Leo Yuriev 30bd7d3078 mdbx: shrinking memory-mapping for Windows (initial).
Change-Id: I3c3c2df0747c788ea36d7764c1e8139098ca62be
2018-01-08 17:47:41 +03:00

1233 lines
49 KiB

* Copyright 2015-2017 Leonid Yuriev <>
* and other libmdbx authors: please see AUTHORS file.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
* Public License.
* A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
* top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
* <>. */
#pragma once
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
/* clang-format off */
#ifndef MDBX_DEBUG
# define MDBX_DEBUG 0
# undef NDEBUG
/* Features under development */
#ifndef MDBX_DEVEL
# define MDBX_DEVEL 1
/* Should be defined before any includes */
#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
# define _GNU_SOURCE 1
# define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# endif
#if _MSC_VER > 1800
# pragma warning(disable : 4464) /* relative include path contains '..' */
#pragma warning(disable : 4710) /* 'xyz': function not inlined */
#pragma warning(disable : 4711) /* function 'xyz' selected for automatic inline expansion */
#pragma warning(disable : 4201) /* nonstandard extension used : nameless struct / union */
#pragma warning(disable : 4702) /* unreachable code */
#pragma warning(disable : 4706) /* assignment within conditional expression */
#pragma warning(disable : 4127) /* conditional expression is constant */
#pragma warning(disable : 4324) /* 'xyz': structure was padded due to alignment specifier */
#pragma warning(disable : 4310) /* cast truncates constant value */
#pragma warning(disable : 4820) /* bytes padding added after data member for aligment */
#pragma warning(disable : 4548) /* expression before comma has no effect; expected expression with side - effect */
#endif /* _MSC_VER (warnings) */
#include "../mdbx.h"
#include "./defs.h"
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !__GNUC_PREREQ(4,2)
/* Actualy libmdbx was not tested with compilers older than GCC from RHEL6.
* But you could remove this #error and try to continue at your own risk.
* In such case please don't rise up an issues related ONLY to old compilers.
# warning "libmdbx required at least GCC 4.2 compatible C/C++ compiler."
#if defined(__GLIBC__) && !__GLIBC_PREREQ(2,12)
/* Actualy libmdbx was not tested with something older than glibc 2.12 (from RHEL6).
* But you could remove this #error and try to continue at your own risk.
* In such case please don't rise up an issues related ONLY to old systems.
# warning "libmdbx required at least GLIBC 2.12."
# warning "libmdbx don't compatible with ThreadSanitizer, you will get a lot of false-positive issues."
#endif /* __SANITIZE_THREAD__ */
#include "./osal.h"
/* *INDENT-ON* */
/* clang-format on */
/* Basic constants and types */
/* The minimum number of keys required in a database page.
* Setting this to a larger value will place a smaller bound on the
* maximum size of a data item. Data items larger than this size will
* be pushed into overflow pages instead of being stored directly in
* the B-tree node. This value used to default to 4. With a page size
* of 4096 bytes that meant that any item larger than 1024 bytes would
* go into an overflow page. That also meant that on average 2-3KB of
* each overflow page was wasted space. The value cannot be lower than
* 2 because then there would no longer be a tree structure. With this
* value, items larger than 2KB will go into overflow pages, and on
* average only 1KB will be wasted. */
#define MDBX_MINKEYS 2
/* A stamp that identifies a file as an MDBX file.
* There's nothing special about this value other than that it is easily
* recognizable, and it will reflect any byte order mismatches. */
#define MDBX_MAGIC UINT64_C(/* 56-bit prime */ 0x59659DBDEF4C11)
/* The version number for a database's datafile format. */
#define MDBX_DATA_VERSION ((MDBX_DEVEL) ? 255 : 2)
/* The version number for a database's lockfile format. */
#define MDBX_LOCK_VERSION ((MDBX_DEVEL) ? 255 : 2)
/* handle for the DB used to track free pages. */
#define FREE_DBI 0
/* handle for the default DB. */
#define MAIN_DBI 1
/* Number of DBs in metapage (free and main) - also hardcoded elsewhere */
#define CORE_DBS 2
#define MAX_DBI (INT16_MAX - CORE_DBS)
/* Number of meta pages - also hardcoded elsewhere */
#define NUM_METAS 3
/* A page number in the database.
* MDBX uses 32 bit for page numbers. This limits database
* size up to 2^44 bytes, in case of 4K pages. */
typedef uint32_t pgno_t;
#define PRIaPGNO PRIu32
#define MAX_PAGENO ((pgno_t)UINT64_C(0xffffFFFFffff))
/* A transaction ID. */
typedef uint64_t txnid_t;
#define PRIaTXN PRIi64
#define MIN_TXNID UINT64_C(0x100000000)
#define MIN_TXNID UINT64_C(1)
#endif /* MIN_TXNID */
/* Used for offsets within a single page.
* Since memory pages are typically 4 or 8KB in size, 12-13 bits,
* this is plenty. */
typedef uint16_t indx_t;
#define MEGABYTE ((size_t)1 << 20)
/* Core structures for database and shared memory (i.e. format definition) */
#pragma pack(push, 1)
/* Reader Lock Table
* Readers don't acquire any locks for their data access. Instead, they
* simply record their transaction ID in the reader table. The reader
* mutex is needed just to find an empty slot in the reader table. The
* slot's address is saved in thread-specific data so that subsequent
* read transactions started by the same thread need no further locking to
* proceed.
* If MDBX_NOTLS is set, the slot address is not saved in thread-specific data.
* No reader table is used if the database is on a read-only filesystem.
* Since the database uses multi-version concurrency control, readers don't
* actually need any locking. This table is used to keep track of which
* readers are using data from which old transactions, so that we'll know
* when a particular old transaction is no longer in use. Old transactions
* that have discarded any data pages can then have those pages reclaimed
* for use by a later write transaction.
* The lock table is constructed such that reader slots are aligned with the
* processor's cache line size. Any slot is only ever used by one thread.
* This alignment guarantees that there will be no contention or cache
* thrashing as threads update their own slot info, and also eliminates
* any need for locking when accessing a slot.
