop); break; case 'textColor': v.style.color = toRGBAString(prop); break; case 'textAlignment': const gravity = prop; if ((gravity & LEFT) === LEFT) { v.style.justifyContent = "flex-start"; } else if ((gravity & RIGHT) === RIGHT) { v.style.justifyContent = "flex-end"; } else if ((gravity & CENTER_X) === CENTER_X) { v.style.justifyContent = "center"; } if ((gravity & TOP) === TOP) { v.style.alignItems = "flex-start"; } else if ((gravity & BOTTOM) === BOTTOM) { v.style.alignItems = "flex-end"; } else if ((gravity & CENTER_Y) === CENTER_Y) { v.style.alignItems = "center"; } break; default: super.blendProps(v, propName, prop); break; } } } var ScaleType; (function (ScaleType) { ScaleType[ScaleType["ScaleToFill"] = 0] = "ScaleToFill"; ScaleType[ScaleType["ScaleAspectFit"] = 1] = "ScaleAspectFit"; ScaleType[ScaleType["ScaleAspectFill"] = 2] = "ScaleAspectFill"; })(ScaleType || (ScaleType = {})); class DoricImageNode extends DoricViewNode { build() { const ret = document.createElement('img'); ret.style.objectFit = "fill"; return ret; } blendProps(v, propName, prop) { switch (propName) { case 'imageUrl': v.setAttribute('src', prop); break; case 'imageBase64': v.setAttribute('src', prop); break; case 'loadCallback': v.onload = () => { this.callJSResponse(prop, { width: v.width, height: v.height }); }; break; case 'scaleType': switch (prop) { case ScaleType.ScaleToFill: v.style.objectFit = "fill"; break; case ScaleType.ScaleAspectFit: v.style.objectFit = "contain"; break; case ScaleType.ScaleAspectFill: v.style.objectFit = "cover"; break; } break; case 'isBlur': if (prop) { v.style.filter = 'blur(8px)'; } else { v.style.filter = ''; } break; default: super.blendProps(v, propName, prop); break; } } } class DoricScrollerNode extends DoricSuperViewNode { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.childViewId = ""; } build() { const ret = document.createElement('div'); ret.style.overflow = "scroll"; return ret; } blendProps(v, propName, prop) { if (propName === 'content') { this.childViewId = prop; } else { super.blendProps(v, propName, prop); } } blendSubNode(model) { var _a; (_a = this.childNode) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.blend(model.props); } getSubNodeById(viewId) { return viewId === this.childViewId ? this.childNode : undefined; } onBlended() { super.onBlended(); const model = this.getSubModel(this.childViewId); if (model === undefined) { return; } if (this.childNode) { if (this.childNode.viewId === this.childViewId) ; else { if (this.reusable && this.childNode.viewType === model.type) { this.childNode.viewId = model.id; this.childNode.blend(model.props); } else { this.view.removeChild(this.childNode.view); const childNode = DoricViewNode.create(this.context, model.type); if (childNode === undefined) { return; } childNode.viewId = model.id; childNode.init(this); childNode.blend(model.props); this.view.appendChild(childNode.view); this.childNode = childNode; } } } else { const childNode = DoricViewNode.create(this.context, model.type); if (childNode === undefined) { return; } childNode.viewId = model.id; childNode.init(this); childNode.blend(model.props); this.view.appendChild(childNode.view); this.childNode = childNode; } } layout() { super.layout(); } } class ModalPlugin extends DoricPlugin { toast(args) { const toastElement = document.createElement('div'); toastElement.style.position = "absolute"; toastElement.style.textAlign = "center"; toastElement.style.width = "100%"; const textElement = document.createElement('span'); textElement.innerText = args.msg || ""; textElement.style.backgroundColor = "#777777"; textElement.style.color = "white"; textElement.style.paddingLeft = '20px'; textElement.style.paddingRight = '20px'; textElement.style.paddingTop = '10px'; textElement.style.paddingBottom = '10px'; toastElement.appendChild(textElement); document.body.appendChild(toastElement); const gravity = args.gravity || BOTTOM; if ((gravity & TOP) == TOP) { toastElement.style.top = toPixelString(30); } else if ((gravity & BOTTOM) == BOTTOM) { toastElement.style.bottom = toPixelString(30); } else if ((gravity & CENTER_Y) == CENTER_Y) { toastElement.style.top = toPixelString(document.body.offsetHeight / 2 - toastElement.offsetHeight / 2); } setTimeout(() => { document.body.removeChild(toastElement); }, 2000); return Promise.resolve(); } alert(args) { window.alert(args.msg || ""); return Promise.resolve(); } confirm(args) { if (window.confirm(args.msg || "")) { return