declare module "doric" { // Generated by dts-bundle-generator v6.13.0 export interface Modeling { toModel(): Model; } export function obj2Model(obj: Model, convertor: (v: Function) => string): Model; export type _M = string | number | boolean | Modeling | { [index: string]: Model; } | undefined; export type Model = _M | Array<_M>; export type Binder = (v: T) => void; export class Mutable { private val; private binders; get: () => T; set: (v: T) => void; private constructor(); bind(binder: Binder): void; static of(v: E): Mutable; } export type ClassType = new (...args: any) => T; /** * Store color as format AARRGGBB or RRGGBB */ export class Color implements Modeling { static BLACK: Color; static DKGRAY: Color; static GRAY: Color; static LTGRAY: Color; static WHITE: Color; static RED: Color; static GREEN: Color; static BLUE: Color; static YELLOW: Color; static CYAN: Color; static MAGENTA: Color; static TRANSPARENT: Color; _value: number; constructor(v: number); static parse(str: string): Color; static safeParse(str: string, defVal?: Color): Color; alpha(v: number): Color; toModel(): number; } export enum GradientOrientation { /** draw the gradient from the top to the bottom */ TOP_BOTTOM = 0, /** draw the gradient from the top-right to the bottom-left */ TR_BL = 1, /** draw the gradient from the right to the left */ RIGHT_LEFT = 2, /** draw the gradient from the bottom-right to the top-left */ BR_TL = 3, /** draw the gradient from the bottom to the top */ BOTTOM_TOP = 4, /** draw the gradient from the bottom-left to the top-right */ BL_TR = 5, /** draw the gradient from the left to the right */ LEFT_RIGHT = 6, /** draw the gradient from the top-left to the bottom-right */ TL_BR = 7 } export interface GradientColor { start?: Color; end?: Color; colors?: Array; locations?: Array; orientation: GradientOrientation; } export const LEFT: number; export const RIGHT: number; export const TOP: number; export const BOTTOM: number; export const CENTER_X: number; export const CENTER_Y: number; export const CENTER: number; export class Gravity implements Modeling { val: number; left(): Gravity; right(): Gravity; top(): Gravity; bottom(): Gravity; center(): Gravity; centerX(): Gravity; centerY(): Gravity; toModel(): number; private static origin; static Center: Gravity; static CenterX: Gravity; static CenterY: Gravity; static Left: Gravity; static Right: Gravity; static Top: Gravity; static Bottom: Gravity; } export function gravity(): Gravity; export enum LayoutSpec { /** * Depends on what's been set on width or height. */ JUST = 0, /** * Depends on it's content. */ FIT = 1, /** * Extend as much as parent let it take. */ MOST = 2 } export interface LayoutConfig { widthSpec?: LayoutSpec; heightSpec?: LayoutSpec; margin?: { left?: number; right?: number; top?: number; bottom?: number; }; alignment?: Gravity; weight?: number; maxWidth?: number; maxHeight?: number; minWidth?: number; minHeight?: number; } export class LayoutConfigImpl implements LayoutConfig, Modeling { widthSpec?: LayoutSpec; heightSpec?: LayoutSpec; margin?: { left?: number; right?: number; top?: number; bottom?: number; }; alignment?: Gravity; weight?: number; maxWidth?: number; maxHeight?: number; minWidth?: number; minHeight?: number; fit(): this; fitWidth(): this; fitHeight(): this; most(): this; mostWidth(): this; mostHeight(): this; just(): this; justWidth(): this; justHeight(): this; configWidth(w: LayoutSpec): this; configHeight(h: LayoutSpec): this; configMargin(m: { left?: number; right?: number; top?: number; bottom?: number; }): this; configAlignment(a: Gravity): this; configWeight(w: number): this; configMaxWidth(v: number): this; configMaxHeight(v: number): this; configMinWidth(v: number): this; configMinHeight(v: number): this; toModel(): { widthSpec: LayoutSpec | undefined; heightSpec: LayoutSpec | undefined; margin: { left?: number | undefined; right?: number | undefined; top?: number | undefined; bottom?: number | undefined; } | undefined; alignment: number | undefined; weight: number | undefined; minWidth: number | undefined; maxWidth: number | undefined; minHeight: number | undefined; maxHeight: number | undefined; }; } export function layoutConfig(): LayoutConfigImpl; export type AnimatedKey = "translationX" | "translationY" | "scaleX" | "scaleY" | "rotation" | "pivotX" | "pivotY" | "rotationX" | "rotationY" | "backgroundColor" | "alpha"; export enum RepeatMode { RESTART = 1, REVERSE = 2 } export interface IAnimation extends Modeling { duration: number; delay?: number; id: string; } export interface Changeable { fromValue: number; toValue: number; key: AnimatedKey; repeatCount?: number; repeatMode?: RepeatMode; keyFrames?: { percent: number; value: number; }[]; } export enum FillMode { /** * The receiver is removed from the presentation when the animation is completed. */ Removed = 0, /** * The receiver remains visible in its final state when the animation is completed. */ Forward = 1, /** * The receiver clamps values before zero to zero when the animation is completed. */ Backward = 2, /** * The receiver clamps values at both ends of the object’s time space */ Both = 3 } export enum TimingFunction { /** * The system default timing function. Use this function to ensure that the timing of your animations matches that of most system animations. */ Default = 0, /** * Linear pacing, which causes an animation to occur evenly over its duration. */ Linear = 1, /** * Ease-in pacing, which causes an animation to begin slowly and then speed up as it progresses. */ EaseIn = 2, /** * Ease-out pacing, which causes an animation to begin quickly and then slow as it progresses. */ EaseOut = 3, /** * Ease-in-ease-out pacing, which causes an animation to begin slowly, accelerate through the middle of its duration, and then slow again before completing. */ EaseInEaseOut = 4 } abstract