* A writer thread will scan every slot in the table to determine the oldest
* outstanding reader transaction. Any freed pages older than this will be
* reclaimed by the writer. The writer doesn't use any locks when scanning
* this table. This means that there's no guarantee that the writer will
* see the most up-to-date reader info, but that's not required for correct
* operation - all we need is to know the upper bound on the oldest reader,
* we don't care at all about the newest reader. So the only consequence of
* reading stale information here is that old pages might hang around a
* while longer before being reclaimed. That's actually good anyway, because
* the longer we delay reclaiming old pages, the more likely it is that a
* string of contiguous pages can be found after coalescing old pages from
* many old transactions together. */
/* The actual reader record, with cacheline padding. */
typedef struct MDBX_reader {
/* Current Transaction ID when this transaction began, or (txnid_t)-1.
* Multiple readers that start at the same time will probably have the
* same ID here. Again, it's not important to exclude them from
* anything; all we need to know is which version of the DB they
* started from so we can avoid overwriting any data used in that
* particular version. */
volatile txnid_t mr_txnid;
/* The information we store in a single slot of the reader table.
* In addition to a transaction ID, we also record the process and
* thread ID that owns a slot, so that we can detect stale information,
* e.g. threads or processes that went away without cleaning up.
* NOTE: We currently don't check for stale records.
* We simply re-init the table when we know that we're the only process
* opening the lock file. */
/* The process ID of the process owning this reader txn. */
volatile mdbx_pid_t mr_pid;
/* The thread ID of the thread owning this txn. */
volatile mdbx_tid_t mr_tid;
/* cache line alignment */
(sizeof(txnid_t) + sizeof(mdbx_pid_t) + sizeof(mdbx_tid_t)) %
} __cache_aligned MDBX_reader;
/* Information about a single database in the environment. */
typedef struct MDBX_db {
uint16_t md_flags; /* see mdbx_dbi_open */
uint16_t md_depth; /* depth of this tree */
uint32_t md_xsize; /* also ksize for LEAF2 pages */
pgno_t md_root; /* the root page of this tree */
pgno_t md_branch_pages; /* number of internal pages */
pgno_t md_leaf_pages; /* number of leaf pages */
pgno_t md_overflow_pages; /* number of overflow pages */
uint64_t md_seq; /* table sequence counter */
uint64_t md_entries; /* number of data items */
uint64_t md_merkle; /* Merkle tree checksum */
} MDBX_db;
/* Meta page content.
* A meta page is the start point for accessing a database snapshot.
* Pages 0-1 are meta pages. Transaction N writes meta page (N % 2). */
typedef struct MDBX_meta {
/* Stamp identifying this as an MDBX file.
* It must be set to MDBX_MAGIC with MDBX_DATA_VERSION. */
uint64_t mm_magic_and_version;
/* txnid that committed this page, the first of a two-phase-update pair */
volatile txnid_t mm_txnid_a;
uint16_t mm_extra_flags; /* extra DB flags, zero (nothing) for now */
uint8_t mm_validator_id; /* ID of checksum and page validation method,
* zero (nothing) for now */
uint8_t mm_extra_pagehdr; /* extra bytes in the page header,
* zero (nothing) for now */
struct {
uint16_t grow; /* datafile growth step in pages */
uint16_t shrink; /* datafile shrink threshold in pages */
pgno_t lower; /* minimal size of datafile in pages */
pgno_t upper; /* maximal size of datafile in pages */
pgno_t now; /* current size of datafile in pages */
pgno_t next; /* first unused page in the datafile,
* but actually the file may be shorter. */
} mm_geo;
MDBX_db mm_dbs[CORE_DBS]; /* first is free space, 2nd is main db */
/* The size of pages used in this DB */
#define mm_psize mm_dbs[FREE_DBI].md_xsize
/* Any persistent environment flags, see mdbx_env */
#define mm_flags mm_dbs[FREE_DBI].md_flags
mdbx_canary mm_canary;
#define SIGN_IS_WEAK(sign) ((sign) == MDBX_DATASIGN_WEAK)
#define SIGN_IS_STEADY(sign) ((sign) > MDBX_DATASIGN_WEAK)
#define META_IS_WEAK(meta) SIGN_IS_WEAK((meta)->mm_datasync_sign)
#define META_IS_STEADY(meta) SIGN_IS_STEADY((meta)->mm_datasync_sign)
volatile uint64_t mm_datasync_sign;
/* txnid that committed this page, the second of a two-phase-update pair */
volatile txnid_t mm_txnid_b;
} MDBX_meta;
/* Common header for all page types. The page type depends on mp_flags.
* P_BRANCH and P_LEAF pages have unsorted 'MDBX_node's at the end, with
* sorted mp_ptrs[] entries referring to them. Exception: P_LEAF2 pages
* omit mp_ptrs and pack sorted MDBX_DUPFIXED values after the page header.
* P_OVERFLOW records occupy one or more contiguous pages where only the
* first has a page header. They hold the real data of F_BIGDATA nodes.
* P_SUBP sub-pages are small leaf "pages" with duplicate data.
* A node with flag F_DUPDATA but not F_SUBDATA contains a sub-page.
* (Duplicate data can also go in sub-databases, which use normal pages.)
* P_META pages contain MDBX_meta, the start point of an MDBX snapshot.
