mirror of
synced 2025-03-30 01:25:58 +08:00
Reorganize: Extract Statement and its impl into its own module.
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
use lru_cache::LruCache;
use {Result, Connection, Statement};
use raw_statement::RawStatement;
use statement::StatementCrateImpl;
impl Connection {
/// Prepare a SQL statement for execution, returning a previously prepared (but
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
use {Error, Result, Row, Statement};
use types::ToSql;
use statement::StatementCrateImpl;
impl<'conn> Statement<'conn> {
/// Execute an INSERT and return the ROWID.
@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ impl<'conn> Statement<'conn> {
pub fn insert(&mut self, params: &[&ToSql]) -> Result<i64> {
let changes = try!(self.execute(params));
match changes {
1 => Ok(self.conn.last_insert_rowid()),
1 => Ok(self.last_insert_rowid()),
_ => Err(Error::StatementChangedRows(changes)),
@ -73,13 +73,16 @@ use std::result;
use std::str;
use std::sync::{Once, ONCE_INIT};
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, ATOMIC_BOOL_INIT, Ordering};
use std::os::raw::{c_int, c_char, c_void};
use std::os::raw::{c_int, c_char};
use types::{ToSql, ToSqlOutput, FromSql, FromSqlError, ValueRef};
use types::{ToSql, FromSql, FromSqlError, ValueRef};
use error::{error_from_sqlite_code, error_from_handle};
use raw_statement::RawStatement;
use cache::StatementCache;
pub use statement::Statement;
use statement::StatementCrateImpl;
pub use transaction::{SqliteTransaction, SqliteTransactionBehavior};
pub use transaction::{DropBehavior, Savepoint, Transaction, TransactionBehavior};
@ -104,6 +107,7 @@ mod named_params;
mod error;
mod convenient;
mod raw_statement;
mod statement;
#[cfg(feature = "load_extension")]
mod load_extension_guard;
#[cfg(feature = "trace")]
@ -823,295 +827,6 @@ impl Drop for InnerConnection {
#[deprecated(since = "0.6.0", note = "Use Statement instead")]
pub type SqliteStatement<'conn> = Statement<'conn>;
/// A prepared statement.
pub struct Statement<'conn> {
conn: &'conn Connection,
stmt: RawStatement,
impl<'conn> Statement<'conn> {
fn new(conn: &Connection, stmt: RawStatement) -> Statement {
Statement {
conn: conn,
stmt: stmt,
/// Get all the column names in the result set of the prepared statement.
pub fn column_names(&self) -> Vec<&str> {
let n = self.column_count();
let mut cols = Vec::with_capacity(n as usize);
for i in 0..n {
let slice = self.stmt.column_name(i);
let s = str::from_utf8(slice.to_bytes()).unwrap();
/// Return the number of columns in the result set returned by the prepared statement.
pub fn column_count(&self) -> i32 {
/// Returns the column index in the result set for a given column name.
/// If there is no AS clause then the name of the column is unspecified and may change from one
/// release of SQLite to the next.
/// # Failure
/// Will return an `Error::InvalidColumnName` when there is no column with the specified `name`.
pub fn column_index(&self, name: &str) -> Result<i32> {
let bytes = name.as_bytes();
let n = self.column_count();
for i in 0..n {
if bytes == self.stmt.column_name(i).to_bytes() {
return Ok(i);
/// Execute the prepared statement.
/// On success, returns the number of rows that were changed or inserted or deleted (via
/// `sqlite3_changes`).
