mirror of
synced 2025-03-29 13:12:58 +08:00
324 lines
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324 lines
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import shutil
import json
import os
import re
import subprocess
from conan.tools.files import rm
from conan.tools.scm import Git
from conan.tools.apple import is_apple_os
from conan.tools.cmake import CMakeToolchain, CMake, cmake_layout, CMakeDeps
from conan import ConanFile
required_conan_version = '>=2.7'
def semver_parse(s):
m = re.match('^v?(?P<major>0|[1-9]\d*)\.(?P<minor>0|[1-9]\d*)\.(?P<patch>0|[1-9]\d*)(\\.(?P<tweak>0|[1-9]\d*))?(?:-(?P<prerelease>(?:0|[1-9]\d*|\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*)(?:\.(?:0|[1-9]\d*|\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*))*))?(?:\+(?P<buildmetadata>[0-9a-zA-Z-]+(?:\.[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*))?$', s)
return m.groupdict() if m else None
def semver_string(semver):
s = str(semver['major']) + '.' + \
str(semver['minor']) + '.' + str(semver['patch'])
if not semver['tweak'] is None and semver['tweak'] != 0:
s += '.' + str(semver['tweak'])
if not semver['prerelease'] is None and semver['prerelease'] != '':
s += '-' + semver['prerelease']
return s
def semver_string_with_buildmetadata(semver):
s = semver_string(semver)
if not semver['buildmetadata'] is None and semver['buildmetadata'] != '':
s += '+' + semver['buildmetadata']
return s
class libmdbx(ConanFile):
name = 'mdbx'
package_type = 'library'
description = 'One of the fastest embeddable key-value ACID database without WAL. libmdbx surpasses the legendary LMDB in terms of reliability, features and performance.'
license = 'Apache-2.0'
author = 'Leo Yuriev <leo@yuriev.ru>'
homepage = 'https://libmdbx.dqdkfa.ru'
url = 'https://gitflic.ru/project/erthink/libmdbx.git'
topics = ('embedded-database', 'key-value', 'btree', 'LMDB', 'storage-engine',
'data-storage', 'nosql', 'ACID', 'MVCC', 'MDBX')
no_copy_source = True
test_type = 'explicit'
build_policy = 'missing'
revision_mode = 'scm'
languages = 'C', 'C++'
provides = 'libmdbx'
implements = ['auto_shared_fpic']
# upload_policy = 'skip'
# exports_sources = 'LICENSE', 'NOTICE', 'CMakeLists.txt', '*.h', '*.h++', '*.c', '*.c++', 'ntdll.def', 'man1/*', 'cmake/*', 'config.h.in'
settings = 'os', 'compiler', 'build_type', 'arch'
options = {
'mdbx.64bit_atomic': ['Auto', True, False],
'mdbx.64bit_cas': ['Auto', True, False],
'mdbx.apple.speed_insteadof_durability': ['Default', True, False],
'mdbx.avoid_msync': ['Auto', True, False],
'mdbx.build_cxx': ['Default', True, False],
'mdbx.build_tools': ['Default', True, False],
'mdbx.cacheline_size': ['Auto', 16, 32, 64, 128, 256],
'mdbx.disable_validation': ['Default', True, False],
'mdbx.enable_bigfoot': ['Default', True, False],
'mdbx.enable_dbi_lockfree': ['Default', True, False],
'mdbx.enable_dbi_sparse': ['Default', True, False],
'mdbx.enable_pgop_stat': ['Default', True, False],
'mdbx.enable_profgc': ['Default', True, False],
'mdbx.enable_refund': ['Default', True, False],
'mdbx.env_checkpid': ['Default', True, False],
'mdbx.force_assertions': ['Default', True, False],
'mdbx.have_builtin_cpu_supports': ['Auto', True, False],
'mdbx.locking': ['Auto', 'WindowsFileLocking', 'SystemV', 'POSIX1988', 'POSIX2001', 'POSIX2008'],
'mdbx.mmap_incoherent_file_write': ['Auto', True, False],