class Animation implements IAnimation { changeables: Map; duration: number; repeatCount?: number; repeatMode?: RepeatMode; delay?: number; fillMode: FillMode; timingFunction?: TimingFunction; id: string; toModel(): { type: string; delay: number | undefined; duration: number; changeables: { key: AnimatedKey; fromValue: number; toValue: number; keyFrames: { percent: number; value: number; }[] | undefined; }[]; repeatCount: number | undefined; repeatMode: RepeatMode | undefined; fillMode: FillMode; timingFunction: TimingFunction | undefined; id: string; }; } export class ScaleAnimation extends Animation { private scaleXChangeable; private scaleYChangeable; constructor(); set xKeyFrames(keyFrames: { percent: number; value: number; }[]); set yKeyFrames(keyFrames: { percent: number; value: number; }[]); set fromScaleX(v: number); get fromScaleX(): number; set toScaleX(v: number); get toScaleX(): number; set fromScaleY(v: number); get fromScaleY(): number; set toScaleY(v: number); get toScaleY(): number; } export class TranslationAnimation extends Animation { private translationXChangeable; private translationYChangeable; constructor(); set xKeyFrames(keyFrames: { percent: number; value: number; }[]); set yKeyFrames(keyFrames: { percent: number; value: number; }[]); set fromTranslationX(v: number); get fromTranslationX(): number; set toTranslationX(v: number); get toTranslationX(): number; set fromTranslationY(v: number); get fromTranslationY(): number; set toTranslationY(v: number); get toTranslationY(): number; } /** * Rotation range is [0..2] */ export class RotationAnimation extends Animation { private rotationChaneable; constructor(); set fromRotation(v: number); get fromRotation(): number; set toRotation(v: number); get toRotation(): number; set keyFrames(keyFrames: { percent: number; value: number; }[]); } /** * Rotation range is [0..2] */ export class RotationXAnimation extends Animation { private rotationChaneable; constructor(); set fromRotation(v: number); get fromRotation(): number; set toRotation(v: number); get toRotation(): number; set keyFrames(keyFrames: { percent: number; value: number; }[]); } /** * Rotation range is [0..2] */ export class RotationYAnimation extends Animation { private rotationChaneable; constructor(); set fromRotation(v: number); get fromRotation(): number; set toRotation(v: number); get toRotation(): number; set keyFrames(keyFrames: { percent: number; value: number; }[]); } export class BackgroundColorAnimation extends Animation { private backgroundColorChangeable; constructor(); set fromColor(color: Color); get fromColor(): Color; set toColor(v: Color); get toColor(): Color; set keyFrames(keyFrames: { percent: number; value: Color; }[]); } /** * Alpha range is [0..1] */ export class AlphaAnimation extends Animation { private opacityChangeable; constructor(); set from(v: number); get from(): number; set to(v: number); get to(): number; set keyFrames(keyFrames: { percent: number; value: number; }[]); } export class AnimationSet implements IAnimation { private animations; private _duration; delay?: number; id: string; addAnimation(anim: IAnimation): void; get duration(): number; set duration(v: number); toModel(): { animations: Model; delay: number | undefined; id: string; }; } enum ValueType { Undefined = 0, Point = 1, Percent = 2, Auto = 3 } export class FlexTypedValue implements Modeling { type: ValueType; value: number; constructor(type: ValueType); static Auto: FlexTypedValue; static percent(v: number): FlexTypedValue; static point(v: number): FlexTypedValue; toModel(): { type: ValueType; value: number; }; } export enum FlexDirection { COLUMN = 0, COLUMN_REVERSE = 1, ROW = 2, ROW_REVERSE = 3 } export enum Align { AUTO = 0, FLEX_START = 1, CENTER = 2, FLEX_END = 3, STRETCH = 4, BASELINE = 5, SPACE_BETWEEN = 6, SPACE_AROUND = 7 } export enum Justify { FLEX_START = 0, CENTER = 1, FLEX_END = 2, SPACE_BETWEEN = 3, SPACE_AROUND = 4, SPACE_EVENLY = 5 } export enum Direction { INHERIT = 0, LTR = 1, RTL = 2 } export enum PositionType { RELATIVE = 0, ABSOLUTE = 1 } export enum Wrap { NO_WRAP = 0, WRAP = 1, WRAP_REVERSE = 2 } export enum OverFlow { VISIBLE = 0, HIDDEN = 1, SCROLL = 2 } export enum Display { FLEX = 0, NONE = 1 } export type FlexValue = FlexTypedValue | number; export interface FlexConfig { direction?: Direction; flexDirection?: FlexDirection; justifyContent?: Justify; alignContent?: Align; alignItems?: Align; alignSelf?: Align; positionType?: PositionType; flexWrap?: Wrap; overFlow?: OverFlow; display?: Display; flex?: number; flexGrow?: number; flexShrink?: number; flexBasis?: FlexValue; marginLeft?: FlexValue; marginRight?: FlexValue; marginTop?: FlexValue; marginBottom?: FlexValue; marginStart?: FlexValue; marginEnd?: FlexValue; marginHorizontal?: FlexValue; marginVertical?: FlexValue; margin?: FlexValue; paddingLeft?: FlexValue; paddingRight?: FlexValue; paddingTop?: FlexValue; paddingBottom?: FlexValue; paddingStart?: FlexValue; paddingEnd?: FlexValue; paddingHorizontal?: FlexValue; paddingVertical?: FlexValue; padding?: FlexValue; borderLeftWidth?: number; borderRightWidth?: number; borderTopWidth?: number; borderBottomWidth?: number; borderStartWidth?: number; borderEndWidth?: number; borderWidth?: number; left?: FlexValue; right?: FlexValue; top?: FlexValue; bottom?: FlexValue; start?: FlexValue; end?: FlexValue; width?: FlexValue; height?: FlexValue; minWidth?: FlexValue; minHeight?: FlexValue; maxWidth?: FlexValue; maxHeight?: FlexValue; aspectRatio?: number; } export function Property(target: Object, propKey: string): void; export function InconsistProperty(target: Object, propKey: string): void; export function ViewComponent(constructor: ClassType): void; export type NativeViewModel = { id: string; type: string; props: { [index: string]: Model; }; }; export type RefType = T extends