/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #include "YGEnums.h" const char* YGAlignToString(const YGAlign value) { switch (value) { case YGAlignAuto: return "auto"; case YGAlignFlexStart: return "flex-start"; case YGAlignCenter: return "center"; case YGAlignFlexEnd: return "flex-end"; case YGAlignStretch: return "stretch"; case YGAlignBaseline: return "baseline"; case YGAlignSpaceBetween: return "space-between"; case YGAlignSpaceAround: return "space-around"; } return "unknown"; } const char* YGDimensionToString(const YGDimension value) { switch (value) { case YGDimensionWidth: return "width"; case YGDimensionHeight: return "height"; } return "unknown"; } const char* YGDirectionToString(const YGDirection value) { switch (value) { case YGDirectionInherit: return "inherit"; case YGDirectionLTR: return "ltr"; case YGDirectionRTL: return "rtl"; } return "unknown"; } const char* YGDisplayToString(const YGDisplay value) { switch (value) { case YGDisplayFlex: return "flex"; case YGDisplayNone: return "none"; } return "unknown"; } const char* YGEdgeToString(const YGEdge value) { switch (value) { case YGEdgeLeft: return "left"; case YGEdgeTop: return "top"; case YGEdgeRight: return "right"; case YGEdgeBottom: return "bottom"; case YGEdgeStart: return "start"; case YGEdgeEnd: return "end"; case YGEdgeHorizontal: return "horizontal"; case YGEdgeVertical: return "vertical"; case YGEdgeAll: return "all"; } return "unknown"; } const char* YGExperimentalFeatureToString(const YGExperimentalFeature value) { switch (value) { case YGExperimentalFeatureWebFlexBasis: return "web-flex-basis"; } return "unknown"; } const char* YGFlexDirectionToString(const YGFlexDirection value) { switch (value) { case YGFlexDirectionColumn: return "column"; case YGFlexDirectionColumnReverse: return "column-reverse"; case YGFlexDirectionRow: return "row"; case YGFlexDirectionRowReverse: return "row-reverse"; } return "unknown"; } const char* YGJustifyToString(const YGJustify value) { switch (value) { case YGJustifyFlexStart: return "flex-start"; case YGJustifyCenter: return "center"; case YGJustifyFlexEnd: return "flex-end"; case YGJustifySpaceBetween: return "space-between"; case YGJustifySpaceAround: return "space-around"; case YGJustifySpaceEvenly: return "space-evenly"; } return "unknown"; } const char* YGLogLevelToString(const YGLogLevel value) { switch (value) { case YGLogLevelError: return "error"; case YGLogLevelWarn: return "warn"; case YGLogLevelInfo: return "info"; case YGLogLevelDebug: return "debug"; case YGLogLevelVerbose: return "verbose"; case YGLogLevelFatal: return "fatal"; } return "unknown"; } const char* YGMeasureModeToString(const YGMeasureMode value) { switch (value) { case YGMeasureModeUndefined: return "undefined"; case YGMeasureModeExactly: return "exactly"; case YGMeasureModeAtMost: return "at-most"; } return "unknown"; } const char* YGNodeTypeToString(const YGNodeType value) { switch (value) { case YGNodeTypeDefault: return "default"; case YGNodeTypeText: return "text"; } return "unknown"; } const char* YGOverflowToString(const YGOverflow value) { switch (value) { case YGOverflowVisible: return "visible"; case YGOverflowHidden: return "hidden"; case YGOverflowScroll: return "scroll"; } return "unknown"; } const char* YGPositionTypeToString(const YGPositionType value) { switch (value) { case YGPositionTypeRelative: return "relative"; case YGPositionTypeAbsolute: return "absolute"; } return "unknown"; } const char* YGPrintOptionsToString(const YGPrintOptions value) { switch (value) { case YGPrintOptionsLayout: return "layout"; case YGPrintOptionsStyle: return "style"; case YGPrintOptionsChildren: return "children"; } return "unknown"; } const char* YGUnitToString(const YGUnit value) { switch (value) { case YGUnitUndefined: return "undefined"; case YGUnitPoint: return "point"; case YGUnitPercent: return "percent"; case YGUnitAuto: return "auto"; } return "unknown"; } const char* YGWrapToString(const YGWrap value) { switch (value) { case YGWrapNoWrap: return "no-wrap"; case YGWrapWrap: return "wrap"; case YGWrapWrapReverse: return "wrap-reverse"; } return "unknown"; }