Umang Raghuvanshi 74faf8a12c
libsqlite3-sys: darwin: fix crypto link framework
SecurityFoundation.framework is an unrelated macOS framework which does not directly provide cryptography functions. This framework also doesn't exist on iOS, which breaks linking This commit changes to link against Security.framework instead, as noted in the SQLCipher docs [1].

2021-11-15 18:40:49 +01:00

638 lines
25 KiB

use std::env;
use std::path::Path;
/// Tells whether we're building for Windows. This is more suitable than a plain
/// `cfg!(windows)`, since the latter does not properly handle cross-compilation
/// Note that there is no way to know at compile-time which system we'll be
/// targetting, and this test must be made at run-time (of the build script) See
fn win_target() -> bool {
/// Tells whether we're building for Android.
/// See [`win_target`]
#[cfg(any(feature = "bundled", feature = "bundled-windows"))]
fn android_target() -> bool {
std::env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_OS").map_or(false, |v| v == "android")
/// Tells whether a given compiler will be used `compiler_name` is compared to
/// the content of `CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ENV` (and is always lowercase)
/// See [`win_target`]
fn is_compiler(compiler_name: &str) -> bool {
std::env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ENV").map_or(false, |v| v == compiler_name)
fn main() {
let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
let out_path = Path::new(&out_dir).join("");
if cfg!(feature = "in_gecko") {
// When inside mozilla-central, we are included into the build with
// sqlite3.o directly, so we don't want to provide any linker arguments.
std::fs::copy("sqlite3/", out_path)
.expect("Could not copy bindings to output directory");
if cfg!(all(
feature = "sqlcipher",
not(feature = "bundled-sqlcipher")
)) {
if cfg!(feature = "bundled") || (win_target() && cfg!(feature = "bundled-windows")) {
"cargo:warning=For backwards compatibility, feature 'sqlcipher' overrides
features 'bundled' and 'bundled-windows'. If you want a bundled build of
SQLCipher (available for the moment only on Unix), use feature 'bundled-sqlcipher'
or 'bundled-sqlcipher-vendored-openssl' to also bundle OpenSSL crypto."
build_linked::main(&out_dir, &out_path)
} else if cfg!(feature = "bundled")
|| (win_target() && cfg!(feature = "bundled-windows"))
|| cfg!(feature = "bundled-sqlcipher")
feature = "bundled",
feature = "bundled-windows",
feature = "bundled-sqlcipher"
build_bundled::main(&out_dir, &out_path);
feature = "bundled",
feature = "bundled-windows",
feature = "bundled-sqlcipher"
panic!("The runtime test should not run this branch, which has not compiled any logic.")
} else {
build_linked::main(&out_dir, &out_path)
feature = "bundled",
feature = "bundled-windows",
feature = "bundled-sqlcipher"
mod build_bundled {
use std::env;
use std::ffi::OsString;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use super::{is_compiler, win_target};
pub fn main(out_dir: &str, out_path: &Path) {
let lib_name = super::lib_name();
// This is just a sanity check, the top level `main` should ensure this.