* Each non-metapage up to MDBX_meta.mm_last_pg is reachable exactly once
* in the snapshot: Either used by a database or listed in a freeDB record. */
typedef struct MDBX_page {
union {
struct MDBX_page *mp_next; /* for in-memory list of freed pages,
* must be first field, see NEXT_LOOSE_PAGE */
uint64_t mp_validator; /* checksum of page content or a txnid during
* which the page has been updated */
uint16_t mp_leaf2_ksize; /* key size if this is a LEAF2 page */
#define P_BRANCH 0x01 /* branch page */
#define P_LEAF 0x02 /* leaf page */
#define P_OVERFLOW 0x04 /* overflow page */
#define P_META 0x08 /* meta page */
#define P_DIRTY 0x10 /* dirty page, also set for P_SUBP pages */
#define P_LEAF2 0x20 /* for MDBX_DUPFIXED records */
#define P_SUBP 0x40 /* for MDBX_DUPSORT sub-pages */
#define P_LOOSE 0x4000 /* page was dirtied then freed, can be reused */
#define P_KEEP 0x8000 /* leave this page alone during spill */
uint16_t mp_flags;
union {
struct {
indx_t mp_lower; /* lower bound of free space */
indx_t mp_upper; /* upper bound of free space */
uint32_t mp_pages; /* number of overflow pages */
pgno_t mp_pgno; /* page number */
/* dynamic size */
union {
indx_t mp_ptrs[1];
MDBX_meta mp_meta;
uint8_t mp_data[1];
} MDBX_page;
/* Size of the page header, excluding dynamic data at the end */
#define PAGEHDRSZ ((unsigned)offsetof(MDBX_page, mp_data))
/* The maximum size of a database page.
* It is 64K, but value-PAGEHDRSZ must fit in MDBX_page.mp_upper.
* MDBX will use database pages < OS pages if needed.
* That causes more I/O in write transactions: The OS must
* know (read) the whole page before writing a partial page.
* Note that we don't currently support Huge pages. On Linux,
* regular data files cannot use Huge pages, and in general
* Huge pages aren't actually pageable. We rely on the OS
* demand-pager to read our data and page it out when memory
* pressure from other processes is high. So until OSs have
* actual paging support for Huge pages, they're not viable. */
#define MAX_PAGESIZE 0x10000u
#define MIN_PAGESIZE 512u
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
#define MAX_MAPSIZE32 UINT32_C(0x38000000)
#define MAX_MAPSIZE32 UINT32_C(0x7ff80000)
#define MAX_MAPSIZE64 \
((sizeof(pgno_t) > 4) ? UINT64_C(0x7fffFFFFfff80000) \
#define MAX_MAPSIZE ((sizeof(size_t) < 8) ? MAX_MAPSIZE32 : MAX_MAPSIZE64)
/* The header for the reader table (a memory-mapped lock file). */
typedef struct MDBX_lockinfo {
/* Stamp identifying this as an MDBX file.
* It must be set to MDBX_MAGIC with with MDBX_LOCK_VERSION. */
uint64_t mti_magic_and_version;
/* Format of this lock file. Must be set to MDBX_LOCK_FORMAT. */
uint32_t mti_os_and_format;
/* Flags which environment was opened. */
volatile uint32_t mti_envmode;
union {
MDBX_OSAL_LOCK mti_wmutex;
uint64_t align_wmutex;
union {
/* The number of slots that have been used in the reader table.
* This always records the maximum count, it is not decremented
* when readers release their slots. */
volatile unsigned __cache_aligned mti_numreaders;
uint64_t align_numreaders;
union {
/* Mutex protecting access to this table. */
MDBX_OSAL_LOCK mti_rmutex;
uint64_t align_rmutex;
union {
volatile txnid_t mti_oldest;
uint64_t align_oldest;
union {
volatile uint32_t mti_readers_refresh_flag;
uint64_t align_reader_finished_flag;
uint8_t pad_align[MDBX_CACHELINE_SIZE - sizeof(uint64_t) * 7];
MDBX_reader __cache_aligned mti_readers[1];
} MDBX_lockinfo;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma pack(pop)
#endif /* MSVC: Enable aligment */
((sizeof(MDBX_lockinfo) + MDBX_CACHELINE_SIZE - 1) & \
~((size_t)MDBX_CACHELINE_SIZE - 1))
/* Lockfile format signature: version, features and field layout */
((MDBX_OSAL_LOCK_SIGN << 16) + \
/* Two kind lists of pages (aka PNL) */
/* An PNL is an Page Number List, a sorted array of IDs. The first element of
* the array is a counter for how many actual page-numbers are in the list.
* PNLs are sorted in descending order, this allow cut off a page with lowest
* pgno (at the tail) just truncating the list */
typedef pgno_t *MDBX_PNL;
#define MDBX_PNL_ORDERED(first, last) ((first) < (last))
#define MDBX_PNL_DISORDERED(first, last) ((first) >= (last))
#define MDBX_PNL_ORDERED(first, last) ((first) > (last))
#define MDBX_PNL_DISORDERED(first, last) ((first) <= (last))
/* List of txnid, only for MDBX_env.mt_lifo_reclaimed */
typedef txnid_t *MDBX_TXL;
/* An ID2 is an ID/pointer pair. */
typedef struct MDBX_ID2 {
pgno_t mid; /* The ID */
void *mptr; /* The pointer */
/* An ID2L is an ID2 List, a sorted array of ID2s.
* The first element's mid member is a count of how many actual
* elements are in the array. The mptr member of the first element is
* unused. The array is sorted in ascending order by mid. */
typedef MDBX_ID2 *MDBX_ID2L;
/* PNL sizes - likely should be even bigger
* limiting factors: sizeof(pgno_t), thread stack size */
#define MDBX_PNL_LOGN 16 /* DB_SIZE is 2^16, UM_SIZE is 2^17 */
#define MDBX_PNL_UM_SIZE (1 << (MDBX_PNL_LOGN + 1))
#define MDBX_PNL_SIZEOF(pl) (((pl)[0] + 1) * sizeof(pgno_t))
#define MDBX_PNL_IS_ZERO(pl) ((pl)[0] == 0)
#define MDBX_PNL_CPY(dst, src) (memcpy(dst, src, MDBX_PNL_SIZEOF(src)))
#define MDBX_PNL_FIRST(pl) ((pl)[1])
#define MDBX_PNL_LAST(pl) ((pl)[(pl)[0]])
/* Current max length of an mdbx_pnl_alloc()ed PNL */
#define MDBX_PNL_ALLOCLEN(pl) ((pl)[-1])
/* Internal structures */
/* Auxiliary DB info.
* The information here is mostly static/read-only. There is
* only a single copy of this record in the environment. */
typedef struct MDBX_dbx {
MDBX_val md_name; /* name of the database */
MDBX_cmp_func *md_cmp; /* function for comparing keys */
MDBX_cmp_func *md_dcmp; /* function for comparing data items */
} MDBX_dbx;
/* A database transaction.
