_The Future will (be) [Positive](https://www.ptsecurity.com). Всё будет хорошо._ \section toc Table of Contents This manual is divided into parts, each of which is divided into several sections. 1. The \ref intro - \ref characteristics - \ref restrictions - \ref performance 2. \ref usage - \ref getting - \ref starting - \ref bindings 3. The `C/C++` API manual: - The \ref c_api reference - \ref c_crud_hints "Quick reference for Insert/Update/Delete operations" - The \ref mdbx.h header file reference - The \ref cxx_api reference - The \ref mdbx.h++ header file reference Please do not hesitate to point out errors in the documentation, including creating [PR](https://help.github.com/en/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests/proposing-changes-to-your-work-with-pull-requests) with corrections and improvements. --- \section mithril Mithril DB