assert!(!(cfg!(feature = "bundled-windows") && !cfg!(feature = "bundled") && !win_target()),
"This module should not be used: we're not on Windows and the bundled feature has not been enabled");
#[cfg(feature = "buildtime_bindgen")]
use super::{bindings, HeaderLocation};
let header = HeaderLocation::FromPath(format!("{}/sqlite3.h", lib_name));
bindings::write_to_out_dir(header, out_path);
#[cfg(not(feature = "buildtime_bindgen"))]
use std::fs;
fs::copy(format!("{}/", lib_name), out_path)
.expect("Could not copy bindings to output directory");
// println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=sqlite3/sqlite3.c");
// println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=sqlcipher/sqlite3.c");
println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}/sqlite3.c", lib_name);
let mut cfg = cc::Build::new();
cfg.file(format!("{}/sqlite3.c", lib_name))
.flag("-D_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS") // cross compile with MinGW
if cfg!(feature = "bundled-sqlcipher") {
let target = env::var("TARGET").unwrap();
let host = env::var("HOST").unwrap();
let is_windows = host.contains("windows") && target.contains("windows");
let is_apple = host.contains("apple") && target.contains("apple");
let lib_dir = env("OPENSSL_LIB_DIR").map(PathBuf::from);
let inc_dir = env("OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR").map(PathBuf::from);
let mut use_openssl = false;
let (lib_dir, inc_dir) = match (lib_dir, inc_dir) {
(Some(lib_dir), Some(inc_dir)) => {
use_openssl = true;
(lib_dir, inc_dir)
(lib_dir, inc_dir) => match find_openssl_dir(&host, &target) {
None => {
if is_windows && !cfg!(feature = "bundled-sqlcipher-vendored-openssl") {
panic!("Missing environment variable OPENSSL_DIR or OPENSSL_DIR is not set")
} else {
(PathBuf::new(), PathBuf::new())
Some(openssl_dir) => {
let lib_dir = lib_dir.unwrap_or_else(|| openssl_dir.join("lib"));
let inc_dir = inc_dir.unwrap_or_else(|| openssl_dir.join("include"));
"OpenSSL library directory does not exist: {}",
if !Path::new(&inc_dir).exists() {
"OpenSSL include directory does not exist: {}",
use_openssl = true;
(lib_dir, inc_dir)
if cfg!(feature = "bundled-sqlcipher-vendored-openssl") {
// cargo will resolve downstream to the static lib in openssl-sys
} else if is_windows {
// Windows without `-vendored-openssl` takes this to link against a prebuilt OpenSSL lib
let lib = lib_dir.join("libcrypto.lib");
} else if use_openssl {
// branch not taken on Windows, just `crypto` is fine.
println!("cargo:rustc-link-search={}", lib_dir.to_string_lossy());
} else if is_apple {
} else {
// branch not taken on Windows, just `crypto` is fine.
// on android sqlite can't figure out where to put the temp files.
// the bundled sqlite on android also uses `SQLITE_TEMP_STORE=3`.
if super::android_target() {
if cfg!(feature = "with-asan") {
// If explicitly requested: enable static linking against the Microsoft Visual
// C++ Runtime to avoid dependencies on vcruntime140.dll and similar libraries.
if cfg!(target_feature = "crt-static") && is_compiler("msvc") {
// Older versions of visual studio don't support c99 (including isnan), which
// causes a build failure when the linker fails to find the `isnan`
// function. `sqlite` provides its own implementation, using the fact
// that x != x when x is NaN.
// There may be other platforms that don't support `isnan`, they should be
// tested for here.
if is_compiler("msvc") {
use cc::windows_registry::{find_vs_version, VsVers};
let vs_has_nan = match find_vs_version() {
Ok(ver) => ver != VsVers::Vs12,
Err(_msg) => false,
if vs_has_nan {
} else {
if !win_target() {
// Target wasm32-wasi can't compile the default VFS
if is_compiler("wasm32-wasi") {
if cfg!(feature = "wasm32-wasi-vfs") {
if cfg!(feature = "unlock_notify") {
if cfg!(feature = "preupdate_hook") {
if cfg!(feature = "session") {
if let Ok(limit) = env::var("SQLITE_MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER") {
cfg.flag(&format!("-DSQLITE_MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER={}", limit));
if let Ok(limit) = env::var("SQLITE_MAX_EXPR_DEPTH") {
cfg.flag(&format!("-DSQLITE_MAX_EXPR_DEPTH={}", limit));
if let Ok(extras) = env::var("LIBSQLITE3_FLAGS") {
for extra in extras.split_whitespace() {
if extra.starts_with("-D") || extra.starts_with("-U") {
} else if extra.starts_with("SQLITE_") {
cfg.flag(&format!("-D{}", extra));
} else {
panic!("Don't understand {} in LIBSQLITE3_FLAGS", extra);