* Every operation requires a transaction handle. */
struct MDBX_txn {
#define MDBX_MT_SIGNATURE UINT32_C(0x93D53A31)
size_t mt_signature;
MDBX_txn *mt_parent; /* parent of a nested txn */
/* Nested txn under this txn, set together with flag MDBX_TXN_HAS_CHILD */
MDBX_txn *mt_child;
pgno_t mt_next_pgno; /* next unallocated page */
pgno_t mt_end_pgno; /* corresponding to the current size of datafile */
/* The ID of this transaction. IDs are integers incrementing from 1.
* Only committed write transactions increment the ID. If a transaction
* aborts, the ID may be re-used by the next writer. */
txnid_t mt_txnid;
MDBX_env *mt_env; /* the DB environment */
/* The list of reclaimed txns from freeDB */
MDBX_TXL mt_lifo_reclaimed;
/* The list of pages that became unused during this transaction. */
MDBX_PNL mt_befree_pages;
/* The list of loose pages that became unused and may be reused
* in this transaction, linked through NEXT_LOOSE_PAGE(page). */
MDBX_page *mt_loose_pages;
/* Number of loose pages (mt_loose_pages) */
unsigned mt_loose_count;
/* The sorted list of dirty pages we temporarily wrote to disk
* because the dirty list was full. page numbers in here are
* shifted left by 1, deleted slots have the LSB set. */
MDBX_PNL mt_spill_pages;
union {
/* For write txns: Modified pages. Sorted when not MDBX_WRITEMAP. */
MDBX_ID2L mt_rw_dirtylist;
/* For read txns: This thread/txn's reader table slot, or NULL. */
MDBX_reader *mt_ro_reader;
/* Array of records for each DB known in the environment. */
MDBX_dbx *mt_dbxs;
/* Array of MDBX_db records for each known DB */
MDBX_db *mt_dbs;
/* Array of sequence numbers for each DB handle */
unsigned *mt_dbiseqs;
/* Transaction DB Flags */
#define DB_DIRTY MDBX_TBL_DIRTY /* DB was written in this txn */
#define DB_STALE MDBX_TBL_STALE /* Named-DB record is older than txnID */
#define DB_NEW MDBX_TBL_NEW /* Named-DB handle opened in this txn */
#define DB_VALID 0x08 /* DB handle is valid, see also MDBX_VALID */
#define DB_USRVALID 0x10 /* As DB_VALID, but not set for FREE_DBI */
#define DB_DUPDATA 0x20 /* DB is MDBX_DUPSORT data */
/* In write txns, array of cursors for each DB */
MDBX_cursor **mt_cursors;
/* Array of flags for each DB */
uint8_t *mt_dbflags;
/* Number of DB records in use, or 0 when the txn is finished.
* This number only ever increments until the txn finishes; we
* don't decrement it when individual DB handles are closed. */
MDBX_dbi mt_numdbs;
/* Transaction Flags */
/* mdbx_txn_begin() flags */
MDBX_NOMETASYNC /* don't sync meta for this txn on commit */
#define MDBX_TXN_NOSYNC MDBX_NOSYNC /* don't sync this txn on commit */
#define MDBX_TXN_RDONLY MDBX_RDONLY /* read-only transaction */
/* internal txn flags */
#define MDBX_TXN_WRITEMAP MDBX_WRITEMAP /* copy of MDBX_env flag in writers */
#define MDBX_TXN_FINISHED 0x01 /* txn is finished or never began */
#define MDBX_TXN_ERROR 0x02 /* txn is unusable after an error */
#define MDBX_TXN_DIRTY 0x04 /* must write, even if dirty list is empty */
#define MDBX_TXN_SPILLS 0x08 /* txn or a parent has spilled pages */
#define MDBX_TXN_HAS_CHILD 0x10 /* txn has an MDBX_txn.mt_child */
/* most operations on the txn are currently illegal */
unsigned mt_flags;
/* dirtylist room: Array size - dirty pages visible to this txn.
* Includes ancestor txns' dirty pages not hidden by other txns'
* dirty/spilled pages. Thus commit(nested txn) has room to merge
* dirtylist into mt_parent after freeing hidden mt_parent pages. */
unsigned mt_dirtyroom;
mdbx_tid_t mt_owner; /* thread ID that owns this transaction */
mdbx_canary mt_canary;
/* Enough space for 2^32 nodes with minimum of 2 keys per node. I.e., plenty.
* At 4 keys per node, enough for 2^64 nodes, so there's probably no need to
* raise this on a 64 bit machine. */
#define CURSOR_STACK 32
struct MDBX_xcursor;
/* Cursors are used for all DB operations.
* A cursor holds a path of (page pointer, key index) from the DB
* root to a position in the DB, plus other state. MDBX_DUPSORT
* cursors include an xcursor to the current data item. Write txns
* track their cursors and keep them up to date when data moves.
* Exception: An xcursor's pointer to a P_SUBP page can be stale.
* (A node with F_DUPDATA but no F_SUBDATA contains a subpage). */
struct MDBX_cursor {
#define MDBX_MC_READY4CLOSE UINT32_C(0x2817A047)
#define MDBX_MC_WAIT4EOT UINT32_C(0x90E297A7)
uint32_t mc_signature;
/* The database handle this cursor operates on */
MDBX_dbi mc_dbi;
/* Next cursor on this DB in this txn */
MDBX_cursor *mc_next;
/* Backup of the original cursor if this cursor is a shadow */
MDBX_cursor *mc_backup;
/* Context used for databases with MDBX_DUPSORT, otherwise NULL */
struct MDBX_xcursor *mc_xcursor;
/* The transaction that owns this cursor */
MDBX_txn *mc_txn;
/* The database record for this cursor */
MDBX_db *mc_db;
/* The database auxiliary record for this cursor */
MDBX_dbx *mc_dbx;
/* The mt_dbflag for this database */
uint8_t *mc_dbflag;
uint16_t mc_snum; /* number of pushed pages */
uint16_t mc_top; /* index of top page, normally mc_snum-1 */
/* Cursor state flags. */
#define C_INITIALIZED 0x01 /* cursor has been initialized and is valid */
#define C_EOF 0x02 /* No more data */
#define C_SUB 0x04 /* Cursor is a sub-cursor */
#define C_DEL 0x08 /* last op was a cursor_del */
#define C_UNTRACK 0x40 /* Un-track cursor when closing */
#define C_RECLAIMING 0x80 /* FreeDB lookup is prohibited */
unsigned mc_flags; /* see mdbx_cursor */
MDBX_page *mc_pg[CURSOR_STACK]; /* stack of pushed pages */
indx_t mc_ki[CURSOR_STACK]; /* stack of page indices */
/* Context for sorted-dup records.