/// ## Example
/// ```rust,no_run
/// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result};
/// fn update_rows(conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> {
/// let mut stmt = try!(conn.prepare("UPDATE foo SET bar = 'baz' WHERE qux = ?"));
/// try!(stmt.execute(&[&1i32]));
/// try!(stmt.execute(&[&2i32]));
/// Ok(())
/// }
/// ```
/// # Failure
/// Will return `Err` if binding parameters fails, the executed statement returns rows (in
/// which case `query` should be used instead), or the underling SQLite call fails.
pub fn execute(&mut self, params: &[&ToSql]) -> Result<c_int> {
fn execute_(&mut self) -> Result<c_int> {
let r = self.stmt.step();
match r {
ffi::SQLITE_DONE => {
if self.column_count() == 0 {
} else {
ffi::SQLITE_ROW => Err(Error::ExecuteReturnedResults),
_ => Err(self.conn.decode_result(r).unwrap_err()),
/// Execute the prepared statement, returning a handle to the resulting rows.
/// Due to lifetime restricts, the rows handle returned by `query` does not
/// implement the `Iterator` trait. Consider using `query_map` or `query_and_then`
/// instead, which do.
/// ## Example
/// ```rust,no_run
/// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result};
/// fn get_names(conn: &Connection) -> Result<Vec<String>> {
/// let mut stmt = try!(conn.prepare("SELECT name FROM people"));
/// let mut rows = try!(stmt.query(&[]));
/// let mut names = Vec::new();
/// while let Some(result_row) = rows.next() {
/// let row = try!(result_row);
/// names.push(row.get(0));
/// }
/// Ok(names)
/// }
/// ```
/// ## Failure
/// Will return `Err` if binding parameters fails.
pub fn query<'a>(&'a mut self, params: &[&ToSql]) -> Result<Rows<'a>> {
/// Executes the prepared statement and maps a function over the resulting rows, returning
/// an iterator over the mapped function results.
/// ## Example
/// ```rust,no_run
/// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result};
/// fn get_names(conn: &Connection) -> Result<Vec<String>> {
/// let mut stmt = try!(conn.prepare("SELECT name FROM people"));
/// let rows = try!(stmt.query_map(&[], |row| row.get(0)));
/// let mut names = Vec::new();
/// for name_result in rows {
/// names.push(try!(name_result));
/// }
/// Ok(names)
/// }
/// ```
/// ## Failure
/// Will return `Err` if binding parameters fails.
pub fn query_map<'a, T, F>(&'a mut self, params: &[&ToSql], f: F) -> Result<MappedRows<'a, F>>
where F: FnMut(&Row) -> T
let row_iter = try!(self.query(params));
Ok(MappedRows {
rows: row_iter,
map: f,
/// Executes the prepared statement and maps a function over the resulting
/// rows, where the function returns a `Result` with `Error` type implementing
/// `std::convert::From<Error>` (so errors can be unified).
/// # Failure
/// Will return `Err` if binding parameters fails.
pub fn query_and_then<'a, T, E, F>(&'a mut self,
params: &[&ToSql],
f: F)
-> Result<AndThenRows<'a, F>>
where E: convert::From<Error>,
F: FnMut(&Row) -> result::Result<T, E>
let row_iter = try!(self.query(params));
Ok(AndThenRows {
rows: row_iter,
map: f,
/// Consumes the statement.
/// Functionally equivalent to the `Drop` implementation, but allows callers to see any errors
/// that occur.
/// # Failure
/// Will return `Err` if the underlying SQLite call fails.
