mdbx-build: made 'config.h' optional.

Change-Id: Iafc968cb7000f77cf23169ce07b532386bbce029
This commit is contained in:
Leonid Yuriev 2019-09-10 14:32:17 +03:00
parent e08787afca
commit d1d1258591
4 changed files with 62 additions and 55 deletions

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
# Note that the defaults should already be correct for most platforms;
# you should not need to change any of these. Read their descriptions
# in README and source code if you do. There may be other macros of interest.
SHELL := /bin/bash
# install sandbox
@ -44,7 +45,6 @@ HEADERS := mdbx.h
LIBRARIES := libmdbx.a libmdbx.$(SO_SUFFIX)
TOOLS := mdbx_stat mdbx_copy mdbx_dump mdbx_load mdbx_chk
MANPAGES := mdbx_stat.1 mdbx_copy.1 mdbx_dump.1 mdbx_load.1
SHELL := /bin/bash
.PHONY: mdbx all install clean check coverage
@ -68,7 +68,9 @@ install: $(LIBRARIES) $(TOOLS) $(HEADERS)
&& cp -t $(SANDBOX)$(mandir)/man1 $(MANPAGES)
rm -rf $(TOOLS) mdbx_test @* *.[ao] *.[ls]o *~ tmp.db/* *.gcov *.log *.err src/*.o test/*.o
rm -rf $(TOOLS) mdbx_test @* *.[ao] *.[ls]o *~ tmp.db/* \
*.gcov *.log *.err src/*.o test/*.o example dist \
config.h src/elements/config.h src/elements/version.c *.tar*
libmdbx.a: mdbx-static.o
$(AR) rs $@ $?
@ -83,27 +85,27 @@ ifeq ($(wildcard mdbx.c),mdbx.c)
# Amalgamated source code, i.e. distributed after `make dists`
mdbx-config.h: mdbx.c $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
config.h: mdbx.c $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
(echo '#define MDBX_BUILD_TIMESTAMP "$(shell date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z)"' \
&& echo '#define MDBX_BUILD_FLAGS "$(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)"' \
&& echo '#define MDBX_BUILD_COMPILER "$(shell set -o pipefail; $(CC) --version | head -1 || echo 'Please use GCC or CLANG compatible compiler')"' \
&& echo '#define MDBX_BUILD_TARGET "$(shell set -o pipefail; LC_ALL=C $(CC) -v 2>&1 | grep -i '^Target:' | cut -d ' ' -f 2- || echo 'Please use GCC or CLANG compatible compiler')"' \
) > $@ || rm -f $@
) > $@
mdbx-dylib.o: mdbx-config.h mdbx.c $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
mdbx-dylib.o: config.h mdbx.c $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(MDBX_OPTIONS) '-DMDBX_CONFIG_H="config.h"' -DLIBMDBX_EXPORTS=1 -c mdbx.c -o $@
mdbx-static.o: mdbx-config.h mdbx.c $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
mdbx-static.o: config.h mdbx.c $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(MDBX_OPTIONS) '-DMDBX_CONFIG_H="config.h"' -ULIBMDBX_EXPORTS -c mdbx.c -o $@
mdbx_%: mdbx_%.c libmdbx.a
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(MDBX_OPTIONS) '-DMDBX_CONFIG_H="config.h"' $^ $(EXE_LDFLAGS) -o $@
#> dist-cutoff-begin
# Plain (non-amalgamated) sources
# Plain (non-amalgamated) sources with test
define uname2osal
case "$(UNAME)" in
@ -111,37 +113,46 @@ define uname2osal
*) echo unix;;
define uname2titer
case "$(UNAME)" in
Darwin*|Mach*) echo 3;;
*) echo 12;;
TEST_DB ?= $(shell [ -d /dev/shm ] && echo /dev/shm || echo /tmp)/mdbx-test.db
TEST_LOG ?= $(shell [ -d /dev/shm ] && echo /dev/shm || echo /tmp)/mdbx-test.log
TEST_OSAL := $(shell $(uname2osal))
TEST_ITER := $(shell $(uname2titer))
