/* * Copyright [2019] [Doric.Pub] * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // // Created by pengfei.zhou on 2019/10/23. // #import "DoricLayouts.h" #import <objc/runtime.h> #import "UIView+Doric.h" #import "DoricExtensions.h" #import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h> void DoricAddEllipticArcPath(CGMutablePathRef path, CGPoint origin, CGFloat radius, CGFloat startAngle, CGFloat endAngle) { CGAffineTransform t = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(origin.x, origin.y); CGPathAddArc(path, &t, 0, 0, radius, startAngle, endAngle, NO); } CGPathRef DoricCreateRoundedRectPath(CGRect bounds, CGFloat leftTop, CGFloat rightTop, CGFloat rightBottom, CGFloat leftBottom) { const CGFloat minX = CGRectGetMinX(bounds); const CGFloat minY = CGRectGetMinY(bounds); const CGFloat maxX = CGRectGetMaxX(bounds); const CGFloat maxY = CGRectGetMaxY(bounds); CGMutablePathRef path = CGPathCreateMutable(); DoricAddEllipticArcPath(path, (CGPoint) { minX + leftTop, minY + leftTop }, leftTop, M_PI, 3 * M_PI_2); DoricAddEllipticArcPath(path, (CGPoint) { maxX - rightTop, minY + rightTop }, rightTop, 3 * M_PI_2, 0); DoricAddEllipticArcPath(path, (CGPoint) { maxX - rightBottom, maxY - rightBottom }, rightBottom, 0, M_PI_2); DoricAddEllipticArcPath(path, (CGPoint) { minX + leftBottom, maxY - leftBottom }, leftBottom, M_PI_2, M_PI); CGPathCloseSubpath(path); return path; } static const void *kLayoutConfig = &kLayoutConfig; @interface DoricShapeLayer : CAShapeLayer @property CGRect viewBounds; @property UIEdgeInsets corners; @end @implementation DoricShapeLayer @end @implementation UIView (DoricLayout) @dynamic doricLayout; - (void)setDoricLayout:(DoricLayout *)doricLayout { objc_setAssociatedObject(self, kLayoutConfig, doricLayout, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC); } - (DoricLayout *)doricLayout { DoricLayout *layout = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, kLayoutConfig); if (!layout) { layout = [DoricLayout new]; layout.width = self.width; layout.height = self.height; layout.view = self; self.doricLayout = layout; } return layout; } @end @interface DoricLayout () @end @implementation DoricLayout - (instancetype)init { if (self = [super init]) { _widthSpec = DoricLayoutJust; _heightSpec = DoricLayoutJust; _maxWidth = CGFLOAT_MAX; _maxHeight = CGFLOAT_MAX; _minWidth = CGFLOAT_MIN; _minHeight = CGFLOAT_MIN; } return self; } - (void)setMeasuredWidth:(CGFloat)measuredWidth { _measuredWidth = MAX(0, measuredWidth); } - (void)setMeasuredHeight:(CGFloat)measuredHeight { _measuredHeight = MAX(0, measuredHeight); } - (void)apply:(CGSize)frameSize { self.resolved = NO; [self measure:frameSize]; [self setFrame]; self.resolved = YES; } - (void)apply { [self apply:self.view.frame.size]; } - (void)measure:(CGSize)targetSize { [self measureSelf:targetSize]; [self layout]; } - (void)measureSelf:(CGSize)targetSize { CGFloat width; CGFloat height; if (self.widthSpec == DoricLayoutMost) { if (self.view.superview.doricLayout.widthSpec == DoricLayoutFit) { width = targetSize.width; } else if (self.view.superview.doricLayout.layoutType == DoricHLayout && self.weight > 0) { width = self.measuredWidth = 0; } else { width = self.measuredWidth = targetSize.width; } } else if (self.widthSpec == DoricLayoutJust) { width = self.measuredWidth = self.width; } else { width = targetSize.width; } if (self.heightSpec == DoricLayoutMost) { if (self.view.superview.doricLayout.layoutType == DoricVLayout && self.weight > 0) { height = self.measuredHeight = 0; } else { height = self.measuredHeight = targetSize.height; } } else if (self.heightSpec == DoricLayoutJust) { height = self.measuredHeight = self.height; } else { height = targetSize.height; } [self measureContent:CGSizeMake( width - self.paddingLeft - self.paddingRight, height - self.paddingTop - self.paddingBottom)]; if ([self restrainSize]) { [self measureContent:CGSizeMake( self.measuredWidth - self.paddingLeft - self.paddingRight, self.measuredHeight - self.paddingTop - self.paddingBottom)]; } [self restrainSize]; } - (BOOL)restrainSize { BOOL needRemeasure = NO; if (self.measuredWidth > self.maxWidth) { self.measuredWidth = self.maxWidth; needRemeasure = YES; } if (self.measuredHeight > self.maxHeight) { self.measuredHeight = self.maxHeight; needRemeasure = YES; } if (self.measuredWidth < self.minWidth) { self.measuredWidth = self.minWidth; needRemeasure = YES; } if (self.measuredHeight < self.minHeight) { self.measuredHeight = self.minHeight; needRemeasure = YES; } return needRemeasure; } - (void)measureContent:(CGSize)targetSize { switch (self.layoutType) { case DoricStack: { [self measureStackContent:targetSize]; break; } case DoricVLayout: { [self measureVLayoutContent:targetSize]; break; } case DoricHLayout: { [self measureHLayoutContent:targetSize]; break; } default: { [self measureUndefinedContent:targetSize]; break; } } if (self.view.superview.doricLayout.widthSpec == DoricLayoutFit && self.widthSpec == DoricLayoutMost) { self.measuredWidth = self.contentWidth + self.paddingLeft + self.paddingRight; } if (self.view.superview.doricLayout.heightSpec == DoricLayoutFit && self.heightSpec == DoricLayoutMost) { self.measuredHeight = self.contentHeight + self.paddingTop + self.paddingBottom; } } - (void)layout { switch (self.layoutType) { case DoricStack: { [self layoutStack]; break; } case DoricVLayout: { [self layoutVLayout]; break; } case DoricHLayout: { [self layoutHLayout]; break; } default: { break; } } } - (BOOL)rect:(CGRect)rect1 equalTo:(CGRect)rect2 { return ABS(rect1.origin.x - rect2.origin.x) < 0.00001f && ABS(rect1.origin.y - rect2.origin.y) < 0.00001f && ABS(rect1.size.width - rect2.size.width) < 0.00001f && ABS(rect1.size.height - rect2.size.height) < 0.00001f; } - (void)setFrame { if (self.layoutType != DoricUndefined) { [self.view.subviews forEach:^(__kindof UIView *obj) { [obj.doricLayout setFrame]; }]; } CGRect originFrame = CGRectMake(self.measuredX, self.measuredY, self.measuredWidth, self.measuredHeight); if (!CGAffineTransformEqualToTransform(self.view.transform, CGAffineTransformIdentity)) { CGPoint anchor = self.view.layer.anchorPoint; originFrame = CGRectOffset(originFrame, -anchor.x * self.measuredWidth - self.measuredX, -anchor.y * self.measuredHeight - self.measuredY); originFrame = CGRectApplyAffineTransform(originFrame, self.view.transform); originFrame = CGRectOffset(originFrame, anchor.x * self.measuredWidth + self.measuredX, anchor.y * self.measuredHeight + self.measuredY); } BOOL isFrameChange = ![self rect:originFrame equalTo:self.view.frame]; if (isFrameChange) { self.view.frame = originFrame; } if (!UIEdgeInsetsEqualToEdgeInsets(self.corners, UIEdgeInsetsZero)) { if (self.view.layer.mask) { if ([self.view.layer.mask isKindOfClass:[DoricShapeLayer class]]) { DoricShapeLayer *shapeLayer = (DoricShapeLayer *)self.view.layer.mask; if (!UIEdgeInsetsEqualToEdgeInsets(self.corners, shapeLayer.corners) || !CGRectEqualToRect(self.view.bounds, shapeLayer.viewBounds)) { shapeLayer.corners = self.corners; shapeLayer.viewBounds = self.view.bounds; [self configMaskWithLayer:shapeLayer]; } } else if (isFrameChange) { CAShapeLayer *shapeLayer = [CAShapeLayer layer]; [self configMaskWithLayer:shapeLayer]; } } else { DoricShapeLayer *shapeLayer = [DoricShapeLayer layer]; shapeLayer.corners = self.corners; shapeLayer.viewBounds = self.view.bounds; [self configMaskWithLayer:shapeLayer]; } } } - (void)configMaskWithLayer:(CAShapeLayer *)shapeLayer { CGPathRef path = DoricCreateRoundedRectPath(self.view.bounds, self.corners.top, self.corners.left, self.corners.bottom, self.corners.right); shapeLayer.path = path; if ((self.corners.left != self.corners.right || self.corners.left != self.corners.top || self.corners.left != self.corners.bottom) && self.view.layer.borderWidth > CGFLOAT_MIN) { CAShapeLayer *lineLayer = [CAShapeLayer layer]; lineLayer.lineWidth = self.view.layer.borderWidth * 2; lineLayer.strokeColor = self.view.layer.borderColor; lineLayer.path = path; lineLayer.fillColor = nil; [[self.view.layer sublayers] forEach:^(__kindof CALayer *obj) { if ([obj isKindOfClass:CAShapeLayer.class] && ((CAShapeLayer *) obj).lineWidth > CGFLOAT_MIN) { [obj removeFromSuperlayer]; } }]; [self.view.layer addSublayer:lineLayer]; } CGPathRelease(path); self.view.layer.mask = shapeLayer; } - (void)measureUndefinedContent:(CGSize)targetSize { CGSize measuredSize = [self.view sizeThatFits:targetSize]; if (self.widthSpec == DoricLayoutFit) { if ([self.view isKindOfClass:[UIImageView class]] && self.heightSpec != DoricLayoutFit && measuredSize.height > 0) { self.measuredWidth = measuredSize.width / measuredSize.height * self.measuredHeight + self.paddingLeft + self.paddingRight; } else { self.measuredWidth = measuredSize.width + self.paddingLeft + self.paddingRight; } } if (self.heightSpec == DoricLayoutFit) { if ([self.view isKindOfClass:[UIImageView class]] && self.widthSpec != DoricLayoutFit && measuredSize.width > 0) { self.measuredHeight = measuredSize.height / measuredSize.width * self.measuredWidth + self.paddingTop + self.paddingBottom; } else { self.measuredHeight = measuredSize.height + self.paddingTop + self.paddingBottom; } } self.contentWidth = measuredSize.width; self.contentHeight = measuredSize.height; } - (CGFloat)takenWidth { return self.measuredWidth + self.marginLeft + self.marginRight; } - (CGFloat)takenHeight { return self.measuredHeight + self.marginTop + self.marginBottom; } - (CGSize)removeMargin:(CGSize)targetSize { return CGSizeMake( targetSize.width - self.marginLeft - self.marginRight, targetSize.height - self.marginTop - self.marginBottom); } - (void)measureStackContent:(CGSize)targetSize { CGFloat contentWidth = 0, contentHeight = 0; for (__kindof UIView *subview in self.view.subviews) { DoricLayout *layout = subview.doricLayout; if (layout.disabled) { continue; } [layout measure:[layout removeMargin:targetSize]]; contentWidth = MAX(contentWidth, layout.takenWidth); contentHeight = MAX(contentHeight, layout.takenHeight); } if (self.widthSpec == DoricLayoutFit) { self.measuredWidth = contentWidth + self.paddingLeft + self.paddingRight; } if (self.heightSpec == DoricLayoutFit) { self.measuredHeight = contentHeight + self.paddingTop + self.paddingBottom; } self.contentWidth = contentWidth; self.contentHeight = contentHeight; } - (void)measureVLayoutContent:(CGSize)targetSize { CGFloat contentWidth = 0, contentHeight = 0, contentWeight = 0; BOOL had = NO; for (__kindof UIView *subview in self.view.subviews) { DoricLayout *layout = subview.doricLayout; if (layout.disabled) { continue; } had = YES; [layout measure:[layout removeMargin:CGSizeMake(targetSize.width, targetSize.height - contentHeight)]]; contentWidth = MAX(contentWidth, layout.takenWidth); contentHeight += layout.takenHeight + self.spacing; contentWeight += layout.weight; } if (had) { contentHeight -= self.spacing; } if (contentWeight > 0) { CGFloat remaining = targetSize.height - contentHeight; contentWidth = 0; contentHeight = 0; had = NO; for (__kindof UIView *subview in self.view.subviews) { DoricLayout *layout = subview.doricLayout; if (layout.disabled) { continue; } had = YES; CGFloat measuredHeight = layout.measuredHeight + remaining / contentWeight * layout.weight; layout.measuredHeight = measuredHeight; //Need Remeasure [layout