* We could have gone to a fully recursive design, with arbitrarily
* deep nesting of sub-databases. But for now we only handle these
* levels - main DB, optional sub-DB, sorted-duplicate DB. */
typedef struct MDBX_xcursor {
/* A sub-cursor for traversing the Dup DB */
MDBX_cursor mx_cursor;
/* The database record for this Dup DB */
MDBX_db mx_db;
/* The auxiliary DB record for this Dup DB */
MDBX_dbx mx_dbx;
/* The mt_dbflag for this Dup DB */
uint8_t mx_dbflag;
} MDBX_xcursor;
/* Check if there is an inited xcursor, so XCURSOR_REFRESH() is proper */
#define XCURSOR_INITED(mc) \
((mc)->mc_xcursor && ((mc)->mc_xcursor->mx_cursor.mc_flags & C_INITIALIZED))
/* Update sub-page pointer, if any, in mc->mc_xcursor.
* Needed when the node which contains the sub-page may have moved.
* Called with mp = mc->mc_pg[mc->mc_top], ki = mc->mc_ki[mc->mc_top]. */
#define XCURSOR_REFRESH(mc, mp, ki) \
do { \
MDBX_page *xr_pg = (mp); \
MDBX_node *xr_node = NODEPTR(xr_pg, ki); \
if ((xr_node->mn_flags & (F_DUPDATA | F_SUBDATA)) == F_DUPDATA) \
(mc)->mc_xcursor->mx_cursor.mc_pg[0] = NODEDATA(xr_node); \
} while (0)
/* State of FreeDB old pages, stored in the MDBX_env */
typedef struct MDBX_pgstate {
pgno_t *mf_reclaimed_pglist; /* Reclaimed freeDB pages, or NULL before use */
txnid_t mf_last_reclaimed; /* ID of last used record, or 0 if
!mf_reclaimed_pglist */
} MDBX_pgstate;
/* The database environment. */
struct MDBX_env {
#define MDBX_ME_SIGNATURE UINT32_C(0x9A899641)
size_t me_signature;
mdbx_mmap_t me_dxb_mmap; /* The main data file */
#define me_map me_dxb_mmap.dxb
#define me_fd me_dxb_mmap.fd
#define me_mapsize me_dxb_mmap.length
mdbx_mmap_t me_lck_mmap; /* The lock file */
#define me_lfd me_lck_mmap.fd
#define me_lck me_lck_mmap.lck
/* Failed to update the meta page. Probably an I/O error. */
#define MDBX_FATAL_ERROR UINT32_C(0x80000000)
/* Additional flag for mdbx_sync_locked() */
#define MDBX_SHRINK_ALLOWED UINT32_C(0x40000000)
/* Some fields are initialized. */
#define MDBX_ENV_ACTIVE UINT32_C(0x20000000)
/* me_txkey is set */
#define MDBX_ENV_TXKEY UINT32_C(0x10000000)
uint32_t me_flags; /* see mdbx_env */
unsigned me_psize; /* DB page size, inited from me_os_psize */
unsigned me_psize2log; /* log2 of DB page size */
unsigned me_os_psize; /* OS page size, from mdbx_syspagesize() */
unsigned me_maxreaders; /* size of the reader table */
/* Max MDBX_lockinfo.mti_numreaders of interest to mdbx_env_close() */
unsigned me_close_readers;
mdbx_fastmutex_t me_dbi_lock;
MDBX_dbi me_numdbs; /* number of DBs opened */
MDBX_dbi me_maxdbs; /* size of the DB table */
mdbx_pid_t me_pid; /* process ID of this env */
mdbx_thread_key_t me_txkey; /* thread-key for readers */
char *me_path; /* path to the DB files */
void *me_pbuf; /* scratch area for DUPSORT put() */
MDBX_txn *me_txn; /* current write transaction */
MDBX_txn *me_txn0; /* prealloc'd write transaction */
MDBX_dbx *me_dbxs; /* array of static DB info */
uint16_t *me_dbflags; /* array of flags from MDBX_db.md_flags */
unsigned *me_dbiseqs; /* array of dbi sequence numbers */
volatile txnid_t *me_oldest; /* ID of oldest reader last time we looked */
MDBX_pgstate me_pgstate; /* state of old pages from freeDB */
#define me_last_reclaimed me_pgstate.mf_last_reclaimed
#define me_reclaimed_pglist me_pgstate.mf_reclaimed_pglist
MDBX_page *me_dpages; /* list of malloc'd blocks for re-use */
/* PNL of pages that became unused in a write txn */
MDBX_PNL me_free_pgs;
/* ID2L of pages written during a write txn. Length MDBX_PNL_UM_SIZE. */
MDBX_ID2L me_dirtylist;
/* Max number of freelist items that can fit in a single overflow page */
unsigned me_maxfree_1pg;
/* Max size of a node on a page */
unsigned me_nodemax;
unsigned me_maxkey_limit; /* max size of a key */
mdbx_pid_t me_live_reader; /* have liveness lock in reader table */
void *me_userctx; /* User-settable context */
size_t me_sync_pending; /* Total dirty/non-sync'ed bytes
* since the last mdbx_env_sync() */
size_t me_sync_threshold; /* Treshold of above to force synchronous flush */
MDBX_oom_func *me_oom_func; /* Callback for kicking laggard readers */
txnid_t me_oldest_stub;
MDBX_assert_func *me_assert_func; /* Callback for assertion failures */
int me_valgrind_handle;
struct {
size_t lower; /* minimal size of datafile */
size_t upper; /* maximal size of datafile */
size_t now; /* current size of datafile */
size_t grow; /* step to grow datafile */
size_t shrink; /* threshold to shrink datafile */
} me_dbgeo; /* */
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
SRWLOCK me_remap_guard;
mdbx_fastmutex_t me_remap_guard;
/* Nested transaction */
typedef struct MDBX_ntxn {
MDBX_txn mnt_txn; /* the transaction */
MDBX_pgstate mnt_pgstate; /* parent transaction's saved freestate */
} MDBX_ntxn;
/* Debug and Logging stuff */
extern int mdbx_runtime_flags;
extern MDBX_debug_func *mdbx_debug_logger;
extern txnid_t mdbx_debug_edge;
void mdbx_debug_log(int type, const char *function, int line, const char *fmt,
#if defined(__GNUC__) || __has_attribute(format)
__attribute__((format(printf, 4, 5)))
void mdbx_panic(const char *fmt, ...)
