/* * Copyright [2019] [Doric.Pub] * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // // DoricConstant.m // Doric // // Created by pengfei.zhou on 2019/7/26. // #import "DoricConstant.h" NSString *const DORIC_BUNDLE_SANDBOX = @"doric-sandbox"; NSString *const DORIC_BUNDLE_LIB = @"doric-lib"; NSString *const DORIC_MODULE_LIB = @"doric"; NSString *const INJECT_ENVIRONMENT = @"Environment"; NSString *const INJECT_LOG = @"nativeLog"; NSString *const INJECT_REQUIRE = @"nativeRequire"; NSString *const INJECT_TIMER_SET = @"nativeSetTimer"; NSString *const INJECT_TIMER_CLEAR = @"nativeClearTimer"; NSString *const INJECT_BRIDGE = @"nativeBridge"; NSString *const INJECT_EMPTY = @"nativeEmpty"; NSString *const TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_CREATE = @"Reflect.apply(" "function(doric,context,Entry,require,exports){" "\n" "%@" "\n" "},undefined,[" "undefined," "doric.jsObtainContext(\"%@\")," "doric.jsObtainEntry(\"%@\")," "doric.__require__" ",{}" "])"; NSString *const TEMPLATE_MODULE = @"Reflect.apply(doric.jsRegisterModule,this,[" "\"%@\"," "Reflect.apply(function(__module){" "(function(module,exports,require){" "\n" "%@" "\n" "})(__module,__module.exports,doric.__require__);" "\nreturn __module.exports;" "},this,[{exports:{}}])" "])"; NSString *const TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_DESTROY = @"doric.jsReleaseContext(\"%@\")"; NSString *const GLOBAL_DORIC = @"doric"; NSString *const DORIC_CONTEXT_RELEASE = @"jsReleaseContext"; NSString *const DORIC_CONTEXT_INVOKE = @"jsCallEntityMethod"; NSString *const DORIC_CONTEXT_INVOKE_PURE = @"pureCallEntityMethod"; NSString *const DORIC_TIMER_CALLBACK = @"jsCallbackTimer"; NSString *const DORIC_BRIDGE_RESOLVE = @"jsCallResolve"; NSString *const DORIC_BRIDGE_REJECT = @"jsCallReject"; NSString *const DORIC_ENTITY_RESPONSE = @"__response__"; NSString *const DORIC_ENTITY_INIT = @"__init__"; NSString *const DORIC_ENTITY_CREATE = @"__onCreate__"; NSString *const DORIC_ENTITY_DESTROY = @"__onDestroy__"; NSString *const DORIC_ENTITY_SHOW = @"__onShow__"; NSString *const DORIC_ENTITY_HIDDEN = @"__onHidden__"; NSString *const DORIC_ENTITY_BUILD = @"__build__"; NSString *const DORIC_ENTITY_ENV_CHANGE = @"__onEnvChanged__";