/* * Copyright 2017-2022 Leonid Yuriev <leo@yuriev.ru> * and other libmdbx authors: please see AUTHORS file. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP * Public License. * * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at * <http://www.OpenLDAP.org/license.html>. */ #include "test.h" #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) static std::unordered_map<unsigned, HANDLE> events; static HANDLE hBarrierSemaphore, hBarrierEvent; static HANDLE hProgressActiveEvent, hProgressPassiveEvent; static int waitstatus2errcode(DWORD result) { switch (result) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: return MDBX_SUCCESS; case WAIT_FAILED: return GetLastError(); case WAIT_ABANDONED: return ERROR_ABANDONED_WAIT_0; case WAIT_IO_COMPLETION: return ERROR_USER_APC; case WAIT_TIMEOUT: return ERROR_TIMEOUT; default: return ERROR_UNHANDLED_ERROR; } } void osal_wait4barrier(void) { DWORD rc = WaitForSingleObject(hBarrierSemaphore, 0); switch (rc) { default: failure_perror("WaitForSingleObject(BarrierSemaphore)", waitstatus2errcode(rc)); case WAIT_OBJECT_0: rc = WaitForSingleObject(hBarrierEvent, INFINITE); if (rc != WAIT_OBJECT_0) failure_perror("WaitForSingleObject(BarrierEvent)", waitstatus2errcode(rc)); break; case WAIT_TIMEOUT: if (!SetEvent(hBarrierEvent)) failure_perror("SetEvent(BarrierEvent)", GetLastError()); break; } } static HANDLE make_inheritable(HANDLE hHandle) { assert(hHandle != NULL && hHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), hHandle, GetCurrentProcess(), &hHandle, 0, TRUE, DUPLICATE_CLOSE_SOURCE | DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)) failure_perror("DuplicateHandle()", GetLastError()); return hHandle; } void osal_setup(const std::vector<actor_config> &actors) { assert(events.empty()); const size_t n = actors.size() + 1; events.reserve(n); for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) { HANDLE hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (!hEvent) failure_perror("CreateEvent()", GetLastError()); hEvent = make_inheritable(hEvent); log_trace("osal_setup: event %" PRIuPTR " -> %p", i, hEvent); events[i] = hEvent; } hBarrierSemaphore = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, (LONG)actors.size(), NULL); if (!hBarrierSemaphore) failure_perror("CreateSemaphore(BarrierSemaphore)", GetLastError()); hBarrierSemaphore = make_inheritable(hBarrierSemaphore); hBarrierEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (!hBarrierEvent) failure_perror("CreateEvent(BarrierEvent)", GetLastError()); hBarrierEvent = make_inheritable(hBarrierEvent); hProgressActiveEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (!hProgressActiveEvent) failure_perror("CreateEvent(ProgressActiveEvent)", GetLastError()); hProgressActiveEvent = make_inheritable(hProgressActiveEvent); hProgressPassiveEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (!hProgressPassiveEvent) failure_perror("CreateEvent(ProgressPassiveEvent)", GetLastError()); hProgressPassiveEvent = make_inheritable(hProgressPassiveEvent); } void osal_broadcast(unsigned id) { log_trace("osal_broadcast: event %u", id); if (!SetEvent(events.at(id))) failure_perror("SetEvent()", GetLastError()); } int osal_waitfor(unsigned id) { log_trace("osal_waitfor: event %u", id); DWORD rc = WaitForSingleObject(events.at(id), INFINITE); return waitstatus2errcode(rc); } mdbx_pid_t osal_getpid(void) { return GetCurrentProcessId(); } int osal_delay(unsigned seconds) { Sleep(seconds * 1000u); return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const std::string actor_config::osal_serialize(simple_checksum &checksum) const { checksum.push(hBarrierSemaphore); checksum.push(hBarrierEvent); checksum.push(hProgressActiveEvent); checksum.push(hProgressPassiveEvent); HANDLE hWait = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if (wait4id) { hWait = events.at(wait4id); checksum.push(hWait); } HANDLE hSignal = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if (wanna_event4signalling()) { hSignal = events.at(actor_id); checksum.push(hSignal); } return format("%p.