TESTDB ?= $(shell [ -d /dev/shm ] && echo /dev/shm || echo /tmp)/mdbx-test.db
TESTLOG ?= $(shell [ -d /dev/shm ] && echo /dev/shm || echo /tmp)/mdbx-test.log
TEST_SRC := test/osal-$(TEST_OSAL).cc $(filter-out $(wildcard test/osal-*.cc), $(wildcard test/*.cc))
TEST_INC := $(wildcard test/*.h)
TEST_OBJ := $(patsubst,%.o,$(TEST_SRC))
ALLOY_DEPS = $(wildcard src/elements/*)
MDBX_VERSION_GIT = ${shell set -o pipefail; git describe --tags | sed -n 's|^v*\([0-9]\{1,\}\.[0-9]\{1,\}\.[0-9]\{1,\}\)\(.*\)|\1|p' || echo 'Please fetch tags and/or install latest git version'}
MDBX_GIT_TIMESTAMP = $(shell git show --no-patch --format=%cI HEAD || echo 'Please install latest get version')
MDBX_GIT_DESCRIBE = $(shell git describe --tags --long --dirty=-dirty || echo 'Please fetch tags and/or install latest git version')
MDBX_VERSION_SUFFIX = $(shell set -o pipefail; echo -n '$(MDBX_GIT_DESCRIBE)' | tr -c -s '[a-zA-Z0-9]' _)
MDBX_BUILD_SOURCERY = $(shell set -o pipefail; $(MAKE) -s src/elements/version.c && (openssl dgst -r -sha256 src/elements/version.c || sha256sum src/elements/version.c || shasum -a 256 src/elements/version.c) 2>/dev/null | cut -d ' ' -f 1 || echo 'Please install openssl or sha256sum or shasum')_$(MDBX_VERSION_SUFFIX)
check: all example mdbx_test
rm -f $(TESTDB) $(TESTLOG) && (set -o pipefail; ./mdbx_test --repeat=$(TEST_ITER) --pathname=$(TESTDB) --dont-cleanup-after basic | tee -a $(TESTLOG) | tail -n 42) \
&& ./mdbx_chk -vvn $(TESTDB) && ./mdbx_chk -vvn $(TESTDB)-copy
rm -f $(TEST_DB) $(TEST_LOG) && (set -o pipefail; ./mdbx_test --repeat=$(TEST_ITER) --pathname=$(TEST_DB) --dont-cleanup-after basic | tee -a $(TEST_LOG) | tail -n 42) \
&& ./mdbx_chk -vvn $(TEST_DB) && ./mdbx_chk -vvn $(TEST_DB)-copy
example: mdbx.h tutorial/sample-mdbx.c libmdbx.$(SO_SUFFIX)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I. tutorial/sample-mdbx.c ./libmdbx.$(SO_SUFFIX) -o example
check-singleprocess: all
rm -f $(TESTDB) $(TESTLOG) && (set -o pipefail; \
./mdbx_test --repeat=4 --pathname=$(TESTDB) --dont-cleanup-after --hill && \
./mdbx_test --repeat=2 --pathname=$(TESTDB) --dont-cleanup-before --dont-cleanup-after --copy \
| tee -a $(TESTLOG) | tail -n 42) \
&& ./mdbx_chk -vvn $(TESTDB) && ./mdbx_chk -vvn $(TESTDB)-copy
rm -f $(TEST_DB) $(TEST_LOG) && (set -o pipefail; \
./mdbx_test --repeat=4 --pathname=$(TEST_DB) --dont-cleanup-after --hill && \
./mdbx_test --repeat=2 --pathname=$(TEST_DB) --dont-cleanup-before --dont-cleanup-after --copy \
| tee -a $(TEST_LOG) | tail -n 42) \
&& ./mdbx_chk -vvn $(TEST_DB) && ./mdbx_chk -vvn $(TEST_DB)-copy
check-fault: all
rm -f $(TESTDB) $(TESTLOG) && (set -o pipefail; ./mdbx_test --pathname=$(TESTDB) --inject-writefault=42 --dump-config --dont-cleanup-after basic | tee -a $(TESTLOG) | tail -n 42) \
; ./mdbx_chk -vvnw $(TESTDB) && ([ ! -e $(TESTDB)-copy ] || ./mdbx_chk -vvn $(TESTDB)-copy)
rm -f $(TEST_DB) $(TEST_LOG) && (set -o pipefail; ./mdbx_test --pathname=$(TEST_DB) --inject-writefault=42 --dump-config --dont-cleanup-after basic | tee -a $(TEST_LOG) | tail -n 42) \
; ./mdbx_chk -vvnw $(TEST_DB) && ([ ! -e $(TEST_DB)-copy ] || ./mdbx_chk -vvn $(TEST_DB)-copy)
define test-rule
$(patsubst,%.o,$(1)): $(1) $(TEST_INC) mdbx.h $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