pub fn finalize(mut self) -> Result<()> {
fn bind_parameter(&self, param: &ToSql, col: c_int) -> Result<()> {
let value = try!(param.to_sql());
let ptr = unsafe { self.stmt.ptr() };
let value = match value {
ToSqlOutput::Borrowed(v) => v,
ToSqlOutput::Owned(ref v) => ValueRef::from(v),
#[cfg(feature = "blob")]
ToSqlOutput::ZeroBlob(len) => {
return self.conn
.decode_result(unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_bind_zeroblob(ptr, col, len) });
self.conn.decode_result(match value {
ValueRef::Null => unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_bind_null(ptr, col) },
ValueRef::Integer(i) => unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_bind_int64(ptr, col, i) },
ValueRef::Real(r) => unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_bind_double(ptr, col, r) },
ValueRef::Text(s) => unsafe {
let length = s.len();
if length > ::std::i32::MAX as usize {
} else {
let c_str = try!(str_to_cstring(s));
let destructor = if length > 0 {
} else {
ffi::sqlite3_bind_text(ptr, col, c_str.as_ptr(), length as c_int, destructor)
ValueRef::Blob(b) => unsafe {
let length = b.len();
if length > ::std::i32::MAX as usize {
} else if length == 0 {
ffi::sqlite3_bind_zeroblob(ptr, col, 0)
} else {
b.as_ptr() as *const c_void,
length as c_int,
fn bind_parameters(&mut self, params: &[&ToSql]) -> Result<()> {
assert!(params.len() as c_int == self.stmt.bind_parameter_count(),
"incorrect number of parameters to query(): expected {}, got {}",
for (i, p) in params.iter().enumerate() {
try!(self.bind_parameter(*p, (i + 1) as c_int));
fn finalize_(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
let mut stmt = RawStatement::new(ptr::null_mut());
mem::swap(&mut stmt, &mut self.stmt);
impl<'conn> Into<RawStatement> for Statement<'conn> {
fn into(mut self) -> RawStatement {
let mut stmt = RawStatement::new(ptr::null_mut());
mem::swap(&mut stmt, &mut self.stmt);
impl<'conn> fmt::Debug for Statement<'conn> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let sql = str::from_utf8(self.stmt.sql().to_bytes());
.field("conn", self.conn)
.field("stmt", &self.stmt)
.field("sql", &sql)
impl<'conn> Drop for Statement<'conn> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
/// An iterator over the mapped resulting rows of a query.
pub struct MappedRows<'stmt, F> {
rows: Rows<'stmt>,
@ -1175,7 +890,7 @@ impl<'stmt> Rows<'stmt> {
fn reset(&mut self) {
if let Some(stmt) = self.stmt.take() {
@ -1190,7 +905,7 @@ impl<'stmt> Rows<'stmt> {
/// "streaming iterator". For a more natural interface, consider using `query_map`
/// or `query_and_then` instead, which return types that implement `Iterator`.
pub fn next<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Option<Result<Row<'a, 'stmt>>> {
self.stmt.and_then(|stmt| match stmt.stmt.step() {
self.stmt.and_then(|stmt| match stmt.step() {
ffi::SQLITE_ROW => {
Some(Ok(Row {
stmt: stmt,
@ -1203,7 +918,7 @@ impl<'stmt> Rows<'stmt> {
code => {
@ -1253,7 +968,7 @@ impl<'a, 'stmt> Row<'a, 'stmt> {
/// for this row.
pub fn get_checked<I: RowIndex, T: FromSql>(&self, idx: I) -> Result<T> {
let idx = try!(idx.idx(self.stmt));
let value = unsafe { ValueRef::new(&self.stmt.stmt, idx) };
let value = self.stmt.value_ref(idx);
FromSql::column_result(value).map_err(|err| match err {
FromSqlError::InvalidType => Error::InvalidColumnType(idx, value.data_type()),
FromSqlError::OutOfRange(i) => Error::IntegralValueOutOfRange(idx, i),
@ -1294,47 +1009,6 @@ impl<'a> RowIndex for &'a str {
impl<'a> ValueRef<'a> {
unsafe fn new(stmt: &RawStatement, col: c_int) -> ValueRef {
use std::slice::from_raw_parts;
let raw = stmt.ptr();
match stmt.column_type(col) {
ffi::SQLITE_NULL => ValueRef::Null,
ffi::SQLITE_INTEGER => ValueRef::Integer(ffi::sqlite3_column_int64(raw, col)),
ffi::SQLITE_FLOAT => ValueRef::Real(ffi::sqlite3_column_double(raw, col)),
ffi::SQLITE_TEXT => {
let text = ffi::sqlite3_column_text(raw, col);
"unexpected SQLITE_TEXT column type with NULL data");
let s = CStr::from_ptr(text as *const c_char);
// sqlite3_column_text returns UTF8 data, so our unwrap here should be fine.
