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2019-12-04 13:29:26 +08:00
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YYWebImage is an asynchronous image loading framework (a component of [YYKit](
It was created as an improved replacement for SDWebImage, PINRemoteImage and FLAnimatedImage.
It use [YYCache]( to support memory and disk cache, and [YYImage]( to support WebP/APNG/GIF image decode.<br/>
See these project for more information.
- Asynchronous image load from remote or local URL.
- Animated WebP, APNG, GIF support (dynamic buffer, lower memory usage).
- Baseline/progressive/interlaced image decode support.
- Image loading category for UIImageView, UIButton, MKAnnotationView and CALayer.
- Image effect: blur, round corner, resize, color tint, crop, rotate and more.
- High performance memory and disk image cache.
- High performance image loader to avoid main thread blocked.
- Fully documented.
###Load image from URL
// load from remote url
imageView.yy_imageURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
// load from local url
imageView.yy_imageURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:@"/tmp/logo.png"];
###Load animated image
// just replace `UIImageView` with `YYAnimatedImageView`
UIImageView *imageView = [YYAnimatedImageView new];
imageView.yy_imageURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
###Load image progressively
// progressive
[imageView yy_setImageWithURL:url options:YYWebImageOptionProgressive];
// progressive with blur and fade animation (see the demo at the top of this page)
[imageView yy_setImageWithURL:url options:YYWebImageOptionProgressiveBlur YYWebImageOptionSetImageWithFadeAnimation];
###Load and process image
// 1. download image from remote
// 2. get download progress
// 3. resize image and add round corner
// 4. set image with a fade animation
[imageView yy_setImageWithURL:url
progress:^(NSInteger receivedSize, NSInteger expectedSize) {
progress = (float)receivedSize / expectedSize;
transform:^UIImage *(UIImage *image, NSURL *url) {
image = [image yy_imageByResizeToSize:CGSizeMake(100, 100) contentMode:UIViewContentModeCenter];
return [image yy_imageByRoundCornerRadius:10];
completion:^(UIImage *image, NSURL *url, YYWebImageFromType from, YYWebImageStage stage, NSError *error) {
if (from == YYWebImageFromDiskCache) {
NSLog(@"load from disk cache");
###Image Cache
YYImageCache *cache = [YYWebImageManager sharedManager].cache;
// get cache capacity
// clear cache
[cache.memoryCache removeAllObjects];
[cache.diskCache removeAllObjects];
// clear disk cache with progress
[cache.diskCache removeAllObjectsWithProgressBlock:^(int removedCount, int totalCount) {
// progress
} endBlock:^(BOOL error) {
// end
### CocoaPods
1. Update cocoapods to the latest version.
2. Add `pod 'YYWebImage'` to your Podfile.
3. Run `pod install` or `pod update`.
4. Import \<YYWebImage/YYWebImage.h\>.
5. Notice: it doesn't include WebP subspec by default, if you want to support WebP format, you may add `pod 'YYImage/WebP'` to your Podfile. You may call `YYImageWebPAvailable()` to check whether the WebP subspec is installed correctly.
### Carthage
1. Add `github "ibireme/YYWebImage"` to your Cartfile.
2. Run `carthage update --platform ios` and add the framework to your project.
3. Import \<YYWebImage/YYWebImage.h\>.
4. Notice: carthage framework doesn't include webp component, if you want to support WebP format, use CocoaPods or install manually. You may call `YYImageWebPAvailable()` to check whether the WebP library is installed correctly.
### Manually
1. Download all the files in the YYWebImage subdirectory.
2. Add the source files to your Xcode project.
3. Link with required frameworks:
* UIKit
* CoreFoundation
* QuartzCore
* AssetsLibrary
* ImageIO
* Accelerate
* MobileCoreServices
* sqlite3
* libz
4. Import `YYWebImage.h`.
5. Notice: if you want to support WebP format, you may add `Vendor/WebP.framework`(static library) to your Xcode project.
Full API documentation is available on [CocoaDocs](<br/>
You can also install documentation locally using [appledoc](
This library requires `iOS 6.0+` and `Xcode 7.0+`.
YYWebImage is provided under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.
YYWebImage 是一个异步图片加载框架 ([YYKit]( 组件之一).