#if defined(__GNUC__) || __has_attribute(format)
__attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2)))
#define mdbx_assert_enabled() unlikely(mdbx_runtime_flags &MDBX_DBG_ASSERT)
#define mdbx_audit_enabled() unlikely(mdbx_runtime_flags &MDBX_DBG_AUDIT)
#define mdbx_debug_enabled(type) \
unlikely(mdbx_runtime_flags &(type & (MDBX_DBG_TRACE | MDBX_DBG_EXTRA)))
#define mdbx_debug_enabled(type) (0)
#define mdbx_audit_enabled() (0)
#ifndef NDEBUG
#define mdbx_assert_enabled() (1)
#define mdbx_assert_enabled() (0)
#endif /* NDEBUG */
#endif /* MDBX_DEBUG */
#define mdbx_print(fmt, ...) \
mdbx_debug_log(MDBX_DBG_PRINT, NULL, 0, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define mdbx_trace(fmt, ...) \
do { \
if (mdbx_debug_enabled(MDBX_DBG_TRACE)) \
mdbx_debug_log(MDBX_DBG_TRACE, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, fmt "\n", \
##__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
#define mdbx_verbose(fmt, ...) \
do { \
if (mdbx_debug_enabled(MDBX_DBG_TRACE /* FIXME */)) \
mdbx_debug_log(MDBX_DBG_TRACE /* FIXME */, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, \
fmt "\n", ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
#define mdbx_info(fmt, ...) \
do { \
if (mdbx_debug_enabled(MDBX_DBG_TRACE /* FIXME */)) \
mdbx_debug_log(MDBX_DBG_TRACE /* FIXME */, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, \
fmt "\n", ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
#define mdbx_notice(fmt, ...) \
do { \
if (mdbx_debug_enabled(MDBX_DBG_TRACE /* FIXME */)) \
mdbx_debug_log(MDBX_DBG_TRACE /* FIXME */, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, \
fmt "\n", ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
#define mdbx_warning(fmt, ...) \
do { \
if (mdbx_debug_enabled(MDBX_DBG_TRACE /* FIXME */)) \
mdbx_debug_log(MDBX_DBG_TRACE /* FIXME */, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, \
fmt "\n", ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
#define mdbx_error(fmt, ...) \
do { \
if (mdbx_debug_enabled(MDBX_DBG_TRACE /* FIXME */)) \
mdbx_debug_log(MDBX_DBG_TRACE /* FIXME */, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, \
fmt "\n", ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
#define mdbx_fatal(fmt, ...) \
do { \
if (mdbx_debug_enabled(MDBX_DBG_TRACE /* FIXME */)) \
mdbx_debug_log(MDBX_DBG_TRACE /* FIXME */, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, \
fmt "\n", ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
#define mdbx_debug(fmt, ...) \
do { \
if (mdbx_debug_enabled(MDBX_DBG_TRACE)) \
mdbx_debug_log(MDBX_DBG_TRACE, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, fmt "\n", \
##__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
#define mdbx_debug_print(fmt, ...) \
do { \
if (mdbx_debug_enabled(MDBX_DBG_TRACE)) \
mdbx_debug_log(MDBX_DBG_TRACE, NULL, 0, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
#define mdbx_debug_extra(fmt, ...) \
do { \
if (mdbx_debug_enabled(MDBX_DBG_EXTRA)) \
mdbx_debug_log(MDBX_DBG_EXTRA, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, fmt, \
##__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
#define mdbx_debug_extra_print(fmt, ...) \
do { \
if (mdbx_debug_enabled(MDBX_DBG_EXTRA)) \
mdbx_debug_log(MDBX_DBG_EXTRA, NULL, 0, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
#define mdbx_ensure_msg(env, expr, msg) \
do { \
if (unlikely(!(expr))) \
mdbx_assert_fail(env, msg, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); \
} while (0)
#define mdbx_ensure(env, expr) mdbx_ensure_msg(env, expr, #expr)
/* assert(3) variant in environment context */
#define mdbx_assert(env, expr) \
do { \
if (mdbx_assert_enabled()) \
mdbx_ensure(env, expr); \
} while (0)
/* assert(3) variant in cursor context */
#define mdbx_cassert(mc, expr) mdbx_assert((mc)->mc_txn->mt_env, expr)
/* assert(3) variant in transaction context */
#define mdbx_tassert(txn, expr) mdbx_assert((txn)->mt_env, expr)
static __inline void mdbx_jitter4testing(bool tiny) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (MDBX_DBG_JITTER & mdbx_runtime_flags)
/* Internal prototypes and inlines */
int mdbx_reader_check0(MDBX_env *env, int rlocked, int *dead);
void mdbx_rthc_dtor(void *rthc);
void mdbx_rthc_lock(void);
void mdbx_rthc_unlock(void);
int mdbx_rthc_alloc(mdbx_thread_key_t *key, MDBX_reader *begin,
MDBX_reader *end);
void mdbx_rthc_remove(mdbx_thread_key_t key);
void mdbx_rthc_cleanup(void);
static __inline bool mdbx_is_power2(size_t x) { return (x & (x - 1)) == 0; }
static __inline size_t mdbx_roundup2(size_t value, size_t granularity) {
return (value + granularity - 1) & ~(granularity - 1);
static __inline unsigned mdbx_log2(size_t value) {
unsigned log = 0;
while (value > 1) {
log += 1;
value >>= 1;
return log;
#define MDBX_IS_ERROR(rc) \
/* Internal error codes, not exposed outside libmdbx */
/* Debuging output value of a cursor DBI: Negative in a sub-cursor. */
#define DDBI(mc) \
(((mc)->mc_flags & C_SUB) ? -(int)(mc)->mc_dbi : (int)(mc)->mc_dbi)
/* Key size which fits in a DKBUF. */
#define DKBUF_MAXKEYSIZE 511 /* FIXME */
#define DKBUF char _kbuf[DKBUF_MAXKEYSIZE * 4 + 2]
#define DKEY(x) mdbx_dkey(x, _kbuf, DKBUF_MAXKEYSIZE * 2 + 1)
#define DVAL(x) \
mdbx_dkey(x, _kbuf + DKBUF_MAXKEYSIZE * 2 + 1, DKBUF_MAXKEYSIZE * 2 + 1)
#define DKBUF ((void)(0))
#define DKEY(x) ("-")
#define DVAL(x) ("-")
/* An invalid page number.