@ -151,27 +162,22 @@ endef
$(foreach file,$(TEST_SRC),$(eval $(call test-rule,$(file))))
mdbx_%: src/tools/mdbx_%.c libmdbx.a
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(MDBX_OPTIONS) '-DMDBX_CONFIG_H="config.h"' $^ $(EXE_LDFLAGS) -o $@
mdbx_test: $(TEST_OBJ) libmdbx.$(SO_SUFFIX)
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(TEST_OBJ) -Wl,-rpath . -L . -l mdbx $(EXE_LDFLAGS) -o $@
ALLOY_DEPS = $(wildcard src/elements/*)
MDBX_VERSION_GIT = ${shell set -o pipefail; git describe --tags | sed -n 's|^v*\([0-9]\{1,\}\.[0-9]\{1,\}\.[0-9]\{1,\}\)\(.*\)|\1|p' || echo 'Please fetch tags and/or install latest git version'}
MDBX_VERSION_SUFFIX = $(shell set -o pipefail; git describe --tags --long --dirty=-dirty | tr -c -s '[a-zA-Z0-9]\n' _ || echo 'Please fetch tags and/or install latest git version')
MDBX_BUILD_SOURCERY = $(shell set -o pipefail; $(MAKE) -s src/elements/version.c && (openssl dgst -r -sha256 src/elements/version.c || sha256sum src/elements/version.c || shasum -a 256 src/elements/version.c) 2>/dev/null | cut -d ' ' -f 1 || echo 'Please install openssl or sha256sum or shasum')_$(MDBX_VERSION_SUFFIX)
src/elements/version.c: src/elements/ $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) .git/HEAD .git/index .git/refs/tags
sed \
-e "s|@MDBX_GIT_TIMESTAMP@|$(shell git show --no-patch --format=%cI HEAD || echo 'Please install latest get version')|" \
-e "s|@MDBX_GIT_TREE@|$(shell git show --no-patch --format=%T HEAD || echo 'Please install latest get version')|" \
-e "s|@MDBX_GIT_COMMIT@|$(shell git show --no-patch --format=%H HEAD || echo 'Please install latest get version')|" \
-e "s|@MDBX_GIT_DESCRIBE@|$(shell git describe --tags --long --dirty=-dirty || echo 'Please fetch tags and/or install latest git version')|" \
-e "s|\$${MDBX_VERSION_MAJOR}|$(shell echo '$(MDBX_VERSION_GIT)' | cut -d . -f 1)|" \
-e "s|\$${MDBX_VERSION_MINOR}|$(shell echo '$(MDBX_VERSION_GIT)' | cut -d . -f 2)|" \
-e "s|\$${MDBX_VERSION_RELEASE}|$(shell echo '$(MDBX_VERSION_GIT)' | cut -d . -f 3)|" \
-e "s|\$${MDBX_VERSION_REVISION}|$(shell git rev-list --count --no-merges HEAD || echo 'Please fetch tags and/or install latest git version')|" \
src/elements/ > $@ || rm -f $@
src/elements/ > $@
src/elements/config.h: src/elements/version.c $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
(echo '#define MDBX_BUILD_TIMESTAMP "$(shell date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z)"' \
@ -180,21 +186,21 @@ src/elements/config.h: src/elements/version.c $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
&& echo '#define MDBX_BUILD_COMPILER "$(shell set -o pipefail; $(CC) --version | head -1 || echo 'Please use GCC or CLANG compatible compiler')"' \
&& echo '#define MDBX_BUILD_TARGET "$(shell set -o pipefail; LC_ALL=C $(CC) -v 2>&1 | grep -i '^Target:' | cut -d ' ' -f 2- || echo 'Please use GCC or CLANG compatible compiler')"' \
) > $@ || rm -f $@
) > $@
mdbx-dylib.o: src/elements/config.h src/elements/version.c src/alloy.c $(ALLOY_DEPS) $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(MDBX_OPTIONS) -DLIBMDBX_EXPORTS=1 -c src/alloy.c -o $@
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(MDBX_OPTIONS) '-DMDBX_CONFIG_H="config.h"' -DLIBMDBX_EXPORTS=1 -c src/alloy.c -o $@
