1845 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Leonid Yuriev
0cc695e22e mdbx: minor simplify page_get().
Change-Id: I2a548ea008fad29da8382946dff3c7d9bffa1e85
2021-02-06 19:30:05 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
be220dc905 mdbx: release v0.9.3
 - [Mahlon E. Smith](http://www.martini.nu/) for [FreeBSD port of libmdbx](https://svnweb.freebsd.org/ports/head/databases/mdbx/).
 - [장세연](http://www.castis.com) for bug fixing and PR.
 - [Clément Renault](https://github.com/Kerollmops/heed) for [Heed](https://github.com/Kerollmops/heed) fully typed Rust wrapper.
 - [Alex Sharov](https://github.com/AskAlexSharov) for bug reporting.
 - [Noel Kuntze](https://github.com/Thermi) for bug reporting.

Removed options and features:
 - Drop `MDBX_HUGE_TRANSACTIONS` build-option (now no longer required).

New features:
 - Package for FreeBSD is available now by Mahlon E. Smith.
 - New API functions to get/set various options (https://github.com/erthink/libmdbx/issues/128):
    - the maximum number of named databases for the environment;
    - the maximum number of threads/reader slots;
    - threshold (since the last unsteady commit) to force flush the data buffers to disk;
    - relative period (since the last unsteady commit) to force flush the data buffers to disk;
    - limit to grow a list of reclaimed/recycled page's numbers for finding a sequence of contiguous pages for large data items;
    - limit to grow a cache of dirty pages for reuse in the current transaction;
    - limit of a pre-allocated memory items for dirty pages;
    - limit of dirty pages for a write transaction;
    - initial allocation size for dirty pages list of a write transaction;
    - maximal part of the dirty pages may be spilled when necessary;
    - minimal part of the dirty pages should be spilled when necessary;
    - how much of the parent transaction dirty pages will be spilled while start each child transaction;
 - Unlimited/Dynamic size of retired and dirty page lists (https://github.com/erthink/libmdbx/issues/123).
 - Added `-p` option (purge subDB before loading) to `mdbx_load` tool.
 - Reworked spilling of large transaction and committing of nested transactions:
    - page spilling code reworked to avoid the flaws and bugs inherited from LMDB;
    - limit for number of dirty pages now is controllable at runtime;
    - a spilled pages, including overflow/large pages, now can be reused and refunded/compactified in nested transactions;
    - more effective refunding/compactification especially for the loosed page cache.
 - Added `MDBX_ENABLE_REFUND` and `MDBX_PNL_ASCENDING` internal/advanced build options.
 - Added `mdbx_default_pagesize()` function.
 - Better support architectures with a weak/relaxed memory consistency model (ARM, AARCH64, PPC, MIPS, RISC-V, etc) by means [C11 atomics](https://en.cppreference.com/w/c/atomic).
 - Speed up page number lists and dirty page lists (https://github.com/erthink/libmdbx/issues/132).
 - Added `LIBMDBX_NO_EXPORTS_LEGACY_API` build option.

 - Fixed missing cleanup (null assigned) in the C++ commit/abort (https://github.com/erthink/libmdbx/pull/143).
 - Fixed `mdbx_realloc()` for case of nullptr and `MDBX_AVOID_CRT=ON` for Windows.
 - Fixed the possibility to use invalid and renewed (closed & re-opened, dropped & re-created) DBI-handles (https://github.com/erthink/libmdbx/issues/146).
 - Fixed 4-byte aligned access to 64-bit integers, including access to the `bootid` meta-page's field (https://github.com/erthink/libmdbx/issues/153).
 - Fixed minor/potential memory leak during page flushing and unspilling.
 - Fixed handling states of cursors's and subDBs's for nested transactions.
 - Fixed page leak in extra rare case the list of retired pages changed during update GC on transaction commit.
 - Fixed assertions to avoid false-positive UB detection by CLANG/LLVM (https://github.com/erthink/libmdbx/issues/153).
 - Fixed `MDBX_TXN_FULL` and regressive `MDBX_KEYEXIST` during large transaction commit with `MDBX_LIFORECLAIM` (https://github.com/erthink/libmdbx/issues/123).
 - Fixed auto-recovery (`weak->steady` with the same boot-id) when Database size at last weak checkpoint is large than at last steady checkpoint.
 - Fixed operation on systems with unusual small/large page size, including PowerPC (https://github.com/erthink/libmdbx/issues/157).