let s = s.to_str().expect("sqlite3_column_text returned invalid UTF-8");
ffi::SQLITE_BLOB => {
let blob = ffi::sqlite3_column_blob(raw, col);
let len = ffi::sqlite3_column_bytes(raw, col);
assert!(len >= 0,
"unexpected negative return from sqlite3_column_bytes");
if len > 0 {
"unexpected SQLITE_BLOB column type with NULL data");
ValueRef::Blob(from_raw_parts(blob as *const u8, len as usize))
} else {
// The return value from sqlite3_column_blob() for a zero-length BLOB
// is a NULL pointer.
_ => unreachable!("sqlite3_column_type returned invalid value"),
mod test {
extern crate tempdir;
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
use std::convert;
use std::result;
use std::os::raw::c_int;
use statement::StatementCrateImpl;
use {Result, Error, Connection, Statement, MappedRows, AndThenRows, Rows, Row, str_to_cstring};
use types::ToSql;
@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ impl<'conn> Statement<'conn> {
/// is valid but not a bound parameter of this statement.
pub fn parameter_index(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Option<i32>> {
let c_name = try!(str_to_cstring(name));
/// Execute the prepared statement with named parameter(s). If any parameters
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
use std::{convert, fmt, mem, ptr, result, str};
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_int, c_void};
use std::slice::from_raw_parts;
use super::ffi;
use super::{Connection, RawStatement, Result, Error, ValueRef, Row, Rows, AndThenRows, MappedRows};
use super::str_to_cstring;
use types::{ToSql, ToSqlOutput};
/// A prepared statement.
pub struct Statement<'conn> {
conn: &'conn Connection,
stmt: RawStatement,
impl<'conn> Statement<'conn> {
/// Get all the column names in the result set of the prepared statement.
pub fn column_names(&self) -> Vec<&str> {
let n = self.column_count();
let mut cols = Vec::with_capacity(n as usize);
for i in 0..n {
let slice = self.stmt.column_name(i);
let s = str::from_utf8(slice.to_bytes()).unwrap();
/// Return the number of columns in the result set returned by the prepared statement.
pub fn column_count(&self) -> i32 {
/// Returns the column index in the result set for a given column name.
/// If there is no AS clause then the name of the column is unspecified and may change from one
/// release of SQLite to the next.
/// # Failure
/// Will return an `Error::InvalidColumnName` when there is no column with the specified `name`.
pub fn column_index(&self, name: &str) -> Result<i32> {
let bytes = name.as_bytes();
let n = self.column_count();
for i in 0..n {
if bytes == self.stmt.column_name(i).to_bytes() {
return Ok(i);
/// Execute the prepared statement.
/// On success, returns the number of rows that were changed or inserted or deleted (via
/// `sqlite3_changes`).
/// ## Example
/// ```rust,no_run
/// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result};
/// fn update_rows(conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> {
/// let mut stmt = try!(conn.prepare("UPDATE foo SET bar = 'baz' WHERE qux = ?"));
/// try!(stmt.execute(&[&1i32]));
/// try!(stmt.execute(&[&2i32]));
/// Ok(())
/// }
/// ```
/// # Failure
/// Will return `Err` if binding parameters fails, the executed statement returns rows (in
/// which case `query` should be used instead), or the underling SQLite call fails.
pub fn execute(&mut self, params: &[&ToSql]) -> Result<c_int> {
/// Execute the prepared statement, returning a handle to the resulting rows.
/// Due to lifetime restricts, the rows handle returned by `query` does not
/// implement the `Iterator` trait. Consider using `query_map` or `query_and_then`
/// instead, which do.