mdbx-static.o: src/elements/config.h src/elements/version.c src/alloy.c $(ALLOY_DEPS) $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(MDBX_OPTIONS) -ULIBMDBX_EXPORTS -c src/alloy.c -o $@
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(MDBX_OPTIONS) '-DMDBX_CONFIG_H="config.h"' -ULIBMDBX_EXPORTS -c src/alloy.c -o $@
.PHONY: dist
dist: lidmbx-sources-$(MDBX_VERSION_SUFFIX).tar.gz $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
lidmbx-sources-$(MDBX_VERSION_SUFFIX).tar.gz: dist/mdbx.c dist/ dist/mdbx.h \
lidmbx-sources-$(MDBX_VERSION_SUFFIX).tar.gz: dist/mdbx.c dist/mdbx.h \
dist/mdbx_chk.c dist/mdbx_copy.c dist/mdbx_dump.c dist/mdbx_load.c dist/mdbx_stat.c \
dist/GNUmakefile $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
tar -c -a -f $@ --owner=0 --group=0 -C dist mdbx.c mdbx.h \
tar -c -a -f $@ --owner=0 --group=0 -C dist mdbx.c mdbx.h \
mdbx_chk.c mdbx_copy.c mdbx_dump.c mdbx_load.c mdbx_stat.c GNUmakefile \
&& rm dist/
@ -206,7 +212,7 @@ dist/GNUmakefile: GNUmakefile
dist/ src/elements/version.c $(ALLOY_DEPS) $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
mkdir -p dist && sed \
-e 's|#include "config.h"|@INCLUDE "mdbx-config.h"\n#define MDBX_ALLOY 1\n#define MDBX_BUILD_SOURCERY $(MDBX_BUILD_SOURCERY)|' \
-e 's|#pragma once|#define MDBX_ALLOY 1\n#define MDBX_BUILD_SOURCERY $(MDBX_BUILD_SOURCERY)|' \
-e 's|#include "../../mdbx.h"|@INCLUDE "mdbx.h"|' \
-e '/#include "defs.h"/r src/elements/defs.h' \
-e '/#include "osal.h"/r src/elements/osal.h' \
@ -221,20 +227,18 @@ dist/mdbx.c: dist/ $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
) | grep -v -e '#include "' -e '#pragma once' | sed 's|@INCLUDE|#include|' > $@
define dist-tool-rule
dist/mdbx_$(1).c: src/tools/mdbx_$(1).c src/tools/wingetopt.h src/tools/wingetopt.c dist/mdbx.c $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
dist/$(1).c: src/tools/$(1).c src/tools/wingetopt.h src/tools/wingetopt.c \
dist/ $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
mkdir -p dist && sed \
-e '/#include "..\/elements\/internals.h"/r dist/' \
-e '/#include "wingetopt.h"/r r/src/tools/wingetopt.c' \
-e '/#include "wingetopt.h"/r r/src/tools/wingetopt.h' \
src/tools/mdbx_$(1).c \
src/tools/$(1).c \
| grep -v -e '#include "' -e '#pragma once' -e '#define MDBX_ALLOY' \
| sed 's|@INCLUDE|#include|' > $$@
$(foreach file,chk copy dump load stat,$(eval $(call dist-tool-rule,$(file))))
dist/ src/elements/ $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
mkdir -p dist && grep -v MDBX_BUILD_SOURCERY $< > $@
$(foreach file,$(TOOLS),$(eval $(call dist-tool-rule,$(file))))

View File


View File

@ -12,11 +12,13 @@
* <>. */
#pragma once
#include MDBX_CONFIG_H
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
/* clang-format off */
#include "config.h"
/* In case the MDBX_DEBUG is undefined set it corresponding to NDEBUG */
#ifndef MDBX_DEBUG
# ifdef NDEBUG

View File

@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ esac
# 4. Run basic test, i.e. `make check`
${MAKE} TESTDB=${TESTDB_DIR}/smoke.db TESTLOG=${TESTDB_DIR}/smoke.log check
${MAKE} TEST_DB=${TESTDB_DIR}/smoke.db TEST_LOG=${TESTDB_DIR}/smoke.log check
rm -f ${TESTDB_DIR}/*