 - Engage new terminology (https://github.com/erthink/libmdbx/issues/137).
 - Resolve few TODOs (https://github.com/erthink/libmdbx/issues/124, https://github.com/erthink/libmdbx/issues/127,    https://github.com/erthink/libmdbx/issues/115).
 - Finalize C++ API.
 - Packages for [ROSA Linux](https://www.rosalinux.ru/), [ALT Linux](https://www.altlinux.org/), Fedora/RHEL, Debian/Ubuntu.

Change-Id: I414b8ef2e4b90e04fb344779c0e3f1b4bd1c06be
2021-02-02 22:18:21 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
8133d93678 mdbx: add LIBMDBX_NO_EXPORTS_LEGACY_API build option.
Change-Id: I9d9dcffe63fce843e22132c3829adca57714d818
2021-02-02 00:25:48 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
38a559b93e mdbx: Crutches for C11-atomics compiler's bugs.
Change-Id: I5a857aa56c831f00c4bc67c95d7aecabc29264da
2021-02-01 20:55:41 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
25c4df0d3e mdbx: radix sort for large chunks of PNL and DPL.
More for https://github.com/erthink/libmdbx/issues/132

Change-Id: I19b253f78069d4ecd4ec360a12121c78f182fc09
2021-02-01 02:14:13 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
88bdf4b96f mdbx: avoid branches inside bsearch() loop.
Related for https://github.com/erthink/libmdbx/issues/132

Change-Id: Ia843556cc7052e5081a98f56b43fd80e2d0a40c7
2021-02-01 00:39:52 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
28bd5d81d2 mdbx: incremental lazy merge sort for dirty-page list.
The main change for https://github.com/erthink/libmdbx/issues/132

Change-Id: I9907f6abfcf77bd40c7a263f5adb5274d5445864
2021-02-01 00:39:19 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
0620ec2f2e mdbx: merge branch master into the devel.
Change-Id: Iab3a0502577f6557e3f8fccc89df49aee372416e
2021-01-31 23:21:16 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
077989bfed mdbx: adds pre- and post- gaps to dirty page list to avoid some comparisons and conditional branches.
More for https://github.com/erthink/libmdbx/issues/132

Change-Id: I6562c5ff6c559341bb7bb64222b126f06cc13427
2021-01-31 23:20:49 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
edb6d2d661 mdbx: add audit after nested txn start.
Change-Id: I7601994d24e7d2a5b8e9b113f697e4a14b1d2e6a
2021-01-31 23:20:49 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
df180d1d36 mdbx: provide the gap/reserve for ability of merge sort dirty-page list.
Preparation for fix https://github.com/erthink/libmdbx/issues/132

Change-Id: I4aac6927878eb0361588fbfcf9698ba6d2d5fc34
2021-01-31 23:16:10 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
8b6608a9ca mdbx: fix dirtyroom inheritance for nested transactions.
Change-Id: If2036ab3b7909c51e54526a535d65cdee1e0b287
2021-01-31 21:49:20 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
9f0ff865e8 mdbx: use C11 atomics if available instead of legacy memory barriers.
This done better support architectures with a weak/relaxed memory consistency model (ARM, AARCH64, PPC, MIPS, RISC-V, etc).

Change-Id: Iee831c8dc564f1d027ff84b0d6daa559325d5a9b
2021-01-30 02:28:12 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
f698f07ff9 mdbx: fix operation for unusual small/large system page size.
More for https://github.com/erthink/libmdbx/issues/157

Change-Id: I4f2ed54b50653d0375538b82c48590d1037cd93b
2021-01-29 21:19:58 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
6cfac546a1 mdbx: fix mdbx_env_get_option(MDBX_opt_sync_bytes) to return number of bytes instead of pages.
Change-Id: I815887e82946d9644b05549ec253a52b566c8565
2021-01-29 19:55:40 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
9c9f6faf38 mdbx: fix madvise_threshold for large system pages.
Fixed https://github.com/erthink/libmdbx/issues/157

Change-Id: I0e880591d236b6ba96a38d2a3fa953695d9c4df0
2021-01-29 04:58:32 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
0a2f2e28b4 mdbx: fix minor signed/unsigned comparison warnings.
Change-Id: Ice6f9759560d5eda514112e838d57e63207a7559
2021-01-27 19:23:07 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
62b2e31bf4 mdbx: fix auto-recovery weak->steady with the same boot-id (don't truncate DB to size from steady-meta).
Change-Id: Ib1c7f845bdf49fb9101b01aa868f8567172e5590
2021-01-27 16:48:03 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
943bb552a2 mdbx: fix GC-slot cleanup inside mdbx_update_gc() in extra rare complex cases.
More for 5f1b684719 and https://github.com/erthink/libmdbx/issues/123