/// ## Example
/// ```rust,no_run
/// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result};
/// fn get_names(conn: &Connection) -> Result<Vec<String>> {
/// let mut stmt = try!(conn.prepare("SELECT name FROM people"));
/// let mut rows = try!(stmt.query(&[]));
/// let mut names = Vec::new();
/// while let Some(result_row) = rows.next() {
/// let row = try!(result_row);
/// names.push(row.get(0));
/// }
/// Ok(names)
/// }
/// ```
/// ## Failure
/// Will return `Err` if binding parameters fails.
pub fn query<'a>(&'a mut self, params: &[&ToSql]) -> Result<Rows<'a>> {
/// Executes the prepared statement and maps a function over the resulting rows, returning
/// an iterator over the mapped function results.
/// ## Example
/// ```rust,no_run
/// # use rusqlite::{Connection, Result};
/// fn get_names(conn: &Connection) -> Result<Vec<String>> {
/// let mut stmt = try!(conn.prepare("SELECT name FROM people"));
/// let rows = try!(stmt.query_map(&[], |row| row.get(0)));
/// let mut names = Vec::new();
/// for name_result in rows {
/// names.push(try!(name_result));
/// }
/// Ok(names)
/// }
/// ```
/// ## Failure
/// Will return `Err` if binding parameters fails.
pub fn query_map<'a, T, F>(&'a mut self, params: &[&ToSql], f: F) -> Result<MappedRows<'a, F>>
where F: FnMut(&Row) -> T
let row_iter = try!(self.query(params));
Ok(MappedRows {
rows: row_iter,
map: f,
/// Executes the prepared statement and maps a function over the resulting
/// rows, where the function returns a `Result` with `Error` type implementing
/// `std::convert::From<Error>` (so errors can be unified).
/// # Failure
/// Will return `Err` if binding parameters fails.
pub fn query_and_then<'a, T, E, F>(&'a mut self,
params: &[&ToSql],
f: F)
-> Result<AndThenRows<'a, F>>
where E: convert::From<Error>,
F: FnMut(&Row) -> result::Result<T, E>
let row_iter = try!(self.query(params));
Ok(AndThenRows {
rows: row_iter,
map: f,
/// Consumes the statement.
/// Functionally equivalent to the `Drop` implementation, but allows callers to see any errors
/// that occur.
/// # Failure
/// Will return `Err` if the underlying SQLite call fails.
pub fn finalize(mut self) -> Result<()> {
fn bind_parameters(&mut self, params: &[&ToSql]) -> Result<()> {
assert!(params.len() as c_int == self.stmt.bind_parameter_count(),
"incorrect number of parameters to query(): expected {}, got {}",
for (i, p) in params.iter().enumerate() {
try!(self.bind_parameter(*p, (i + 1) as c_int));
fn finalize_(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
let mut stmt = RawStatement::new(ptr::null_mut());
mem::swap(&mut stmt, &mut self.stmt);
impl<'conn> Into<RawStatement> for Statement<'conn> {
fn into(mut self) -> RawStatement {
let mut stmt = RawStatement::new(ptr::null_mut());
mem::swap(&mut stmt, &mut self.stmt);
impl<'conn> fmt::Debug for Statement<'conn> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let sql = str::from_utf8(self.stmt.sql().to_bytes());
.field("conn", self.conn)
.field("stmt", &self.stmt)
.field("sql", &sql)
impl<'conn> Drop for Statement<'conn> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// TODO: This trait lets us have "pub(crate)" visibility on some Statement methods. Remove this
// once pub(crate) is stable.