'mdbx.mmap_needs_jolt': ['Auto', True, False],
'mdbx.trust_rtc': ['Default', True, False],
'mdbx.txn_checkowner': ['Default', True, False],
'mdbx.unaligned_ok': ['Auto', True, False],
'mdbx.use_copyfilerange': ['Auto', True, False],
'mdbx.use_mincore': ['Auto', True, False],
'mdbx.use_ofdlocks': ['Auto', True, False],
'mdbx.use_sendfile': ['Auto', True, False],
'mdbx.without_msvc_crt': ['Default', True, False],
'shared': [True, False],
default_options = {
'mdbx.64bit_atomic': 'Auto',
'mdbx.64bit_cas': 'Auto',
'mdbx.apple.speed_insteadof_durability': 'Default',
'mdbx.avoid_msync': 'Auto',
'mdbx.build_cxx': 'Default',
'mdbx.build_tools': 'Default',
'mdbx.cacheline_size': 'Auto',
'mdbx.disable_validation': 'Default',
'mdbx.enable_bigfoot': 'Default',
'mdbx.enable_dbi_lockfree': 'Default',
'mdbx.enable_dbi_sparse': 'Default',
'mdbx.enable_pgop_stat': 'Default',
'mdbx.enable_profgc': 'Default',
'mdbx.enable_refund': 'Default',
'mdbx.env_checkpid': 'Default',
'mdbx.force_assertions': 'Default',
'mdbx.have_builtin_cpu_supports': 'Auto',
'mdbx.locking': 'Auto',
'mdbx.mmap_incoherent_file_write': 'Auto',
'mdbx.mmap_needs_jolt': 'Auto',
'mdbx.trust_rtc': 'Default',
'mdbx.txn_checkowner': 'Default',
'mdbx.unaligned_ok': 'Auto',
'mdbx.use_copyfilerange': 'Auto',
'mdbx.use_mincore': 'Auto',
'mdbx.use_ofdlocks': 'Auto',
'mdbx.use_sendfile': 'Auto',
'mdbx.without_msvc_crt': 'Default',
'shared': True,
options_description = {
'mdbx.64bit_atomic': 'Advanced: Assume 64-bit operations are atomic and not splitted to 32-bit halves. ',
'mdbx.64bit_cas': 'Advanced: Assume 64-bit atomic compare-and-swap operation is available. ',
'mdbx.apple.speed_insteadof_durability': 'Disable using `fcntl(F_FULLFSYNC)` for a performance reasons at the cost of durability on power failure. ',
'mdbx.avoid_msync': 'Disable in-memory database updating with consequent flush-to-disk/msync syscall in `MDBX_WRITEMAP` mode. ',
'mdbx.build_cxx': 'Build C++ portion. ',
'mdbx.build_tools': 'Build CLI tools (mdbx_chk/stat/dump/load/copy/drop). ',
'mdbx.cacheline_size': 'Advanced: CPU cache line size for data alignment to avoid cache line false-sharing. ',
'mdbx.disable_validation': 'Disable some checks to reduce an overhead and detection probability of database corruption to a values closer to the LMDB. ',
'mdbx.enable_bigfoot': 'Chunking long list of retired pages during huge transactions commit to avoid use sequences of pages. ',
'mdbx.enable_dbi_lockfree': 'Support for deferred releasing and a lockfree path to quickly open DBI handles. ',
'mdbx.enable_dbi_sparse': 'Support for sparse sets of DBI handles to reduce overhead when starting and processing transactions. ',
'mdbx.enable_pgop_stat': 'Gathering statistics for page operations. ',
'mdbx.enable_profgc': 'Profiling of GC search and updates. ',
'mdbx.enable_refund': 'Online database zero-cost auto-compactification during write-transactions. ',
'mdbx.env_checkpid': "Checking PID inside libmdbx's API against reuse database environment after the `fork()`. ",
'mdbx.force_assertions': 'Forces assertion checking even for release builds. ',
'mdbx.have_builtin_cpu_supports': 'Advanced: Assume the compiler and target system has `__builtin_cpu_supports()`. ',
'mdbx.locking': 'Advanced: Choices the locking implementation. ',
'mdbx.mmap_incoherent_file_write': "Advanced: Assume system don't have unified page cache and/or file write operations incoherent with memory-mapped files. ",