其设计目的是试图替代 SDWebImage、PINRemoteImage、FLAnimatedImage 等开源框架,它支持这些开源框架的大部分功能,同时增加了大量新特性、并且有不小的性能提升。
它底层用 [YYCache]( 实现了内存和磁盘缓存, 用 [YYImage]( 实现了 WebP/APNG/GIF 动图的解码和播放。<br/>
- 异步的图片加载,支持 HTTP 和本地文件。
- 支持 GIF、APNG、WebP 动画(动态缓存,低内存占用)。
- 支持逐行扫描、隔行扫描、渐进式图像加载。
- UIImageView、UIButton、MKAnnotationView、CALayer 的 Category 方法支持。
- 常见图片处理:模糊、圆角、大小调整、裁切、旋转、色调等。
- 高性能的内存和磁盘缓存。
- 高性能的图片设置方式,以避免主线程阻塞。
- 每个类和方法都有完善的文档注释。
###从 URL 加载图片
// 加载网络图片
imageView.yy_imageURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
// 加载本地图片
imageView.yy_imageURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:@"/tmp/logo.png"];
// 只需要把 `UIImageView` 替换为 `YYAnimatedImageView` 即可。
UIImageView *imageView = [YYAnimatedImageView new];
imageView.yy_imageURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
// 渐进式:边下载边显示
[imageView yy_setImageWithURL:url options:YYWebImageOptionProgressive];
// 渐进式加载,增加模糊效果和渐变动画 见本页最上方的GIF演示
[imageView yy_setImageWithURL:url options:YYWebImageOptionProgressiveBlur YYWebImageOptionSetImageWithFadeAnimation];
// 1. 下载图片
// 2. 获得图片下载进度
// 3. 调整图片大小、加圆角
// 4. 显示图片时增加一个淡入动画,以获得更好的用户体验
[imageView yy_setImageWithURL:url
progress:^(NSInteger receivedSize, NSInteger expectedSize) {
progress = (float)receivedSize / expectedSize;
transform:^UIImage *(UIImage *image, NSURL *url) {
image = [image yy_imageByResizeToSize:CGSizeMake(100, 100) contentMode:UIViewContentModeCenter];
return [image yy_imageByRoundCornerRadius:10];
completion:^(UIImage *image, NSURL *url, YYWebImageFromType from, YYWebImageStage stage, NSError *error) {
if (from == YYWebImageFromDiskCache) {
NSLog(@"load from disk cache");
YYImageCache *cache = [YYWebImageManager sharedManager].cache;
// 获取缓存大小
// 清空缓存
[cache.memoryCache removeAllObjects];
[cache.diskCache removeAllObjects];
// 清空磁盘缓存,带进度回调
[cache.diskCache removeAllObjectsWithProgressBlock:^(int removedCount, int totalCount) {
// progress
} endBlock:^(BOOL error) {
// end
### CocoaPods
1. 将 cocoapods 更新至最新版本.
2. 在 Podfile 中添加 `pod 'YYWebImage'`
3. 执行 `pod install``pod update`
4. 导入 \<YYWebImage/YYWebImage.h\>。
5. 注意pod 配置并没有包含 WebP 组件, 如果你需要支持 WebP可以在 Podfile 中添加 `pod 'YYImage/WebP'`。你可以调用 `YYImageWebPAvailable()` 来检查一下 WebP 组件是否被正确安装。
### Carthage
1. 在 Cartfile 中添加 `github "ibireme/YYWebImage"`
2. 执行 `carthage update --platform ios` 并将生成的 framework 添加到你的工程。
3. 导入 \<YYWebImage/YYWebImage.h\>。
4. 注意: carthage framework 并没有包含 webp 组件。如果你需要支持 WebP可以用 CocoaPods 安装,或者手动安装。
### 手动安装
1. 下载 YYWebImage 文件夹内的所有内容。
2. 将 YYWebImage 内的源文件添加(拖放)到你的工程。
3. 链接以下 frameworks:
* UIKit
* CoreFoundation
* QuartzCore
* AssetsLibrary
* ImageIO
* Accelerate
* MobileCoreServices
* sqlite3
* libz
4. 导入 `YYWebImage.h`
5. 注意:如果你需要支持 WebP可以将 `Vendor/WebP.framework`(静态库) 加入你的工程。你可以调用 `YYImageWebPAvailable()` 来检查一下 WebP 组件是否被正确安装。
你可以在 [CocoaDocs]( 查看在线 API 文档,也可以用 [appledoc]( 本地生成文档。
该项目最低支持 `iOS 6.0``Xcode 7.0`
YYWebImage 使用 MIT 许可证,详情见 LICENSE 文件。
[iOS 处理图片的一些小 Tip](