# GNU Makefile for libmdbx, https://github.com/leo-yuriev/libmdbx ######################################################################## # Configuration. The compiler options must enable threaded compilation. # # Preprocessor macros (for XCFLAGS) of interest... # Note that the defaults should already be correct for most # platforms; you should not need to change any of these. # Read their descriptions in mdb.c if you do. There may be # other macros of interest. You should read mdb.c # before changing any of them. # # install sandbox SANDBOX ?= # install prefixes (inside sandbox) prefix ?= /usr/local mandir ?= $(prefix)/man # lib/bin suffix for multiarch/biarch, e.g. '.x86_64' suffix ?= CC ?= gcc CXX ?= g++ ifeq ($(shell (export LC_ALL=C; ($(CC) --version 2>&1; $(CC) -v 2>&1) | grep -q -i 'e2k' && echo yes)),yes) CFLAGS ?= -O3 -g3 -Wall -Werror -Wextra -ffunction-sections -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden else CFLAGS ?= -O2 -g3 -Wall -Werror -Wextra -ffunction-sections -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden endif XCFLAGS ?= -DNDEBUG=1 -DMDBX_DEBUG=0 -DLIBMDBX_EXPORTS=1 CFLAGS += -D_GNU_SOURCE=1 -std=gnu11 -pthread $(XCFLAGS) CXXFLAGS = -std=c++11 $(filter-out -std=gnu11,$(CFLAGS)) TESTDB ?= $(shell [ -d /dev/shm ] && echo /dev/shm || echo /tmp)/mdbx-check.db TESTLOG ?= $(shell [ -d /dev/shm ] && echo /dev/shm || echo /tmp)/mdbx-check.log # LY: '--no-as-needed,-lrt' for ability to built with modern glibc, but then run with the old LDFLAGS ?= -Wl,--gc-sections,-z,relro,-O,--no-as-needed,-lrt # LY: just for benchmarking IOARENA ?= $(shell \ (test -x ../ioarena/@BUILD/src/ioarena && echo ../ioarena/@BUILD/src/ioarena) || \ (test -x ../../@BUILD/src/ioarena && echo ../../@BUILD/src/ioarena) || \ (test -x ../../src/ioarena && echo ../../src/ioarena) || which ioarena) NN ?= 25000000 ######################################################################## HEADERS := mdbx.h LIBRARIES := libmdbx.a libmdbx.so TOOLS := mdbx_stat mdbx_copy mdbx_dump mdbx_load mdbx_chk MANPAGES := mdbx_stat.1 mdbx_copy.1 mdbx_dump.1 mdbx_load.1 SHELL := /bin/bash CORE_SRC := $(filter-out src/lck-windows.c, $(wildcard src/*.c)) CORE_INC := $(wildcard src/*.h) CORE_OBJ := $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(CORE_SRC)) TEST_SRC := $(filter-out test/osal-windows.cc, $(wildcard test/*.cc)) TEST_INC := $(wildcard test/*.h) TEST_OBJ := $(patsubst %.cc,%.o,$(TEST_SRC)) .PHONY: mdbx all install clean check coverage all: $(LIBRARIES) $(TOOLS) test/test example mdbx: libmdbx.a libmdbx.so example: mdbx.h tutorial/sample-mdbx.c libmdbx.so $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I. tutorial/sample-mdbx.c ./libmdbx.so -o example tools: $(TOOLS) install: $(LIBRARIES) $(TOOLS) $(HEADERS) mkdir -p $(SANDBOX)$(prefix)/bin$(suffix) \ && cp -t $(SANDBOX)$(prefix)/bin$(suffix) $(TOOLS) && \ mkdir -p $(SANDBOX)$(prefix)/lib$(suffix) \ && cp -t $(SANDBOX)$(prefix)/lib$(suffix) $(LIBRARIES) && \ mkdir -p $(SANDBOX)$(prefix)/include \ && cp -t $(SANDBOX)$(prefix)/include $(HEADERS) && \ mkdir -p $(SANDBOX)$(mandir)/man1 \ && cp -t $(SANDBOX)$(mandir)/man1 $(MANPAGES) clean: rm -rf $(TOOLS) test/test @* *.[ao] *.