Ref ? R : never; export class Ref { private view?; set current(v: T); get current(): T; apply(config: Partial>): void; } export function createRef(): Ref; export abstract class View implements Modeling { width: number; height: number; x: number; y: number; backgroundColor?: Color | GradientColor; corners?: number | { leftTop?: number; rightTop?: number; leftBottom?: number; rightBottom?: number; }; border?: { width: number; color: Color; }; shadow?: { color: Color; opacity: number; radius: number; offsetX: number; offsetY: number; }; /** * float [0,..1] */ alpha?: number; hidden?: boolean; viewId: string; tag?: string; layoutConfig?: LayoutConfig; onClick?: Function; superview?: Superview; callbacks: Map; callback2Id(f: Function): string; private id2Callback; findViewByTag(tag: string): View | undefined; constructor(); /** Anchor start*/ get left(): number; set left(v: number); get right(): number; set right(v: number); get top(): number; set top(v: number); get bottom(): number; set bottom(v: number); get centerX(): number; get centerY(): number; set centerX(v: number); set centerY(v: number); /** Anchor end*/ private __dirty_props__; get dirtyProps(): { [index: string]: Model; }; nativeViewModel: NativeViewModel; viewType(): any; onPropertyChanged(propKey: string, oldV: Model, newV: Model): void; clean(): void; isDirty(): boolean; responseCallback(id: string, ...args: any): any; toModel(): NativeViewModel; let(block: (it: this) => void): void; also(block: (it: this) => void): this; apply(config: Partial): this; in(group: Group): this; nativeChannel(context: BridgeContext, name: string): (args?: any) => Promise; getWidth(context: BridgeContext): Promise; getHeight(context: BridgeContext): Promise; getX(context: BridgeContext): Promise; getY(context: BridgeContext): Promise; getLocationOnScreen(context: BridgeContext): Promise<{ x: number; y: number; }>; /**++++++++++transform++++++++++*/ translationX?: number; translationY?: number; /** * float [0,..1] */ scaleX?: number; scaleY?: number; pivotX?: number; pivotY?: number; /** * rotation*PI * In Z */ rotation?: number; /** * rotation*PI * In X */ rotationX?: number; /** * rotation*PI * In Y */ rotationY?: number; /** * Determines the distance between the z=0 plane and the user in order to give a 3D-positioned element some perspective. * Default is 200 */ perspective?: number; /**----------transform----------*/ /** * Only affected when its superview or itself is FlexLayout. */ flexConfig?: FlexConfig; set props(props: Partial); set parent(v: Group); private _ref?; set ref(ref: Ref); doAnimation(context: BridgeContext, animation: IAnimation): Promise; clearAnimation(context: BridgeContext, animation: IAnimation): Promise; cancelAnimation(context: BridgeContext, animation: IAnimation): Promise; static isViewClass(): boolean; } export abstract class Superview extends View { subviewById(id: string): View | undefined; findViewByTag(tag: string): View | undefined; private findViewTraversal; abstract allSubviews(): Iterable; isDirty(): boolean; clean(): void; toModel(): NativeViewModel; } export type ViewArray = View[]; export type ViewFragment = View | ViewArray | undefined | null; export abstract class Group extends Superview implements JSX.ElementChildrenAttribute { padding?: { left?: number; right?: number; top?: number; bottom?: number; }; readonly children: View[]; allSubviews(): View[]; addChild(view: View): void; removeChild(view: View): void; removeAllChildren(): void; private addInnerElement; set innerElement(e: View | ViewFragment | ViewFragment[] | undefined | null); } export class Stack extends Group { } export class Root extends Stack { } class LinearLayout extends Group { space?: number; gravity?: Gravity; } export class VLayout extends LinearLayout { } export class HLayout extends LinearLayout { } export function stack(views: View[], config?: Partial): Stack; export function hlayout(views: View[], config?: Partial): HLayout; export function vlayout(views: View[], config?: Partial): VLayout; export class FlexLayout extends Group { } export function flexlayout(views: View[], config?: Partial): FlexLayout; export function NativeCall(target: Panel, propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor): PropertyDescriptor; export abstract class Panel { private destroyed; context: BridgeContext; onCreate(): void; onDestroy(): void; onShow(): void; onHidden(): void; onEnvChanged(): void; /** * Build view of the current Panel * This could be called any times at any time when necessary. * @param rootView root view of this panel */ abstract build(rootView: Group): void; private __data__?; private __root__; private headviews; private onRenderFinishedCallback; private __rendering__; private callingRenderFinishedCallback; addHeadView(type: string, v: View): void; allHeadViews(): IterableIterator>; removeHeadView(type: string, v: View | string): void; clearHeadViews(type: string): void; getRootView(): Root; getInitData(): object | undefined; private __init__; private __onCreate__; private __onDestroy__; private __onShow__; private __onHidden__; private __build__; private __onEnvChanged__; private __response__; private retrospectView; private snapshotEnabled; private renderSnapshots; private __renderSnapshotDepth__; private __restoreRenderSnapshot__; private __enableSnapshot__; private nativeRender; private hookBeforeNativeCall; private hookAfterNativeCall; private __fetchEffectiveData__; onRenderFinished(): void; addOnRenderFinishedCallback(cb: () => void): void; } export type BridgeContext = { /** * The identify of current context */ id: string; /** * In this case,It's current panel */ entity: any; /** * call native plugin * @param namespace * @param method * @param args */ callNative(namespace: string, method: string, args?: any): Promise; /** * Transform function to functionId as string * @param func */ function2Id(func: Function): string; /** * Remove transformed functions * @param funcId */ removeFuncById(funcId: string): void; }; global { const context: BridgeContext; const Environment: { platform: "Android" | "iOS" | "Qt" | "web"; platformVersion: string; appName: string; appVersion: string; libVersion: string; screenWidth: number; screenHeight: number; screenScale: number; statusBarHeight: number; hasNotch: boolean; /** * ex:Apple or Google */ deviceBrand: string; /** * ex: iPhone12,5 or pixel 3 */ deviceModel: string; /** * The language code for current locale */ localeLanguage: string; /** * The country/region code for current locale */ localeCountry: string; [index: string]: number | string | boolean | object | undefined; }; function Entry(constructor: ClassType): void; function Entry(exports: ClassType[]): (constructor: ClassType) => void; } export abstract class Resource implements Modeling { type: string; identifier: string; resId: string; constructor(type: string, identifier: string); toModel(): { resId: string; type: string; identifier: string; }; } export class LocalResource extends Resource { constructor(path: string); } export class RemoteResource extends Resource { constructor(url: string); } export class Base64Resource extends Resource { constructor(content: string); } /** * Resources belong to assets dir. */ export class AssetsResource extends Resource { constructor(content: string); } export class AndroidResource extends Resource { } export class iOSResource extends Resource { } /** * This is for android platform */ export class DrawableResource extends AndroidResource { constructor(name: string); } export class RawResource extends AndroidResource { constructor(name: string); } export class AndroidAssetsResource extends AndroidResource { constructor(path: string); } /** * This is for iOS platform */ export class MainBundleResource extends iOSResource { constructor(fileName: string); } export class BundleResource extends iOSResource { constructor(bundleName: string, fileName: string); } export class ArrayBufferResource extends Resource { data: ArrayBuffer; constructor(data: ArrayBuffer); toModel(): { resId: string; type: string; identifier: string; }; } export enum TruncateAt { End = 0, Middle = 1, Start = 2, Clip = 3 } export class Text extends View implements JSX.ElementChildrenAttribute { text?: string; textColor?: Color | GradientColor; textSize?: number; maxLines?: number; textAlignment?: Gravity; fontStyle?: "normal" | "bold" | "italic" | "bold_italic"; font?: string | Resource; maxWidth?: number; maxHeight?: number; lineSpacing?: number; strikethrough?: boolean; underline?: boolean; htmlText?: string; truncateAt?: TruncateAt; padding?: { left?: number; right?: number; top?: number; bottom?: number; }; set innerElement(e: string); } export function text(config: Partial): Text; export enum ScaleType { ScaleToFill = 0, ScaleAspectFit = 1, ScaleAspectFill = 2, Tile = 3, ScaleAspectFitStart = 4, ScaleAspectFitEnd = 5 } export class Image extends View { /** * Set pixels for image directly */ imagePixels?: { width: number; height: number; pixels: ArrayBuffer; }; /** * This could be loaded by customized resource loader */ image?: Resource; imageUrl?: string; /** * Read image from local file system. */ imageFilePath?: string; /** * Read image from local path * For android,it based on assets dir. * For iOS,it based on main bundle dir. */ imagePath?: string; /** * Read image from resource * For android,it will try to read from drawable. * For iOS,it will try to read from Image.Assets. */ imageRes?: string; imageBase64?: string; scaleType?: ScaleType; isBlur?: boolean; /** * Display while image is loading * Local file name */ placeHolderImage?: string; placeHolderImageBase64?: string; /** * Display while image is loading * Color * This priority is lower than placeHolderImage */ placeHolderColor?: Color; /** * Display while image is failed to load * It can be file name in local path */ errorImage?: string; errorImageBase64?: string; /** * Display while image is failed to load * Color * This priority is lower than errorImage */ errorColor?: Color; loadCallback?: (image: { width: number; height: number; animated: boolean; } | undefined) => void; /** * Default is Environment.screenScale. */ imageScale?: number; /** * Unit in pixel */ stretchInset?: { left: number; top: number; right: number; bottom: number; }; /** * Called if loaded image is animated and played end. */ onAnimationEnd?: () => void; isAnimating(context: BridgeContext): Promise; startAnimating(context: BridgeContext): Promise; stopAnimating(context: BridgeContext): Promise; getImageInfo(context: BridgeContext): Promise<{ width: number; height: number; mimeType: string; }>; getImagePixels(context: BridgeContext): Promise; setImagePixels(context: BridgeContext, image: { width: number; height: number; pixels: ArrayBuffer; }): Promise; } export function image(config: Partial): Image; export class ListItem extends Stack { /** * Set to reuse native view */ identifier?: string; actions?: { title: string; backgroundColor?: Color; callback: () => void; }[]; } export class List extends Superview { private cachedViews; allSubviews(): ListItem[]; itemCount: number; renderItem: (index: number) => ListItem; batchCount: number; onLoadMore?: () => void; loadMore?: boolean; loadMoreView?: ListItem; onScroll?: (offset: { x: number; y: number; }) => void; onScrollEnd?: (offset: { x: number; y: number; }) => void; scrolledPosition?: number; scrollable?: boolean; /** * Take effect only on iOS */ bounces?: boolean; /** * Take effect only on iOS */ scrollsToTop?: boolean; canDrag?: boolean; /** * @param from * @returns Returns the item of index which can dragged or not. */ itemCanDrag?: (from: number) => boolean; /** * @param from * @returns Returns an array of