Promise.resolve(); } else { return Promise.reject(); } } prompt(args) { const result = window.prompt(args.msg || "", args.defaultText); if (result) { return Promise.resolve(result); } else { return Promise.reject(result); } } } class StoragePlugin extends DoricPlugin { setItem(args) { localStorage.setItem(`${args.zone}_${args.key}`, args.value); return Promise.resolve(); } getItem(args) { return Promise.resolve(localStorage.getItem(`${args.zone}_${args.key}`)); } remove(args) { localStorage.removeItem(`${args.zone}_${args.key}`); return Promise.resolve(); } clear(args) { let removingKeys = []; for (let i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++) { const key = localStorage.key(i); if (key && key.startsWith(`${args.zone}_`)) { removingKeys.push(key); } } removingKeys.forEach(e => { localStorage.removeItem(e); }); return Promise.resolve(); } } class NavigatorPlugin extends DoricPlugin { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.navigation = document.getElementsByTagName('doric-navigation')[0]; } push(args) { var _a; if (this.navigation) { const div = new DoricElement; div.src = args.scheme; div.alias = ((_a = args.config) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.alias) || args.scheme; this.navigation.push(div); return Promise.resolve(); } else { return Promise.reject('Not implemented'); } } pop() { if (this.navigation) { this.navigation.pop(); return Promise.resolve(); } else { return Promise.reject('Not implemented'); } } } const bundles = new Map; const plugins = new Map; const nodes = new Map; function acquireJSBundle(name) { return bundles.get(name); } function registerPlugin(name, plugin) { plugins.set(name, plugin); } function acquirePlugin(name) { return plugins.get(name); } function registerViewNode(name, node) { nodes.set(name, node); } function acquireViewNode(name) { return nodes.get(name); } registerPlugin('shader', ShaderPlugin); registerPlugin('modal', ModalPlugin); registerPlugin('storage', StoragePlugin); registerPlugin('navigator', NavigatorPlugin); registerViewNode('Stack', DoricStackNode); registerViewNode('VLayout', DoricVLayoutNode); registerViewNode('HLayout', DoricHLayoutNode); registerViewNode('Text', DoricTextNode); registerViewNode('Image', DoricImageNode); registerViewNode('Scroller', DoricScrollerNode); let __scriptId__ = 0; function getScriptId() { return `script_${__scriptId__++}`; } const originSetTimeout = window.setTimeout; const originClearTimeout = window.clearTimeout; const originSetInterval = window.setInterval; const originClearInterval = window.clearInterval; const timers = new Map; function injectGlobalObject(name, value) { Reflect.set(window, name, value, window); } function loadJS(script) { const scriptElement = document.createElement('script'); scriptElement.text = script; scriptElement.id = getScriptId(); document.body.appendChild(scriptElement); } function packageModuleScript(name, content) { return `Reflect.apply(doric.jsRegisterModule,this,[${name},Reflect.apply(function(__module){(function(module,exports,require,setTimeout,setInterval,clearTimeout,clearInterval){ ${content} })(__module,__module.exports,doric.__require__,doricSetTimeout,doricSetInterval,doricClearTimeout,doricClearInterval); return __module.exports;},this,[{exports:{}}])])`; } function packageCreateContext(contextId, content) { return `//@ sourceURL=contextId_${contextId}.js Reflect.apply(function(doric,context,Entry,require,exports,setTimeout,setInterval,clearTimeout,clearInterval){ ${content} },doric.jsObtainContext("${contextId}"),[undefined,doric.jsObtainContext("${contextId}"),doric.jsObtainEntry("${contextId}"),doric.__require__,{},doricSetTimeout,doricSetInterval,doricClearTimeout,doricClearInterval])`; } function initDoric() { injectGlobalObject("Environment", { platform: "h5" }); injectGlobalObject("nativeEmpty", () => undefined); injectGlobalObject('nativeLog', (type, message) => { switch (type) { case 'd': console.log(message); break; case 'w': console.warn(message); break; case 'e': console.error(message); break; } }); injectGlobalObject('nativeRequire', (moduleName) => { const bundle = acquireJSBundle(moduleName); if (bundle === undefined || bundle.length === 0) { console.log(`Cannot require JS Bundle :${moduleName}`); return false; } else { loadJS(packageModuleScript(moduleName, packageModuleScript(name, bundle))); return true; } }); injectGlobalObject('nativeBridge', (contextId, namespace, method, callbackId, args) => { const