pub trait StatementCrateImpl<'conn> {
fn new(conn: &'conn Connection, stmt: RawStatement) -> Self;
fn execute_(&mut self) -> Result<c_int>;
fn bind_parameter(&self, param: &ToSql, col: c_int) -> Result<()>;
fn bind_parameter_index(&self, name: &CStr) -> Option<c_int>;
fn last_insert_rowid(&self) -> i64;
fn value_ref(&self, col: c_int) -> ValueRef;
fn step(&self) -> c_int;
fn reset(&self) -> c_int;
fn decode_result(&self, code: c_int) -> Result<()>;
impl<'conn> StatementCrateImpl<'conn> for Statement<'conn> {
fn new(conn: &Connection, stmt: RawStatement) -> Statement {
Statement {
conn: conn,
stmt: stmt,
fn execute_(&mut self) -> Result<c_int> {
let r = self.stmt.step();
match r {
ffi::SQLITE_DONE => {
if self.column_count() == 0 {
} else {
ffi::SQLITE_ROW => Err(Error::ExecuteReturnedResults),
_ => Err(self.conn.decode_result(r).unwrap_err()),
fn bind_parameter(&self, param: &ToSql, col: c_int) -> Result<()> {
let value = try!(param.to_sql());
let ptr = unsafe { self.stmt.ptr() };
let value = match value {
ToSqlOutput::Borrowed(v) => v,
ToSqlOutput::Owned(ref v) => ValueRef::from(v),
#[cfg(feature = "blob")]
ToSqlOutput::ZeroBlob(len) => {
return self.conn
.decode_result(unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_bind_zeroblob(ptr, col, len) });
self.conn.decode_result(match value {
ValueRef::Null => unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_bind_null(ptr, col) },
ValueRef::Integer(i) => unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_bind_int64(ptr, col, i) },
ValueRef::Real(r) => unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_bind_double(ptr, col, r) },
ValueRef::Text(s) => unsafe {
let length = s.len();
if length > ::std::i32::MAX as usize {
} else {
let c_str = try!(str_to_cstring(s));
let destructor = if length > 0 {
} else {
ffi::sqlite3_bind_text(ptr, col, c_str.as_ptr(), length as c_int, destructor)
ValueRef::Blob(b) => unsafe {
let length = b.len();
if length > ::std::i32::MAX as usize {
} else if length == 0 {
ffi::sqlite3_bind_zeroblob(ptr, col, 0)
} else {
b.as_ptr() as *const c_void,
length as c_int,
fn bind_parameter_index(&self, name: &CStr) -> Option<c_int> {
fn last_insert_rowid(&self) -> i64 {
fn value_ref(&self, col: c_int) -> ValueRef {
let raw = unsafe { self.stmt.ptr() };
match self.stmt.column_type(col) {
ffi::SQLITE_NULL => ValueRef::Null,
ValueRef::Integer(unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_column_int64(raw, col) })
ffi::SQLITE_FLOAT => ValueRef::Real(unsafe { ffi::sqlite3_column_double(raw, col) }),
ffi::SQLITE_TEXT => {
let s = unsafe {
let text = ffi::sqlite3_column_text(raw, col);
"unexpected SQLITE_TEXT column type with NULL data");
CStr::from_ptr(text as *const c_char)
// sqlite3_column_text returns UTF8 data, so our unwrap here should be fine.
let s = s.to_str().expect("sqlite3_column_text returned invalid UTF-8");
ffi::SQLITE_BLOB => {
let (blob, len) = unsafe {
(ffi::sqlite3_column_blob(raw, col), ffi::sqlite3_column_bytes(raw, col))
assert!(len >= 0,
"unexpected negative return from sqlite3_column_bytes");
if len > 0 {
"unexpected SQLITE_BLOB column type with NULL data");
ValueRef::Blob(unsafe { from_raw_parts(blob as *const u8, len as usize) })
} else {
// The return value from sqlite3_column_blob() for a zero-length BLOB
// is a NULL pointer.
_ => unreachable!("sqlite3_column_type returned invalid value"),
fn step(&self) -> i32 {
fn reset(&self) -> c_int {
fn decode_result(&self, code: c_int) -> Result<()> {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user