// Created by pengfei.zhou on 2020/1/10.

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, DoricLogType) {
    DoricLogTypeDebug = 0,
    DoricLogTypeWarning = 1,
    DoricLogTypeError = 2,
@class DoricContext;

@protocol DoricMonitorProtocol <NSObject>
 * Called when native or js exception occurred in doric
 * @param exception      exception which is thrown within doric sdk
 * @param context        Which Context
- (void)onException:(NSException *)exception inContext:(DoricContext *)context;

 * @param type    The priority/type of this log message.
 * @param message The message you would like logged.
- (void)onLog:(DoricLogType)type message:(NSString *)message;