index which can not be swap during dragging. */ beforeDragging?: (from: number) => (Array | void); onDragging?: (from: number, to: number) => void; onDragged?: (from: number, to: number) => void; preloadItemCount?: number; /** * @param {number} config.topOffset - 目标位置cell的顶部偏移量 */ scrollToItem(context: BridgeContext, index: number, config?: { animated?: boolean; topOffset?: number; }): Promise; /** * @param context * @returns Returns array of visible view's index. */ findVisibleItems(context: BridgeContext): Promise; /** * @param context * @returns Returns array of completely visible view's index. */ findCompletelyVisibleItems(context: BridgeContext): Promise; /** * Reload all list items. * @param context * @returns */ reload(context: BridgeContext): Promise; reset(): void; private getItem; private renderBunchedItems; toModel(): NativeViewModel; } export function list(config: Partial): List; export function listItem(item: View | View[], config?: Partial): ListItem; export class SlideItem extends Stack { /** * Set to reuse native view */ identifier?: string; } export class Slider extends Superview { private cachedViews; allSubviews(): IterableIterator; itemCount: number; renderPage: (index: number) => SlideItem; batchCount: number; onPageSlided?: (index: number) => void; loop?: boolean; scrollable?: boolean; /** * Take effect only on iOS */ bounces?: boolean; /** * Take effect only on iOS */ scrollsToTop?: boolean; /** * Set the effect when sliding * ZoomOut is currently supported */ slideStyle?: "zoomOut" | { type: "zoomOut"; minScale: number; maxScale: number; } | { type: "gallery"; itemWidth: number; minScale: number; minAlpha: number; }; slidePosition?: number; /** * Reload all list items. * @param context * @returns */ reload(context: BridgeContext): Promise; reset(): void; private getItem; private renderBunchedItems; slidePage(context: BridgeContext, page: number, smooth?: boolean): Promise; getSlidedPage(context: BridgeContext): Promise; } export function slider(config: Partial): Slider; export function slideItem(item: View | View[], config?: Partial): SlideItem; export function scroller(content: View, config?: Partial): Scroller; export class Scroller extends Superview implements JSX.ElementChildrenAttribute { content: View; contentOffset?: { x: number; y: number; }; onScroll?: (offset: { x: number; y: number; }) => void; onScrollEnd?: (offset: { x: number; y: number; }) => void; scrollable?: boolean; /** * Take effect only on iOS */ bounces?: boolean; /** * Take effect only on iOS */ scrollsToTop?: boolean; allSubviews(): View[]; toModel(): NativeViewModel; scrollTo(context: BridgeContext, offset: { x: number; y: number; }, animated?: boolean): Promise; scrollBy(context: BridgeContext, offset: { x: number; y: number; }, animated?: boolean): Promise; set innerElement(e: View); } export class Refreshable extends Superview implements JSX.ElementChildrenAttribute { content: View; header?: View; onRefresh?: () => void; allSubviews(): View[]; setRefreshable(context: BridgeContext, refreshable: boolean): Promise; setRefreshing(context: BridgeContext, refreshing: boolean): Promise; isRefreshable(context: BridgeContext): Promise; isRefreshing(context: BridgeContext): Promise; toModel(): NativeViewModel; set innerElement(e: View | [ View, View ]); } export function refreshable(config: Partial): Refreshable; export interface IPullable { startAnimation(): void; stopAnimation(): void; setPullingDistance(distance: number): void; } export function pullable(v: View, config: IPullable): View; export class FlowLayoutItem extends Stack { /** * Set to reuse native view */ identifier?: string; /** * When set to true, the item will layout using all span area. * LoadMoreView is default to true. */ fullSpan?: boolean; } export class FlowLayout extends Superview { private cachedViews; allSubviews(): FlowLayoutItem[]; columnCount: number; columnSpace?: number; rowSpace?: number; itemCount: number; renderItem: (index: number) => FlowLayoutItem; batchCount: number; onLoadMore?: () => void; loadMore?: boolean; loadMoreView?: FlowLayoutItem; onScroll?: (offset: { x: number; y: number; }) => void; onScrollEnd?: (offset: { x: number; y: number; }) => void; scrollable?: boolean; /** * Take effect only on iOS */ bounces?: boolean; /** * Take effect only on iOS */ scrollsToTop?: boolean; canDrag?: boolean; /** * @param from * @returns Returns the item of index which can dragged or not. */ itemCanDrag?: (from: number) => boolean; /** * @param from * @returns Returns an array of index which can not be swap during dragging. */ beforeDragging?: (from: number) => (Array | void); onDragging?: (from: number, to: number) => void; onDragged?: (from: number, to: number) => void; /** * @param context * @returns Returns array of visible view's index. */ findVisibleItems(context: BridgeContext): Promise; /** * @param context * @returns Returns array of completely visible view's index. */ findCompletelyVisibleItems(context: BridgeContext): Promise; /** * Reload all list items. * @param context * @returns */ reload(context: BridgeContext): Promise; reset(): void; private getItem; private renderBunchedItems; toModel(): NativeViewModel; } export function flowlayout(config: Partial): FlowLayout; export function flowItem(item: View | View[], config?: Partial): FlowLayoutItem; export enum ReturnKeyType { Default = 0, Done = 1, Search = 2, Next = 3, Go = 4, Send = 5 } export class Input extends View { text?: string; textColor?: Color; textSize?: number; font?: string; hintText?: string; hintFont?: string; inputType?: InputType; hintTextColor?: Color; multiline?: boolean; textAlignment?: Gravity; fontStyle?: "normal" | "bold" | "italic" | "bold_italic"; onTextChange?: (text?: string) => void; onFocusChange?: (focused: boolean) => void; maxLength?: number; password?: boolean; editable?: boolean; returnKeyType?: ReturnKeyType; onSubmitEditing?: (text?: string) => void; enableHorizontalScrollBar?: boolean; enableVerticalScrollBar?: boolean; /** * Called before text is changed * @param editing: text already in box * @param replacement: text which will replace part of editing * @param start: the start index of replacing part * @param length: the length of replacing part * * @returns: true means the replacement will take effect, otherwise does not */ beforeTextChange?: (change: { editing?: string; start: number; length: number; replacement?: string; }) => boolean; padding?: { left?: number; right?: number; top?: number; bottom?: number; }; getText(context: BridgeContext): Promise; setSelection(context: BridgeContext, start: number, end?: number): Promise; getSelection(context: BridgeContext): Promise<{ start: number; end: number; }>; requestFocus(context: BridgeContext): Promise; releaseFocus(context: BridgeContext): Promise; } export enum InputType { Default = 0, Number = 1, Decimal = 2, Alphabet = 3, Phone = 4 } export function input(config: Partial): Input; export class NestedSlider extends Group { onPageSlided?: (index: number) => void; scrollable?: boolean; /** * Take effect only on iOS */ bounces?: boolean; /** * Take effect only on iOS */ scrollsToTop?: boolean; slidePosition?: number; addSlideItem(view: View): void; slidePage(context: BridgeContext, page: number, smooth?: boolean): Promise; getSlidedPage(context: BridgeContext): Promise; } /** * @deprecated The class should not be used, please use GestureContainer class instead */ export class Draggable extends Stack { onDrag?: (x: number, y: number) => void; } /** * @deprecated The function should not be used, please use gestureContainer function instead */ export function draggable(views: View | View[], config?: Partial): Draggable; export class Switch extends View { /** * True is on ,false is off,defalut is off. */ state?: boolean; /** * Switch change callback */ onSwitch?: (state: boolean) => void; offTintColor?: Color; onTintColor?: Color; thumbTintColor?: Color; } export function switchView(config: Partial): Switch; export enum SwipeOrientation { LEFT = 0, RIGHT = 1, TOP = 2, BOTTOM = 3 } export class GestureContainer extends Stack { onSingleTap?: () => void; onDoubleTap?: () => void; onLongPress?: () => void; /** * Called when the fingers in pinching on screen * @param scale: the numeric value of scale on pinch */ onPinch?: (scale: number) => void; /** * Called when the fingers are scrolling or paning * @param dx: the value of the change on the x-axis * @param dy: the value of the change on the y-axis */ onPan?: (dx: number, dy: number) => void; /** * Called when the fingers are scrolling or paning * @param dAngle: the value of the angle change from last rotate in radian */ onRotate?: (dAngle: number) => void; /** * Called when the fingers has swiped on screen * @param orientation: the orientation of this swipe */ onSwipe?: (orientation: SwipeOrientation) => void; /** * Called when the finger touch down on the screen * @param x: the value of event occurs on the x-axis * @param y: the value of event occurs on the y-axis */ onTouchDown?: (event: { x: number; y: number; }) => void; /** * Called when the finger moving on the screen * @param x: the value of event occurs on the x-axis * @param y: the value of event occurs on the y-axis */ onTouchMove?: (event: { x: number; y: number; }) => void; /** * Called when the finger touch up off from the screen * @param x: the value of event occurs on the x-axis * @param y: the value of event occurs on the y-axis */ onTouchUp?: (event: { x: number; y: number; }) => void; /** * Called when the finger leave from screen * @param x: the value of event occurs on the x-axis * @param y: the value of event occurs on the y-axis */ onTouchCancel?: (event: { x: number; y: number; }) => void; } export function gestureContainer(views: View | View[], config?: Partial): GestureContainer; export class BlurEffect extends Stack { /** * Specify the effective rectangle. * If not set, the default is the entire area. */ effectiveRect?: { x: number; y: number; width: number; height: number; }; /** * Specify the radius of blur effect. * If not set, the default value is 15. * Suggested value is from 1 to 25. */ radius?: number; } export class AeroEffect extends Stack { /** * Specify the effective rectangle. * If not set, the default is the entire area. */ effectiveRect?: { x: number; y: number; width: number; height: number; }; /** * Specify the area of the view is lighter or darker than the underlying view. * If not set, the default is light. */ style?: "light" | "dark" | "extraLight"; } export function blurEffect(views: View | View[], config?: Partial): BlurEffect; export function aeroEffect(views: View | View[], config?: Partial): AeroEffect; export class HorizontalListItem extends Stack { /** * Set to reuse native view */ identifier?: string; } export class HorizontalList extends Superview { private cachedViews; allSubviews(): HorizontalListItem[]; itemCount: number; renderItem: (index: number) => HorizontalListItem; batchCount: number; onLoadMore?: () => void; loadMore?: boolean; loadMoreView?: HorizontalListItem; onScroll?: (offset: { x: number; y: number; }) => void; onScrollEnd?: (offset: { x: number; y: number; }) => void; scrolledPosition?: number; scrollable?: boolean; /** * Take effect only on iOS */ bounces?: boolean; /** * Take effect only on iOS */ scrollsToTop?: boolean; canDrag?: boolean; /** * @param from * @returns Returns the item of index which can dragged or not. */ itemCanDrag?: (from: number) => boolean; /** * @param from * @returns Returns an array of index which can not be swap during dragging. */ beforeDragging?: (from: number) => (Array | void); onDragging?: (from: number, to: number) => void; onDragged?: (from: number, to: number) => void; scrollToItem(context: BridgeContext, index: number, config?: { animated?: boolean; }): Promise; /** * @param context * @returns Returns array of visible view's index. */ findVisibleItems(context: BridgeContext): Promise; /** * @param context * @returns Returns array of completely visible view's index. */ findCompletelyVisibleItems(context: BridgeContext): Promise; /** * Reload all list items. * @param context * @returns */ reload(context: BridgeContext): Promise; reset(): void; private getItem; private renderBunchedItems; toModel(): NativeViewModel; } export function horizontalList(config: Partial): HorizontalList; export function horizontalListItem(item: View | View[], config?: Partial): HorizontalListItem; export function modal(context: BridgeContext): { toast: (msg: string, gravity?: Gravity) => void; alert: (arg: string | { title: string; msg: string; okLabel?: string; }) => Promise; confirm: (arg: string | { title: string; msg: string; okLabel?: string; cancelLabel?: string; }) => Promise; prompt: (arg: { title?: string; msg?: string; okLabel?: string; cancelLabel?: string; text?: string; defaultText?: string; }) => Promise; }; export function navbar(context: BridgeContext): { isHidden: () => Promise; setHidden: (hidden: boolean) => Promise; setTitle: (title: string) => Promise; setBgColor: (color: Color) => Promise; setLeft: (view: View) => Promise; setRight: (view: View) => Promise; setCenter: (view: View) => Promise; }; export function internalScheme(context: BridgeContext, panelClass: ClassType): string; export function navigator(context: BridgeContext): { push: (source: string | ClassType, config?: { alias?: string; animated?: boolean; extra?: object; singlePage?: boolean; }) => Promise; pop: (animated?: boolean) => Promise; popSelf: (animated?: boolean) => Promise; popToRoot: (animated?: boolean) => Promise; openUrl: (url: string) => Promise; }; export interface IRequest { url?: string; method?: "get" | "post" | "put" | "delete"; headers?: { [index: string]: string; }; params?: { [index: string]: string; }; data?: object | string; timeout?: number; } export interface IResponse { data: string; status: number; headers?: { [index: string]: string; }; } export function network(context: BridgeContext): { request: (config: IRequest) => Promise; get: (url: string, config?: IRequest) => Promise; post: (url: string, data?: object | string, config?: IRequest) => Promise; put: (url: string, data?: object | string, config?: IRequest) => Promise; delete: (url: string, data?: object | string, config?: IRequest) => Promise; }; export function storage(context: BridgeContext): { setItem: (key: string, value: string, zone?: string) => Promise; getItem: (key: string, zone?: string) => Promise; remove: (key: string, zone?: string) => Promise; clear: (zone: string) => Promise; }; export function popover(context: BridgeContext): { show: (view: View) => Promise; dismiss: (view?: View | undefined) => Promise; }; /** * Only supports x,y,width,height,corner(just for four corners),rotation,bgColor, * @param panel @see Panel */ export function animate(context: BridgeContext): (args: { animations: () => void; duration: number; }) => Promise; export function notification(context: BridgeContext): { /** * @param androidSystem: when set true, using global broadcast instead of local broadcast by default * @param iosUsingObject: when set true, using object instead of userInfo by default */ publish: (args: { biz?: string; name: string; data?: object; androidSystem?: boolean; iosUsingObject?: boolean; permission?: string; }) => Promise; /** * @param androidSystem: when set true, using global broadcast instead of local broadcast by default * @param iosUsingObject: when set true, using object instead of userInfo by default */ subscribe: (args: { biz?: string | undefined; name: string; callback: (data?: any) => void; androidSystem?: boolean | undefined; iosUsingObject?: boolean | undefined; permission?: string | undefined; }) => Promise; unsubscribe: (subscribeId: string) => Promise; }; export enum StatusBarMode { LIGHT = 0, DARK = 1 } export function statusbar(context: BridgeContext): { setHidden: (hidden: boolean) => Promise; setMode: (mode: StatusBarMode) => Promise; setColor: (color: Color) => Promise; }; export function coordinator(context: BridgeContext): { verticalScrolling: (argument: { scrollable: Scroller | List | FlowLayout; scrollRange: { start: number; end: number; }; target: View | "NavBar"; changing: { name: "backgroundColor" | "width" | "height" | "x" | "y" | "alpha"; start: number | Color; end: number | Color; }; }) => void; observeScrollingInterval: (argument: { scrollable: Scroller | List | FlowLayout; observingInterval: number[]; inclusive?: "Left" | "Right" | undefined; onScrolledInterval: (n: number) => void; }) => void; }; export function notch(context: BridgeContext): { inset: () => Promise<{ top: number; left: number; bottom: number; right: number; }>; }; export function keyboard(context: BridgeContext): { subscribe: (callback: (data: { oldBottomMargin: number; oldHeight: number; bottomMargin: number; height: number; }) => void) => Promise; unsubscribe: (subscribeId: string) => Promise; }; export function resourceLoader(context: BridgeContext): { load: (resource: Resource) => Promise; }; export function imageDecoder(context: BridgeContext): { getImageInfo: (resource: Resource) => Promise<{ width: number; height: number; mimeType: string; }>; decodeToPixels: (resource: Resource) => Promise; }; export function log(...args: any): void; export function loge(...message: any): void; export function logw(...message: any): void; export function uniqueId(prefix: string): string; export namespace jsx { function createElement(constructor: ClassType, config: Partial | null, ...children: any[]): any; class Fragment extends Group { } } global { namespace JSX { interface Element extends View { } interface ElementClass extends View { } interface ElementAttributesProperty { props: {}; } interface ElementChildrenAttribute { innerElement: any; } interface IntrinsicElements { } } } export function take(target: T): (block: (p: T) => void) => void; export function takeNonNull(target?: T): (block: (p: T) => R) => R | undefined; export function takeNull(target?: T): (block: () => R) => R | undefined; export function takeLet(target: T): (block: (p: T) => R | undefined) => R | undefined; export function takeAlso(target: T): (block: (p: T) => void) => T; export function takeIf(target: T): (predicate: (t: T) => boolean) => T | undefined; export function takeUnless(target: T): (predicate: (t: T) => boolean) => T | undefined; export function repeat(action: (count: number) => void): (times: number) => void; export type Observer = (v: T) => void; export type Updater = (v: T) => T; export interface IObservable { addObserver(observer: Observer): void; removeObserver(observer: Observer): void; update(updater: Updater): void; } export class Observable implements IObservable { private provider; private clz; private observers; constructor(provider: IProvider, clz: { new (...args: any[]): M; }); addObserver(observer: Observer): void; removeObserver(observer: Observer): void; update(updater: Updater): void; } export interface IProvider { provide(obj: Object): void; acquire(clz: { new (...args: any[]): T; }): T | undefined; remove(clz: { new (...args: any[]): T; }): void; clear(): void; observe(clz: { new (...args: any[]): T; }): Observable; } export class Provider implements IProvider { private provision; private observableMap; provide(obj: Object): void; acquire(clz: { new (...args: any[]): T; }): T | undefined; remove(clz: new (...args: any[]) => T): void; clear(): void; observe(clz: new (...args: any[]) => T): Observable; } export abstract class ViewHolder { abstract build(root: Group): void; } export type Setter = (state: M) => void; export abstract class ViewModel { context: BridgeContext; private state; private viewHolder; constructor(obj: M, v: V); getState(): M; getViewHolder(): V; updateState(setter: Setter): void; attach(view: Group): void; abstract onAttached(state: M, vh: V): void; abstract onBind(state: M, vh: V): void; } export abstract class VMPanel extends Panel { private vm?; private vh?; abstract getViewModelClass(): ClassType>; abstract getState(): M; abstract getViewHolderClass(): ClassType; getViewModel(): ViewModel | undefined; build(root: Group): void; } export abstract class Module extends Panel { superPanel?: ModularPanel; __provider?: Provider; get provider(): Provider | undefined; set provider(provider: Provider | undefined); private unmounted; mount(): void; unmount(): void; get mounted(): boolean; /** * Dispatch message to other modules. * @param message which is sent out */ dispatchMessage(message: any): void; /** * Dispatched messages can be received by override this method. * @param message recevied message */ onMessage(message: any): void; /** * Called when this module is mounted */ onMounted(): void; /** * Called when this module is unmounted */ onUnmounted(): void; } export abstract class VMModule extends Module { private vm?; private vh?; abstract getViewModelClass(): ClassType>; abstract getState(): M; abstract getViewHolderClass(): ClassType; getViewModel(): ViewModel | undefined; build(root: Group): void; } export abstract class ModularPanel extends Module { private modules; private scheduledRebuild?; constructor(); /** * @returns Class list of current submodules */ abstract setupModules(): ClassType[]; /** * @param root Current module's rootview * @returns provided for submodules as their rootview */ abstract setupShelf(root: Group): Group; dispatchMessage(message: any): void; get mountedModules(): Panel[]; onMessage(message: any): void; onStructureChanged(module: Module, mounted: boolean): void; build(root: Group): void; onCreate(): void; onDestroy(): void; onShow(): void; onHidden(): void; onRenderFinished(): void; } global { namespace Reflect { function decorate(decorators: ClassDecorator[], target: Function): Function; function decorate(decorators: (PropertyDecorator | MethodDecorator)[], target: Object, propertyKey: string | symbol, attributes?: PropertyDescriptor): PropertyDescriptor; function metadata(metadataKey: any, metadataValue: any): { (target: Function): void; (target: Object, propertyKey: string | symbol): void; }; function defineMetadata(metadataKey: any, metadataValue: any, target: Object): void; function defineMetadata(metadataKey: any, metadataValue: any, target: Object, propertyKey: string | symbol): void; function hasMetadata(metadataKey: any, target: Object): boolean; function hasMetadata(metadataKey: any, target: Object, propertyKey: string | symbol): boolean; function hasOwnMetadata(metadataKey: any, target: Object): boolean; function hasOwnMetadata(metadataKey: any, target: Object, propertyKey: string | symbol): boolean; function getMetadata(metadataKey: any, target: Object): any; function getMetadata(metadataKey: any, target: Object, propertyKey: string | symbol): any; function getOwnMetadata(metadataKey: any, target: Object): any; function getOwnMetadata(metadataKey: any, target: Object, propertyKey: string | symbol): any; function getMetadataKeys(target: Object): any[]; function getMetadataKeys(target: Object, propertyKey: string | symbol): any[]; function getOwnMetadataKeys(target: Object): any[]; function getOwnMetadataKeys(target: Object, propertyKey: string | symbol): any[]; function deleteMetadata(metadataKey: any, target: Object): boolean; function deleteMetadata(metadataKey: any, target: Object, propertyKey: string | symbol): boolean; } } export {}; } declare module '*.png' { const value: any; export default value; }