'mdbx.mmap_needs_jolt': 'Advanced: Assume system needs explicit syscall to sync/flush/write modified mapped memory. ',
'mdbx.trust_rtc': 'Advanced: Does a system have battery-backed Real-Time Clock or just a fake. ',
'mdbx.txn_checkowner': 'Checking transaction owner thread against misuse transactions from other threads. ',
'mdbx.unaligned_ok': 'Advanced: Assume a target CPU and/or the compiler support unaligned access. ',
'mdbx.use_copyfilerange': 'Advanced: Use `copy_file_range()` syscall. ',
'mdbx.use_mincore': "Use Unix' `mincore()` to determine whether database pages are resident in memory. ",
'mdbx.use_ofdlocks': 'Advanced: Use POSIX OFD-locks. ',
'mdbx.use_sendfile': 'Advancedc: Use `sendfile()` syscall. ',
'mdbx.without_msvc_crt': 'Avoid dependence from MSVC CRT and use ntdll.dll instead. ',
build_metadata = None
def config_options(self):
if self.settings.get_safe('os') != 'Linux':
if self.settings.get_safe('os') == 'Windows':
self.default_options['mdbx.avoid_msync'] = True
if is_apple_os(self):
def fetch_versioninfo_from_git(self):
git = Git(self, folder=self.recipe_folder)
git_timestamp = git.run('show --no-patch --format=%cI HEAD')
git_tree = git.run('show --no-patch --format=%T HEAD')
git_commit = git.run('show --no-patch --format=%H HEAD')
if git.run('rev-list --tags --count') == 0:
git.run('fetch --tags')
git_last_vtag = git.run('describe --tags --abbrev=0 --match=v[0-9]*')
if git_last_vtag == '':
git_describe = git.run('describe --all --long --always')
git_semver = semver_parse(
'0.0.0.' + git.run('rev-list --count --remove-empty --no-merges HEAD'))
git_describe = git.run('describe --tags --long --match=v[0-9]*')
git_version = '.'.join(
map(str, re.split('[-v.]+', git.run('describe --tags --match=v[0-9]*'))[1:5]))
git_semver = semver_parse(git_last_vtag)
if git_semver['prerelease'] is None or git_semver['prerelease'] == '':
git_since_vtag = git.run(
'rev-list ' + git_last_vtag + '.. --count')
if int(git_since_vtag) > 0:
git_semver['tweak'] = int(git_since_vtag)
git_semver['tweak'] = None
info = {'git_describe': git_describe, 'git_timestamp': git_timestamp,
'git_tree': git_tree, 'git_commit': git_commit, 'semver': semver_string(git_semver)}
return info
def export_sources(self):
subprocess.run(['make', '-C', self.recipe_folder, 'DIST_DIR=' +
self.export_sources_folder, '@dist-checked.tag'], check=True)
rm(self, 'Makefile', self.export_sources_folder)
rm(self, 'GNUmakefile', self.export_sources_folder)
# json.dump(self.fetch_versioninfo_from_git(), open(os.path.join(
# self.export_sources_folder, 'VERSION.json'), 'w', encoding='utf-8'))
def source(self):
version_json_pathname = os.path.join(
self.export_sources_folder, 'VERSION.json')
version_json = json.load(
open(os.path.join(version_json_pathname), encoding='utf-8'))['semver']
if version_json != semver_string(semver_parse(self.version)):
self.output.error('Package/Recipe version "' + self.version +
'" mismatch VERSION.json "' + version_json + '"')
def set_version(self):
if self.build_metadata is None and not self.version is None:
self.build_metadata = self.version
semver = semver_parse(self.build_metadata)
if semver:
self.build_metadata = semver['buildmetadata']
self.build_metadata = re.match(
'^[^0-9a-zA-Z]*([0-9a-zA-Z]+[-.0-9a-zA-Z]*)', self.build_metadata).group(1)