* Mainly used to denote an empty tree. */
#define P_INVALID (~(pgno_t)0)
/* Test if the flags f are set in a flag word w. */
#define F_ISSET(w, f) (((w) & (f)) == (f))
/* Round n up to an even number. */
#define EVEN(n) (((n) + 1U) & -2) /* sign-extending -2 to match n+1U */
/* Default size of memory map.
* This is certainly too small for any actual applications. Apps should
* always set the size explicitly using mdbx_env_set_mapsize(). */
#define DEFAULT_MAPSIZE 1048576
/* Number of slots in the reader table.
* This value was chosen somewhat arbitrarily. The 61 is a prime number,
* and such readers plus a couple mutexes fit into single 4KB page.
* Applications should set the table size using mdbx_env_set_maxreaders(). */
/* Address of first usable data byte in a page, after the header */
#define PAGEDATA(p) ((void *)((char *)(p) + PAGEHDRSZ))
/* Number of nodes on a page */
#define NUMKEYS(p) ((unsigned)(p)->mp_lower >> 1)
/* The amount of space remaining in the page */
#define SIZELEFT(p) (indx_t)((p)->mp_upper - (p)->mp_lower)
/* The percentage of space used in the page, in tenths of a percent. */
#define PAGEFILL(env, p) \
(1024UL * ((env)->me_psize - PAGEHDRSZ - SIZELEFT(p)) / \
((env)->me_psize - PAGEHDRSZ))
/* The minimum page fill factor, in tenths of a percent.
* Pages emptier than this are candidates for merging. */
#define FILL_THRESHOLD 256
/* Test if a page is a leaf page */
#define IS_LEAF(p) F_ISSET((p)->mp_flags, P_LEAF)
/* Test if a page is a LEAF2 page */
#define IS_LEAF2(p) F_ISSET((p)->mp_flags, P_LEAF2)
/* Test if a page is a branch page */
#define IS_BRANCH(p) F_ISSET((p)->mp_flags, P_BRANCH)
/* Test if a page is an overflow page */
#define IS_OVERFLOW(p) unlikely(F_ISSET((p)->mp_flags, P_OVERFLOW))
/* Test if a page is a sub page */
#define IS_SUBP(p) F_ISSET((p)->mp_flags, P_SUBP)
/* The number of overflow pages needed to store the given size. */
#define OVPAGES(env, size) (bytes2pgno(env, PAGEHDRSZ - 1 + (size)) + 1)
/* Link in MDBX_txn.mt_loose_pages list.
* Kept outside the page header, which is needed when reusing the page. */
#define NEXT_LOOSE_PAGE(p) (*(MDBX_page **)((p) + 2))
/* Header for a single key/data pair within a page.
* Used in pages of type P_BRANCH and P_LEAF without P_LEAF2.
* We guarantee 2-byte alignment for 'MDBX_node's.
* mn_lo and mn_hi are used for data size on leaf nodes, and for child
* pgno on branch nodes. On 64 bit platforms, mn_flags is also used
* for pgno. (Branch nodes have no flags). Lo and hi are in host byte
* order in case some accesses can be optimized to 32-bit word access.
* Leaf node flags describe node contents. F_BIGDATA says the node's
* data part is the page number of an overflow page with actual data.
* F_DUPDATA and F_SUBDATA can be combined giving duplicate data in
* a sub-page/sub-database, and named databases (just F_SUBDATA). */
typedef struct MDBX_node {
union {
struct {
union {
struct {
uint16_t mn_lo, mn_hi; /* part of data size or pgno */
uint32_t mn_dsize;
uint16_t mn_flags; /* see mdbx_node */
uint16_t mn_ksize; /* key size */
uint16_t mn_ksize; /* key size */
uint16_t mn_flags; /* see mdbx_node */
union {
struct {
uint16_t mn_hi, mn_lo; /* part of data size or pgno */
uint32_t mn_dsize;
pgno_t mn_ksize_and_pgno;
/* mdbx_node Flags */
#define F_BIGDATA 0x01 /* data put on overflow page */
#define F_SUBDATA 0x02 /* data is a sub-database */
#define F_DUPDATA 0x04 /* data has duplicates */
/* valid flags for mdbx_node_add() */
uint8_t mn_data[1]; /* key and data are appended here */
} MDBX_node;
/* Size of the node header, excluding dynamic data at the end */
#define NODESIZE offsetof(MDBX_node, mn_data)
/* Bit position of top word in page number, for shifting mn_flags */
#define PGNO_TOPWORD ((pgno_t)-1 > 0xffffffffu ? 32 : 0)
/* Size of a node in a branch page with a given key.