[ls]o *~ tmp.db/* *.gcov *.log *.err src/*.o test/*.o check: all rm -f $(TESTDB) $(TESTLOG) && (set -o pipefail; test/test --pathname=$(TESTDB) --dont-cleanup-after basic | tee -a $(TESTLOG) | tail -n 42) && ./mdbx_chk -vvn $(TESTDB) define core-rule $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(1)): $(1) $(CORE_INC) mdbx.h Makefile $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(1) -o $$@ endef $(foreach file,$(CORE_SRC),$(eval $(call core-rule,$(file)))) define test-rule $(patsubst %.cc,%.o,$(1)): $(1) $(TEST_INC) mdbx.h Makefile $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $(1) -o $$@ endef $(foreach file,$(TEST_SRC),$(eval $(call test-rule,$(file)))) libmdbx.a: $(CORE_OBJ) $(AR) rs $@ $? libmdbx.so: $(CORE_OBJ) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -save-temps $^ -pthread -shared $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ mdbx_%: src/tools/mdbx_%.c libmdbx.a $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^ $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ test/test: $(TEST_OBJ) libmdbx.a $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $^ $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ ifneq ($(wildcard $(IOARENA)),) .PHONY: bench clean-bench re-bench clean-bench: rm -rf bench-*.txt _ioarena/* re-bench: clean-bench bench define bench-rule bench-$(1)_$(2).txt: $(3) $(IOARENA) Makefile LD_LIBRARY_PATH="./:$$$${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" \ $(IOARENA) -D $(1) -B crud -m nosync -n $(2) \ | tee $$@ | grep throughput && \ LD_LIBRARY_PATH="./:$$$${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" \ $(IOARENA) -D $(1) -B get,iterate -m sync -r 4 -n $(2) \ | tee -a $$@ | grep throughput \ || mv -f $$@ $$@.error endef $(eval $(call bench-rule,mdbx,$(NN),libmdbx.so)) $(eval $(call bench-rule,sophia,$(NN))) $(eval $(call bench-rule,leveldb,$(NN))) $(eval $(call bench-rule,rocksdb,$(NN))) $(eval $(call bench-rule,wiredtiger,$(NN))) $(eval $(call bench-rule,forestdb,$(NN))) $(eval $(call bench-rule,lmdb,$(NN))) $(eval $(call bench-rule,nessdb,$(NN))) $(eval $(call bench-rule,sqlite3,$(NN))) $(eval $(call bench-rule,ejdb,$(NN))) $(eval $(call bench-rule,vedisdb,$(NN))) $(eval $(call bench-rule,dummy,$(NN))) $(eval $(call bench-rule,debug,10)) bench: bench-mdbx_$(NN).txt .PHONY: bench-debug bench-debug: bench-debug_10.txt bench-quartet: bench-mdbx_$(NN).txt bench-lmdb_$(NN).txt bench-rocksdb_$(NN).txt bench-wiredtiger_$(NN).txt endif ci-rule = ( CC=$$(which $1); if [ -n "$$CC" ]; then \ echo -n "probe by $2 ($$(readlink -f $$(which $$CC))): " && \ $(MAKE) clean >$1.log 2>$1.err && \ $(MAKE) CC=$$(readlink -f $$CC) XCFLAGS="-UNDEBUG -DMDBX_DEBUG=2 -DLIBMDBX_EXPORTS=1" check 1>$1.log 2>$1.err && echo "OK" \ || ( echo "FAILED"; cat $1.err >&2; exit 1 ); \ else echo "no $2 ($1) for probe"; fi; ) ci: @if [ "$$(readlink -f $$(which $(CC)))" != "$$(readlink -f $$(which gcc || echo /bin/false))" -a \ "$$(readlink -f $$(which $(CC)))" != "$$(readlink -f $$(which clang || echo /bin/false))" -a \ "$$(readlink -f $$(which $(CC)))" != "$$(readlink -f $$(which icc || echo /bin/false))" ]; then \ $(call ci-rule,$(CC),default C compiler); \ fi @$(call ci-rule,gcc,GCC) @$(call ci-rule,clang,clang LLVM) @$(call ci-rule,icc,Intel C)