measureContent:CGSizeMake( layout.measuredWidth - layout.paddingLeft - layout.paddingRight, measuredHeight - layout.paddingTop - layout.paddingBottom)]; layout.measuredHeight = measuredHeight; contentWidth = MAX(contentWidth, layout.takenWidth); contentHeight += layout.takenHeight + self.spacing; } if (had) { contentHeight -= self.spacing; } } if (self.widthSpec == DoricLayoutFit) { self.measuredWidth = contentWidth + self.paddingLeft + self.paddingRight; } if (self.heightSpec == DoricLayoutFit) { self.measuredHeight = contentHeight + self.paddingTop + self.paddingBottom; } self.contentWidth = contentWidth; self.contentHeight = contentHeight; } - (void)measureHLayoutContent:(CGSize)targetSize { CGFloat contentWidth = 0, contentHeight = 0, contentWeight = 0;; BOOL had = NO; for (__kindof UIView *subview in self.view.subviews) { DoricLayout *layout = subview.doricLayout; if (layout.disabled) { continue; } had = YES; [layout measure:[layout removeMargin:CGSizeMake(targetSize.width - contentWidth, targetSize.height)]]; contentWidth += layout.takenWidth + self.spacing; contentHeight = MAX(contentHeight, layout.takenHeight); contentWeight += layout.weight; } if (had) { contentWidth -= self.spacing; } if (contentWeight > 0) { CGFloat remaining = targetSize.width - contentWidth; contentWidth = 0; contentHeight = 0; had = NO; for (__kindof UIView *subview in self.view.subviews) { DoricLayout *layout = subview.doricLayout; if (layout.disabled) { continue; } had = YES; CGFloat measuredWidth = layout.measuredWidth + remaining / contentWeight * layout.weight; layout.measuredWidth = measuredWidth; //Need Remeasure [layout measureContent:CGSizeMake( measuredWidth - layout.paddingLeft - layout.paddingRight, layout.measuredHeight - layout.paddingTop - layout.paddingBottom)]; layout.measuredWidth = measuredWidth; contentWidth += layout.takenWidth + self.spacing; contentHeight = MAX(contentHeight, layout.takenHeight); } if (had) { contentWidth -= self.spacing; } } if (self.widthSpec == DoricLayoutFit) { self.measuredWidth = contentWidth + self.paddingLeft + self.paddingRight; } if (self.heightSpec == DoricLayoutFit) { self.measuredHeight = contentHeight + self.paddingTop + self.paddingBottom; } self.contentWidth = contentWidth; self.contentHeight = contentHeight; } - (void)layoutStack { for (__kindof UIView *subview in self.view.subviews) { DoricLayout *layout = subview.doricLayout; if (layout.disabled) { continue; } if (self.widthSpec == DoricLayoutFit && layout.widthSpec == DoricLayoutMost) { layout.measuredWidth = self.contentWidth - layout.marginLeft - layout.marginRight; } if (self.heightSpec == DoricLayoutFit && layout.heightSpec == DoricLayoutMost) { layout.measuredHeight = self.contentHeight - layout.marginTop - layout.marginBottom; } [layout layout]; DoricGravity gravity = layout.alignment; if ((gravity & DoricGravityLeft) == DoricGravityLeft) { layout.measuredX = self.paddingLeft; } else if ((gravity & DoricGravityRight) == DoricGravityRight) { layout.measuredX = self.measuredWidth - self.paddingRight - layout.measuredWidth; } else if ((gravity & DoricGravityCenterX) == DoricGravityCenterX) { layout.measuredX = self.measuredWidth / 2 - layout.measuredWidth / 2; } else { layout.measuredX = self.paddingLeft; } if ((gravity & DoricGravityTop) == DoricGravityTop) { layout.measuredY = self.paddingTop; } else if ((gravity & DoricGravityBottom) == DoricGravityBottom) { layout.measuredY = self.measuredHeight - self.paddingBottom - layout.measuredHeight; } else if ((gravity & DoricGravityCenterY) == DoricGravityCenterY) { layout.measuredY = self.measuredHeight / 2 - layout.measuredHeight / 2; } else { layout.measuredY = self.paddingTop; } if (!gravity) { gravity = DoricGravityLeft | DoricGravityTop; } if (layout.marginLeft && !