if self.build_metadata is None:
self.build_metadata = ''
version_json_pathname = os.path.join(
self.recipe_folder, 'VERSION.json')
if os.path.exists(version_json_pathname):
self.version = json.load(
open(version_json_pathname, encoding='utf-8'))['semver']
version_from = "'" + version_json_pathname + "'"
self.version = self.fetch_versioninfo_from_git()['semver']
version_from = 'Git'
self.output.verbose('Fetch version from ' +
version_from + ': ' + self.version)
if self.build_metadata != '':
self.version += '+' + self.build_metadata
def layout(self):
def handle_option(self, tc, name, define=False):
opt = self.options.get_safe(name)
if not opt is None:
value = str(opt).lower()
if value != 'auto' and value != 'default':
name = name.upper().replace('.', '_')
if define:
if value == 'false' or value == 'no' or value == 'off':
tc.preprocessor_definitions[name] = 0
elif value == 'true' or value == 'yes' or value == 'on':
tc.preprocessor_definitions[name] = 1
tc.preprocessor_definitions[name] = int(opt)
name + '=' + str(tc.preprocessor_definitions[name]) + ' (' + str(opt) + ')')
tc.cache_variables[name] = opt
name + '=' + str(tc.cache_variables[name]) + ' (' + str(opt) + ')')
def generate(self):
tc = CMakeToolchain(self)
if self.build_metadata is None:
self.build_metadata = semver_parse(self.version)['buildmetadata']
if not self.build_metadata is None and self.build_metadata != '':
tc.variables['MDBX_BUILD_METADATA'] = self.build_metadata
self.output.highlight('MDBX_BUILD_METADATA is ' +
self.handle_option(tc, 'mdbx.64bit_atomic', True)
self.handle_option(tc, 'mdbx.64bit_cas', True)
self.handle_option(tc, 'mdbx.apple.speed_insteadof_durability')
self.handle_option(tc, 'mdbx.avoid_msync')
self.handle_option(tc, 'mdbx.build_tools')
self.handle_option(tc, 'mdbx.build_cxx')
self.handle_option(tc, 'mdbx.cacheline_size', True)
self.handle_option(tc, 'mdbx.disable_validation')
self.handle_option(tc, 'mdbx.enable_bigfoot')
self.handle_option(tc, 'mdbx.enable_dbi_lockfree')
self.handle_option(tc, 'mdbx.enable_dbi_sparse')
self.handle_option(tc, 'mdbx.enable_pgop_stat')
self.handle_option(tc, 'mdbx.enable_profgc')
self.handle_option(tc, 'mdbx.enable_refund')
self.handle_option(tc, 'mdbx.env_checkpid')
self.handle_option(tc, 'mdbx.force_assertions')
self.handle_option(tc, 'mdbx.have_builtin_cpu_supports', True)
self.handle_option(tc, 'mdbx.mmap_incoherent_file_write', True)
self.handle_option(tc, 'mdbx.mmap_needs_jolt')
self.handle_option(tc, 'mdbx.trust_rtc')
self.handle_option(tc, 'mdbx.txn_checkowner')
self.handle_option(tc, 'mdbx.unaligned_ok', True)
self.handle_option(tc, 'mdbx.use_copyfilerange', True)
self.handle_option(tc, 'mdbx.use_mincore')
self.handle_option(tc, 'mdbx.use_ofdlocks')
self.handle_option(tc, 'mdbx.use_sendfile', True)
self.handle_option(tc, 'mdbx.without_msvc_crt')
opt = self.options.get_safe('mdbx.locking', 'auto')
if not opt is None:
value = str(opt).lower()
if value != 'auto' and value != 'default':
map = {'windowsfilelocking': -1, 'systemv': 5, 'posix1988': 1988,
'posix2001': 2001, 'posix2008': 2008}
value = map[value]
tc.cache_variables['MDBX_LOCKING'] = value
self.output.highlight('MDBX_LOCKING=' +
def build(self):
cmake = CMake(self)
def package(self):
cmake = CMake(self)
def package_info(self):
if self.options.shared:
self.cpp_info.libs = ['mdbx']
self.cpp_info.libs = ['mdbx-static']