/* * Copyright [2019] [Doric.Pub] * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as doric from './src/runtime/sandbox' import WebSocket from "ws" import path from 'path' import { Panel } from './src/ui/panel'; type MSG = { type: "D2C" | "C2D" | "C2S" | "D2S" | "S2C" | "S2D", cmd: string, payload: { [index: string]: string | number | { type: number, value: string }[] } } let contextId: string | undefined = undefined; let global = new Function('return this')() const originSetTimeout = global.setTimeout global.setTimeout = global.doricSetTimeout global.setInterval = global.doricSetInterval global.clearTimeout = global.doricClearTimeout global.clearInterval = global.doricClearInterval global.doric = doric async function initNativeEnvironment(source: string) { // dev kit client return new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => { const ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:7777') .on('open', () => { console.log('Connectted Devkit on port', '7777') ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: "D2C", cmd: "DEBUG_REQ", payload: { source, }, } as MSG)) }) .on('message', (data) => { const msg = JSON.parse(data as string) as MSG const payload = msg.payload switch (msg.cmd) { case "DEBUG_RES": const contextId = msg.payload.contextId as string; resolve(contextId); break; case "injectGlobalJSObject": console.log("injectGlobalJSObject", payload); const type = payload.type as number const value = payload.value as string let arg if (type === 0) { arg = null } else if (type === 1) { arg = parseFloat(value) } else if (type === 2) { arg = (value == 'true') } else if (type === 3) { arg = value.toString() } else if (type === 4) { arg = JSON.parse(value) } else if (type === 5) { arg = JSON.parse(value) } if (payload.name === "Environment") { (arg as any).debugging = true } Reflect.set(global, payload.name as string, arg) break case "injectGlobalJSFunction": console.log("injectGlobalJSFunction", payload); if (payload.name === "nativeEmpty") { break } Reflect.set(global, payload.name as string, function () { let args = [].slice.call(arguments) console.log(args) console.log("injected", payload.name, args) ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: "D2C", cmd: 'injectGlobalJSFunction', payload: { name: payload.name, arguments: args } } as MSG)) }) break case "invokeMethod": const callId = payload.callId; console.log("invokeMethod", callId, payload) const values = payload.values as { type: number, value: string }[] let args = [] for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { let value = values[i] if (value.type === 0) { args.push(null) } else if (value.type === 1) { args.push(parseFloat(value.value)) } else if (value.type === 2) { args.push((value.value == 'true')) } else if (value.type === 3) { args.push(value.value.toString()) } else if (value.type === 4) { args.push(JSON.parse(value.value)) } else if (value.type === 5) { args.push(JSON.parse(value.value)) } } const object = Reflect.get(global, payload.objectName as string) const method = Reflect.get(object, payload.functionName as string) const result = Reflect.apply(method, undefined, args) console.log("Result", callId, result) ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: "D2C", cmd: 'invokeMethod', payload: { result, callId, } } as MSG)) break; case "DEBUG_STOP": console.log(msg.payload?.msg || "Stop debugging"); process.exit(0); break; } }) .on('error', (error) => { console.log(error) reject(error) }) }) } global.context = doric.jsObtainContext("FakeContext"); const entryHooks: Function[] = [] global.Entry = function () { if (!!contextId) { return Reflect.apply(doric.jsObtainEntry(contextId), doric, arguments); } else { const jsFile = new Error().stack?.split("\n") .map(e => e.match(/at\s__decorate.*?\s\((.*?)\)/)) .find(e => !!e)?.[1].match(/(.*?\.js)/)?.[1]; if (!jsFile) { throw new Error("Cannot find debugging file"); } const args = arguments entryHooks.push((contextId: string) => { Reflect.apply(doric.jsObtainEntry(contextId), doric, args); }) if (entryHooks.length <= 1) { const source = path.basename(jsFile) console.log(`Debugging ${source}`) initNativeEnvironment(source).then(ret => { contextId = ret; console.log("debugging context id: " + contextId); const realContext = doric.jsObtainContext(contextId); global.context.id = contextId; global.context = realContext; entryHooks.forEach(e => e(contextId)) }); return arguments[0]; } } } global.injectGlobal = (objName: string, obj: string) => { Reflect.set(global, objName, JSON.parse(obj)) } global.sendToNative = () => { } global.receiveFromNative = () => { } global.nativeLog = (type: string, msg: string) => { switch (type) { case "w": { console.warn(msg); break; } case "e": { console.error(msg); break; } default: { console.log(msg); break; } } } global.nativeRequire = () => { console.error("nativeRequire", new Error().stack); console.error("Do not call here in debugging"); return false; } global.nativeBridge = () => { console.error("nativeBridge", new Error().stack); console.error("Do not call here in debugging"); return false; } global.Envrionment = new Proxy({}, { get: (target, p, receiver) => { console.error("Environment Getter", new Error().stack); console.error("Do not call here in debugging"); return undefined }, set: (target, p, v, receiver) => { console.error("Environment Setter", new Error().stack) console.error("Do not call here in debugging"); return Reflect.set(target, p, v, receiver); } }) global.nativeEmpty = () => { originSetTimeout(() => { for (let context of doric.allContexts()) { const entity = context.entity if (entity instanceof Panel) { const panel = entity as Panel if (panel.getRootView().isDirty()) { const model = panel.getRootView().toModel() context.callNative("shader", "render", model) panel.getRootView().clean() } for (let map of panel.allHeadViews()) { for (let v of map.values()) { if (v.isDirty()) { const model = v.toModel() context.callNative("shader", "render", model) v.clean() } } } } } }, 0) } export * from './index'