Change-Id: I1b78d6be2babf9ffdd0b77e7b1ee53d1313977bb
2021-01-26 10:28:39 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
251eda6fb8 mdbx: HNY!
Change-Id: I86c7028001b349e3d06b837dc8e2f7e60fb3b1a2
2021-01-26 07:27:13 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
4fd23c4716 mdbx: fix minor debug typo.
Change-Id: Ieffd3cea351681c1d5ccf93b12953eb0d8abb6b9
2021-01-25 23:26:53 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
5f1b684719 mdbx: fix regression MDBX_KEYEXISTS during mdbx_commit_ex() and overwriting GC records.
Fix regression related to https://github.com/erthink/libmdbx/issues/123 and https://github.com/erthink/libmdbx/issues/128.
Related to https://github.com/erthink/libmdbx/issues/131.

В lifo-режиме при фиксации транзакции, записи в GC могли быть перезаписаны (с утечкой страниц БД), либо могла возникать ошибка MDBX_KEYEXISTS, по следующему сценарию:
- В истории БД были две транзакции с огромным кол-вом retired pages, после которых в GC остались две соответствующие записи.
- В ходе очередной транзакции первая из огромных GC-записей попадает в переработку и образует огромный reclaimed list.
- При фиксации транзакции производится попытка разбить огромный reclaimed list на чанки размером в одну страницу. Для этого требуется много id для записей, которые в соответствии с lifo должны быть максимально близки к голове GC, т. е. получены путем переработки последних записей GC.
- В ходе переработки последних записей очередь доходит до второй огромной записи, при этом переработка прерывается, ибо иначе reclaimed list переполнится.
- Однако прерывание переработки внутри mdbx_update_gc() трактовалось как отсутствие записей в GC, поэтому список доступных просто добавлялись соответствующие id-шники.
- Если в списке доступных id-шников для помещения в GC были переработанные, то записи с id по всему списку удалялись - тогда вторая большая запись (и возможно предыдущие) удалялись, а содержащиеся в них номера страниц выпадали из оборота.
- Если же в списке доступных id-шников не было переработанных, то чистка не проводилась - тогда при последующая попытка помещения чанков reclaimed list в GC завершалась ошибкой MDBX_KEYEXISTS, которая и возвращалась из mdbx_commit_ex().

Change-Id: I3e5d40ef7950b7476da0513c6836fcba1de74879
2021-01-25 23:23:08 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
ee22ffb878 mdbx-tools: using walked pages count while output statistics if traversal enabled. 2021-01-25 21:35:59 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
a9cb6a6a90 mdbx: minor fix ASAN controls. 2021-01-25 21:35:59 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
95ae324580 mdbx: fix reclaimed-list allocation during nested txn start.
Change-Id: Ia70e01ed69a001249ce14b4930452a469d04b824
2021-01-24 00:49:46 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
4ae2a107bf mdbx: add MDBX_opt_loose_limit runtime option.
More for https://github.com/erthink/libmdbx/issues/128

Change-Id: I298bf1eef24575df72615ee07e93f5073405e8e0
2021-01-22 23:52:03 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
dc34041600 mdbx: alter defaults for MDBX_opt_rp_augment_limit and MDBX_opt_txn_dp_limit runtime options.
Change-Id: I08cdbfb18089a3fed4b32d931ca4423027a9939f
2021-01-22 23:16:21 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
b1a2892038 mdbx: fix minor Coverity warnings.
Change-Id: I0c5d23a36120b8d697887462a6ae86d66a435c3d
2021-01-22 20:13:31 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
b82d1d5063 mdbx: add MDBX_opt_spill_parent4child_denominator runtime option.
More for https://github.com/erthink/libmdbx/issues/128

Change-Id: If1549c3855eb59c107eb115e6dbca515e81644f9
2021-01-22 18:18:52 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
56aaad03bc mdbx: add MDBX_opt_spill_max_denominator and MDBX_opt_spill_min_denominator runtime options.
More for https://github.com/erthink/libmdbx/issues/128