println!("cargo:lib_dir={}", out_dir);
fn env(name: &str) -> Option<OsString> {
let prefix = env::var("TARGET").unwrap().to_uppercase().replace("-", "_");
let prefixed = format!("{}_{}", prefix, name);
let var = env::var_os(&prefixed);
match var {
None => env::var_os(name),
_ => var,
fn find_openssl_dir(_host: &str, _target: &str) -> Option<PathBuf> {
let openssl_dir = env("OPENSSL_DIR");
fn env_prefix() -> &'static str {
if cfg!(any(feature = "sqlcipher", feature = "bundled-sqlcipher")) {
} else {
fn lib_name() -> &'static str {
if cfg!(any(feature = "sqlcipher", feature = "bundled-sqlcipher")) {
} else if cfg!(all(windows, feature = "winsqlite3")) {
} else {
pub enum HeaderLocation {
impl From<HeaderLocation> for String {
fn from(header: HeaderLocation) -> String {
match header {
HeaderLocation::FromEnvironment => {
let prefix = env_prefix();
let mut header = env::var(format!("{}_INCLUDE_DIR", prefix)).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
"{}_INCLUDE_DIR must be set if {}_LIB_DIR is set",
prefix, prefix
HeaderLocation::Wrapper => "wrapper.h".into(),
HeaderLocation::FromPath(path) => path,
mod build_linked {
#[cfg(feature = "vcpkg")]
extern crate vcpkg;
use super::{bindings, env_prefix, is_compiler, lib_name, win_target, HeaderLocation};
use std::env;
use std::path::Path;
pub fn main(_out_dir: &str, out_path: &Path) {
let header = find_sqlite();
if (cfg!(any(
feature = "bundled_bindings",
feature = "bundled",
feature = "bundled-sqlcipher"
)) || (win_target() && cfg!(feature = "bundled-windows")))
&& !cfg!(feature = "buildtime_bindgen")
// Generally means the `bundled_bindings` feature is enabled.
// Most users are better off with turning
// on buildtime_bindgen instead, but this is still supported as we
// have runtime version checks and there are good reasons to not
// want to run bindgen.
format!("{}/", lib_name()),
.expect("Could not copy bindings to output directory");
} else {
bindings::write_to_out_dir(header, out_path);
fn find_link_mode() -> &'static str {
// If the user specifies SQLITE3_STATIC (or SQLCIPHER_STATIC), do static
// linking, unless it's explicitly set to 0.
match &env::var(format!("{}_STATIC", env_prefix())) {
Ok(v) if v != "0" => "static",
_ => "dylib",
// Prints the necessary cargo link commands and returns the path to the header.
fn find_sqlite() -> HeaderLocation {
let link_lib = lib_name();
println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed={}_INCLUDE_DIR", env_prefix());
println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed={}_LIB_DIR", env_prefix());
println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed={}_STATIC", env_prefix());
if cfg!(feature = "vcpkg") && is_compiler("msvc") {
// dependents can access `DEP_SQLITE3_LINK_TARGET` (`sqlite3` being the
// `links=` value in our Cargo.toml) to get this value. This might be
// useful if you need to ensure whatever crypto library sqlcipher relies
// on is available, for example.
println!("cargo:link-target={}", link_lib);
if win_target() && cfg!(feature = "winsqlite3") {
println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=dylib={}", link_lib);
return HeaderLocation::Wrapper;
// Allow users to specify where to find SQLite.
if let Ok(dir) = env::var(format!("{}_LIB_DIR", env_prefix())) {
// Try to use pkg-config to determine link commands
let pkgconfig_path = Path::new(&dir).join("pkgconfig");
env::set_var("PKG_CONFIG_PATH", pkgconfig_path);
if pkg_config::Config::new().probe(link_lib).is_err() {
// Otherwise just emit the bare minimum link commands.
println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib={}={}", find_link_mode(), link_lib);
println!("cargo:rustc-link-search={}", dir);
return HeaderLocation::FromEnvironment;
if let Some(header) = try_vcpkg() {
return header;
// See if pkg-config can do everything for us.
match pkg_config::Config::new()
Ok(mut lib) => {
if let Some(mut header) = lib.include_paths.pop() {
} else {
Err(_) => {
// No env var set and pkg-config couldn't help; just output the link-lib
// request and hope that the library exists on the system paths. We used to
// output /usr/lib explicitly, but that can introduce other linking problems;
// see
println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib={}={}", find_link_mode(), link_lib);
fn try_vcpkg() -> Option<HeaderLocation> {
if cfg!(feature = "vcpkg") && is_compiler("msvc") {
// See if vcpkg can find it.
