import { Shell } from "./shell"; import { createMergedSourceMapFromFiles } from "source-map-merger" import fs from "fs"; import { glob } from "./util"; import path from "path"; export async function build() { let ret = await Shell.exec("node_modules/.bin/tsc", ["-p", "."], { env: process.env, consoleHandler: (info) => { console.log(info); } }); if (ret !== 0) { console.log("Compile error".red); return -1; } ret = await Shell.exec("node_modules/.bin/rollup", ["-c",], { env: process.env, consoleHandler: (info) => { console.log(info); } }); if (ret !== 0) { console.log("Compile error".red); return -1; } const bundleFiles = await glob("bundle/**/*.js"); for (let bundleFile of bundleFiles) { await doMerge(bundleFile); } if (fs.existsSync("assets")) { const assets = await fs.promises.readdir("assets") await Shell.exec("cp", ["-rf", "assets", "bundle/"]); for (let asset of assets) { const assetFile = path.resolve("assets", asset); const stat = await fs.promises.stat(assetFile); if (stat.isDirectory()) { console.log(`Asset -> ${asset.yellow}`); } else { console.log(`Asset -> ${}`); } } } return 0 } export async function clean() { await Shell.exec("rm", ["-rf", "build"]); await Shell.exec("rm", ["-rf", "bundle"]); } async function doMerge(jsFile: string) { const mapFile = `${jsFile}.map`; console.log(`Bundle -> ${}`); if (!fs.existsSync(mapFile)) { return; } console.log(` -> ${}`); await mergeMap(mapFile); } export async function mergeMap(mapFile: string) { const mapContent = await fs.promises.readFile(mapFile, "utf-8"); try { if (JSON.parse(mapContent).merged) { console.log("Already merged"); return; } } catch (err) { console.error(err); } const lockFile = `${mapFile}.lock`; if (fs.existsSync(lockFile)) { console.log("In mergeMap,skip") return; } await fs.promises.writeFile(lockFile, (new Date).toString(), "utf-8") try { const buildMap = mapFile.replace(/bundle\//, '.dxx/') if (fs.existsSync(buildMap)) { const mergedMap = createMergedSourceMapFromFiles([ buildMap, mapFile, ], true) as string; const mapObj = JSON.parse(mergedMap); mapObj.merged = true await fs.promises.writeFile(mapFile, JSON.stringify(mapObj), "utf-8"); } } finally { await fs.promises.unlink(lockFile) } } export async function ssr() { const ret = await build(); if (ret != 0) { return ret; } console.log("Start generate ssr data"); const bundleFiles = await glob("bundle/**/*.js"); process.env["SSR_BUILD"] = "1"; for (let bundleFile of bundleFiles) { console.log(bundleFile); await Shell.exec("node", [bundleFile], { env: process.env, consoleHandler: (info) => { console.log(info); } }); } return 0; }