Change-Id: I6b1b00e30ac11e9c2e3d3d3a29cc73079b41d539
2021-01-22 17:25:44 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
e0d4eaf819 mdbx: minor refine mdbx_txn_merge(). 2021-01-21 22:45:34 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
1d58ad6d9b mdbx: fix Valgrind/ASAN controls.
Change-Id: Idf526cbdb8ce8e43600efebbd1d12a8306a58184
2021-01-21 22:45:28 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
58e4eda1c6 mdbx: fix spilled page list memleak.
Change-Id: I8b3b3664711943b0809be7bcc6580aafd4e4c286
2021-01-21 22:45:28 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
d26ae6875b mdbx: fix assertion to avoid false-positive UB detection by CLANG/LLVM.
Assume this resolve https://github.com/erthink/libmdbx/issues/153

Change-Id: I02ceba1063a338b6dedf17629b51b3466358b0b8
2021-01-21 22:45:28 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
afe93137fc mdbx: fix minor assertions.
Change-Id: Ib3e2dcb2cb419f41717351b2ac2264ffed906014
2021-01-21 22:45:28 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
bed14e60c2 mdbx-cmake: add -fsanitize-undefined-trap-on-error to compile flags and ENABLE_UBSAN to config.h.
Change-Id: Ic18c0d59ccf32f9783a44de456893fbc8a0a7d32
2021-01-21 22:45:23 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
730b9ea3fd mdbx: add MDBX_PNL_ASCENDING build option and dependency for MDBX_DATA_MAGIC.
Change-Id: I55283240b1dbbbc093927be5eaa5d42b87294f72
2021-01-20 23:31:14 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
6bd0277020 mdbx: minor fix mdbx_cursor_close().
Avoids reference to txn which could be already freed.

Change-Id: I4e1fadd9786ced1533bb8468d30e013455601228
2021-01-20 09:55:11 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
7d09de489d mdbx: fix minor MSVC warnings.
Change-Id: I633b8847698dca25b6c395216744e157f6fb240d
2021-01-20 09:55:11 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
0d09c2cda9 mdbx: avoid overflow for dirty & leftover space inside mdbx_txn_info().
Change-Id: I36f4d62881e68f1bfe0d11fde2e849cdf1408ed2
2021-01-20 02:07:44 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
42670aa64a mdbx: fix MSVC warnings aroung size_t and unsigned conversion.
Change-Id: I32bd3ee4fe02ac62cc121f33b2f84bf63c81cb75
2021-01-20 01:39:21 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
6d7daf6401 mdbx: fix audit for complex nested txn cases.
Change-Id: I2419cbe0e8d3167e77ac99f397b97edb22717833
2021-01-19 23:53:16 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
f28da7c9e3 mdbx: rework spilling, page-lists, commit & abort for nested transactions, etc (squashed).
Change-Id: I09e4744586342aeae4efcfb71f41a3248ee47758
2021-01-19 23:53:16 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
7bae2a7cd2 mdbx: provide MDBX_ENABLE_REFUND build option.
Change-Id: I0e4c94a22f3b0957176431709604a7595f85252a
2021-01-19 23:53:16 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
7183f62e13 mdbx: rework DBI_DIRTY and MDBX_TXN_DIRTY propagation.
Change-Id: Ief12ee320ce7c7142632bd1142d847aac314db0b
2021-01-19 23:53:16 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
4afc30c79f mdbx: rework mdbx_page_alloc().
Change-Id: I5c6e2ef23abf79096dd699f9dfbecf97bfc4fe37
2021-01-19 23:53:16 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
c6a8f0f9af mdbx-tools: minor refine mdbx_chk error output.
Change-Id: I4692a46c3e007fa2910ef67ec7fe21c7285e92eb
2021-01-19 23:53:16 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
966d7027a3 mdbx: minor fix bad_page() debug output.
Change-Id: I14531fdceaad054ad8c45bf9042fee73de1f9a36
2021-01-19 23:53:16 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
dfc92d9f96 mdbx: minor fix mdbx_page_new() debug output.
Change-Id: If60f972cc3271ca91feea923fb4f4be48d488b22
2021-01-19 23:53:16 +03:00
Leonid Yuriev
ac0f4e14a8 mdbx: minor fix mdbx_page_new() debug output.
Change-Id: I2f386ec6276cab404607b5c3a79d8028d73dad62
2021-01-19 23:53:16 +03:00