/* * Copyright 2017-2022 Leonid Yuriev <leo@yuriev.ru> * and other libmdbx authors: please see AUTHORS file. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP * Public License. * * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at * <http://www.OpenLDAP.org/license.html>. */ #pragma once #include "base.h" #include "utils.h" namespace chrono { #pragma pack(push, 4) typedef union time { uint64_t fixedpoint; __anonymous_struct_extension__ struct { #if __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ uint32_t fractional; union { uint32_t utc; uint32_t integer; }; #else union { uint32_t utc; uint32_t integer; }; uint32_t fractional; #endif }; void reset() { fixedpoint = 0; } uint32_t seconds() const { return utc; } } time; #pragma pack(pop) uint32_t ns2fractional(uint32_t); uint32_t fractional2ns(uint32_t); uint32_t us2fractional(uint32_t); uint32_t fractional2us(uint32_t); uint32_t ms2fractional(uint32_t); uint32_t fractional2ms(uint32_t); time from_ns(uint64_t us); time from_us(uint64_t ns); time from_ms(uint64_t ms); inline time from_seconds(uint64_t seconds) { assert(seconds < UINT32_MAX); time result; result.fixedpoint = seconds << 32; return result; } inline time from_utc(time_t utc) { assert(utc >= 0); return from_seconds((uint64_t)utc); } inline time infinite() { time result; result.fixedpoint = UINT64_MAX; return result; } #if defined(HAVE_TIMESPEC_TV_NSEC) || defined(__timespec_defined) || \ defined(CLOCK_REALTIME) inline time from_timespec(const struct timespec &ts) { time result; result.fixedpoint = ((uint64_t)ts.tv_sec << 32) | ns2fractional((uint32_t)ts.tv_nsec); return result; } #endif /* HAVE_TIMESPEC_TV_NSEC */ #if defined(HAVE_TIMEVAL_TV_USEC) || defined(_STRUCT_TIMEVAL) inline time from_timeval(const struct timeval &tv) { time result; result.fixedpoint = ((uint64_t)tv.tv_sec << 32) | us2fractional((uint32_t)tv.tv_usec); return result; } #endif /* HAVE_TIMEVAL_TV_USEC */ time now_realtime(); time now_monotonic(); } /* namespace chrono */