require "json" package = JSON.parse(, "../package.json"))) version = package['dependencies']["doric"] version = version.gsub('^','') source '' # Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project # platform :ios, '9.0' target '__$__' do # Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks use_modular_headers! # Pods for __$__ pod 'DoricCore', "#{version}" pod 'DoricDevkit', "#{version}" pod 'SDWebImage' pod 'SDWebImageWebPCoder' pod 'PINCache' dir_node_modules = File.join(__dir__,"../node_modules") Dir.foreach(dir_node_modules) do |file| if File.exist?(File.join(dir_node_modules, file, "__doric_library__")) puts "Doric Library: #{File.join(dir_node_modules, file)}" ret = Dir.glob(File.join(dir_node_modules,file,"*.podspec")) if(ret.length > 0) podspecPath = ret[0] extn = File.extname podspecPath podspecName = File.basename podspecPath, extn pod podspecName, :path => File.join(dir_node_modules, file) end end end end