mdbx-test: long_stochastic.

Change-Id: I28248a8af9041dfa62388a3b4ded7e2a4fdc07a9
This commit is contained in:
Leonid Yuriev 2019-06-24 01:34:45 +03:00
parent 5b88fe819c
commit da99dcdb87
4 changed files with 106 additions and 83 deletions

View File

@ -63,8 +63,7 @@ void testcase_setup(const char *casename, actor_params &params,
log_notice(">>> testcase_setup(%s)", casename); log_notice(">>> testcase_setup(%s)", casename);
configure_actor(last_space_id, ac_jitter, nullptr, params); configure_actor(last_space_id, ac_jitter, nullptr, params);
configure_actor(last_space_id, ac_hill, nullptr, params); configure_actor(last_space_id, ac_hill, nullptr, params);
configure_actor(last_space_id, ac_jitter, nullptr, params); configure_actor(last_space_id, ac_ttl, nullptr, params);
configure_actor(last_space_id, ac_hill, nullptr, params);
configure_actor(last_space_id, ac_jitter, nullptr, params); configure_actor(last_space_id, ac_jitter, nullptr, params);
configure_actor(last_space_id, ac_hill, nullptr, params); configure_actor(last_space_id, ac_hill, nullptr, params);
configure_actor(last_space_id, ac_ttl, nullptr, params); configure_actor(last_space_id, ac_ttl, nullptr, params);

View File

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
set -euo pipefail
make check
function rep9 { printf "%*s" $1 '' | tr ' ' '9'; }
function join { local IFS="$1"; shift; echo "$*"; }
function bit2option { local -n arr=$1; (( ($2&(1<<$3)) != 0 )) && echo -n '+' || echo -n '-'; echo "${arr[$3]}"; }
options=(writemap coalesce lifo)
function bits2list {
local -n arr=$1
local i
local list=()
for ((i=0; i<${#arr[@]}; ++i)) do
list[$i]=$(bit2option $1 $2 $i)
join , "${list[@]}"
function probe {
echo "=============================================== $(date)"
echo "${caption}: $*"
rm -f ${TESTDB_PREFIX}* \
&& ./mdbx_test --repeat=12 --pathname=${TESTDB_PREFIX}db "$@" | lz4 > ${TESTDB_PREFIX}log.lz4 \
&& ./mdbx_chk -nvvv ${TESTDB_PREFIX}db | tee ${TESTDB_PREFIX}chk \
&& ([ ! -e ${TESTDB_PREFIX}db-copy ] || ./mdbx_chk -nvvv ${TESTDB_PREFIX}db-copy | tee ${TESTDB_PREFIX}chk-copy) \
|| (echo "FAILED"; exit 1)
for nops in {2..7}; do
for ((wbatch=nops-1; wbatch > 0; --wbatch)); do
loops=$(((333 >> nops) / nops + 3))
for ((rep=0; rep++ < loops; )); do
for ((bits=2**${#options[@]}; --bits >= 0; )); do
seed=$(date +%N)
caption="Probe #$((++count)) int-key,w/o-dups, repeat ${rep} of ${loops}" probe \
--pagesize=min --size=6G --table=+key.integer,-data.dups --keylen.min=min --keylen.max=max --datalen.min=min --datalen.max=1111 \
--nops=$( rep9 $nops ) --batch.write=$( rep9 $wbatch ) --mode=$(bits2list options $bits) \
--keygen.seed=${seed} basic
caption="Probe #$((++count)) int-key,with-dups, repeat ${rep} of ${loops}" probe \
--pagesize=min --size=6G --table=+key.integer,+data.dups --keylen.min=min --keylen.max=max --datalen.min=min --datalen.max=max \
--nops=$( rep9 $nops ) --batch.write=$( rep9 $wbatch ) --mode=$(bits2list options $bits) \
--keygen.seed=${seed} basic
caption="Probe #$((++count)) int-key,int-data, repeat ${rep} of ${loops}" probe \
--pagesize=min --size=6G --table=+key.integer,+data.integer --keylen.min=min --keylen.max=max --datalen.min=min --datalen.max=max \
--nops=$( rep9 $nops ) --batch.write=$( rep9 $wbatch ) --mode=$(bits2list options $bits) \
--keygen.seed=${seed} basic
caption="Probe #$((++count)) w/o-dups, repeat ${rep} of ${loops}" probe \
--pagesize=min --size=6G --table=-data.dups --keylen.min=min --keylen.max=max --datalen.min=min --datalen.max=1111 \
--nops=$( rep9 $nops ) --batch.write=$( rep9 $wbatch ) --mode=$(bits2list options $bits) \
--keygen.seed=${seed} basic
caption="Probe #$((++count)) with-dups, repeat ${rep} of ${loops}" probe \
--pagesize=min --size=6G --table=+data.dups --keylen.min=min --keylen.max=max --datalen.min=min --datalen.max=max \
--nops=$( rep9 $nops ) --batch.write=$( rep9 $wbatch ) --mode=$(bits2list options $bits) \
--keygen.seed=${seed} basic
echo "=== ALL DONE ====================== $(date)"