%p.%p.%p.%p.%p", hBarrierSemaphore, hBarrierEvent, hWait, hSignal, hProgressActiveEvent, hProgressPassiveEvent); } bool actor_config::osal_deserialize(const char *str, const char *end, simple_checksum &checksum) { std::string copy(str, end - str); TRACE(">> osal_deserialize(%s)\n", copy.c_str()); assert(hBarrierSemaphore == 0); assert(hBarrierEvent == 0); assert(hProgressActiveEvent == 0); assert(hProgressPassiveEvent == 0); assert(events.empty()); HANDLE hWait, hSignal; if (sscanf_s(copy.c_str(), "%p.%p.%p.%p.%p.%p", &hBarrierSemaphore, &hBarrierEvent, &hWait, &hSignal, &hProgressActiveEvent, &hProgressPassiveEvent) != 6) { TRACE("<< osal_deserialize: failed\n"); return false; } checksum.push(hBarrierSemaphore); checksum.push(hBarrierEvent); checksum.push(hProgressActiveEvent); checksum.push(hProgressPassiveEvent); if (wait4id) { checksum.push(hWait); events[wait4id] = hWait; } if (wanna_event4signalling()) { checksum.push(hSignal); events[actor_id] = hSignal; } TRACE("<< osal_deserialize: OK\n"); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef std::pair<HANDLE, actor_status> child; static std::unordered_map<mdbx_pid_t, child> children; bool osal_progress_push(bool active) { if (!children.empty()) { if (!SetEvent(active ? hProgressActiveEvent : hProgressPassiveEvent)) failure_perror("osal_progress_push: SetEvent(overlord.progress)", GetLastError()); return true; } return false; } static void ArgvQuote(std::string &CommandLine, const std::string &Argument, bool Force = false) /*++ https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/twistylittlepassagesallalike/2011/04/23/everyone-quotes-command-line-arguments-the-wrong-way/ Routine Description: This routine appends the given argument to a command line such that CommandLineToArgvW will return the argument string unchanged. Arguments in a command line should be separated by spaces; this function does not add these spaces. Arguments: Argument - Supplies the argument to encode. CommandLine - Supplies the command line to which we append the encoded argument string. Force - Supplies an indication of whether we should quote the argument even if it does not contain any characters that would ordinarily require quoting. Return Value: None. Environment: Arbitrary. --*/ { // // Unless we're told otherwise, don't quote unless we actually // need to do so --- hopefully avoid problems if programs won't // parse quotes properly // if (Force == false && Argument.empty() == false && Argument.find_first_of(" \t\n\v\"") == Argument.npos) { CommandLine.append(Argument); } else { CommandLine.push_back('"'); for (auto It = Argument.begin();; ++It) { unsigned NumberBackslashes = 0; while (It != Argument.end() && *It == '\\') { ++It; ++NumberBackslashes; } if (It == Argument.end()) { // // Escape all backslashes, but let the terminating // double quotation mark we add below be interpreted // as a metacharacter. // CommandLine.append(NumberBackslashes * 2, '\\'); break; } else if (*It == L'"') { // // Escape all backslashes and the following // double quotation mark. // CommandLine.append(NumberBackslashes * 2 + 1, '\\'); CommandLine.push_back(*It); } else { // // Backslashes aren't special here. // CommandLine.append(NumberBackslashes, '\\'); CommandLine.push_back(*It); } } CommandLine.push_back('"'); } } int osal_actor_start(const actor_config &config, mdbx_pid_t &pid) { if (children.size() == MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS) failure("Couldn't manage more that %u actors on Windows\n", MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS); _flushall(); STARTUPINFOA StartupInfo; GetStartupInfoA(&StartupInfo); char exename[_MAX_PATH + 1]; DWORD exename_size = sizeof(exename); if (!QueryFullProcessImageNameA(GetCurrentProcess(), 0, exename, &exename_size)) failure_perror("QueryFullProcessImageName()", GetLastError()); if (exename[1] != ':') { exename_size = GetModuleFileName(NULL, exename, sizeof(exename)); if (exename_size >= sizeof(exename)) return ERROR_BAD_LENGTH; } std::string cmdline = "$ "; ArgvQuote(cmdline, thunk_param(config)); if (cmdline.size() >= 32767) return ERROR_BAD_LENGTH; PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInformation; if (!CreateProcessA(exename, const_cast<char *>(cmdline.c_str()), NULL, // Retuned process handle is not inheritable. NULL, // Retuned thread handle is not inheritable. TRUE, // Child inherits all inheritable handles. NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS | INHERIT_PARENT_AFFINITY, NULL, // Inherit the parent's environment. NULL, // Inherit the parent's current directory. &StartupInfo, &ProcessInformation)) failure_perror(exename, GetLastError()); CloseHandle(ProcessInformation.hThread); pid = ProcessInformation.dwProcessId; children[pid] = std::make_pair(ProcessInformation.hProcess, as_running); return 0; } actor_status osal_actor_info(const mdbx_pid_t pid) { actor_status status = children.at(pid).second; if (status > as_running) return status; DWORD ExitCode; if (!GetExitCodeProcess(children.at(pid).first, &ExitCode)) failure_perror("GetExitCodeProcess()", GetLastError()); switch (ExitCode) { case STILL_ACTIVE: return as_running; case EXIT_SUCCESS: status = as_successful; break; case EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT: case EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP: status = as_debugging; break; case STATUS_CONTROL_C_EXIT: status = as_killed; break; case EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION: case EXCEPTION_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED: case EXCEPTION_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT: case EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW: case EXCEPTION_INVALID_DISPOSITION: case EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION: case EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE_EXCEPTION: status = as_coredump; break; default: status = as_failed; break; } children.at(pid).second = status; return status; } void osal_killall_actors(void) { for (auto &pair : children) TerminateProcess(pair.second.first, STATUS_CONTROL_C_EXIT); } int osal_actor_poll(mdbx_pid_t &pid, unsigned timeout) { std::vector<HANDLE> handles; handles.reserve(children.size() + 2); handles.push_back(hProgressActiveEvent); handles.push_back(hProgressPassiveEvent); for (const auto &pair : children) if (pair.second.second <= as_running) handles.push_back(pair.second.first); while (true) { DWORD rc = MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx((DWORD)handles.size(), &handles[0], (timeout > 60) ? 60 * 1000 : timeout * 1000, QS_ALLINPUT | QS_ALLPOSTMESSAGE, 0); if (rc == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { logging::progress_canary(true); continue; } if (rc == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1) { logging::progress_canary(false); continue; } if (rc >= WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 2 && rc < WAIT_OBJECT_0 + handles.size()) { pid = 0; for (const auto &pair : children) if (pair.second.first == handles[rc - WAIT_OBJECT_0]) { pid = pair.first; break; } return 0; } if (rc == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { pid = 0; return 0; } return waitstatus2errcode(rc); } } void osal_yield(void) { SwitchToThread(); } void osal_udelay(unsigned us) { chrono::time until, now = chrono::now_monotonic(); until.fixedpoint = now.fixedpoint + chrono::from_us(us).fixedpoint; static unsigned threshold_us; if (threshold_us == 0) { unsigned timeslice_ms = 1; while (timeBeginPeriod(timeslice_ms) == TIMERR_NOCANDO) ++timeslice_ms; threshold_us = timeslice_ms * 1500u; assert(threshold_us > 0); } do { if (us > threshold_us && us > 1000) { DWORD rc = SleepEx(us / 1000, TRUE); if (rc) failure_perror("SleepEx()", waitstatus2errcode(rc)); us = 0; } YieldProcessor(); now = chrono::now_monotonic(); } while (now.fixedpoint < until.fixedpoint); } bool osal_istty(int fd) { return _isatty(fd) != 0; } std::string osal_tempdir(void) { char buf[MAX_PATH + 1]; DWORD len = GetTempPathA(sizeof(buf), buf); return std::string(buf, len); } #endif /* Windows */