pluginClass = acquirePlugin(namespace); const doricContext = getDoricContext(contextId); if (pluginClass === undefined) { console.error(`Cannot find Plugin:${namespace}`); return false; } if (doricContext === undefined) { console.error(`Cannot find Doric Context:${contextId}`); return false; } let plugin = doricContext.pluginInstances.get(namespace); if (plugin === undefined) { plugin = new pluginClass(doricContext); doricContext.pluginInstances.set(namespace, plugin); } if (!Reflect.has(plugin, method)) { console.error(`Cannot find Method:${method} in plugin ${namespace}`); return false; } const pluginMethod = Reflect.get(plugin, method, plugin); if (typeof pluginMethod !== 'function') { console.error(`Plugin ${namespace}'s property ${method}'s type is ${typeof pluginMethod} not function,`); } const ret = Reflect.apply(pluginMethod, plugin, [args]); if (ret instanceof Promise) { ret.then(e => { sandbox.jsCallResolve(contextId, callbackId, e); }, e => { sandbox.jsCallReject(contextId, callbackId, e); }); } else if (ret !== undefined) { sandbox.jsCallResolve(contextId, callbackId, ret); } return true; }); injectGlobalObject('nativeSetTimer', (timerId, time, repeat) => { if (repeat) { const handleId = originSetInterval(() => { sandbox.jsCallbackTimer(timerId); }, time); timers.set(timerId, { handleId, repeat }); } else { const handleId = originSetTimeout(() => { sandbox.jsCallbackTimer(timerId); }, time); timers.set(timerId, { handleId, repeat }); } }); injectGlobalObject('nativeClearTimer', (timerId) => { const timerInfo = timers.get(timerId); if (timerInfo) { if (timerInfo.repeat) { originClearInterval(timerInfo.handleId); } else { originClearTimeout(timerInfo.handleId); } } }); } function createContext(contextId, content) { loadJS(packageCreateContext(contextId, content)); } initDoric(); const doricContexts = new Map; let __contextId__ = 0; function getContextId() { return `context_${__contextId__++}`; } function getDoricContext(contextId) { return doricContexts.get(contextId); } class DoricContext { constructor(content) { this.contextId = getContextId(); this.pluginInstances = new Map; createContext(this.contextId, content); doricContexts.set(this.contextId, this); this.rootNode = new DoricStackNode(this); } get panel() { var _a; return (_a = sandbox.jsObtainContext(this.contextId)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.entity; } invokeEntityMethod(method, ...otherArgs) { const argumentsList = [this.contextId]; for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { argumentsList.push(arguments[i]); } Reflect.apply(sandbox.jsCallEntityMethod, this.panel, argumentsList); } init(frame, extra) { this.invokeEntityMethod("__init__", frame, extra ? JSON.stringify(extra) : undefined); } } class DoricElement extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); } get src() { return this.getAttribute('src'); } get alias() { return this.getAttribute('alias'); } set src(v) { this.setAttribute('src', v); } set alias(v) { this.setAttribute('alias', v); } connectedCallback() { if (this.src && this.context === undefined) { axios.get(this.src).then(result => { this.load(result.data); }); } } disconnectedCallback() { } adoptedCallback() { } attributeChangedCallback() { } load(content) { this.context = new DoricContext(content); const divElement = document.createElement('div'); divElement.style.position = 'relative'; divElement.style.height = '100%'; this.append(divElement); this.context.rootNode.view = divElement; this.context.init({ width: divElement.offsetWidth, height: divElement.offsetHeight, }); } } class NavigationElement extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.elementStack = []; } get currentNode() { for (let i = 0; i < this.childNodes.length; i++) { if (this.childNodes[i] instanceof DoricElement) { return this.childNodes[i]; } } return undefined; } push(element) { const currentNode = this.currentNode; if (currentNode) { this.elementStack.push(currentNode); this.replaceChild(element, currentNode); } else { this.appendChild(element); } } pop() { const lastElement = this.elementStack.pop(); const currentNode = this.currentNode; if (lastElement && currentNode) { this.replaceChild(lastElement, currentNode); } else { window.history.back(); } } } window.customElements.define('doric-div', DoricElement); window.customElements.define('doric-navigation', NavigationElement); }(axios, doric)); //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map