* This is just the node header plus the key, there is no data. */
#define INDXSIZE(k) (NODESIZE + ((k) == NULL ? 0 : (k)->iov_len))
/* Size of a node in a leaf page with a given key and data.
* This is node header plus key plus data size. */
#define LEAFSIZE(k, d) (NODESIZE + (k)->iov_len + (d)->iov_len)
/* Address of node i in page p */
static __inline MDBX_node *NODEPTR(MDBX_page *p, unsigned i) {
assert(NUMKEYS(p) > (unsigned)(i));
return (MDBX_node *)((char *)(p) + (p)->mp_ptrs[i] + PAGEHDRSZ);
/* Address of the key for the node */
#define NODEKEY(node) (void *)((node)->mn_data)
/* Address of the data for a node */
#define NODEDATA(node) (void *)((char *)(node)->mn_data + (node)->mn_ksize)
/* Get the page number pointed to by a branch node */
static __inline pgno_t NODEPGNO(const MDBX_node *node) {
pgno_t pgno;
pgno = node->mn_ksize_and_pgno;
if (sizeof(pgno_t) > 4)
pgno &= MAX_PAGENO;
} else {
pgno = node->mn_lo | ((pgno_t)node->mn_hi << 16);
if (sizeof(pgno_t) > 4)
pgno |= ((uint64_t)node->mn_flags) << 32;
return pgno;
/* Set the page number in a branch node */
static __inline void SETPGNO(MDBX_node *node, pgno_t pgno) {
assert(pgno <= MAX_PAGENO);
if (sizeof(pgno_t) > 4)
pgno |= ((uint64_t)node->mn_ksize) << 48;
node->mn_ksize_and_pgno = pgno;
} else {
node->mn_lo = (uint16_t)pgno;
node->mn_hi = (uint16_t)(pgno >> 16);
if (sizeof(pgno_t) > 4)
node->mn_flags = (uint16_t)((uint64_t)pgno >> 32);
/* Get the size of the data in a leaf node */
static __inline size_t NODEDSZ(const MDBX_node *node) {
size_t size;
size = node->mn_dsize;
} else {
size = node->mn_lo | ((size_t)node->mn_hi << 16);
return size;
/* Set the size of the data for a leaf node */
static __inline void SETDSZ(MDBX_node *node, size_t size) {
assert(size < INT_MAX);
node->mn_dsize = (uint32_t)size;
} else {
node->mn_lo = (uint16_t)size;
node->mn_hi = (uint16_t)(size >> 16);
/* The size of a key in a node */
#define NODEKSZ(node) ((node)->mn_ksize)
/* The address of a key in a LEAF2 page.
* LEAF2 pages are used for MDBX_DUPFIXED sorted-duplicate sub-DBs.
* There are no node headers, keys are stored contiguously. */
#define LEAF2KEY(p, i, ks) ((char *)(p) + PAGEHDRSZ + ((i) * (ks)))
/* Set the node's key into keyptr, if requested. */
#define MDBX_GET_KEY(node, keyptr) \
do { \
if ((keyptr) != NULL) { \
(keyptr)->iov_len = NODEKSZ(node); \
(keyptr)->iov_base = NODEKEY(node); \
} \
} while (0)
/* Set the node's key into key. */
#define MDBX_GET_KEY2(node, key) \
do { \
key.iov_len = NODEKSZ(node); \
key.iov_base = NODEKEY(node); \
} while (0)
#define MDBX_VALID 0x8000 /* DB handle is valid, for me_dbflags */
#define PERSISTENT_FLAGS (0xffff & ~(MDBX_VALID))
/* mdbx_dbi_open() flags */
#define VALID_FLAGS \
/* max number of pages to commit in one writev() call */
#if defined(IOV_MAX) && IOV_MAX < MDBX_COMMIT_PAGES /* sysconf(_SC_IOV_MAX) */
/* Check txn and dbi arguments to a function */
#define TXN_DBI_EXIST(txn, dbi, validity) \
((dbi) < (txn)->mt_numdbs && ((txn)->mt_dbflags[dbi] & (validity)))
/* Check for misused dbi handles */
#define TXN_DBI_CHANGED(txn, dbi) \
((txn)->mt_dbiseqs[dbi] != (txn)->mt_env->me_dbiseqs[dbi])
/* LY: fast enough on most systems
* /
* | -1, a < b
* cmp2int(a,b) = < 0, a == b
* | 1, a > b
* \
#if 1
#define mdbx_cmp2int(a, b) (((b) > (a)) ? -1 : (a) > (b))
#define mdbx_cmp2int(a, b) (((a) > (b)) - ((b) > (a)))
static __inline size_t pgno2bytes(const MDBX_env *env, pgno_t pgno) {
mdbx_assert(env, (1u << env->me_psize2log) == env->me_psize);
return ((size_t)pgno) << env->me_psize2log;
static __inline MDBX_page *pgno2page(const MDBX_env *env, pgno_t pgno) {
return (MDBX_page *)(env->me_map + pgno2bytes(env, pgno));
static __inline pgno_t bytes2pgno(const MDBX_env *env, size_t bytes) {
mdbx_assert(env, (env->me_psize >> env->me_psize2log) == 1);
return (pgno_t)(bytes >> env->me_psize2log);
static __inline pgno_t pgno_add(pgno_t base, pgno_t augend) {
assert(base <= MAX_PAGENO);
return (augend < MAX_PAGENO - base) ? base + augend : MAX_PAGENO;
static __inline pgno_t pgno_sub(pgno_t base, pgno_t subtrahend) {
assert(base >= MIN_PAGENO);
return (subtrahend < base - MIN_PAGENO) ? base - subtrahend : MIN_PAGENO;
static __inline size_t pgno_align2os_bytes(const MDBX_env *env, pgno_t pgno) {
return mdbx_roundup2(pgno2bytes(env, pgno), env->me_os_psize);
static __inline pgno_t pgno_align2os_pgno(const MDBX_env *env, pgno_t pgno) {
return bytes2pgno(env, pgno_align2os_bytes(env, pgno));