if let Ok(mut lib) = vcpkg::Config::new().probe(lib_name()) {
if let Some(mut header) = lib.include_paths.pop() {
return Some(HeaderLocation::FromPath(header.to_string_lossy().into()));
} else {
#[cfg(not(feature = "buildtime_bindgen"))]
mod bindings {
use super::HeaderLocation;
use std::fs;
use std::path::Path;
static PREBUILT_BINDGEN_PATHS: &[&str] = &[
#[cfg(feature = "min_sqlite_version_3_6_23")]
#[cfg(feature = "min_sqlite_version_3_7_7")]
#[cfg(feature = "min_sqlite_version_3_7_16")]
pub fn write_to_out_dir(_header: HeaderLocation, out_path: &Path) {
fs::copy(in_path, out_path).expect("Could not copy bindings to output directory");
#[cfg(feature = "buildtime_bindgen")]
mod bindings {
use super::HeaderLocation;
use bindgen::callbacks::{IntKind, ParseCallbacks};
use std::fs::OpenOptions;
use std::io::Write;
use std::path::Path;
use super::win_target;
struct SqliteTypeChooser;
impl ParseCallbacks for SqliteTypeChooser {
fn int_macro(&self, _name: &str, value: i64) -> Option<IntKind> {
if value >= i32::min_value() as i64 && value <= i32::max_value() as i64 {
} else {
// Are we generating the bundled bindings? Used to avoid emitting things
// that would be problematic in bundled builds. This env var is set by
// ``.
fn generating_bundled_bindings() -> bool {
// Hacky way to know if we're generating the bundled bindings
match std::env::var("LIBSQLITE3_SYS_BUNDLING") {
Ok(v) => v != "0",
Err(_) => false,
pub fn write_to_out_dir(header: HeaderLocation, out_path: &Path) {
let header: String = header.into();
let mut output = Vec::new();
let mut bindings = bindgen::builder()
if cfg!(any(feature = "sqlcipher", feature = "bundled-sqlcipher")) {
bindings = bindings.clang_arg("-DSQLITE_HAS_CODEC");
if cfg!(feature = "unlock_notify") {
bindings = bindings.clang_arg("-DSQLITE_ENABLE_UNLOCK_NOTIFY");
if cfg!(feature = "preupdate_hook") {
bindings = bindings.clang_arg("-DSQLITE_ENABLE_PREUPDATE_HOOK");
if cfg!(feature = "session") {
bindings = bindings.clang_arg("-DSQLITE_ENABLE_SESSION");
if win_target() && cfg!(feature = "winsqlite3") {
bindings = bindings
// When cross compiling unless effort is taken to fix the issue, bindgen
// will find the wrong headers. There's only one header included by the
// amalgamated `sqlite.h`: `stdarg.h`.
// Thankfully, there's almost no case where rust code needs to use
// functions taking `va_list` (It's nearly impossible to get a `va_list`
// in Rust unless you get passed it by C code for some reason).
// Arguably, we should never be including these, but we include them for
// the cases where they aren't totally broken...
let target_arch = std::env::var("TARGET").unwrap();
let host_arch = std::env::var("HOST").unwrap();
let is_cross_compiling = target_arch != host_arch;
// Note that when generating the bundled file, we're essentially always
// cross compiling.
if generating_bundled_bindings() || is_cross_compiling {
// Get rid of va_list, as it's not
bindings = bindings
.unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("could not run bindgen on header {}", header))
.write(Box::new(&mut output))
.expect("could not write output of bindgen");
let mut output = String::from_utf8(output).expect("bindgen output was not UTF-8?!");
// rusqlite's functions feature ors in the SQLITE_DETERMINISTIC flag when it
// can. This flag was added in SQLite 3.8.3, but oring it in in prior
// versions of SQLite is harmless. We don't want to not build just
// because this flag is missing (e.g., if we're linking against
// SQLite 3.7.x), so append the flag manually if it isn't present in bindgen's
// output.
if !output.contains("pub const SQLITE_DETERMINISTIC") {
output.push_str("\npub const SQLITE_DETERMINISTIC: i32 = 2048;\n");
let mut file = OpenOptions::new()
.unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Could not write to {:?}", out_path));
.unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Could not write to {:?}", out_path));