import { Module, Color, Gravity, Group, layoutConfig, LayoutSpec, ModularPanel, scroller, text, vlayout, hlayout, Text, HLayout, View, VLayout, Provider, stack, loge, } from "doric"; import { CounterPage } from "./Counter"; let moduleId = 0 class ProvidedData { received: string[] = [] mounted: Record = {} } class SingleModule extends Module { myId = ++moduleId onCreate() { super.onCreate() this.provider?.observe(ProvidedData).addObserver((state => { if (state?.mounted[] === false) { this.unmount() } else { this.mount() } })) } name() { return `${}#${this.myId}` } discription() { return "This is a single module." } backgroundColor() { return Color.parse("#3498db") } contentView!: View buildExtraContent(): View[] { return [] } build(root: Group) { this.contentView = vlayout( [ text({ text:, textColor: Color.WHITE, textSize: 20, onClick: () => { this.dispatchMessage(`Hello from ${}`) this.provider?.observe(ProvidedData)?.update(state => { state?.received.push( return state }) } }), text({ textSize: 12, text: this.discription(), textColor: Color.WHITE, }), text({ text: "Unmount", textSize: 12, textColor: Color.WHITE, onClick: () => { this.provider?.observe(ProvidedData)?.update(state => { if (state) { state.mounted[] = false } return state }) } }), ...this.buildExtraContent(), ], { layoutConfig: { widthSpec: LayoutSpec.MOST, heightSpec: LayoutSpec.FIT, }, padding: { top: 20, bottom: 20, left: 20, right: 20, }, gravity: Gravity.Center, backgroundColor: this.backgroundColor(), space: 5, } ).in(root) } } abstract class GroupModule extends ModularPanel { myId = ++moduleId name() { return `${}#${this.myId}` } discription() { return "This is a group module." } backgroundColor() { return Color.parse("#f39c12") } abstract buildShelf(): [View, Group] setupShelf(root: Group): Group { const [content, shelf] = this.buildShelf() vlayout( [ text({ text:, textColor: Color.WHITE, textSize: 20, onClick: () => { this.dispatchMessage(`Hello from ${}`) this.provider?.observe(ProvidedData)?.update(state => { state?.received.push( return state }) } }), text({ textSize: 12, text: this.discription(), textColor: Color.WHITE, }), content ], { layoutConfig: { widthSpec: LayoutSpec.MOST, heightSpec: LayoutSpec.FIT }, backgroundColor: this.backgroundColor(), padding: { top: 10, bottom: 10, }, space: 10, gravity: Gravity.Center, } ).in(root) return shelf } } class Receiver extends SingleModule { contentLabel?: Text discription() { return "This module recevies message from other modules." } buildExtraContent() { return [ hlayout( [ text({ text: "Received:", textColor: Color.WHITE, }), this.contentLabel = text({ text: "", textColor: Color.WHITE, }), ], { space: 10 }) ] } onMessage(message: string) { this.contentLabel!.text = message } } class ProviderWatcher extends SingleModule { contentLabel?: Text discription() { return "This module watches provider." } onCreate() { super.onCreate() this.provider?.observe(ProvidedData)?.addObserver((ret) => { this.contentLabel!.text = ret?.received?.join("\n") }) } buildExtraContent() { return [ hlayout( [ text({ text: "Clicked:", textColor: Color.WHITE, }), this.contentLabel = text({ text: "", maxLines: 0, textColor: Color.WHITE, }), ], { space: 10 }) ] } } class InnerSingleModule extends SingleModule { build(root: Group) { this.contentView.apply({ layoutConfig: { widthSpec: LayoutSpec.MOST, heightSpec: LayoutSpec.FIT, weight: 1, } }) } } class HorizontalModule extends GroupModule { discription() { return "This module is horizontal." } buildShelf(): [View, Group] { const shelf = new HLayout shelf.apply({ layoutConfig: { widthSpec: LayoutSpec.MOST, heightSpec: LayoutSpec.FIT }, space: 10, }) return [ shelf, shelf, ] } setupModules() { return [ InnerSingleModule, InnerSingleModule, ] } } class VerticalModule extends GroupModule { discription() { return "This module is vertical." } backgroundColor() { return Color.parse("#2ecc71") } buildShelf(): [View, Group] { const shelf = new VLayout shelf.apply({ layoutConfig: { widthSpec: LayoutSpec.MOST, heightSpec: LayoutSpec.JUST }, height: 120, space: 10, }) return [ shelf, shelf, ] } setupModules() { return [ InnerSingleModule, InnerSingleModule, ] } } class ScrollableVerticalModule extends GroupModule { discription() { return "This module is vertical and scrollable." } backgroundColor() { return Color.parse("#2ecc71") } buildShelf(): [View, Group] { const shelf = new VLayout shelf.apply({ layoutConfig: { widthSpec: LayoutSpec.MOST, heightSpec: LayoutSpec.FIT }, space: 10, }) return [ scroller( shelf, { layoutConfig: { widthSpec: LayoutSpec.MOST, heightSpec: LayoutSpec.JUST, }, height: 120, }), shelf, ] } setupModules() { return [ SingleModule, SingleModule, SingleModule, SingleModule, ] } onCreate() { this.provider?.remove(ProvidedData) } } class ScrollableHorizontalModule extends GroupModule { discription() { return "This module is horizontal and scrollable." } buildShelf(): [View, Group] { const shelf = new HLayout shelf.apply({ layoutConfig: { widthSpec: LayoutSpec.FIT, heightSpec: LayoutSpec.FIT }, space: 10, }) return [ scroller( shelf, { layoutConfig: { widthSpec: LayoutSpec.MOST, heightSpec: LayoutSpec.FIT }, }), shelf, ] } setupModules() { return [ SingleModule, SingleModule, SingleModule, SingleModule, SingleModule, ] } } class ResetModule extends SingleModule { discription() { return "This module reset all modules to mounted." } buildExtraContent() { return [ text({ text: "Reset", textColor: Color.WHITE, onClick: () => { this.provider?.observe(ProvidedData).update(state => { if (state) { state.mounted = {} } return state }) }, }) ] } } @Entry class ModularDemo extends ModularPanel { constructor() { super() this.provider = new Provider this.provider.provide(new ProvidedData) } setupModules() { return [ SingleModule, ProviderWatcher, Receiver, VerticalModule, HorizontalModule, ScrollableVerticalModule, ScrollableHorizontalModule, CounterPage, ResetModule, ] } setupShelf(root: Group) { const shelf = vlayout( [], { layoutConfig: { widthSpec: LayoutSpec.MOST, heightSpec: LayoutSpec.FIT }, space: 10, } ) scroller( shelf, { layoutConfig: layoutConfig().most() }).in(root) return shelf } }