#!/bin/bash -e SCRIPT_DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "$_")" && pwd) CUR_DIR=$(pwd -P) echo "$SCRIPT_DIR" cd "$SCRIPT_DIR" || { echo "fatal error" >&2; exit 1; } cargo clean mkdir -p "$SCRIPT_DIR/../target" "$SCRIPT_DIR/sqlite3" "$SCRIPT_DIR/sqlcipher" export SQLITE3_LIB_DIR="$SCRIPT_DIR/sqlite3" export SQLITE3_INCLUDE_DIR="$SQLITE3_LIB_DIR" export SQLCIPHER_LIB_DIR="$SCRIPT_DIR/sqlcipher" export SQLCIPHER_INCLUDE_DIR="$SQLCIPHER_LIB_DIR" # Download and extract amalgamation SQLITE=sqlite-amalgamation-3350500 curl -O https://sqlite.org/2021/$SQLITE.zip unzip -p "$SQLITE.zip" "$SQLITE/sqlite3.c" > "$SQLITE3_LIB_DIR/sqlite3.c" unzip -p "$SQLITE.zip" "$SQLITE/sqlite3.h" > "$SQLITE3_LIB_DIR/sqlite3.h" unzip -p "$SQLITE.zip" "$SQLITE/sqlite3ext.h" > "$SQLITE3_LIB_DIR/sqlite3ext.h" rm -f "$SQLITE.zip" # Regenerate bindgen file for sqlite3 rm -f "$SQLITE3_LIB_DIR/bindgen_bundled_version.rs" cargo update # Just to make sure there is only one bindgen.rs file in target dir find "$SCRIPT_DIR/../target" -type f -name bindgen.rs -exec rm {} \; env LIBSQLITE3_SYS_BUNDLING=1 cargo build --features "buildtime_bindgen" --no-default-features find "$SCRIPT_DIR/../target" -type f -name bindgen.rs -exec mv {} "$SQLITE3_LIB_DIR/bindgen_bundled_version.rs" \; SQLCIPHER_VERSION="4.4.3" # Download and generate sqlcipher amalgamation mkdir -p $SCRIPT_DIR/sqlcipher.src [ -e "v${SQLCIPHER_VERSION}.tar.gz" ] || curl -sfL -O "https://github.com/sqlcipher/sqlcipher/archive/v${SQLCIPHER_VERSION}.tar.gz" tar xzf "v${SQLCIPHER_VERSION}.tar.gz" --strip-components=1 -C "$SCRIPT_DIR/sqlcipher.src" cd "$SCRIPT_DIR/sqlcipher.src" ./configure --with-crypto-lib=none make sqlite3.c cp sqlite3.c sqlite3.h sqlite3ext.h "$SCRIPT_DIR/sqlcipher/" cd "$SCRIPT_DIR" rm -rf "v${SQLCIPHER_VERSION}.tar.gz" sqlcipher.src # Regenerate bindgen file for sqlcipher rm -f "$SQLCIPHER_LIB_DIR/bindgen_bundled_version.rs" # cargo update # find "$SCRIPT_DIR/../target" -type f -name bindgen.rs -exec rm {} \; env LIBSQLITE3_SYS_BUNDLING=1 cargo build --features "sqlcipher buildtime_bindgen" find "$SCRIPT_DIR/../target" -type f -name bindgen.rs -exec mv {} "$SQLCIPHER_LIB_DIR/bindgen_bundled_version.rs" \; # Sanity checks cd "$SCRIPT_DIR/.." || { echo "fatal error" >&2; exit 1; } cargo update cargo test --features "backup blob chrono functions limits load_extension serde_json trace vtab bundled" printf ' \e[35;1mFinished\e[0m bundled sqlite3 tests\n' cargo test --features "backup blob chrono functions limits load_extension serde_json trace vtab bundled-sqlcipher-vendored-openssl" printf ' \e[35;1mFinished\e[0m bundled-sqlcipher-vendored-openssl/sqlcipher tests\n' echo 'You should increment the version in libsqlite3-sys/Cargo.toml'