((gravity & DoricGravityRight) == DoricGravityRight)) { layout.measuredX += layout.marginLeft; } if (layout.marginRight && !((gravity & DoricGravityLeft) == DoricGravityLeft)) { layout.measuredX -= layout.marginRight; } if (layout.marginTop && !((gravity & DoricGravityBottom) == DoricGravityBottom)) { layout.measuredY += layout.marginTop; } if (layout.marginBottom && !((gravity & DoricGravityTop) == DoricGravityTop)) { layout.measuredY -= layout.marginBottom; } } } - (void)layoutVLayout { CGFloat yStart = self.paddingTop; if ((self.gravity & DoricGravityTop) == DoricGravityTop) { yStart = self.paddingTop; } else if ((self.gravity & DoricGravityBottom) == DoricGravityBottom) { yStart = self.measuredHeight - self.contentHeight - self.paddingBottom; } else if ((self.gravity & DoricGravityCenterY) == DoricGravityCenterY) { yStart = (self.measuredHeight - self.contentHeight - self.paddingTop - self.paddingBottom) / 2 + self.paddingTop; } for (UIView *child in self.view.subviews) { DoricLayout *layout = child.doricLayout; if (layout.disabled) { continue; } if (self.widthSpec == DoricLayoutFit && layout.widthSpec == DoricLayoutMost) { layout.measuredWidth = self.contentWidth - layout.marginLeft - layout.marginRight; } [layout layout]; DoricGravity gravity = layout.alignment | self.gravity; if ((gravity & DoricGravityLeft) == DoricGravityLeft) { layout.measuredX = self.paddingLeft; } else if ((gravity & DoricGravityRight) == DoricGravityRight) { layout.measuredX = self.measuredWidth - self.paddingRight - layout.measuredWidth; } else if ((gravity & DoricGravityCenterX) == DoricGravityCenterX) { layout.measuredX = self.measuredWidth / 2 - layout.measuredWidth / 2; } else { layout.measuredX = self.paddingLeft; } if (!gravity) { gravity = DoricGravityLeft; } if (layout.marginLeft && !((gravity & DoricGravityRight) == DoricGravityRight)) { layout.measuredX += layout.marginLeft; } if (layout.marginRight && !((gravity & DoricGravityLeft) == DoricGravityLeft)) { layout.measuredX -= layout.marginRight; } layout.measuredY = yStart + layout.marginTop; yStart += self.spacing + layout.takenHeight; } } - (void)layoutHLayout { CGFloat xStart = self.paddingLeft; if ((self.gravity & DoricGravityLeft) == DoricGravityLeft) { xStart = self.paddingLeft; } else if ((self.gravity & DoricGravityRight) == DoricGravityRight) { xStart = self.measuredWidth - self.contentWidth - self.paddingRight; } else if ((self.gravity & DoricGravityCenterX) == DoricGravityCenterX) { xStart = (self.measuredWidth - self.contentWidth - self.paddingLeft - self.paddingRight) / 2 + self.paddingLeft; } for (UIView *child in self.view.subviews) { DoricLayout *layout = child.doricLayout; if (layout.disabled) { continue; } if (self.heightSpec == DoricLayoutFit && layout.heightSpec == DoricLayoutMost) { layout.measuredHeight = self.contentHeight - layout.marginTop - layout.marginBottom; } [layout layout]; DoricGravity gravity = layout.alignment | self.gravity; if ((gravity & DoricGravityTop) == DoricGravityTop) { layout.measuredY = self.paddingTop; } else if ((gravity & DoricGravityBottom) == DoricGravityBottom) { layout.measuredY = self.measuredHeight - self.paddingBottom - layout.measuredHeight; } else if ((gravity & DoricGravityCenterY) == DoricGravityCenterY) { layout.measuredY = self.measuredHeight / 2 - layout.measuredHeight / 2; } else { layout.measuredY = self.paddingTop; } if (!gravity) { gravity = DoricGravityTop; } if (layout.marginTop && !((gravity & DoricGravityBottom) == DoricGravityBottom)) { layout.measuredY += layout.marginTop; } if (layout.marginBottom && !((gravity & DoricGravityTop) == DoricGravityTop)) { layout.measuredY -= layout.marginBottom; } layout.measuredX = xStart + layout.marginLeft; xStart += self.spacing + layout.takenWidth; } } @end