test/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
set -euo pipefail
rm -f $(dirname ${TESTDB_PREFIX})/*
if LC_ALL=C free | grep -q -i available; then
ram_avail_mb=$(($(LC_ALL=C free | grep -i Mem: | tr -s [:blank:] ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 7) / 1024))
ram_avail_mb=$(($(LC_ALL=C free | grep -i Mem: | tr -s [:blank:] ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 4) / 1024))
if [ ${ram_avail_mb} -lt ${ram_reserve4logs_mb} ]; then
echo "=== At least ${ram_reserve4logs_mb}Mb RAM required"
exit -2
# В режимах отличных от MDBX_WRITEMAP изменения до записи в файл
# будут накапливаться в памяти, что может потребовать свободной
# памяти размером с БД. Кроме этого, в тест входит сценарий
# создания копия БД на ходу. Поэтому БД не может быть больше 1/3
# от доступной памяти. Однако, следует учесть что malloc() будет
# не сразу возвращать выделенную память системе, а также
# предусмотреть места для логов.
# In non-MDBX_WRITEMAP modes, updates (dirty pages) will
# accumulate in memory before writing to the disk, which may
# require a free memory up to the size of a whole database. In
# addition, the test includes a script create a copy of the
# database on the go. Therefore, the database cannot be more 1/3
# of available memory. Moreover, should be taken into account
# that malloc() will not return the allocated memory to the
# system immediately, as well some space is required for logs.
db_size=$(expr '(' ${ram_avail_mb} - ${ram_reserve4logs_mb} ')' / 4)M
echo "=== ${ram_avail_mb}M RAM available, use ${db_size} for DB"
make check
rm -f $(dirname ${TESTDB_PREFIX})/*
function rep9 { printf "%*s" $1 '' | tr ' ' '9'; }
function join { local IFS="$1"; shift; echo "$*"; }
function bit2option { local -n arr=$1; (( ($2&(1<<$3)) != 0 )) && echo -n '+' || echo -n '-'; echo "${arr[$3]}"; }
options=(writemap coalesce lifo)
function bits2list {
local -n arr=$1
local i
local list=()
for ((i=0; i<${#arr[@]}; ++i)) do
list[$i]=$(bit2option $1 $2 $i)
join , "${list[@]}"
function probe {
echo "=============================================== $(date)"
echo "${caption}: $*"
rm -f ${TESTDB_PREFIX}* \
&& ./mdbx_test --ignore-dbfull --repeat=42 --pathname=${TESTDB_PREFIX}db "$@" | lz4 > ${TESTDB_PREFIX}log.lz4 \
&& ./mdbx_chk -nvvv ${TESTDB_PREFIX}db | tee ${TESTDB_PREFIX}chk \
&& ([ ! -e ${TESTDB_PREFIX}db-copy ] || ./mdbx_chk -nvvv ${TESTDB_PREFIX}db-copy | tee ${TESTDB_PREFIX}chk-copy) \
|| (echo "FAILED"; exit 1)
for nops in {7..2}; do
for ((wbatch=nops-1; wbatch > 0; --wbatch)); do
loops=$(((99 >> nops) / nops + 3))
for ((rep=0; rep++ < loops; )); do
for ((bits=2**${#options[@]}; --bits >= 0; )); do
seed=$(date +%N)
caption="Probe #$((++count)) int-key,w/o-dups, repeat ${rep} of ${loops}" probe \
--pagesize=min --size-upper=${db_size} --table=+key.integer,-data.dups --keylen.min=min --keylen.max=max --datalen.min=min --datalen.max=1111 \
--nops=$( rep9 $nops ) --batch.write=$( rep9 $wbatch ) --mode=$(bits2list options $bits) \
--keygen.seed=${seed} basic
caption="Probe #$((++count)) int-key,with-dups, repeat ${rep} of ${loops}" probe \
--pagesize=min --size-upper=${db_size} --table=+key.integer,+data.dups --keylen.min=min --keylen.max=max --datalen.min=min --datalen.max=max \
--nops=$( rep9 $nops ) --batch.write=$( rep9 $wbatch ) --mode=$(bits2list options $bits) \
--keygen.seed=${seed} basic
caption="Probe #$((++count)) int-key,int-data, repeat ${rep} of ${loops}" probe \
--pagesize=min --size-upper=${db_size} --table=+key.integer,+data.integer --keylen.min=min --keylen.max=max --datalen.min=min --datalen.max=max \
--nops=$( rep9 $nops ) --batch.write=$( rep9 $wbatch ) --mode=$(bits2list options $bits) \
--keygen.seed=${seed} basic
caption="Probe #$((++count)) w/o-dups, repeat ${rep} of ${loops}" probe \
--pagesize=min --size-upper=${db_size} --table=-data.dups --keylen.min=min --keylen.max=max --datalen.min=min --datalen.max=1111 \
--nops=$( rep9 $nops ) --batch.write=$( rep9 $wbatch ) --mode=$(bits2list options $bits) \
--keygen.seed=${seed} basic
caption="Probe #$((++count)) with-dups, repeat ${rep} of ${loops}" probe \
--pagesize=min --size-upper=${db_size} --table=+data.dups --keylen.min=min --keylen.max=max --datalen.min=min --datalen.max=max \
--nops=$( rep9 $nops ) --batch.write=$( rep9 $wbatch ) --mode=$(bits2list options $bits) \
--keygen.seed=${seed} basic
echo "=== ALL DONE ====================== $(date)"

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
@echo off
del test.db test.db-lck
mdbx_test.exe --pathname=test.db --dont-cleanup-after basic > test.log
if errorlevel 1 goto fail
mdbx_chk.exe -nvvv test.db > chk.log
if errorlevel 1 goto fail
goto loop